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研究了句容甲山膨润土矿的矿床地质特征,发现地层上覆下白垩统碱性流纹岩,矿石呈黄绿色、粉红色、灰白色和肉红色等多种颜色,局部保留有原岩的角砾结构,并观察到含有风化残余的粗面岩团块和因断层滑移形成的断层角砾。X射线衍射(XRD)分析发现不同颜色矿石的矿物组成差异很大,通过扫描电子显微镜观察到岩石风化现象和伴生的次生矿物类型。研究表明,该矿属于火山熔岩风化残积型膨润土矿床,在开发过程中应进行分类开发或进行深加工处理,可提高开发效益。  相似文献   
Since 1994, the Rumuruti (R) chondrites have been recognized as a new, well-established chondrite group differing from carbonaceous, ordinary, and enstatite chondrites. The first R chondrite, Carlisle Lakes, was found in Australia in 1977. Meanwhile, the number has increased to 107 (December, 2010). This group is named after the Rumuruti meteorite, the first and so far the only R chondrite fall. Most of the R chondrites are breccias containing a variety of different clasts embedded in a clastic matrix. Some textural and mineralogical characteristics can be summarized as follows: (a) the chondrule abundance in large fragments and in unbrecciated rocks is ∼35–50 vol%; (b) Ca,Al-rich inclusions are rare; (c) the olivine abundance is typically 65–78 vol%; (d) the mean chondrule diameter is ∼400 μm; (e) in unequilibrated R chondrites, low-Ca pyroxene is dominating, whereas in equilibrated R chondrites it is Ca-rich pyroxene; (f) the typical olivine in a metamorphosed lithology is ∼Fa38–40; (g) matrix olivine in unequilibrated, type 3 fragments and rocks has much higher Fa (∼45–60 mol%) compared to matrix olivines in type 4–6 lithologies (∼Fa38–41); (h) spinels have a high TiO2 of ∼5 wt%; (i) abundant different noble metal-bearing phases (metals, sulfides, tellurides, arsenides) occur. The exception is the metamorphosed, type 5/6 R chondrite La Paz Icefield 04840 which contains hornblende, phlogopite, and Ca-poor pyroxene, the latter phase typically occurring in low-grade metamorphosed R chondrites only.In bulk composition, R chondrites have some affinity to ordinary chondrites: (a) the absence of significant depletions in Mn and Na in R chondrites and ordinary chondrites is an important feature to distinguish these groups from carbonaceous chondrites; (b) total Fe (∼24 wt%) of R chondrites is between those of H and L chondrites (27.1 and 21.6 wt%, respectively); (c) the average CI/Mg-normalized lithophile element abundances are ∼0.95 × CI, which is lower than those for carbonaceous chondrites (≥1.0 × CI) and slightly higher than those for ordinary chondrites (∼0.9 × CI); (d) trace element concentrations such as Zn (∼150 ppm) and Se (∼15 ppm) are much higher than in ordinary chondrites; (e) the whole rock Δ17O of ∼2.7 for R chondrites is the highest among all meteorite groups, and the mean oxygen isotope composition is δ17O = 5.36 ± 0.43, δ18O = 5.07 ± 0.86, Δ17O = +2.72 ± 0.31; (f) noble gas cosmic ray exposure ages of R chondrites range between ∼0.1 and 70 Ma. More than half of the R chondrites analyzed for noble gases contain implanted solar wind and, thus, are regolith breccias. The 43 R chondrites from Northern Africa analyzed so far for noble gases seem to represent at least 16 falls. Although the data base is still scarce, the data hint at a major collision event on the R chondrite parent body between 15 and 25 Ma ago.  相似文献   
We seek to identify the depth to which water is extracted by the roots in the soil. Indeed, in an isotopic steady-state condition of leaf water, transpiration introduces into the atmosphere a vapour whose isotopic signature is identical to that of root water. In the isotopic models of atmospheric general circulation, it is classically allowed that the signature of transpiration belongs to the meteoric water line. This supposes that the water taken by the roots has escaped with the evaporation of the soil and comes thus from the deep layers of the soil. At the time of experimentation carried out on maize plants (Nemours, Seine-et-Marne, France), this extraction depth was inferred from the comparison between the signature of the water measured on the level of the first internode of the stems of the plants and the isotopic profile of water in the soil. When the flow of transpiration reaches a maximum value, the plant uptakes water resulting from precipitations and which preserves its non-evaporating character after having quickly infiltrated in the deep layers of the soil. This relates to only 55% of the flux transpired by the canopy, the remainder presenting an evaporating character more or less marked according to ambient conditions. This experiment invalidates the classical hypothesis used in isotopic models of general atmospheric circulation in temperate regions. In fact, only half the amount of water vapour transpired by the canopy during the day presents a signature similar to that of the rainwater sampled in deep soil layers. To cite this article: Z. Boujamlaoui et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   
LCT型伟晶岩及其锂矿床成因概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张辉  吕正航  唐勇 《地质学报》2021,95(10):2955-2970
花岗伟晶岩具有与低共熔花岗岩相似的矿物和化学组成,通常与高分异花岗岩具有成因联系。花岗伟晶岩划分为富Li-Cs-Ta (LCT)、富Nb-Y-F (NYF)和混合的LCT+NYF型,其中LCT型伟晶岩以过铝质,富集助熔组分(H2O、F、P、B)、稀有元素(Li、Rb、Cs、Nb、Ta、Be、Sn),极其低的Nb/Ta比值(<5)为特征。通常LCT型伟晶岩显示内部分带,主要包括边界带、壁带、中间带和核部带;此外,可能还发育交代体、层状细晶岩和晶洞。大多数LCT型伟晶岩形成与(同造山)-晚造山的过铝质S型、I型或混合的S+I型花岗岩具有成因联系。对于壳源沉积岩小比例部分熔融直接形成的伟晶岩,通常形成于伸展背景下的晚造山和造山后阶段,侵入于典型的低压角闪岩-高绿片岩相的变沉积岩中。伟晶岩外带(包括边缘带、壁带、细晶岩)中的细粒和细晶岩结构、UST (单向固结结构)是液相线过冷所致,而伟晶岩内带(中间带、核部带)中粗大矿物形成、矿物分带以及稀有金属矿物的饱和结晶是助熔组分(H2O、B、P、F)、稀有金属(Li、Rb、Cs、Be、Nb、Ta)通过...  相似文献   
青藏高原的隆起与海洋锶同位素组成的演化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
近年来,随着构造隆升驱动气候变化假说的提出,青藏高原的隆起受到越来越多的关注,并将之与大陆化学风化速率及海洋锶同位素的演化紧密联系。围绕青藏高原的隆升及其环境与气候效应,对海洋锶同位素组成的演化特征及其影响因素的较为全面而详细的论述表明:将青藏高原的隆升与全球气候变化、大陆化学风化速率及海洋锶同位素组成的演化相联系,也许是解决目前关于海洋锶同位素组成的演化及其物源问题的重要手段,根据海洋锶同位素的演化历史来研究全球气候变化规律及青藏高原的构造演化历史将是本研究领域的重点。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2036-2056

The Chinese Southwest Tianshan Orogenic Belt is located along the boundary between the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) and the Tarim Block (TB), NW China. It records the convergence of the Tarim Block and the Middle Tianshan, and is, therefore, a crucial region for understanding the Eurasia continental growth and evolution. The Wulagen (geographical name) metasedimentary rocks of the Wuqia area (mainly metamorphic sandstones and mica schists) form one of the metamorphic terranes in the Southwestern Tianshan Orogenic Belt. The geochronology of these rocks is poorly known, which hampers our understanding of the tectonic evolution of the belt. We analyzed 517 zircon grains for detrital zircon U–Pb dating and 93 zircon grains for in situ Lu–Hf isotopic compositions from the Wulagen metasedimentary rocks. The analyzed zircon grains yield Neoarchean to late Paleozoic U–Pb ages with major age peaks at ~2543 Ma, 1814 Ma, 830 Ma, 460 Ma, and the youngest cluster of zircon (magmatogene) ages is 395 Ma. The zircon U–Pb data show that the late Paleozoic (Early Devonian) is the maximum depositional age of the Wulagen metasedimentary rocks, rather than the previously considered Precambrian period. The zircons with Paleozoic ages yield εHf(t) values of ?22.0 to +11.3 and two-stage model ages (TDM2) of 3.95 to 1.30 Ga, suggesting that the parental magmas were formed from partial melting of pre-existing crustal rocks. Our zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic data indicate the major source regions for the Wulagen metasedimentary rocks was the Kyrgyzstan North Tianshan. The zircon age population of 600–400 Ma (peak at ~460 Ma) has negative εHf(t) values (?15.0 to ?0.6) and Mesoproterozoic two-stage model ages, suggesting that the early Paleozoic magmatism resulted mainly from the melting of ancient crust, which played an important role in crustal evolution in the southern CAOB.  相似文献   
凡口铅锌矿床海底热泉喷溢成矿的物理化学环境   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈学明  邓军  翟裕生 《矿床地质》1998,17(3):240-246
凡口铅锌矿是发育于碳酸盐岩建造中的海底喷溢沉积矿床 ,以“一大二富三集中”的特点和典型的地质地球化学特征吸引着中外矿床地质工作者。叠层状矿体发育于同沉积断裂的旁侧 ,矿层与灰岩呈沉积接触关系。矿石具沉积碎屑组构 ,黄铁矿、闪锌矿具外生特征。稀土元素组成和硫同位素组成反映矿床与同生作用有关。铅同位素组成具有壳源和下地壳来源铅的特征。矿区主要矿层经历海底热泉喷溢沉积—成岩的演化  相似文献   
张铭杰  王先彬 《地球化学》1998,27(5):452-457
利用热分解质谱法测定了中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩中流体挥发分的组成,并对不同温度段释放出的CO2气体测定了C,O同位素值,流体组成和CO2的C,O同位素值表明中国东部上地幔源区的不均一性,与其中所含幔源岩捕体相比,碱性玄武岩浆发育在相对氧化的环境中,并有外来流体组分的加入。  相似文献   
陈学明  翟裕生 《地球科学》1998,23(6):610-615
凡口铅锌矿是发育于海相碳酸盐岩建造中的海底热泉喷溢沉积矿床。在研究矿床地质特征和地球化学特征的基础上,总结了发育于同沉积断裂两侧的矿体的形态、产状,矿石组构,成矿元素、微量元素、稀土元素的组成与分布,成矿温度和流体的性质,提出了热泉成矿作用与海相碳酸盐沉积作用同时演化的结论。  相似文献   
胜利油田火山岩单个包裹体碳同位素   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
赫英 《地质科学》1998,33(3):380-383
近年来,在我国东部陆续发现了一些二氧化碳气藏,对其成因,不少学者有过讨论, 得出许多重要认识。  相似文献   
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