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不同碳源对缺氧生物滤池生物脱氮的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对生活污水的特点,采用曝气生物滤池技术对不同碳源(甲醇、乙酸钠和葡萄糖)条件下的生物脱氮效果进行了试验研究。结果表明,在C/N为3∶1~4∶1、滤速为1.0 m/h时,不同碳源对缺氧生物滤池的生物脱氮效果影响很大,其中以甲醇和乙酸钠作为外碳源时,脱氮效果较好,而以葡萄糖为碳源时的脱氮效果明显逊于二者。  相似文献   
A mathematical model for groundwater denitrification using bacterial activity is presented. The model includes the momentum and mass balance equations for water and nitrogen, substrate and bacteria, and chemical reactions between them. The resulting multiphase, multicomponent, flow and transport governing equations, are coupled and nonlinear. A Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation of the equations is developed. The water and gas flow and transport equations are split into forward advection along characteristics, and a residual at a fixed frame of reference. Discontinuities, sharp fronts and steep gradients of the dependent variables are imposed on the advection mode and solved exactly. It is believed that this novel method will avoid numerical artifacts for the solution of the multiphase flow equations (e.g., upstream permeability) and numerical dispersion for the transport equation.  相似文献   
反硝化作用是将氮素从湖泊中彻底去除的重要途径之一,对于减轻湖泊富营养化具有重要意义。为了探究太湖沉水植物附着生物的生物量、潜在反硝化速率变化规律及其与环境因素的关系,在沉水植物生长盛期(7月),以太湖沉水植物主要分布区域东部湖湾作为采样区域,研究了太湖常见的3种沉水植物上附着生物的生物量,并利用乙炔抑制法测定沉水植物上附着生物的潜在反硝化速率,分析了太湖沉水植物附着生物的生物量及其潜在反硝化速率的主要影响因素。结果表明,太湖常见的3种沉水植物单位体表面积附着生物的生物量(AFDM)在0.037~0.789 mg/m2之间,均值为(0.389±0.261) mg/m2,沉水植物上附着生物的生物量存在空间差异,最大值出现在贡湖湾G1采样点((0.794±0.007) mg/m2),最小值出现在胥口湾X1采样点((0.041±0.005) mg/m2)。太湖沉水植物单位体表面积附着生物的潜在反硝化速率在3.09~58.80 μmol/(m2·h)之间,均值为(24.75±5.96)μmol/(m2·h)。太湖沉水植物附着生物的潜在反硝化速率存在空间差异,其中最大值出现在贡湖湾G1采样点((58.80±20.20) μmol/(m2·h)),最小值出现在胥口湾X1采样点((3.09±1.79) μmol/(m2·h))。相同条件下,沉水植物附着生物的生物量及潜在反硝化速率因植物种类的不同而存在差异,狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)上的附着生物的生物量及潜在反硝化速率显著高于苦草(Vallisneria natans)。相关性分析结果表明,沉水植物上附着生物的生物量与水体氮磷浓度相关。沉水植物附着生物的潜在反硝化速率与附着藻类的生物量、水体溶解有机碳及pH存在显著相关关系,这3种因子可以解释81.2%的沉水植物附着生物潜在反硝化速率变化,本研究结果可为进一步研究浅水湖泊脱氮过程及富营养化治理提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
Seasonal variations in freshwater, salt, phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of Hakata Bay, Japan were investigated from April 1993 until March 1994. The internal sink of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and nitrogen (DIN), and the internal source of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and nitrogen (DON) predominate in the bay. This means that the production of organic matter is larger than respiration, and atmospheric CO2 is absorbed in the water column of Hakata Bay. Denitrification is more dominant than nitrogen fixation in the bay. Compared to Tokyo and Mikawa Bays, Hakata Bay is harder to eutrophicate, mainly due to the shorter residence time of freshwater.  相似文献   
反硝化增强去除乙醇对多孔介质渗透性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着乙醇混合汽油的不断推广应用,乙醇将成为地下水中与苯、甲苯、乙苯及二甲苯的同分异构体(BTEX)共存的一种新型污染物。通过4 个含水砂柱实验,研究了乙醇存在及其强化去除对含水介质渗透性能的影响。结果表明:在有限溶解氧与反硝化增强修复条件下,乙醇去除率达92% 以上;生物过程对介质渗透能力影响程度随乙醇初始浓度、消耗速率与补充频率而变化:乙醇初始浓度接近1 000 mg/L 和3 000 mg/L 时,乙醇消耗快,补充频率高,渗透系数下降总体上有连续性,最大下降幅度达一个数量级(×10-1 cm/s);乙醇初始浓度达到5 000 mg/L 时,渗透性下降显著,可下降两个数量级,但乙酸的积累可影响生物活性,并使得渗透性变化出现反复;当不含乙醇时,汽油溶解组分对介质渗透性能的影响相对不明显。  相似文献   
In-situ measurements of benthic fluxes of oxygen and nutrients were made in the subtidal region of the Mandovi estuary during premonsoon and monsoon seasons to understand the role of sediment–water exchange processes in the estuarine ecosystem. The Mandovi estuary is a shallow, highly dynamic, macrotidal estuary which experiences marine condition in the premonsoon season and nearly fresh water condition in the monsoon season. The benthic flux of nutrients exhibited strong seasonality, being higher in the premonsoon compared to the monsoon season which explains the higher ecosystem productivity in the dry season in spite of negligible riverine nutrient input. NH4+ was the major form of released N comprising 70–100% of DIN flux. The benthic respiration rate varied from −98.91 to −35.13 mmol m−2 d−1, NH4+ flux from 5.15 to 0.836 mmol m−2 d−1, NO3 + NO2 from 0.06 to −1.06 mmol m−2 d−1, DIP from 0.12 to 0.23 mmol m−2 d−1 and SiO44− from 5.78 to 0.41 mmol m−2 d−1 between premonsoon to monsoon period. The estuarine sediment acted as a net source of DIN in the premonsoon season, but changed to a net sink in the monsoon season. Variation in salinity seemed to control NH4+ flux considerably. Macrofaunal activities, especially bioturbation, enhanced the fluxes 2–25 times. The estuarine sediment was observed to be a huge reservoir of NH4+, PO43− and SiO44− and acted as a net sink of combined N because of the high rate of benthic denitrification as it could remove 22% of riverine DIN influx thereby protecting the eco system from eutrophication and consequent degradation. The estuarine sediment was responsible for ∼30–50% of the total community respiration in the estuary. The benthic supply of DIN, PO43− and SiO44− can potentially meet 49%, 25% and 55% of algal N, P and Si demand, respectively, in the estuary. Based on these observations we hypothesize that it is mainly benthic NH4+ efflux that sustains high estuarine productivity in the NO3 depleted dry season.  相似文献   
蓝藻对太湖底泥反硝化过程的影响和机理分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过模拟实验,研究了因自然或人工沉降的太湖蓝藻在厌氧条件下作为碳源对底泥微生物反硝化脱氮的促进作用.通过对底泥总氮、化合态氮素、挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)、COD、电位和pH等指标的监测,发现藻体中大量的生物可降解碳素在厌氧消解后产生挥发性脂肪酸等一些可供反硝化菌直接利用的小分子物质,2×藻组VFAs含量可达2232.96μl/L,1×藻组可达1263.36μl/L,最高可达42.1%,为对照组(无添加蓝藻)的2.43倍,从而促进了硝态氮和亚硝态氮还原成N2和N2O的过程,提高氮素的去除率.但底泥中沉降蓝藻需要一定的降解时间,前4天添加冷冻干蓝藻粉的处理组COD降解率较低,电位处于正值,体系中产生硝态氮,随后COD持续降低,添加2×藻组COD最大去除率为42.08%,1×藻组为32.93%,对照组仅为14.46%,表明藻细胞中的碳素已开始被利用.本研究表明沉降蓝藻细胞能够为底泥中的反硝化过程提供可利用碳源,并深入揭示了沉降蓝藻作为碳源促进底泥反硝化过程的机理和对底泥中C、N的影响,为在湖泊治理中降低氮素的内源污染提供了新的科学依据.  相似文献   
夏季长江河口潮间带反硝化作用和N2O的排放与吸收   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
采用培养箱乙炔抑制和现场静态箱法,于夏季(7月)在长江河口潮滩潮间带进行了采样,研究表明,长江河口潮滩水体自身N2O产生速率很低,在潮汐淹没期沉积物是上覆水体N2O的来源,其来自沉积物中反硝化、硝化等氮素循环的多个反应过程,沉积物中N2O自然产生速率在0.10~8.50μmol/(m2·h)之间,反硝化速率在21.91~35.87μmol/(m2·h)之间。退潮出露期中潮滩是大气N2O的排放源犤交换速率在-11.03~13.17μmol/(m2·h)之间犦,5~10cm地温是影响N2O排放速率的显著性因素;低潮滩-大气界面N2O排放、吸收速率在-5.75~0.49μmol/(m2·h)之间。总体上看,中潮滩是大气N2O的排放源;而低潮滩对大气N2O有明显的吸收作用。潮滩植被(海三棱草和底栖藻类)的光合作用明显抑制了N2O的排放并可能导致吸收,而其呼吸作用则增加了N2O的排放,潮间带-大气界面N2O的排放和吸收与CO2的排放、吸收有显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   
Measurements of15N/14N in dissolved molecular nitrogen (N2), nitrate (NO 3 ) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and18O/16O in N2O [expressed as δ15N and δ18O, relative to atmospheric N2 and oxygen (O2), respectively] have been made in water column at several locations in the Arabian Sea, a region with one of the thickest and most intense O2 minima observed in the open ocean. Microbially-mediated reduction of NO 3 to N2 (denitrification) in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) appears to greatly affect the natural isotopic abundances. The δ15N of NO 3 increases from 6‰ in deep waters (2500 m) to 15‰ within the core of the denitrifying layer (250–350 m); the δ15N of N2 concurrently decreases from 0.6‰ to 0.20‰ Values of the isotopic fractionation factor (ε) during denitrification estimated using simple advection-reaction and diffusion-reaction models are 22‰ and 25‰, respectively. A strong decrease in δ15N of NO 3 is observed from ∼ 200m (> 11‰) to 80m (∼ 6‰); this is attributed to the input of isotopically light nitrogen through nitrogen fixation. Isotopic analysis of N2O reveals extremely large enrichments of both15N and18O within the OMZ, presumably due to the preferential reduction of lighter N2O to N2. However, isotopically light N2O is observed to accumulate in high concentrations above the OMZ indicating that the N2O emitted to the atmosphere from this region cannot be very heavy. The isotope data from the intense upwelling zone off the southwest coast of India, where some of the highest concentrations of N2O ever found at the sea surface are observed, show moderate depletion of15N, but slight enrichment of18O relative to air. These results suggest that the ocean-atmosphere exchange cannot counter inputs of heavier isotopes (particularly18O) associated with the stratospheric back flux, as proposed by previous workers. This calls for additional sources and/or sinks of N2O in the atmosphere. Also, the N2O isotope data cannot be explained by production through either nitrification or denitrification, suggesting a possible coupling between the two processes as an important mechanism of N2O production.  相似文献   
秋季黄河口附近海域沉积物反硝化速率及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用乙炔抑制法和现场静态箱法对黄河口附近海域秋季的反硝化速率进行了研究,该海域反硝化速率在3.8~19.3μmol/(m2.h)之间,平均10.27μmol/(m2.h)。影响其反硝化速率的主要因素为反硝化细菌的数量。黄河口的反硝化速率低于珠江口和长江口海域。  相似文献   
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