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为破解生态捕捞实践困境,促进海洋渔业资源的可持续发展,文章引入消费社会学的研究视角分析生态捕捞实践困境的源生机制,并在此基础上提出源头把控对策。研究结果表明:由于消费者对于海产品的偏好呈现原生态性、稀缺性、猎奇性和炫耀性的消费需求,这种消费需求作用于市场,并主导市场上禁渔期和禁捕鱼类的交易秩序和潜在规则,从而刺激盗猎市场的繁荣,导致过度捕捞的盛行,间接危害生态环境和渔业资源的可持续发展,使得当前生态捕捞实践存在困境;因此,消费端是生态捕捞困境的源头,破解生态捕捞困境亟须引导消费者树立科学适度的生态观和消费观,践行符合生态文明进程的"生态消费"方式。  相似文献   
分析了地表水与地下水资源盈亏和水污染现状,阐明了水资源面临的危机和水环境恶化的严峻形势;预测了2000年水资源供需趋势和水环境污染趋势,提出了水资源保护和水污染防治的具体措施和建议。  相似文献   
西北地区水资源可利用量与承载能力估算   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
界定了水资源可利用量和径流口径生态需水的概念。对西北地区的径流口径生态需水和水资源可利用量进行估算。西北地区水资源总量为1638 5×108m3,但需净出境水量为411 9×108m3,实有水资源总量为1226 6×108m3,径流口径生态需水量为454 4×108m3,除去保留给生态的生态需水、偏远封闭流域难以利用的水量,人类可以消耗利用的可利用量有742×108m3,其中黄河流域可利用量为187×108m3,西北内流区当地可利用量为555×108m3。建立了水资源承载能力优化计算模型,估算西北地区的水资源承载能力,并建议用水资源承载能力图谱表示水资源承载能力。在人均GDP每10年翻一番、水资源利用效率每年提高7%的条件下,西北地区水资源承载能力2010年为11310万人,2020年为12019万人,2030年为12733万人。  相似文献   
王淑佳  孔伟  任亮 《地理科学》2022,42(3):497-505
使用统计数据和游客生成数据,从公共性和商业性视角评估中国城市儿童游憩供需空间分异,并使用逐步回归与地理加权回归识别影响因素。研究发现:① 中国城市儿童游憩需求和供给呈现胡焕庸线以东高、以西低,需求以首府城市为中心极,供给则以直辖市和旅游城市为中心极;② 中部内陆腹地供给匮乏、西部与东部沿海供给充足,胡焕庸线以东省会城市最匮乏;③ 中心城市高需求引致儿童游憩供给的集聚、虹吸效应,加剧游憩机会的不平等;④ GDP、城镇居民人均可支配收入、高级景区数量、第三产业占比、旅游人次和城镇化率是形成儿童游憩供给空间差异的主要因素。  相似文献   
数字地面模型(DEM)和正射影像(DOM)的设计与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄欣 《北京测绘》2007,(2):40-43,26
从1:2000比例尺数字地面模型(DEM)和1:2000比例尺正射影像(DOM),设计与实施过程入手,系统的阐述了数字地面模型(DEM)和正射影像(DOM)的设计与实施过程和方法。成果的精度经全野外实地全站仪检测比较,符合成图的精度要求,结论认为这项成果能够广泛应用于测绘生产中应用。  相似文献   
探讨企业员工激励的必要条件,员工的需求变化层次,以及个体激励与群体激励的相互关系.  相似文献   
天气状况作为人们生活环境的组成要素之一,对居民日常出行可产生显著的影响,具体可表征为特定空间位置和用地类型范围内出行活动的需求量以及道路交通路线选择的变化。高效、智能化的交通应急管理和城市规划建设亟需理解天气因素影响交通出行时空分布的基本规律。本文选取武汉市作为典型研究区域,基于出租车、气象和空气质量等数据,对不同天气下的居民出行模式和司机路径选择模式进行时空分析,并解释2类模式产生变化的原因和机制。结果表明:① 从时间上看,工作日的出租车需求量更容易受到天气变化的影响,其中降雨、气温的升高和风速的增强会显著降低居民对出租车的需求;② 从全市域空间尺度上看,降雨使得居民对出租车的需求量在工作日时段减少,而在周末时段增加,其中降雨主要刺激短距离出租车出行需求而抑制中长距离出行需求;③ 从城郊区空间尺度上看,雨天时段主城区内部的中距离流量减少,郊区内部的短距离流量增加,往返于主城区和郊区的中长距离流量在工作日减少、在周末增加;④ 从功能区空间尺度上看,下雨使得行政办公用地的出租车需求量减少,商业金融用地的出租车需求量在工作日减少、在周末增加,工业用地的出租车需求量在工作日增加、在周末减少;⑤ 从行驶路径上看,出租车司机在晴天时偏好根据距离来判断最佳路线,而在雨天倾向于改变原先路线选择策略,将距离和车速共同作为最佳路线的指标,选择用时最少的最佳路线。本文研究成果可帮助城市和交通管理部门更加深入地理解城市居民出行规律及其时空分布特征。  相似文献   
Seismic fragility of lightly reinforced concrete frames with masonry infills is assessed through numerical simulations considering uncertainty in ground motion and building materials. To achieve this aim, a numerical model of the components is developed, a rational approach to proportion and locate individual struts in the equivalent three‐strut model is proposed, and an explicit nonlinear column shear response model accounting for the infill–column interaction and soft‐story mechanism is employed. The proposed numerical model is used to (1) generate probabilistic seismic demand models accounting for a wide range of ground motion intensities with different frequency content and (2) determine limit state models obtained from nonlinear pushover analysis and incremental dynamic analysis. Using the demand and limit state model, fragility curves for the masonry‐infilled frames are developed to investigate the impact of various infill properties on the frame vulnerability. It is observed that the beneficial effect of the masonry infill diminishes at more severe limit states because of the interaction with the boundary frame. In some cases, this effect almost vanishes or switches to an adverse effect beyond a threshold of ground motion intensities. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis of the New Zealand whale stranding record by M. W. Bradyn. Science and Research Series 29. ISSN 0113–3713, ISBN 0–478–01278–6. Available from Department of Conservation, Wellington. Price: $15.00.

Fish quality control by computer vision, edited by L. F. Pau and R. Olafsson. Published by Marcel Dekker, Inc.  相似文献   

This study quantifies global changes in irrigation requirements for areas presently equipped for irrigation of major crop types, using climate projections from 19 GCMs up to the 2080s. Analysis is based on results from the global eco-hydrological model LPJmL that simulates the complex and dynamic interplay of direct and indirect climate change effects upon irrigation requirements. We find a decrease in global irrigation demand by ~17% in the ensemble median, due to a combination of beneficial CO2 effects on plants, shorter growing periods and regional precipitation increases. In contrast, increases of >20% are projected with a high likelihood (i.e. in more than two thirds of the climate change scenarios) for some regions, including southern Europe, and, with a lower likelihood, for parts of Asia and North America as well. If CO2 effects were not accounted for, however, global irrigation demand would hardly change, and increases would prevail in most regions except for southern Asia (where higher precipitation is projected). We stress that the CO2 effects may not be realized everywhere, that irrigation requirements will probably increase further due to growing global food demand (not considered here), and that a significant amount of water to meet future irrigation requirements will have to be taken from fossil groundwater, environmental flow reserves or diverted rivers.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor A. Montanari

Citation Konzmann, M., Gerten, D., and Heinke, J., 2013. Climate impacts on global irrigation requirements under 19 GCMs, simulated with a vegetation and hydrology model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–18.  相似文献   
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