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A previous study that explored the age and growth of red steenbras Petrus rupestris (Valenciennes, 1830), a large sparid (family Sparidae, seabreams or porgies) endemic to South Africa and reported to approach 2 m in length, provided estimates as a moderately slow-growing species with a maximum age near 30 years. The stock is considered collapsed and a fishing moratorium was imposed in 2012, resulting in this species being assessed as Endangered by the IUCN. One consideration in addressing population status is validation of life-history traits. In this study, estimates of age for red steenbras from thin-sectioned otoliths were reassessed visually in terms of both the original ages and revised estimates using a different age-reading pattern. The revised ages exceeded the original ages by up to 30 years, with a maximum estimated age of 55 years from a well-defined otolith section that provided a basis for the revised age-reading procedure. Bomb radiocarbon (14C) dating revealed there was an offset in the timing of the 14C rise on the Agulhas Bank that, when coupled with considerations for regional oceanography, provided support for the revised age-reading pattern and an estimated longevity that exceeds 50 years. These findings were further supported by the fortuitous recapture of a tagged red steenbras that was at liberty for 22 years.  相似文献   
One new species of free-living marine nematodes Cephalanticoma filicaudata sp. nov. from the Huanghai Sea, China is described and illustrated. Cephalanticoma filicaudata sp. nov. is characterized by well developed cephalic capsule, three teeth at the anterior of oesophagus, excretory pore opens posterior to cervical setae, only two cervical setae per file, body length longer than 5 200 μm, tail long and no ventral-lateral seta between the supplement and the cloacal opening. Types are deposited in the College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China.  相似文献   
Few workers have used enclosures specifically to study interactions between zoo‐plankton and cyanobacteria. Differences among studies in enclosure size, nutrient level, plankton abundance and species composition, presence or absence of fish, and length of experiments make generalisations difficult. Zooplankton had no direct effect on the growth of ungrazed cyanobacteria (Anabaena flos‐aquae, Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae, large Microcystis colonies) in short‐term (<5 days) and long‐term (> 1 month) enclosure studies. When large cyanobacteria were abundant, some Daphnia spp. snowed reduced reproduction and development. When large grazers were abundant they suppressed the growth of edible, colonial cyanobacteria (Aphanizomenon elenkinii, small Microcystis colonies). By altering the ambient light and nutrient environment, large zooplankton may suppress cyanobacteria; evidence for the importance of grazers in promoting cyanobacterial dominance by removing competing phytoplankton species is equivocal. Zooplankton may suppress nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria through ammonia excretion and may promote a change in dominance from diatoms to cyanobacteria through recycling phosphorus but not silicon.  相似文献   
Specimens of blue moki Latridopsis ciliaris (Forster in Bloch & Schneider, 1801) from New Zealand were shown to differ from specimens of copper moki Latridopsis forsteri (Castelnau, 1872) using two genetic methods—allozymes and muscle proteins. Allozyme techniques revealed fixed differences between blue and copper moki at 4 out of 15 loci. There was a genetic distance of 0.31–0.34 between population samples of the two colour morphs. The two morphs were also distinguished by iso‐electric focusing of muscle proteins. Meristic characters, counted in the specimens studied with genetic markers, revealed diagnostic markers in tubed lateral line scales and scales in the lower transverse series. It is concluded that specimens of blue moki from New Zealand and copper moki from New Zealand and Tasmania are valid species.  相似文献   

Common native fish species that are rare in New Zealand rivers with high suspended solids (SS) concentrations were identified to determine which species were likely to be most affected by high SS concentrations. Mortality rates for the three most sensitive species (banded kokopu Galaxias fasciatus, redfin bully Gobiomorphus huttoni, common smelt Retropinna retropinnd) were measured over a range of SS concentrations to identify lethal concentrations. The survival of banded kokopu and redfin bully was not reduced by SS concentrations up to 43 000 g m?3; however, the 24‐h survival of common smelt was reduced by SS concentrations over 1000 g m?3, and its median lethal concentration (LC50) was close to 3000 g m?3. SS concentrations over 3000 g m?3 for more than 24 h will therefore reduce smelt but not affect the mortality of most other common native fish species. Although mortality from high concentrations of SS can account for the scarcity of smelt in rivers with high SS concentrations, mortality from high SS does not explain the scarcity of banded kokopu or redfin bully in such rivers. High turbidity (>20 nephelometric turbidity units) is known to limit the upstream migration and recruitment of juvenile banded kokopu in rivers with increased SS concentrations. Banded kokopu is therefore affected by increased turbidity from SS rather than lethal SS concentrations. As redfin bully were not affected by either high turbidity levels or high SS concentrations, the low abundance of this species in rivers with high SS concentrations is likely to be related to the siltation of benthic habitats.  相似文献   
黄海中南部近岸海域春季鱼类浮游生物群落空间格局研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据2015年春季在黄海中南部近岸海域进行的鱼类浮游生物大型浮游生物网水平拖网数据,采用生态多样性指数和多元统计分析等方法,研究了该海域鱼类浮游生物的种类组成和群落空间格局及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,本次调查共采集到鱼类浮游生物35种,其中鱼卵21种,仔稚鱼23种。鱼类浮游生物隶属于8目18科34属,优势种为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、鲬(Platycephalus indicus)、鱼衔属(Callionymus spp.)和小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)。其中,鳀和鱼衔属主要分布于海州湾渔场海域,鲬主要分布于吕泗渔场海域,小黄鱼多分布于吕泗渔场北部海域。生态类型包括半咸水型、沿岸型和近海型种类。聚类分析表明,鱼类浮游生物群落可划分为以鱼衔属、鳀为优势种的站位组A(主要分布于海州湾海域)、以小黄鱼、黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等为优势种的站位组B(主要位于江苏沿岸海域)和以鲬为优势种的站位组C(主要位于江苏沿岸-近海海域),以站位组B的群落物种多样性指数和均匀度指数最高。各站位组的鱼类浮游生物的生态类型和适温类型组成不同,这与其所处的海域生境有关。典范对应分析(CCA)表明,影响春季黄海中南部鱼类浮游生物群落空间结构的主要环境因子为水深和表层温度。同时也受洋流、底质类型等多种因素的综合影响。研究结果初步揭示了黄海中南部近岸海域鱼类浮游生物群落的空间格局,可为今后科学制定该海域水产种质资源保护区、资源量化管理等资源养护管理措施提供科学依据与技术支撑。  相似文献   
2016年5月和8月浒苔暴发前后,分别对日照近岸海域浒苔暴发区进行了两个航次的浮游植物断面调查。两个航次中,硅藻都占据了调查海域浮游植物组成的主导地位,在种类数上和细胞丰度值上都占了较大的比例。8月航次细胞丰度明显高于5月航次,这与调查海域的历次调查结果相一致。应用PRIMER软件中的单变量分析得到群落种数(S)、丰富度(d)、香农-威纳指数(Shannon-Weaner index)(H′)和均匀度(J),从多样性指数分析可以看出,5月航次的生物多样性优于8月航次,5月航次调查海域浮游植物种类数量和空间分布都较均匀。两个航次中出现的优势种存在较大差别。  相似文献   
Species richness is a measure that is fundamental to many studies in ecology, and it is particularly important on sandy beaches, where it underlies patterns described by the broadly accepted swash exclusion hypothesis. However, its estimation in practice is problematic. This has led ecologists in other fields to adopt extrapolative estimators of species richness, which project the total number of species present in a habitat by adjusting upward the number of species observed by an amount related to the number of rare species encountered in the samples. In so doing, the species richness can be estimated, with confidence intervals, at any level of sampling effort. Despite the availability and advantages of these methods, beach ecologists have continued to use the observed species richness as a point estimate of biodiversity for beaches. Here, we employ a Monte Carlo resampling approach over a range of routine transect designs used to sample sandy beaches, and evaluate the performance of seven non-parametric extrapolative estimators for species richness relative to that of the more conventionally used observed species richness. We find that the first-order Jackknife estimator (Jack 1) is the least biased, most accurate and most consistent across sites. Employing this estimator would allow accurate estimation of species richness on short (tens of metres) stretches of beach without exceeding the acceptable levels of sampling effort (4–5 m2). Spreading this effort evenly over three across-shore transects, each with a minimum of 13 equally spaced levels seems appropriately efficient. Although a greater number of research studies is required to ascertain the generality of these results beyond the beaches we sampled, we tentatively recommend the application of our results in biodiversity surveys on sandy beaches.  相似文献   
丛集球虫(顶复亚门:类锥体纲:丛集球虫科)是头足类消化道中一类常见寄生虫,在福建连江海域以及浙江南麂岛周边海域采捕到的中华蛸(Octopussinensis)盲囊及肠组织内发现一丛集球虫新种,命名为多刺丛集球虫Aggregata octaculeata sp. nov.。光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察发现,中华蛸体内的多刺丛集球虫存在配子生殖阶段和孢子生殖阶段,其中,孢子生殖阶段成熟卵囊呈近球形或椭球形,长径653.6—806.5μm,短径588.1—787.1μm。孢子囊为卵球形或椭球形,长径22.4—26.1μm,短径20.5—24.6μm,孢子囊壁为双层,外部光滑,内层多刺。孢子囊内子孢子呈卷曲状,数目范围8—13个,子孢子长度为22.2—28.6μm,宽度为3.0—5.0μm。基于18SrRNA基因构建的系统发育树进一步证实该物种隶属于丛集球虫属,并高度支持了属内[(中华丛集球虫A. sinensis+A. octopiana)+A. eberthi]+多刺丛集球虫A. octaculeata的系统发生关系。  相似文献   
Alentiana has only one member, A. aurantiaca(Verrill, 1885), commensal with sea anemone(Bolocera tuediae).Here, Alentiana palinpoda sp. nov., a second member in the genus Alentiana(subfamily Lepidastheniinae), a new commensal polynoid is described, based on a specimen collected from a deep-water seamount in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The new species is characterized by large elytra that completely cover the dorsum and are present in every third segment in the posterior regions. Neuropodia are ...  相似文献   
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