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利用我国西南和华南地区131个测站1961~2010年近50 a降水和NECP资料,采用线性趋势分析、合成分析、功率谱分析等方法,基于秋季降水距平百分率,研究分析了近50 a我国西南和华南地区各级别秋旱的空间分布及时间变化特征,并初步讨论了各级别干旱形成的原因。结果表明:秋季干旱集中在川东、贵州中东部—华南,中旱、重旱、特旱主要出现在华南;近50 a来秋旱有显著增多的趋势,主要体现在轻旱的增多,而重旱和特旱趋势不明显。1960年代秋旱相对较多,1970年代初至1980年代后期秋旱较少,此后秋旱频繁,其中2002年以后秋旱突变性增多,干旱范围扩大的同时,其强度也在增强;秋旱频率具有显著的2.2 a周期,其中重旱有显著的12 a周期,特旱有显著的2.7 a周期;秋旱频率高的地方连旱频率也高,连旱高频区在川东—渝北、黔中—华南,连续5 a以上的秋旱较少,个别地方可达到6 a。700 h Pa上,西太平洋副热带高压、印缅槽、高原东部槽等是影响西南、华南地区秋季干湿的主要环流因子。  相似文献   
Absorption cross-sections of nine halomethanes (CCl4, CHCl3, CH2Cl2, CH3Cl, CFCl3, CF2Cl2, CF3Cl, CHFCl2, and CHF2Cl), measured between 174 and 250 nm for temperatures ranging from 225 to 295 K, are presented with uncertainties ranging from 2 to 4% and compared with previous determinations made for comparable temperature ranges.The largest temperature effect which takes place near the absorption threshold, decreases the absorption cross-section up to 50% for highly chlorinated methanes, but is negligible for molecules highly stabilized by hydrogen and/or fluorine. Extrapolated values for temperatures of aeronomical interest are presented, as well as parametrical formulas which give absorption cross-section values for given wavelength and temperature ranges.  相似文献   
2018年11月1日—2019年3月10日江西省出现区域性连续阴雨寡照天气,文中利用实时检测、历史同期数据和连阴雨极端天气气候事件指标,结合NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料和NOAA全球海表温度资料,对这次区域连阴雨天气的异常气候特征和成因进行分析.结果表明:1)此次区域连阴雨天气具有阴雨、连阴雨日数多,累计雨量大、雨日多,日照时数少、无日照和连续无日照日数多等特点.2)连阴雨天气期间,北半球环流形势异常,欧亚中高纬呈"两脊两槽"型环流控制,有利于冷空气入侵我国南方地区;西太平洋副热带高压较常年偏强,西伸脊点偏西,脊线位置偏北,异常西南风水汽输送为持续阴雨天气提供了丰沛的水汽条件并与南下冷空气在江淮至江南地区交汇,造成江西降水异常偏多.3)赤道中东太平洋海温异常对江西秋冬季降水量和阴雨日数有重要影响;2018年江西秋冬季降水表现出对典型El Nino事件的响应,在El Nino的影响下,2018年江西省秋冬季降水量和阴雨日数偏多.  相似文献   
文章主要通过利用牙克石市1957—2011年(历年1—3、11—12月)的低温气候资料进行分析,找出牙克石市近55a来的低温气候变化特点。得出了低温天数的年、月变化以及与极端最低气温的对应关系,牙克石55a来共计出现低温天气673d,低温日数年际变化大,最长为47d,最少为1d,低温出现的高峰期在历年的1月份,低温强度最大值也在1月份。55a中≤-37℃低温最长连续日数长达17d,其次是13d。文章还利用Mann-kendall检验方法对低温年际变化进行了突变分析,分析发现在1984年发生了明显的突变,突变呈减少的趋势。  相似文献   
We investigated trends in future seasonal runoff components in the Willamette River Basin (WRB) of Oregon for the twenty‐first century. Statistically downscaled climate projections by Climate Impacts Group (CIG), eight different global climate model (GCM) simulations with two different greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios, (A1B and B1), were used as inputs for the US Geological Survey's Precipitation Runoff Modelling System. Ensemble mean results show negative trends in spring (March, April and May) and summer (June, July and August) runoff and positive trends in fall (September, October and November) and winter (December, January and February) runoff for 2000–2099. This is a result of temperature controls on the snowpack and declining summer and increasing winter precipitation. With temperature increases throughout the basin, snow water equivalent (SWE) is projected to decline consistently for all seasons. The decreases in the centre of timing and 7‐day low flows and increases in the top 5% flow are caused by the earlier snowmelt in spring, decreases in summer runoff and increases in fall and winter runoff, respectively. Winter runoff changes are more pronounced in higher elevations than in low elevations in winter. Seasonal runoff trends are associated with the complex interactions of climatic and topographic variables. While SWE is the most important explanatory variable for spring and winter runoff trends, precipitation has the strongest influence on fall runoff. Spatial error regression models that incorporate spatial dependence better explain the variations of runoff trends than ordinary least‐squares (OLS) multiple regression models. Our results show that long‐term trends of water balance components in the WRB could be highly affected by anthropogenic climate change, but the direction and magnitude of such changes are highly dependent on the interactions between climate change and land surface hydrology. This suggests a need for spatially explicit adaptive water resource management within the WRB under climate change. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The proper assessment of design hydrographs and their main properties (peak, volume and duration) in small and ungauged basins is a key point of many hydrological applications. In general, two types of methods can be used to evaluate the design hydrograph: one approach is based on the statistics of storm events, while the other relies on continuously simulating rainfall‐runoff time series. In the first class of methods, the design hydrograph is obtained by applying a rainfall‐runoff model to a design hyetograph that synthesises the storm event. In the second approach, the design hydrograph is quantified by analysing long synthetic runoff time series that are obtained by transforming synthetic rainfall sequences through a rainfall‐runoff model. These simulation‐based procedures overcome some of the unrealistic hypotheses which characterize the event‐based approaches. In this paper, a simulation experiment is carried out to examine the differences between the two types of methods in terms of the design hydrograph's peak, volume and duration. The results conclude that the continuous simulation methods are preferable because the event‐based approaches tend to underestimate the hydrograph's volume and duration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用浙江省常规气象站雨量资料、NCEP再分析资料、海温资料、射出长波辐射(OLR)日平均场资料,对2012年初浙江省出现的罕见阴雨寡照天气的环流特征和水汽、动力条件进行了诊断分析,并与历史同期对比,探讨海温异常对乌拉尔山阻塞高压和南海、孟加拉湾偏南风异常的影响。结果表明:1)乌拉尔山阻塞高压前西北气流为连阴雨产生提供了冷空气条件,南海至我国东南沿海西南暖湿气流较常年明显偏强,两者在浙江构成切变线,造成水汽辐合上升,偏强的西风急流造成高层辐散增强,辐散区高度及位置对雨势大小起主导作用。2)热带OLR低值区在连阴雨雨势加大前的北传现象具有一定预报意义。垂直方向上连阴雨区上升运动与北侧下沉气流形成"上暖下冷"配置,冷空气的"冷垫"作用迫使暖湿气流抬升凝结。3)赤道中东太平洋冷海温异常和印尼附近暖海温异常使沃克环流加强,其上升气流向北输送构成连阴雨西南气流的一部分。另外,北太平洋海区海温正异常和中东太平洋海区海温负异常可能是乌拉尔山阻塞高压形成和维持的外强迫因素。  相似文献   
基于安徽省沿淮地区10个国家气象站1960-2019年观测资料、灾情资料和7种地方连阴雨监测指标,在评估7种地方指标适用性的基础上,采用加权综合指数法和线性趋势法,构建了沿淮地区秋季连阴雨综合指数,分析了时空变化特征。结果表明:江苏指标对沿淮地区连阴雨监测的适用性最好,连阴雨综合指数由连阴雨总日数、连阴雨总降水量线性组成,权重分别为0.8和0.2。按照综合指数,将连阴雨强度分成重度、中度、轻度3级,分级结果与灾情实况较吻合,重度连阴雨和中度连阴雨TS评分分别为100%、88.9%。秋季连阴雨在20世纪70年代到80年代前期及近10年发生频率高、强度大,尤其是2016年和2017年的连阴雨,强度居历史前2位。沿淮地区连阴雨年数东部和西部的多于中部的,重度连阴雨阜南的最多,五河的最少。  相似文献   
陈见  李佳颖  高安宁  梁维亮  赵金彪 《气象》2015,41(3):372-379
利用常规MICAPS数据资料,对广西“回南天”发生特征及预报着眼点进行分析研究。结果表明:(1) “回南天”发生在春季低温阴雨后期迅速回暖的转变过程中;(2) 有利“回南天”发生的环流形势共同特征为: 500 hPa我国北支西风气流转为纬向环流,南支槽加深并向东移动,850 hPa有西南急流,地面冷空气减弱,华南静止锋减弱北抬;(3) T lnp探空曲线中,锋区逆温层上限持续下降到850 hPa以下,次日落地消失;(4) 室外空气露点温度高于室内物体表面温度,暖湿空气中的水汽入室遇冷后,在物体表面发生相变凝结;(5) 根据前一天最低气温、当天露点温度及升幅,将“回南天”划分为重度、中度和轻度3个等级;(6)“回南天”有冷性结束和暖性结束两种方式。所得成果可应用到预报业务中。  相似文献   
土壤湿度和地表反射率变化对中国北方气候影响的数值研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
本文利用OSU两层大气环流模式来考察土壤湿度和地表反射率变化对中国北方气候的影响。在(30—46°N,90—120°E)的区域上进行了3个试验,结果表明干土壤对我国东部季风区和西部非季风区有不同的影响特征。高反射率造成降水减少。并指出地表过程的作用可能是经常发生在华北的春夏连旱现象的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
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