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本文详尽分析了冰岛低压和大西洋高压的长期变化规律,发现两者均具有明显的阶段性变化,而且冰岛低压和大西洋高压的强度具有明显的反相关。同时,还分析了大西洋高压和冰岛低压与我国气候的关系,发现大西洋高压与我国冬季气温基本呈正相关,而冰岛低压与我国气温大致呈反相关,但均没有显著影响,所以两者都不是影响我国气候变化的重要天气系统。  相似文献   
粘粒含量对南京粉细砂液化影响的试验研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
南京粉细砂是一种以片状颗粒成分为主的粉细砂,与通常的圆形颗粒石英砂有一定区别,片状颗粒成分使得南京粉细砂具有各向异性的性质。通过对不同粘粒含量的南京粉细砂进行液化试验,分析其试验结果发现:对于粘粒含量ρc=5%、10%和15%三种情况,在均压固结情况下,当南京粉细砂达到初始液化时,采用变形标准和孔压标准是一致的;而偏压固结时,只能采用变形标准作为南京粉细砂达到初始液化的标准,此时振动孔压仅达到围压的50%-70%。粘粒含量对南京粉细砂的抗液化强度影响很大,随粘粒含量增加,在不同固结比时,其抗液化强度并不是单调变化,而是在粘粒含量ρc=10%左右处于一个低谷,其抗液化强度最低。  相似文献   
淮安市典型土动力特性的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对淮安市典型的全新世沉积粉土和粘性土进行室内自振柱试验及粉土的动三轴液化试验,把粉土和粘性土的自振柱试验结果与Seed和Idriss建议的砂土及饱和粘土的剪切模量比G/Gmax-γ曲线和阻尼比λ-γ曲线的变化范围进行对比,结果表明:粉土的剪模量比要比饱和粘土的大,而比砂土的剪模量比要小,其阻尼比接近于砂土的阻尼比;粘性土的剪模量比要比一般饱和粘土的大,而与砂土的剪模量比相近,其阻尼比要比砂土的略低;粉土的抗液化强度与液化振次之间的关系可以用指数函数来表示,其振动孔隙水压力的发展规律可以用反正弦三角函数拟合;粘粒含量是影响淮安市全新世沉积粉土抗液化强度的主要影响因素。  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTIONReseri,oirsonoverloadedriverswillreachthestateofrelativeequilibriumwithcontinuousdevelopmentofsedimentation.Insuchcase,thereisdePOsitinfrontofthedam.Thereforethesiltpressureonthedambodyisconsiderablylarge.Sedimentationelevationinfrontofthedamisoneofthefactorsofcalculatingthesiltpressure.Inaddition,tokeeplong-termworkingstorageinreservoif,itisnecessarytoinstallbottomoutlets.Asthereisapressureconduitinfrontoftheoperatinggateofthebottomoutlet,thesedimelltenteredtheconduitwill…  相似文献   
对东北输油管道锦县,盖县,海城段的粉土细砂,中砂,粉砂进行了振动液化试验,取得了和类土的τd-logNf曲线,τd/σ′-logNf曲线,为在以上地区进行液化判别提供了重要的基础资料,同时也为研究其它的地区相同土质的振动性能提供借鉴。  相似文献   
In this paper we study the infiltration of DNAPL in a porous medium containing a single low-permeable lens. Our aim is to determine whether or not DNAPL infiltrates into the lens. A key role is played by the capillary pressure: DNAPL cannot infiltrate into the lens unless the capillary pressure exceeds the entry pressure of the lens. In the model this is reflected by an interface condition, the extended capillary pressure condition. To derive analytical approximations we first consider a steady-state DNAPL plume in a homogeneous medium. This results in an estimate of the DNAPL plume width as a function of depth, and an asymptotic solution for small saturations. Assuming that the extent of the lens is much larger than the width of the unperturbed DNAPL plume in the homogeneous medium, we derive an explicit criterion for DNAPL infiltration into the lens in terms of a critical inflow rate. A numerical algorithm is presented in which the extended capillary pressure condition is incorporated. The numerical and analytical results show good qualitative agreement. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
通过目前国内外现有资料的对比研究,对严重影响石太高速公路修建和运营的柏井采空区采用压力注浆的方法,充填采空区上覆的裂隙冒落带,以达到加固地基的目的。灌注材料选用水泥和粘土,水固比为1:1.5,依据地面构造物不同,在桥涵地段采用1:0.8:0.7(水:水泥:粘土,下同)的配比,在边坡地段采用1:0.5:1的与比,在一般路段采用1:0.3:1的配比,灌注浆液的结石体在采空区及上覆的裂隙冒落带中充填率达  相似文献   
华北克拉通北缘晋冀内蒙交界地区有变质程度连续变化、从高压基性麻粒岩、麻粒岩到角闪岩相的变质岩系出露。它们的古变质压力由>1.4GPa(50km)变化到0.5GPa(15km);岩石类型从变辉长岩、中酸性正片麻岩到表壳岩变化;变质矿物组合由不含水的耐火组合变为富含云母和角闪石的组合;地球化学性质表现出从贫Si和Al、轻度亏损生热元素到具有正常的化学成分的连续变化;包裹体流体性质在轻度亏损生热元素的麻粒岩中均为CO2流体,而在麻粒岩相的表壳岩和角闪岩系中H2O流体逐渐增加。上述变质岩系剖面的组成和特点符合大陆下地壳的定义,可能代表了包括最下部地壳在内的华北地块太古宙克拉通型大陆下地壳。据此本文建立了我国第一条克拉通型大陆下地壳剖面,并讨论其地质意义以及相关的问题  相似文献   
A review and analysis of chemical and nuclear explosive-induced porewater pressure increases and induced rise in groundwater table elevations (groundwater mounding) is presented. Our analysis indicates that residual pore pressure increases and groundwater mounding can be induced by underground chemical and nuclear explosions to scaled distances of 879 m/(kt)1/3. This relationship is linear over seven orders of magnitude of explosive energy ranging from a 0.01 kg chemical explosion to a 100 kt nuclear explosion and is valid for a wide variety of saturated geological profiles. Underground chemical explosions, and probably underground nuclear explosions have the potential to induce liquefaction of water-saturated soils to scaled distances of about 260 m/(kt)1/3.  相似文献   
For normally consolidated clay, several researchers have developed a number of theoretical time factors to determine the coefficient of consolidation from piezocone test results. However, depending on assumptions and analytical techniques, it could vary considerably, even for a specific degree of consolidation. In this paper a method is proposed to determine a consistent coefficient of consolidation by applying the concept of an optimum design technique over all ranges of the degree of consolidation. Initial excess pore pressure distribution is assumed to be capable of being obtained by the successive spherical cavity expansion theory. The dissipation of pore pressure is simulated by means of a two-dimensional linear-uncoupled axi-symmetric consolidation analysis. The minimization of differences between measured and predicted excess pore pressure was carried out by the BFGS unconstrained optimum design algorithm with a one-dimensional golden section search technique. By analyzing numerical examples and in-situ test results, it was found that the adopted optimum design technique gives consistent and convergent results.  相似文献   
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