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通过对吉林省煤层气的地质特征分析可以看出,煤层气藏的形成是多种地质因素共同作用的结果,它在时空上的分布和区域构造、沉积环境、含煤岩系的岩性组合密切相关。煤层气聚气区多分布在成煤条件相对好的地区,而含煤盆地的沉积类型则控制着聚气带在盆地内的展布。冲积平原类型的含煤盆地,聚气带多发育在远离河道的河流沉积旋回的上部,而山间湖泊类型的含煤盆地,聚气带则发育在山麓相前缘的湖相泥岩上下。长春煤田、辽源煤田和通化煤田是开发利用煤层气资源最有利的首选地区。  相似文献   
目前琼东南盆地北礁凹陷中中新统梅山组顶部丘形反射引起广泛关注,但对其成因有不同认识。本文通过高精度二维、三维地震、钻井资料,研究丘形反射的特征。研究表明北礁地区梅山组顶部发育近东西向展布的长条形丘体,丘间为水道,丘内为中-弱振幅的地震反射,与西南部强振幅水道砂岩形成鲜明的对比,波阻抗反演揭示丘内为低波阻抗,属泥岩范畴。梅山组塑性丘内地层发生重力扩展,在其上覆的脆性地层(强振幅砂岩和弱振幅泥岩)发育多边形断层,反推出梅山组形成于深水环境,丘为泥丘,沉积环境分析也认为北礁凹陷中中新世为半深海沉积,梅山组的丘-谷分别对应上覆地层的谷-丘,认为是底流剥蚀/沉积成因。本文的研究对南海北部丘形反射的认识有重要意义,并可降低油气探勘风险。  相似文献   
南襄盆地泌阳断陷下第三系陆相层序地层   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡受权  陈国能 《地球学报》1999,20(2):207-214
泌阳断陷历经中生代小型拉分盆地、早第三纪断陷盆地和晚第三纪坳陷盆地等3个盆地原型的演化、叠合过程,形成了3个盆地充填序列及其所包含的3个构造层序。泌阳断陷下第三系(即构造层序Ⅱ)为湖盆沉积充填主体,其可划分为7个层序组,各层序组具特定的沉积体系配置关系。作为泌阳断陷油气勘探主要目的层段的下第三系核桃园组可进一步划分为12个层序。其中,核三上段包括跨时分别为1.08、1.40、1.02Ma的3个陆相层序,由南往北呈现冲积扇—扇三角洲—湖泊—三角洲的沉积体系空间配置。泌阳断陷下第三系层序地层年代框架模式清晰地显示了断陷湖盆成盆演化史、沉积充填史及其陆相层序时空展布特征。  相似文献   
Li Xiang-Dong 《古地理学报》2021,22(6):1065-1080
Hummocky and hummocky-like cross-stratification(HCS and HCS-like)as the identification criteria for sedimentary environments have recently become confused because of the little knowledge on their genetic mechanism based on the following facts: HCS and HCS-like are often associated with storm deposits and turbidity current deposits,respectively; the views on HCS produced in shallow water environments and HCS-like produced in deep-water environments have been abandoned recently. According to the detail reviews on structural and morphologic characteristics and vertical sequence of HCS and HCS-like from literatures,here we found that: (1) the special features of HCS include the sharp or erosional basal contact,the internal truncation surface,close relationship with swaley cross-stratification,and the missing zone or amalgamation of HCS in vertical sequence;(2) the special features of HCS-like often include various thickness of individual lamina,hummocky layer interbedded with parallel bedding or small-scale cross-bedding under continuous deposition,and alternating sedimentary structures of upper and lower flow regime in vertical sequence. According to hydrodynamic theory and flume experiment achievements,these results show that the genetic mechanism of HCS and HCS-like could be divided into two parts,hydrodynamic mechanism and depositional mechanism. The hydrodynamic mechanism of HCS and HCS-like is same and could be interpreted by vertical vortex generated by baroclinic wave in nature. However,depositional mechanism of HCS and HCS-like is very different: HCS and HCS-like could be interpreted by erosion suspending sand mechanism and suspending sand settling mechanism,respectively,and the special features in HCS and HCS-like are due to the different sediment suspension concentration and depositional flow energy. The division for hydrodynamic and depositional mechanism of HCS and HCS-like is very significant in determining sedimentary environments from depositional flow evolution perspective.  相似文献   
The interpretation of fluvial styles from the rock record is based for a significant part on the identification of different types of fluvial bars, characterized by the geometric relationship between structures indicative of palaeocurrent and surfaces interpreted as indicative of bar form and bar accretion direction. These surfaces of bar accretion are the boundaries of flood‐related bar increment elements, which are typically less abundant in outcrops than what would be desirable, particularly in large river deposits in which each flood mobilizes large volumes of sediment, causing flood‐increment boundary surfaces to be widely spaced. Cross‐strata set boundaries, on the other hand, are abundant and indirectly reflect the process of unit bar accretion, inclined due to the combined effect of the unit bar surface inclination and the individual bedform climbing angle, in turn controlled by changes in flow structure caused by local bar‐scale morphology. This work presents a new method to deduce the geometry of unit bar surfaces from measured pairs of cross‐strata and cross‐strata set boundaries. The method can be used in the absence of abundant flood‐increment bounding surfaces; the study of real cases shows that, for both downstream and laterally accreting bars, the reconstructed planes are very similar to measured bar increment surfaces.  相似文献   
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雷正翠  夏文梅  周霖华  吴焕勤  姚丽娜  张备 《气象》2009,35(12):118-125
利用常州基本观测站1952-2007年长序列的雷暴观测资料和多普勒雷达回波资料,采用数理统计和小波变换方法,对常州雷暴的变化规律、周期特征以及雷达回波特征进行了分析.结果表明:(1)雷暴日数年代际间差异显著.(2)雷暴年际变化很大,最大值为最小值的5.9倍;雷暴日数总体呈显著减少的趋势.(3)夏季为雷暴高发季节,占总雷暴日数的66.8%.(4)月际变化差异大,雷暴集中出现在4-9月,其中7、8月为雷暴高发月.(5)从日分布来看,傍晚出现次数最多,其次为下午,上午出现最少.(6)常州年雷暴日数分布主要表现为12a(年代际)震荡周期贯穿在整个56年里;1952-2004年存在着非常明显7a左右的次周期特征;1968-2007年还存在3~4a的小周期特征.(7)常州雷暴的雷达回波基本反射率因子一般在30~65dBz之间,回波顶高为6~17km.(9)常州雷暴雷达回波移向主要有五类:西南东北向、东南西北向、西北东南向、旋转、局地生成.另外对常州雷雨大风和冰雹进行了统计分析,发现:7月为雷雨大风最高发月;5月和7月为冰雹最高发月.  相似文献   
本文利用电镜扫描方法 (SEM)对比分析了南极乔治王岛无冰区海滩沉积、冰碛物以及阿德雷岛湖泊沉积等典型沉积环境中的石英砂表面结构特征 ,得出了乔治王岛各典型沉积环境中石英砂表面结构特征的颗粒频率曲线。结果表明 :不同沉积环境下的石英砂颗粒表面结构特征具有相似性 ,这主要和南极地区广泛发育的冰川作用有关 ,同时 ,它们也有各自典型的特征组合 ,这些典型特征组合的不同反映了石英砂后期的搬运历史和沉积环境的差异。本文还依据石英砂表面特征的颗粒出现频率 ,利用聚类分析方法对研究区内三级海岸阶地上的沉积物和一个未知成因的样品进行了沉积环境的判别分析 ,结果证明石英砂微形貌特征可以作为南极地区沉积环境识别的有效手段  相似文献   
李赶先  卢博 《台湾海峡》2001,20(3):308-313
本文在南沙群岛永署礁南永1井珊瑚礁岩心声速测量的基础上,研究了珊瑚礁岩心声速的垂向跃变特征和相应地层沉积相变及地层侵蚀间断面的关系,分析了珊瑚礁岩心相变造成其声速跃变的原因,阐明了海平面升降形式珊瑚礁地层侵蚀间断面和产生相变的具体过程, 明了珊瑚礁岩心声速垂向跃变与相应地层古气候和海平面变化的关系,该项研究在岛礁工程建设和礁灰岩区石油勘探声学测井以及西太平洋边缘海古海洋学研究学方面具有重要的实用价值和理论意义。  相似文献   
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