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Seafloor pockmarks are important indicators of submarine methane seepages and slope instabilities.In order to promote the understanding of submarine pockmarks and their relationship with sediment instabilities and climate changes,here we summarize the research results of pockmarks in the spatio-temporal distributions and shaping factors.Most of pockmarks occur along active or passive continental margins during the last 25 kyr B.P..Circular and ellipse are the most common forms of pockmarks,whereas pockmarks in a special crescent or elongated shape are indicators of slope instabilities,and ring-shape pockmarks are endemic to the gas hydrate zones.Further researches should be focused on the trigger mechanism of climate changes based on the pockmarks in the high latitudes formed during the deglaciation periods,and the role of gas hydrates in the seafloor evolution should be elucidated.In addition,the feature of pockmarks at their early stage(e.g.,developing gas chimneys and gas driving sedimentary doming)and the relations between pockmarks and mass movements,mud diapirs could be further studied to clarify the influences of rapid methane release from submarine sediments on the atmospheric carbon contents.  相似文献   
采用问卷调查的方式,对气象、交通、公安等多部门公路交通决策气象服务关注的气象要素、产品类型和时段、服务改进方向等需求进行了调研。利用专家评分法对调查内容进行评估分析,并提出提升公路交通决策气象服务能力的相关建议。结果表明:专家对现有公路交通决策气象服务工作总体满意度较高,普遍认为公路交通决策气象服务在公路运输、运行调度、应急救援等方面发挥作用明显;行业领域不同需求的气象要素有所不同,交通部门专家对公路积雪、降雪、霾等要素给出的需求权重值明显高于气象部门专家给出的;不同类型的决策服务产品关注的气象要素和时效也有所不同,其中,监测类产品对低能见度、道路积雪要素最为关注;预报类产品对雨雪和大雾要素最为关注;预警类产品对大雾最为关注;而影响评估类产品对低能见度最为关注。监测类产品主要关注逐小时时段;预报和预警类产品重点关注未来3—12 h时段;而影响评估类产品主要关注日、月、季度时段。  相似文献   
利用常规和区域自动站观测资料、卫星和多普勒雷达监测产品及NCEP再分析资料,对2014年7月14日新乡强对流过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:高空东移冷槽与低层暖脊叠加使新乡上空形成明显的不稳定层结,而中低层暖湿空气在午后表现出明显的北抬和向高空扩展的趋势,使大气对流不稳定度进一步加强,有利于雷暴大风和冰雹强对流天气的出现;同时,强对流天气发生前0—6 km垂直风切变达到中等偏强程度,有利于对流系统的形成和维持。地面中尺度辐合线起对流触发作用,辐合线尾部前侧的对流云团发展更强更快。云团合并导致对流云团迅猛加强,对流单体合并有利于对流回波的暴发性发展及回波顶快速抬升。过程中雷暴外流边界也是强对流的重要触发机制,太行山脉东侧的雷暴外流边界受地形抬升作用,触发大范围分散的对流单体,导致了局地短时强降水天气。风灾主要是由多单体风暴中的下击暴流和雷暴外流边界造成的,下击暴流造成的大风比由雷暴外流边界导致的大风更强。此外,强回波中心强度增强、质心高度迅速升高,回波顶高和VIL值跃增等对强对流过程中局地冰雹预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
阿荣旗2008年春季第一场透雨天气分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章应用天气预报业务中的常规预报产品资料,对2008年5月27日阿荣旗春季第一场透雨天气的大气环流背景和成因进行了深入分析对今后本地春季透雨预报思路提供了一定参考依据。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR全球再分析格点资料(空间分辨率1°×1°)、台风实况资料及海南省气象台站观测资料,选取1321号台风"蝴蝶"为研究个例,从天气学原理高低空形势及动力、热力学物理量等多角度分析了"蝴蝶"强度演变特征及影响因素.研究结果表明,副热带高压与高空西风槽是影响此次台风的主要大尺度天气系统,弱冷空气南侵、南海海温偏高及越赤道气流强盛是"蝴蝶"迅速加强的重要原因.西风槽引导弱冷空气南侵使得台风外围环流气压梯度增加,斜压不稳定状态加剧;南海海温达到29℃,海温偏高使台风区域大气层结降低,深热对流发展;105°E越赤道气流强盛为台风提供了充沛水汽和能量.三者共同作用促使台风强度突然增强.另外,低层涡度、高层散度、湿位涡及水汽通量等物理量能够较好地表征"蝴蝶"强度变化特征.低层辐合流入、高层辐散流出为台风的加强提供了动力条件;湿位涡下负上正表明大气热力层结不稳定;水汽通量增加表明水汽条件充足.良好的动力条件、热力条件与水汽条件共同作用,使得"蝴蝶"在短时间内迅速加强为强台风.  相似文献   
赵淑萍  马巍  焦贵德  罗飞 《冰川冻土》2011,33(4):826-832
寒区工程动荷载模型试验系统主要由模型试验槽、制冷及控温装置、动力加载装置、传感器和数据采集系统四部分组成.系统具有如下特点:能根据实际工程对长3m、宽2.5rn和高1m的模型试验土体进行低温动荷载试验;采用3组冷冻板给土体降温,降温速度快,能提供的最低温度为-20℃,而且能提供多组均匀、稳定的温度边界,冷冻板的温度波动...  相似文献   
Discussions regarding weathering in cold environments generally centre on mechanical processes and on the freeze–thaw mechanism in particular. Despite the almost ubiquitous assumption of freeze–thaw weathering, unequivocal proof of interstitial rock water actually freezing and thawing is singularly lacking. Equally, many studies have used the crossing of 0 °C, or values close to that, as the basis for determining the number of ‘freeze–thaw events’. In order to assess the weathering regime at a site in northern Canada, temperatures were collected at the surface, 1 cm and 3 cm depth for sets of paving bricks, with exposures both vertical and at 45°, orientated to the four cardinal directions. Temperature data were collected at 1 min intervals for 1 year. These data provide unequivocal proof for the occurrence of the freezing and thawing of water on and within the rock (freeze–thaw events). The freeze event is evidenced by the exotherm associated with the release of latent heat as the water actually freezes. This is thought to be the ?rst record of such events from a ?eld situation. More signi?cantly, it was found that the temperature at which freezing occurred varied signi?cantly through the year and that on occasion the 1 cm depth froze prior to the rock surface. The change in freeze temperature is thought to be due to the chemical weathering of the material (coupled with on‐going salt inputs via the melting of snowfall), which, it is shown, could occur throughout the winter despite air temperatures down to ?30 °C. This ?nding regarding chemical weathering is also considered to be highly signi?cant. A number of thermal stress events were also recorded, suggesting that rock weathering in cold regions is a synergistic combination of various chemical and mechanical weathering mechanisms. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
从鄂霍次克海沉积物样品中提取总基因组DNA,进行核糖体rRNA基因内转录间隔区(ITS)的扩增,构建克隆文库并进行测序,对该环境下真核生物的多样性进行了初步研究。结果发现,该环境下的真核生物具有较高的多样性,主要为3大类,真核藻类、真菌和微型浮游动物。藻类和微型浮游动物的组成与前人在该海域浮游生物生态学的研究相吻合,而真菌群落具有较高的多样性,这为该区域真核生物多样性、所参与的生物地球化学过程及生态学意义的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The 1960-1991 monthly mean FSU (Florida State University)wind stress data aredecomposed into a vortical and a divergent component with each of which to force the model oceanin the context of a two-layer tropical Pacific model.Evidence suggests that for the seasonalvariation the ocean forcing does not produce a realistic cold tongue using either of the componentsand the tongue will not be effectively improved in its intensity and pattern even if the componentsare doubled or halved:the utilization of climatic mean wind stress(no decomposition is done of thewind stress)that contains its seasonal variation will lead to a realistic SST distribution on which isimposed,separately,the interannual anomalies of each of the components so as to get the SSTApattern:under the action of the interannual anomaly of the vortical(divergent)component therearises qnite intense SSTA oscillation marked by noticeable ENSO periods(feeble SSTA withhigher oscillation frequency for obscure ENSO periods),thereby illustrating that the roles of thetwo components differ from each other in the genesis of SST variation on a seasonal and aninterannual basis such that a realistic cold tongue pattern follows under the joint effects on themodel ocean of the two components of wind stress while rational E1 Nino/La Nina phenomenaresult under the forcing of an anomalous wind stress vortical component.Moreover,the divergentcomponent is innegligible in generating a mean climatic condition of the ocean sector but of lessimportance compared to the vortical component in ENSO development.  相似文献   
东北地区水稻障碍型低温冷害变化对区域气候增暖的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡春丽  李辑  焦敏  王婉昭  李晶  李菲 《气象科技》2015,43(4):744-749
利用东北地区153个气象站1961—2010年逐日气温资料,采用统计学方法分析了水稻障碍型低温冷害的气候变化特征及其对区域气候变暖的响应情况。结果表明,东北大部地区水稻障碍型低温冷害事件呈减少趋势,但区域性较为明显;障碍型低温冷害对关键发育期气温变化响应较为敏感,二者呈显著的负相关关系,表现为气温每升高1 ℃,东北地区冷害减少35个站次。东北地区关键发育期气温均呈上升趋势,但吉林西部地区障碍型冷害却随之增加,分析了关键发育期气温变率和气候变率,将其解释为局地障碍型冷害增加主要受气候变率增大的影响,逐日气温变率对其影响不大。  相似文献   
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