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Regional extension which initiates and promotes the rise of salt diapirs can also make diapirs fall once the supply of salt from its source is restricted. New observations on the 3D seismic data from a salt diapir in the Sørvestsnaget Basin suggest that salt moves until the end of the Eocene and is subtle to minor readjustments afterwards, revealing a more complex kinematics that previously described. Observations such as salt horns and sags and an antithetic fault linked to the western flank of the diapir suggest that salt syn-kinematics during Middle-Late Eocene included passive rising of the salt, followed by a fall. The salt horns are remnants of a taller salt diapir that, together with the indentation of the Middle-Late Eocene syn-kinematic sediment overburden above the salt, indicate diapiric fall due to restriction of salt supply by extension. Post-kinematic readjustments did not include diapiric reactivation by tectonic compression as previously thought, but minor salt rise by shortening due to gravity gliding after the tilting of the margin during Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediment loading and differential compaction of surrounding sediments. The salt diapir appears to be presently inactive and salt supply may have been restricted from its source already since Late Eocene.  相似文献   
南黄海中部海底沉积物原位声速与物理性质相关关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于在南黄海中部获得的海底沉积物原位声速数据,分析讨论了原位声速与密度、含水量、孔隙比、孔隙度等沉积物物理性质参数的相关关系。通过回归分析建立了海底沉积物原位声速预测方程。结果表明,原位声速与上述物理参数之间具有良好的相关性,相关系数r均大于0.93。对比分析了原位声速预测方程与甲板声速预测方程的差异,两者最小相差15.8 m/s,最大相差31.3 m/s,平均差值约为22.6 m/s。将原位声速预测方程与其他研究者建立的声速预测方程进行了对比,结果表明不同声速预测方程存在明显差异,初步分析了存在差异的原因。  相似文献   
基于采自东海内陆架泥质区的沉积物岩心,利用X-射线岩心扫描系统对其进行高分辨成分扫描,同时利用台式偏振X射线荧光光谱仪对该岩心进行元素测定,通过对比研究评价了X-射线岩心扫描系统元素扫描分析质量。研究表明:(1)X-射线岩心扫描系统对海洋沉积物元素分析质量可以分为四类,Ⅰ类元素分析结果可信度高、可以直接作为含量对待,Ⅱ类具有重要的参考价值,Ⅲ类具有一定参考价值,而Ⅳ类无参考价值。(2)海洋沉积物的X-射线岩心扫描元素分析受到压实作用的影响,其中钙、铁、钾、钛、硅等5种元素压实效应明显,通过压实校正可以有效消除压实作用造成的元素垂向上的系统波动。(3)对钙、铁、钾、钛、硅等5种元素,X-射线岩心扫描强度与传统的XRF元素含量之间具有良好的线性关系,相关系数在0.47~0.87,可以据此进行扫描强度和元素含量的换算。  相似文献   
Acouso-physical properties of sea floor sediments in the southeast offshore sea area of Hainan Island on the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea are analyzed. In many cruises, conductivity-temperature-depth measurements of seawater, measurements of shallow stratum and side-scan sonar have been made. Acoustic parameters, basic sedimentary parameters, physical-mechanical parameters and 14C age, etc., have been measured. The sediment elastic parameters, including Young's modulus, bulk modulus, constrained modulus, rigidity modulus, Poisson's ratio, Lames constant, etc., have been calculated. Results show that the compression wave velocity of the seafloor sediment in the sea area ranges from 1474–1700 m/s, and there are high and low sound velocity sediment types in the different sea areas; the shear wave velocity is 150–600 m/s; at 100 kHz the sediment sound attenuation is 35–260 dB/m, the sediment density is 1.4–2.0 g/cm3; the sediment porosity is 42–88%. Sound field parameters and describing sound reciprocity between sea and seafloor are described.  相似文献   
Multi-sensor core logger data and index properties were measured onboard the JOIDES resolution during ODP Leg 157 and compared with grain size distribution and carbonate contents measured in the on-shore laboratory. Cored sediments are similar in grain size, but very variable in carbonate content. Magnetic susceptibility clearly defines the volcanic turbidite layers, whereas GRAPE density and acoustic velocity help to define the coarser (silty) bases of some organic or calcareous turbidite layers. Index properties are mostly controlled by consolidation effects.  相似文献   
In order to accurately design a sand compaction pile (SCP) with low replacement area ratio, it is important to understand the mechanical interaction between the sand pile and clay ground and its mechanism during consolidation process in composite ground. In this article, therefore, a series of numerical analyses on composite ground improved by SCP with low replacement area ratio were carried out. The applicability of numerical analyses, in which an elasto-viscoplastic consolidation finite element method was applied, were confirmed by comparing the results obtained from a series of laboratory model tests with the composite ground improved by SCP. Through the results of the numerical analyses, mechanical behavior of the sand pile and clay in composite ground during consolidation is elucidated, together with a stress sharing mechanism between sand pile and clay.  相似文献   

Recent marine forensic investigations have largely unravelled the sequence of events concerning the sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic and its descent through nearly 3800 m of water to the seafloor on the morning of 15 April 1912. In particular, the velocity and attitude of the Titanic's bow section (at present lying upright, reasonably intact, and embedded by ~12 m at the prow) as it hit the bottom are of general interest to marine accident investigators. During the 1998 Titanic Science Expedition, a single sediment sample was retrieved from the seafloor (depth 20–30 cm) near the wreck by the deep water submersible, Nautile. Published geological studies suggest the seafloor in this area has remained largely undisturbed since 1912. Geotechnical analysis of the sediment sample reveals that the impact was probably a substantially undrained event and that the characteristic undrained shear strength of the sediment is ~25kPa within 10–16 m below the seafloor. A simple analytical model was used to calculate the embedment of a cuboid with dimensions and mass of the water-filled bow as a function of impact velocity, impact angle, and the undrained shear strength of the sediment. The results indicate the impossibility of a steep angle of impact and fast velocity. The most likely scenario is an impact velocity of 5–10 m/s at a fairly shallow angle (<40°), which corroborates the results of hydrodynamic investigations.  相似文献   
The behaviors of the marine sedimentary ground improved by sand compaction pile (SCP) method are analyzed. To do this, the results of upheaval characteristics of the sea floor, undrained shear strength, and horizontal consolidation coefficient (consolidation) are investigated. Due to SCP installation on ground, as thickness of a soft clay layer increases, upheaval height increases and upheaval angle decreases. Undrained shear strength of disturbed ground due to SCP construction decreases in early stage after completion of construction, but it shows a trend of recovering as months elapse. As the result of piezocone penetration dissipation tests, consolidation delay phenomenon by the disturbance due to SCP installation clearly is identified and its degree is dependent on the replacement area ratio of SCP and the location of ground.  相似文献   

The estimation of excavation rates in specific geological and geotechnical conditions is one of the most delicate aspects for mining and geotechnical operations particularly offshore. Many models have been developed to study the effectiveness of a drilling tool in contact with the ground. In this article, the results of laboratory cutting tests on concrete specimens are shown. The comparison of the results of laboratory tests with different predictive models, helped to identify the most representative models. The models were then used to study in more detail, the effectiveness of the excavation tools through a parametric analysis. The research helped to define how to obtain rubrics, which can estimate the theoretical net cutting production of an excavation machine, when the power of its engines is known, or to evaluate, when the requested net cutting production is available, the power that the cutting machine must have. The findings were also applied to a sandstone previously investigated. The results are based on theoretical models and cannot be used on geomaterials with the same (or similar) geotechnical properties.  相似文献   
The hydrological and erosive response of the Mediterranean eco‐geomorphologic system has showed a very variable and complex behaviour depending on several factors: topography, geology, vegetation pattern, soil properties, land use management, etc. Climate is a key factor due to the great spatial and temporal variability. This research was carried out over different micro‐environments representative from five hillslopes localized in the Littoral Bethic Mountains in the south of Spain. The results of 20 experiments with rainfall simulations on micro‐plots (0.24 m2) and the differences of the incidence of some biotic and abiotic factors in the eco‐geomorphologic system from semi‐arid, dry‐Mediterranean and sub‐humid sites are exposed. Runoff, soil moisture and sediment were measured before, during and after the experiments. The results have shown rock fragments disposition on soil surface and vegetation seem to be the main factors that control the hydrological and erosive response at the micro‐plot‐scale of the experiments. Embedded rock fragments are the most important soil surface property because they reduce the infiltration. Whilst vegetation increases it what is more influential on the hydrological and erosive response of micro‐environments at more arid sites. We have also observed that there are micro‐environment particularities which play a more important role than the localization in the climatic gradient at micro‐plot scale. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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