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Nine marble horizons from the granulite facies terrane of southern India were examined in detail for stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in calcite and carbon isotopes in graphite. The marbles in Trivandrum Block show coupled lowering of δ13C and δ18O values in calcite and heterogeneous single crystal δ13C values (? 1 to ? 10‰) for graphite indicating varying carbon isotope fractionation between calcite and graphite, despite the granulite facies regional metamorphic conditions. The stable isotope patterns suggest alteration of δ13C and δ18O values in marbles by infiltration of low δ13C–δ18O‐bearing fluids, the extent of alteration being a direct function of the fluid‐rock ratio. The carbon isotope zonation preserved in graphite suggests that the graphite crystals precipitated/recrystallized in the presence of an externally derived CO2‐rich fluid, and that the infiltration had occurred under high temperature and low fO2 conditions during metamorphism. The onset of graphite precipitation resulted in a depletion of the carbon isotope values of the remaining fluid+calcite carbon reservoir, following a Rayleigh‐type distillation process within fluid‐rich pockets/pathways in marbles resulting in the observed zonation. The results suggest that calcite–graphite thermometry cannot be applied in marbles that are affected by external carbonic fluid infiltration. However, marble horizons in the Madurai Block, where the effect of fluid infiltration is not detected, record clear imprints of ultrahigh temperature metamorphism (800–1000 °C), with fractionations reaching <2‰. Zonation studies on graphite show a nominal rimward lowering δ13C on the order of 1 to 2‰. The zonation carries the imprint of fluid deficient/absent UHT metamorphism. Commonly, calculated core temperatures are > 1000 °C and would be consistent with UHT metamorphism.  相似文献   
About 30 samples representing major lithologies of Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks were collected from surface exposures and exploration wells, and compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities and their directional dependence (anisotropy) were determined over a range of constant confining pressures up to 600 MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 to 600 °C. Samples range in composition from acidic to ultramafic. P- and S-wave velocities measured at 600 MPa vary from 5.08 to 8.64 km/s and 2.34 to 4.93 km/s, respectively. Densities are in the range from 2.60 to 3.68 g/cm3. To make a direct tie between seismic measurements (refraction and reflection) and subsurface lithologies, the experimental velocity data (corresponding to shallow depths) were used to calculate velocity profiles for the different lithologies and profiles of reflection coefficients at possible lithologic interfaces across the projected 5000-m Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CCSD) crustal segment. Comparison of calculated in situ velocities with respective intrinsic velocities suggests that the in situ velocities at shallow depths are lowered by an increased abundance of open microcracks. The strongly reflective zone beneath the Donghai drill site can be explained by the impedance contrasts between the different lithologies. Contacts between eclogite/peridotite and felsic rocks (gt-gneiss, granitic gneiss), in particular, may give rise to strong seismic reflections. In addition, shear-induced (lattice preferred orientation (LPO)-related) seismic anisotropy can increase reflectivity. For the explanation of the high velocity bodies (>6.4 km/s) around 1000 m and below 3200-m depth, large proportions of eclogite/peridotite (about 40 and 30 vol.%, respectively) are needed.  相似文献   
 The heat capacity of paranatrolite and tetranatrolite with a disordered distribution of Al and Si atoms has been measured in the temperature range of 6–309 K using the adiabatic calorimetry technique. The composition of the samples is represented with the formula (Na1.90K0.22Ca0.06)[Al2.24Si2.76O10nH2O, where n=3.10 for paranatrolite and n=2.31 for tetranatrolite. For both zeolites, thermodynamic functions (vibrational entropy, enthalpy, and free energy function) have been calculated. At T=298.15 K, the values of the heat capacity and entropy are 425.1 ± 0.8 and 419.1 ±0.8 J K−1 mol−1 for paranatrolite and 381.0 ± 0.7 and 383.2 ± 0.7 J K−1 mol−1 for tetranatrolite. Thermodynamic functions for tetranatrolite and paranatrolite with compositions corrected for the amount of extraframework cations and water molecules have also been calculated. The calculation for tetranatrolite with two water molecules and two extraframework cations per formula yields: C p (298.15)=359.1 J K−1 mol−1, S(298.15) −S(0)=362.8 J K−1 mol−1. Comparing these values with the literature data for the (Al,Si)-ordered natrolite, we can conclude that the order in tetrahedral atoms does not affect the heat capacity. The analysis of derivatives dC/dT for natrolite, paranatrolite, and tetranatrolite has indicated that the water- cations subsystem within the highly hydrated zeolite may become unstable at temperatures above 200 K. Received: 30 July 2001 / Accepted: 15 November 2001  相似文献   
In the context of tower measured radiation datasets.following the correction principle meeting a diagnostic equation in data quality control and in terms of a technique for model construction on data and ANN (artificial neural network) retrieval for BP correction of radiation measurements with rough errors available,a BP model is presented.Evidence suggests that the developed model works well and is superior to a convenient multivariate linear regression model,indicating its wide applications.  相似文献   
战略环境评价若干问题研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
分析了传统环境影响评价制度的不足,回顾了战略环境评价的研究与实践进展,阐述了战略环境评价与环境可持续发展的关系,并对以实现环境可持续发展为目标的战略环境评价体系所存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   
贵州是我国碘缺乏病严重地区之一,特别是黔西南地区。本根据含碘量的调查,编制了贵州露头地层、地表土壤和地表水中含碘量分布图,并与地甲病患病率分布图进行对比研究。研究表明,地甲病患病率与露头地层中碘含量关系不明显,地表土壤中碘含量与地甲病患病率有一定关系,而地表水中碘含量与地甲病患病率关系较为密切,地表水中含碘量高的地区,地甲病患病率就低,反之则地甲病患病率高。  相似文献   
大张坨凝析气藏是在我国发现的高含量凝析气藏之—.开发中据相态特征及流体组份研究结果,适时调整开发方式.1994年开始试采,1995年初实施循环注气开发.该气藏的开发经历了衰竭试采循环注气2个开采过程,开发过程中定期取地层流体样品进行相态特征和流体组份研究,并注重其成果的应用,凝折油采出率29.0%,取得了较好的开发效果.证实了相态研究在凝析气藏循环注气开发全过程应用的重要性.  相似文献   
This study presents the evolution of agreements between the governments of Canadaand Québec on flood damage reduction. In Québec, the implementation of a regulation about building in floodplains came about in 1983–1984. Today, this regulation takes the form of a policy called ``Policy of shores, littoral and floodplain protection'. Municipalities must adopt rules that concur with the principles of this policy.The Chaudiére River basin was selected for analysis of urban developmentduring the period following the application of building rules in flood-risk areas.Despite the ban on building in the strong current zone (0–20 year return periodflood zone), many buildings, essentially residential, have been erected in thiszone. These new constructions generally account for a low percentage of thetotal property value in the 0–100 year flooding area, but are legal since theyare connected to a water and sewage network that existed prior to the officialfloodplain regulation.Flood damage along the Chaudiére River will tend to increase for two reasons.Firstly, while respecting the policy mentioned above, sites are still available infloodplains for future development. Secondly, no structural flood protection workshave been erected in view of the fact they are only marginally profitable from anbenefit-cost point of view.  相似文献   
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