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GPS导航解算中常用最小二乘算法。随着高动态用户需求精度的不断提高,且由于线性化忽略高次项,初始值精度低以及差分后剩余或放大误差的存在。导航解精度很难满足高动态用户的需求。为此,本文基于BP神经网络的非线性逼近性能。给出了基于BP神经网络的GPS导航算法。实测数据计算结果表明该算法能够真实地反映载体运动轨迹,其导航解的精度和可靠性有明显的提高。  相似文献   
针对遥感图像数据大多不服从高斯分布以及遥感图像分类存在非线性、模糊性和标记数据少等问题,提出基于半监督核模糊c-均值算法的多光谱遥感图像分类方法.首先,把半监督学习理论和核理论同时引入模糊c-均值算法,形成半监督核模糊c-均值算法.然后,用该算法与k-均值算法、最大似然算法、多类支持向量、半监督核支持向量、模糊c-均值...  相似文献   
Mooring optimization of floating platforms using a genetic algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new procedure for the optimization of the mooring design of floating platforms, in which an automatic design sequence is also established. Regarding the optimization philosophy, the following aspects are dealt with:
• The optimization of the platform heading and its mooring pattern, taking into account the environmental force spreading;
• optimum line length or line tension for each mooring line, associated to the optimization of the mooring line materials and sizes.
Basically, the main goal of this paper is to introduce a new method, which will provide the quickest way to find the best mooring system, defined here as that which minimizes platform responses.A genetic algorithm (GA) is applied in this contribution, and this paper describes exactly the procedure of developing a GA code directed toward the solution of mooring design optimization problems. In order to prove the efficiency and the vast potential of the proposed algorithm as a design tool, sample moorings are analyzed for different environmental conditions and the final results, including the time required to run them, are presented.  相似文献   
利用变分资料同化技术对P矢量方法进行优化处理,并采用此优化后的P矢量方法优化计算了日本海环流和日本海主要海峡的体积输运.日本海的主要环流系统,比如对马暖流(TWC)及其分支,东朝鲜暖流(EKWC)和日本近岸分支(JNB),极地锋海流(PFC),和日本海中的反气旋式涡,都能够被很好地一一反映出来.另外,优化后的P矢量方法...  相似文献   
Much research has been devoted to the development of numerical models of river incision. In settings where bedrock channel erosion prevails, numerous studies have used field data to calibrate the widely acknowledged stream power model of incision and to discuss the impact of variables that do not appear explicitly in the model's simplest form. However, most studies have been conducted in areas of active tectonics, displaying a clear geomorphic response to the tectonic signal. Here, we analyze the traces left in the drainage network 0.7 My after the Ardennes region (western Europe) underwent a moderate 100–150 m uplift. We identify a set of knickpoints that have traveled far upstream in the Ourthe catchment, following this tectonic perturbation. Using a misfit function based on time residuals, our best fit of the stream power model parameters yields m = 0.75 and K = 4.63 × 10‐8 m‐0.5y‐1. Linear regression of the model time residuals against quantitative expressions of bedrock resistance to erosion shows that this variable does not correlate significantly with the residuals. By contrast, proxies for position in the drainage system prove to be able to explain 76% of the residual variance. High time residuals correlate with knickpoint position in small tributaries located in the downstream part of the Ourthe catchment, where some threshold was reached very early in the catchment's incision history. Removing the knickpoints stopped at such thresholds from the data set, we calculate an improved m = 0.68 and derive a scaling exponent of channel width against drainage area of 0.32, consistent with the average value compiled by Lague for steady state incising bedrock rivers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
长江口深水航道治理一期工程实施对北槽拦门沙的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
介绍了长江口拦门沙发育及其特点和北槽航道拦门沙形成机理,利用长江口深水航道治理一期工程实施后的地形资料分析治理工程对北槽航道拦门沙影响。结果表明:治理工程建成后,增加了主槽流速,减少了航道回淤,打通北槽航道拦门沙,增加了航道水深,治理工程效果明显。  相似文献   
利用改进遗传算法求解整周模糊度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邢喆  樊妙 《测绘科学》2011,36(3):110-113
本文首先通过整数高斯变换,降低了各整周模糊度分量之间的相关性,并在此基础上提出了均匀设计与遗传算法相结合的方法进行整周模糊度搜索,最后进行了基线解算实验。解算结果表明,该算法用于模糊度求解极大提高了搜索效率。  相似文献   
依托中分辨率成像光谱仪完整的数据序列和丰富的光谱信息,遥感特征指数在湿地生态系统发展变化的状态、趋向和规律研究方面发挥着不可替代的优势.传统类间距离判别的遥感特征指数选取中常存在过分依赖数据统计特征、入选指数与目标地类间生态学意义不明确、分类模型普适性差等局限性.基于此,本研究以河北省白洋淀湿地自然保护区为例,提出类可...  相似文献   
稀疏脉冲反演实际上就是利用反褶积原理, 从带有噪声的地震道中计算出具有稀疏分布特征的反射系数的振幅和时间.稀疏脉冲反演是非线性优化问题, 通常都是把非线性优化问题转化为线性优化问题, 然后用线性优化算法求解.以范数约束为基础, 提出L1-L2范数联合约束求解的方法.该算法采用了目前国际流行的内点算法, 与传统的优化算法相比, 这种算法具有精度高, 速度快的优点.通过研究人工模型和南海某油田实际数据, 表明该算法的计算结果和测井记录吻合好, 提高了地震分辨率, 目的层段分辨率优于8m.利用反射系数剖面预测的储层厚度和开发井吻合很好, 大大地降低了资源量计算的风险和油田开发的不确定性.   相似文献   
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