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东天山喀尔里克山北坡-淖毛湖植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东天山喀尔里克山北坡-淖毛湖为研究区,探讨了该区山地-荒漠生态系统的植物种类组成、植被类型及群落物种多样性特征.结果表明:该区共有高等植物33科93属133种,植物生活型组成以草本植物居多.群落物种多样性测度指数的主成分分析结果显示,物种丰富度指数(R)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsi)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)和Simpson优势度指数(C)能很好地描述群落结构和组成特征.其中,多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数的变化趋势基本一致,优势度指数则和前三者呈负消长的关系.随着海拔升高,群落物种多样性指数、丰富度指数和均匀度指数变化均呈现单峰分布格局,即植物群落的物种多样性在山前荒漠生态系统和高海拔山地生态系统中较低,而在中海拔地区达到最大.  相似文献   
在系统梳理2011年度全球发现并经国际矿物学协会(IMA)新矿物与矿物分类命名专业委员会(CNMNC)批准的122个新矿物种资料的基础上,从矿物名称、晶体化学式、晶系和空间群、晶胞参数、主要粉晶数据、物理性质、光学性质、产地与产状、与其他矿物种的关系、矿物名称来源、化学反应和光谱学特征等方面归纳总结了这些新矿物的重要矿物学特征。并按照中国新矿物及矿物命名专业委员会颁布的《矿物种汉名审订条例》,对122个新矿物种的中文名称进行了审订。通过适时公布国际新矿物工作的新进展和新成果,并逐步完善和规范矿物种中文译名体系,为我国新矿物的发现和研究提供有科学价值的参考和借鉴,不断推动矿物种中文译名规范化与标准化的进程。  相似文献   
One new genus with three new species of the family Prionoglarididae, Palaeosiamoglaris leinhardi Azar, Huang et Nel gen. et sp. nov.; P. burmica Azar, Huang et Nel sp. nov. and P. inexpectata Azar, Huang et Nel sp. nov. are characterised, illustrated and described from Cretaceous Burmese amber. Palaeosiamoglaris gen. nov. share several characters with the recent genus Siamoglaris Lienhard, 2004, endemic to the Oriental (Sino-Indian) Region. A new tribe Siamoglaridini Azar, Huang et Nel trib. nov. is established to accommodate the group Siamoglaris + Palaeosiamoglaris; the other Prionoglaridinae being attributed to Prionoglaridini. This discovery implicates a palaeobiogeographic repartition for this particular tribe (Siamoglarini) that is still the same currently. Most diagnostic features show a nearly stasis state, supporting the notion that these characters appeared at least by the early Cenomanian. A checklist of all prionoglaridids is given.  相似文献   
The Acoustic Tracking Array Platform (ATAP) is a marine science programme that monitors the movements and migrations of inshore marine animals along the South African coastline. Acoustically tagged animals are monitored by an expanded network of approximately 100 automated data-logging acoustic receivers moored at strategic node sites, from Cape Point in the west to the South Africa–Mozambique border in the east. During five years since its inception, in 2011, the ATAP has achieved outstanding progress in terms of the numbers of animals and the variety of species tagged. To date, the ATAP has yielded over 2.6 million detections from more than 700 acoustically tagged animals, representing 27 different species from 20 families, including the African penguin Spheniscus demersus, fishery-at-risk species (e.g. dusky kob Argyrosomus japonicus) and iconic elasmobranchs (e.g. white shark Carcharodon carcharias). Following a period of considerable equipment loss in 2014, refinement of the receiver network was required and the deeper receivers at each site were decommissioned without influencing the integrity of the nationwide array. The platform, managed by the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, ultimately represents a low-cost method of collecting long-term data that currently benefits approximately 25 researchers from 14 organisations. Case studies are presented to expose the opportunities provided by the ATAP, which will undoubtedly yield new discoveries and provide a greater understanding of the movement patterns and migrations of a wide variety of inshore marine and estuary-associated species.  相似文献   
深海弯曲菌(Thalassolituus)是一类海洋专属的石油降解菌.为认识其多样性与地理分布、获取石油降解菌资源,本研究对西太平洋和厦门近海的表层海水分别通过石油烃富集和直接涂布石油烃平板,对获取的菌株进行了分离鉴定.在此基础上,对Gen Bank数据库中该属的可培养和未培养菌株信息,进行了系统进化与物种多样性分析.结果表明,从西太富集菌群分离得到的32个菌株中,主要优势菌为假单孢菌(Pseudomonas)和海杆菌(Marinobacter);其次是食烷菌(Alcanivorax)和弧菌(Vibrio).深海弯曲菌仅有2株,但它们代表1个潜在的新种,它们与模式菌株T.marinus IMCC1826T的同源性仅为96.9%和97.0%.从厦门表层海水中分离到1株深海弯曲菌,与模式菌株T.marinus IMCC1826T的相似度为99.66%.基于本研究分离菌株及Gen Bank可培养及未培养菌株的16S rRNA基因序列开展的系统发育分析表明,该属存在3个明显的进化分支,即2个模式种T.oleivorans与T.marinus分别代表的2个分支和1个独立分支;此外,不同分支呈现明显的地理分布特征,即来自同一纬度范围的菌株或序列多聚类于同一分支中.我们推测,深海弯曲菌在进化过程中,可能因适应不同纬度海域的温度等环境因子,逐步进化出3个不同环境适应性的分支.本研究加深了对深海弯曲菌在不同温度海洋环境中种类多样性分布特征的认识,为海洋石油污染生物修复提供了新资源.  相似文献   
水体中富营养化水平与磷元素的赋存形态密切相关。目前围绕引起富营养化关键因子之一的磷形态的垂向分布特征、各磷形态间的迁移转化行为及其影响因素取得了比较明确的研究进展。为进一步揭示不同磷形态在沉积物-水体系中迁移转化行为随时空的变化特征,本文采用磷钼蓝分光光度法对沱江流域简阳段间隙水中可溶性活性磷(SRP)、可溶性非活性磷(SUP)及总溶解性磷(TDP)进行测定;采用SMT法和改进的沉积物无机磷形态连续提取法对沉积物中总无机磷(TIP)、总磷(TP)、难提取磷(Res-P)、可交换态磷(Exc-P)、铁结合态磷(Fe-P)、铝结合态磷(Al-P)、钙结合态磷(Ca-P)进行提取,磷钼蓝分光光度法进行测定,以揭示沉积物-水体系中磷的赋存形态垂向分布行为特征,并将实验数据与十年前该地区磷的赋存形态结果进行对比,探讨磷赋存形态的变化趋势及影响因素。结果表明:间隙水中SRP、SUP和TDP的含量分别为0.004~0.36mg/L、0.080~3.19mg/L和0.056~3.28mg/L;沉积物中TP、TIP、Res-P、Exc-P、Al-P、Ca-P含量分别为1235.40~1646.94mg/kg、860.00~1318.59mg/kg、130.31~537.13mg/kg、1.35~14.10mg/kg、0.007~0.12mg/kg、743.13~1109.91mg/kg,Fe-P未检出。对比十年前后沉积物-水体系中磷赋存形态的变化可知,由于受到外源磷输入的影响,间隙水中SRP、SUP以及TDP含量虽然在-10cm以上变化不明显,但在-10cm以下明显增大,且导致沉积物中TP、TIP含量增加;偏碱性的沉积环境导致Al-P的释放,其含量明显减小;Exc-P含量的减小与其转化为稳定的Ca-P或Res-P形态有关。研究认为:随着时空的变化,沱江简阳段沉积物呈现外源磷输入和内源磷释放的综合污染。总体而言,由于输入的磷形态大部分以稳定的Ca-P和Res-P形态存在于沉积物中,使得表层间隙水中生物可直接利用的磷含量总体变化不大,该地区富营养化程度不会加重。维持沉积环境的弱碱性,有利于Al-P、Exc-P等向Ca-P的有效转换,抑制河流富营养化。  相似文献   
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) data collected near the Antarctic Peninsula area were used in this 1988/1989 study on the length frequency of three Antarctic fish species (Pleuragramma antarcticum, Electrona antarctica and Protomyctophum bolini) showing that the standard length (SL) ofP. Antarcticum ranged from 26.0 mm to 161.0 mm, that the 26.0 mm to 54.0 mm SL juveniles could be considered to be the age group 1 fish, and that the SL ofE. antarctica ranged from 39.4 mm to 89.7 mm for the males and 48.0 mm to 118.0 mm for the females, which may contain at least 6 age groups. This is more than previously thought.P. Bolini had 29.2 mm to 60.2 mm SL and complicated age composition.  相似文献   
本文从水文地球化学角度研究了金的表生地球化学作用,并应用热力学方法计算了茅排地区水中金的存在形式,研究了水溶金的迁移和沉淀条件,得出了一个重要结论:是该区水中金的主要存在形式。在此基础上初步探讨了砂金矿的形成条件。  相似文献   
Extensive areas of low lying coastal plains on Santiago Island, Republic of Cape Verde, are virtually devoid of natural vegetation. Of many introduced trees and shrubs, onlyAtriplexspecies have been found to thrive. Several plantations have been established during the past 15 years by the Cape Verde Government, FAO and other agricultural development groups. Results from these, together with local perceptions, indicate that although growth and survival are good, the primary objective of providing forage is not being met, owing to the unpalatability ofAtriplexto local stock. In recent field trials, severalAtriplexspecies showed good growth, but none were browsed and survival was quite poor, with onlyA. undulata(65%) andA. canescens(100%) exceeding 60% survival. Forage analysis identified high salt content in all species tested, and the highest protein content was found inA. glauca(16%),A. vesicaria(17%) andA. canescens(20%), which also had the lowest salt levels.Atriptex canescenswas identified as worthy of further introduction. An establishedA. halimusplantation that was observed to be browsed was compared to unbrowsed stands in terms of forage, soil and local drinking water analyses. Possible reasons for the unpalatability ofAtriplexto local stock and its resolution are discussed, along with the potential future ofAtriplexon the Cape Verde Islands.  相似文献   
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