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铁锰氧化物对苯酚氧化降解的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了考察铁锰氧化物对酚类污染物的氧化降解能力,采用天然以及合成的铁锰氧化物对苯酚的氧化降解进行对比实验研究.土壤中铁锰氧化物样品分别为天然针铁矿及氧化锰,合成铁锰氧化物样品分别为合成针铁矿及软锰矿.结果表明:苯酚与铁锰氧化物发生氧化还原作用时,还可能与土壤中杂质发生吸附等作用;铁锰氧化物还原反应强度随着反应介质pH值的...  相似文献   
利用气相色谱法对南海北部和海南岛附近海域表层沉积物中正构烷烃(n-alkanes)和脂肪酸进行测定和分析,结合粒径、比表面积(specific surface area,SSA)、有机碳(OC%)、碳稳定同位素(δ~(13)C)等参数研究有机物来源和降解状态,并对其影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明:沉积物主要以粉砂为主,平均粒径分布范围在10.97—517.21μm之间,选取的16个站位的比表面积平均值为8.05m~2/g,最大值是S23站位的24.46m~2/g,最小值是S29站位的1.73m~2/g,OC%含量在0.15—1.18之间,δ~(13)C值为–23.05‰—–21.24‰。沉积物中正构烷烃碳链的分布范围是nC_(14)—nC_(33),低碳数峰群以nC_(16)、nC_(18)为主峰碳且具有偶碳数优势,高碳数峰群以nC_(29)为主峰碳。脂肪酸的碳数分布范围是nC_(14)—nC_(30),低碳数单峰型分布,短链饱和脂肪酸(short chain saturated fatty acids,SCSFA)和单不饱和脂肪酸(monounsaturated fatty acids,MUFA)的含量占总脂肪酸含量的70%以上,长链饱和脂肪酸(long chain saturated fatty acids,LCSFA)的含量不到10%,据此说明这两个区域有机质均以海源输入为主。在有机物保存和降解方面,海南岛附近海域有机质载荷(OC/SSA)和δ~(13)C之间的正相关,表现了良好的陆源和海源的有机物更替,但是珠江口附近海域系列样品却未见相似过程。不仅在物源更替方面,在有机质降解特征上珠江口附近海域中的有机物与海南岛附近海域和南海陆架深水区也有很大的差别。海南岛附近海域和南海陆架深水区有机质的降解符合一般规律,随着水深的增加降解程度逐渐变大,然而珠江口附近海域随着水深的增加有机质却越来越"新鲜"。结合前人对珠江口附近海域黏土矿物组成的研究,本文认为珠江口附近海域沉积物中有机质之所以会出现上述"异常"可能是因为该研究区域黏土矿物对有机质选择性吸附所导致。  相似文献   
Among the constitutive models for rock fractures developed over the years, Barton's empirical model has been widely used. Although Barton's failure criterion predicts peak shear strength of rock fractures with acceptable precision, it has some limitations in estimating the peak shear displacement, post‐peak shear strength, dilation, and surface degradation. The first author modified Barton's original model in order to address these limitations. Barton proposed his model for degradation of fracture asperities in unloading, reloading, and shear displacement reversal based on just one cyclic direct shear test. In this study, a database of results of 18 cyclic direct shear tests available in the literature was collected and analyzed. Modifications were made to Barton's original model (in terms of fracture cyclic shearing) to make it consistent with the modified model proposed by the first author. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
云南元谋干热河谷土地退化及其防治对策*   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
崔书红 《地理研究》1995,14(1):66-71
本文探讨了云南元谋干热河谷土地退化的特点、分布及其危害,提出了加强基础教育、控制人口增长、改革耕作制度、继续农业基础设施建设、因地制宜发展林业和农业等于热河谷土地退化防治对策。  相似文献   
澜沧江上游德钦县亚高山、高山草地群落类型及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:采用样方调查方法获得94个草地群落样方,对澜沧江上游德钦县亚高山、高山草地群落类型及其特点进行了初步分析。结果表明,该县亚高山、高山草地群落类型存在20个类型。在放牧干扰下,大多数群落类型处于退化状态,相互之间存在明显的群落替代关系;调查发现群落中每平方米内平均含8种草本植物,平均盖度62.4%,地上平均生物量是4859kg/hm^2,平均可食率为61.5%;鸢尾群落、牛旁群落和小狼毒群落是草地严重退化后形成的典型有毒害群落类型;长期的高强度放牧虽然增加了群落类型多样性,但减少了群落内物种多样性。总体而言,长期的放牧干扰降低了德钦草地的生物多样性的质量及其生态服务功能,导致草地生态系统的非持续发展。  相似文献   
Pastoral production around artificial watering points in semi-arid environments affects the density and composition of plant communities. In the Kalahari desert of southwestern Africa, bush encroachment is often regarded as the major form of land degradation resulting from pastoral production around watering points. We investigated the OvaHerero pastoralists’ perceptions of the extent of vegetation change since the establishment of artificial watering points in the northern Kalahari desert of Namibia, and related this to ecological data on vegetation change. We determined the utility of woody vegetation to pastoralists’ livelihoods in terms of provision of construction material, fuel wood and browse. We quantified local knowledge of cattle browse consumption and correlated this with field data. We also assessed the purposes for which major livestock types were used. Our results showed that: (1) pastoral knowledge of bush encroachment and browse consumption was consistent with concurrently collected field data, (2) the current level of bush encroachment was perceived to be beneficial for pastoral production, and (3) cattle played an important role in the production of milk and milk by-products for domestic use, and served as a source of cash income, while sheep and goats were primarily kept for meat consumption. This result contrasts with historical studies that mainly portray cattle as a symbol of social status among OvaHerero pastoralists.  相似文献   
The non-linear behavior of Taipei Silty Clay under cyclic strain loading was investigated through a series of undrained cyclic strain-controlled tests. The Ramberg–Osgood equation was used with our proposed stiffness degradation model to calculate degraded secant moduli. The proposed degradation model is simple in that it has only one more component than Idriss's model, the modulus ratio for the first cycle, which reflects the effects of the previous cyclic strain history and the current level of the cyclic strain amplitude, and can be used to describe softening and hardening behavior under irregular cyclic straining. It was found that the Ramberg–Osgood equation successfully predicts the damping ratio for small to medium strains. However, it overestimates the damping ratio for larger strains, so we suggest it can be corrected with a damping ratio index. In addition, the proposed equation for describing the evolution of the damping ratio provides the means to assess the variation for Taipei Silty Clay in the measured damping ratio with both the number of cycles and the strain amplitude.  相似文献   
杨小平 《地学前缘》2001,8(1):83-89
以位于塔里木盆地的克里雅河下游地区绿洲为例 ,论述了自然环境要素演变及人类活动对绿洲发育的重要作用。克里雅河下游地区的现代绿洲包括沿河岸分布的带状绿色走廊和河流终端干三角洲上的扇形牧业绿洲。依据对河流沉积物及古河道分析得出的结论是 ,在末次冰期晚期时 ,由于来自昆仑山的大量消融水的出现 ,克里雅河的绿色走廊横穿塔克拉玛干沙漠。类似的情况在距今约2 0 0 0年和小冰期时都出现过。这种大的变化是自然环境演变的结果。但是 ,近百年来特别是近 5 0年克里雅河下游牧业绿洲的严重退化是中游地区集中发展农业绿洲而增加引水量及下游地区过度砍伐所造成的。  相似文献   
小兴安岭黑大公路沿线多年冻土分布及退化状态   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
王彪  盛煜  刘建平 《冰川冻土》2001,23(3):302-306
黑大公路沿线多年土主要分布于黑河-北安段,属小兴安岭岛状多年冻土区,该区存在的多年冻土是晚全新世寒冷时期的产物,现处于欧亚多年冰土南界边缘,多年冻土发育在低洼、地表积水、塔头草生长茂密、草炭和泥炭发育的沼泽化湿地当中,沼泽湿地独特的热交换特性决定了其中发育的多年冻土处于退化的最晚阶段,冻土的退化在自然条件下可能依赖于由于至上的地下热流。多年冻土的地温剖面表现为零梯度曲且冰土温度接近于0℃,由此决定了多年冻土对人为活动干扰的敏感性。  相似文献   
红壤退化中的土壤质量评价指标及评价方法   总被引:97,自引:4,他引:93  
土壤质量评价与监测是评价土壤退化的重要工作,也是重新设计持续性的土壤管理系统的基础。目前缺乏统一的评价指标以及将各项土壤性质与土壤管理措施结合起来的评价方法。本文首先提出了选择红壤质量评价指标的原则,并从化学、物理学和生物学三个方面初步探讨了评价红壤质量动态变化可资采用的指标体系,综述了国内在南方丘陵区红壤质量演化的研究中应用的指标;最后从土地评价方法中选择了可用于红壤质量评价的方法,并简要综述了国际上最新的土壤质量评价方法。  相似文献   
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