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The effects of salinity, temperature, and light conditions on the reproduction and development of harpacticoid copepod, Nitocra affinis f. californica under controlled laboratory conditions were determined. Seven different salinity levels (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 ppt), four temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35 °C), three different light intensities (25, 56, 130 μmol m−2 s−1) and photoperiods (24 h:0 h, 1 h:23 h, 12 h:12 h LD cycle) were employed in this study. The highest (p < 0.05) overall reproduction and fastest development time were achieved by copepods reared under 30–35 ppt salinity. The optimum temperature required for the maximum reproduction was 30 °C while under 30 °C and 35 °C the copepod development time was shortest (p < 0.05) compared to other temperature levels. The overall reproduction was highest (p < 0.05) and development rate of N. affinis was shortest (p < 0.05) under lowest light intensity (25 μmol m−2 s−1). Continuous light (24 h:0 h LD) inhibited the egg production while, continuous darkness (1 h:23 h LD) and 12 h:12 h LD significantly favoured the overall reproductive activity of the female. Photoperiods 1 h:23 h and 12 h:12 h LD yielded highest total (p < 0.05) offspring female−1 coupled with highest (p < 0.05) survival percentage. This study illustrated that although N. affinis can tolerate wide range of environmental conditions, prolonged exposure to subnormal environments affect its reproduction and development. This study showed that this species can be mass cultured for commercial purposes and has a potential to be used for toxicity studies due to its high reproductive performance fast development and a wide range of tolerance to environmental conditions.  相似文献   
利用实验生态学方法及透射电子显微镜技术对培养于CO2酸化海水中的中华哲水蚤和刺尾纺锤水蚤肌肉和卵母细胞超微结构进行了观察。结果表明:两种桡足类肌丝排列的有序性均随酸化的加剧而降低,较高CO2浓度海水会对桡足类产生一定程度的氧化损伤;桡足类卵母细胞的电子密度随酸化的加剧而降低,球形颗粒出现内缩或瓦解,酸化可能会导致桡足类卵母细胞发生过量凋亡,从而影响卵的质量。  相似文献   
The occurrence of the invasive nonindigenous copepod Oithona davisae Ferrari and Orsi, 1984, is reported for the first time in the Aegean Sea. The data we collected in August 2017 from 14 stations along the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea reveal the spatial distribution of O. davisae between the openning of the Dardanelles Strait in the north and the Izmir Bay in the south. The O. davisae individuals, in seven mesozooplankton samples collected from a single station, were consistently found in the inner part of the Izmir Bay from April 2015‐October 2016. The abundance of female O. davisae ranged from 4 ind./m3 in April 2015 to 31,524 ind./m3 in July 2016 and contributed to the total oithonid female population by 10.8% in April 2015 and 92.8% in September 2016. Our results show that this species is well established in the inner part of Izmir Bay and that it has become a permanent component of the copepod community in the area.  相似文献   
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may play the role of infochemicals and trigger chemotaxis and ecologically relevant responses in freshwater and marine invertebrates. Aquatic grazers use these signals as chemical cues to trace the presence of their food or to detect their predators. However, detailed data are still needed to fully understand the role of these relationships in marine plankton. We investigated the ability of the copepod Centropages typicus to perceive the odour of three planktonic diatoms (Skeletonema marinoi, Pseudonitzschia delicatissima and Chaetoceros affinis) and a dinoflagellate (Prorocentrum minimum). This information is ecologically relevant for orientation, habitat selection, predator avoidance and communication. In addition, as the pH of the medium influences the perception of chemical cues in aquatic environments, we tested the effect of seawater acidification resulting from increasing levels of CO2, and its influences on the olfactory reactions of copepods. For this reason, our tests were repeated in normal (pH 8.10) and acidified (pH 7.76) seawater in order to simulate future ocean acidification scenarios. Using replicated chemokinetic assays we demonstrated that VOCs produced by Ps. delicatissima and Pr. minimum attract copepods at normal pH, but this effect is lowered in acidified water. By contrast, the odour of S. marinoi mainly induces a reaction of repulsion, but in acidified water and at higher concentrations this toxic diatom becomes attractive for copepods. Our experiments demonstrate, for the first time, that copepods are sensitive to the volatile compounds contained in various microalgae; VOCs prompt chemokinesis according to algal species and odour concentrations. However, seawater acidification induces changes in copepods' perception of odours. These findings highlight the sensitivity of chemically mediated interactions to global changes  相似文献   
Epizoic diatoms on marine copepods are common in nature and may have a special ecological relationship with their hosts.However,this special ecological group is not well known,and it has only rarely been studied in the China seas.To address this knowledge gap,the species diversity and classification of epizoic diatoms on planktonic copepods were studied with samples collected from the East China Sea.In the present study,a marine araphid diatom genus Protoraphis and its type species,Pr.hustedtiana,were observed and identified by light and electron microscopy,thus representing the first record of this genus and its type species in China.This genus is characterized by a median sternum strongly bent to opposite sides and terminate in two transapical grooves at the valve ends.Protoraphis hustedtiana was found to be epizoic on the posterior body appendages and segments of the marine calanoid copepod Candacia bradyi.An internal view shows a complex,ear-shaped process that is close to the apical slit field.The ecological habitats and geographical distributions of Protoraphis were also discussed,and,together with complementary morphological studies,our results have increased the number of records for marine epizoic diatoms to three genera with three species in China,including Pseudohimantidium and Pseudofalcula.  相似文献   
南极夏季南设得兰岛海域浮游动物群落垂直分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
浮游动物群落结构的垂直分布研究可以更好地了解其在海洋食物网物质能量循环中的作用。基于2012年1月中国第28次南极考察期间在西南极南设得兰岛海域4个站位Multinet网(200μm,0.5 m2)采集的浮游动物样品资料,运用多元统计方法对浮游动物群落垂直结构及与环境因子关系进行了分析,结果显示:浮游动物可划分为3个群落,群落1由采自上层水体(0—200 m)的样品组成,此群落平均丰度为31 782.02个·1 000 m-3,优势种为桡足类Oithona similis,Ctenocalanus citer,Oncaea curvata,Calanoides acutus,Calanus propinquus及南极大磷虾原蚤状幼体CⅠ-Ⅲ期个体;群落2主要由采自中层水(200—1 000 m)的样品构成,群落平均丰度为22 325.59个·1 000 m-3,其指示物种主要包括桡足类O.curvata,O.similis,Oithona frigida,C.citer,Aetideopsis minor,Bathycalanus bradyi,C.acutus,C.propinquus,Metridia gerlachei,介形类Alacia spp.及箭虫Eukrohnia hamata;群落3由采自较深层水(1 000—2 000 m)的样品组成,群落平均丰度为989.27个·1 000 m-3,其指示种为深水桡足类Bathycalanus bradyi。Bio-Env分析显示叶绿素a和盐度分别是对群落聚类起关键影响的单因子,水深、盐度和叶绿素a的组合则最好地解释了群落的划分。  相似文献   
本文对黄渤海双壳类的寄生桡足类进行了调查。共检查双壳类32种8628个体,从9种双壳类中发现了1126个寄生剑水蚤类标本。基于形态学研究鉴定出剑水蚤类8种,隶属于4科8属。分别为负羽壳蚤(Conchyliurus quintus Tanaka)、竹蛏赫尔曼蚤(Herrmannella soleni Kim&Ho)、拟舐皮蚤(Lichomolgus similis Ho&Kim)、二分偏顶蛤蚤(Modiolicola bifida Tanaka)、高氏牡蛎蚤(Ostrincola koe Tanaka)、多刺伪海螂蚤(Pseudomyicola spinosus(Raffaele&Monticelli))、东方贻贝蚤(Mytilicola orientalis Mori)和日本蹄螺蚤(Trochicola japonica Shimura&Kuwabara)。其中,高氏牡蛎蚤在中国黄海曾有报道,其余7种为中国新记录种。依据黄渤海的标本对上述物种的形态进行了简要描述和讨论,并对其宿主、感染率、感染强度、地理分布等进行了报道。  相似文献   
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