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张传福 《湖南地质》1996,15(2):85-88
湘南地区风化壳型稀土资源丰富,对其开发的采、选工艺和流程简单,投入资金较少,产出颇丰、经济、社会效益明显,是湘南盆困山区脱贫致富的重要途径。本文就开发湘南稀土矿的成本、效益等进行了初步测算,可供参考。  相似文献   
构造层次与大陆壳动力学机制转变关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
针对构造层次研究现状和存在的问题,把大陆壳划分为深部,中部,浅部和浅-表部四个构造层次。依据各自所处特定的构造位置、组成构造岩类型、形成的制约因素和地质时代等方面的区别,各构造层次分别是壳-幔间滑动,大陆张裂、隆-滑构造和变质核杂岩构造等多种大陆壳动力学机制转变过程中的产物。构造层次与大陆壳动力学机制转变关系的确定,更有利于古老板构造连续性、整体性的研究以及多期、多层次、多旋回大陆地壳演化模式的建  相似文献   
In situ seismic attenuationQ−1logs are derived from borehole velocity profiles and reveal sharp boundaries between morphologies of the extrusive volcanic layers in intermediate- and slow-spreading oceanic crust.Q−1logs are calculated from the scattering attenuation associated with vertical velocity heterogeneity in Ocean Drilling Program Holes 504B and 896A and in Hole 395A, located in 5.9–7.3 Ma crust on the Pacific and Atlantic plates, respectively. Our results strongly tie crustal properties to seismic measurables and observed geological structures: we find that the scattering attenuation can be used to identify the extrusive volcanic sequence because it is closely related to changes in the degree of vertical heterogeneity. We interpret a distinct decrease in the Q−1log at the transition below the extrusive volcanic layer to correspond with the seismic layer 2A/2B boundary. The boundary is located at 465 m depth below the sea floor in both Hole 395A and 504B, although this is likely to be a coincidence of the sediment thickness at these sites. Layer 2A is estimated to be approximately 150 m thick in Hole 504B and > 300 m thick in Hole 395A. Cyclic sequences of high-porosity pillows and low-porosity massive units in the uppermost 100 m of volcanics in Hole 395A result in large velocity heterogeneities which cause > 5 times more attenuation in this layer than in Hole 504B. In Hole 896A, by contrast, fewer pillows, more massive flows, and a greater volume of carbonate veins decrease the velocity heterogeneity and attenuation significantly over only 1 km distance from Hole 504B. We conclude that the attenuation in the extrusive volcanics of the ocean crust is largely controlled by variation in local heterogeneity and morphology as well as by subsequent hydrothermal alteration. The observed differences inQ−1profiles and layer 2A thickness at these sites may be attributed to variations in the volume and duration of volcanic activity at mid-ocean spreading centers for these Pacific and Atlantic ridge segments.  相似文献   
Chemical composition of upper crust in eastern China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In an area of 3.3×106 km2 within eastern China, 28 253 rock samples were collected systematically and combined into 2718 composite samples which were analyzed by 15 reliable methods using national preliminary certified reference materials (CRMs) for data quality monitoring. The average chemical compositions of the exposed crust, the sedimentary cover and the exposed basement as well as the upper crust for 76 chemical elements in eastern China are given. A key basic geology projcct supported by Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China.  相似文献   
Crustal structure of Dabieshan orogenic belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The crustal structures ofP velocity and density on the deep seismic sounding profile across the Ilabieshan orogenic belt are presented. There is a 5-km-thick crustal “root” between the Yuexi and Xiaotian where the elevation is highest on the profile. An apparent Moho offset of 4. 5 km beneath the Xiaotian-Mozitan fault marks the paleo-suture of the Triassic collision. A high-velocity anomaly zone at the depth below 3 km beneath the ultra-high pressure (UHP) zone may be correlated to the higher content of UHP metamorphic rocks. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Joint Earthquake Science Foundation.  相似文献   
软流层、中地壳与盆-山系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然大量的地学断面研究为我们提供了及其丰富的有关中地壳的信息,但极少有人将中地壳的与盆地、断隆山的形成和演化相联系.大陆层控构造理论认为,上地壳正断层上盘在下降过程中,挤压下伏中地壳塑性层,中地壳塑性层物质在该压力作用下从下降幅度最大、垂向压强最大的箕状盆地翘降端压出,主要流向垂向压力较小、紧邻断层面应变空间的下盘,促使该盘向上倾斜,形成断隆山,组成盆—山系.现今中国东部阴山、秦岭、太行山和燕山等断隆山脉,无不与同时代深沉降的断陷盆地毗邻.松辽盆地和西侧大兴安岭以嫩江断裂为界,断陷盆地和断隆山由晚侏罗世到早白垩世同时开始形成到新生代,伴随松辽盆地大幅度沉降,大兴安岭大幅度隆升.在重力均衡作用下,盆—山系形成引起莫霍面隆起和上地幔软流层隆升,在沉积盆地和断隆上形成大量金属、非金属和油气矿产.中生代以后,软流层大规模发育.软流层隆升对大型含油气区形成具有决定性意义。  相似文献   
The active convergence between the northwest corner of the Philippine Sea Plate and the southeast margin of the Eurasian Plate has given rise to the Taiwan mountain-building and produced numerous earthquakes. Among the earthquakes, the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake is the largest one recorded in the century. In this study, we examine the crustal gravitational potential energy (GPE) change in the Taiwan orogen caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake sequence, which was catalogued by the regional broadband seismometer array for a whole year. As a result, we find that the crust was going up and down randomly during the earthquake sequence, but an overall cumulative gain of the crustal GPE, +1.82×1016 J, was rapidly achieved in 1 month after the main shock. The crustal GPE was nearly still afterwards and reached +1.90×1016 J in 1 year. Spatially, although the main surface faulting has occurred in western Taiwan, the crustal GPE gain is mainly distributed in central Taiwan at the area where the existing crustal GPE is high and the existing lithospheric GPE is relatively low. The crustal GPE loss by the Chi-Chi earthquake sequence can also be observed and is generally distributed at both sides of the crustal GPE gain area. The crustal GPE gain mainly found in central Taiwan corroborates that the uplift of the Taiwan orogen is principally taking place in central Taiwan, rather than in the more hazardous western Taiwan.  相似文献   
IntroductionWhenpropagatingthroughananisotropicmedium,ashearwavesplitsintotwo(quasi)shearwaveswithdifferentpropagationspeedsandpolarizedorthogonally.Owingtotherecentdevel-opmentofseismicobservationsystem,detectionofshearwavessplittingwithverysmalldelaytimesbetweenfasterandslowershearwavesbecameavailableandprovidedpowerfulapproachfordetectionofcrustalanisotropy.Crampin(1978)emphasizedtheroleofalignedmicrocracksasacauseofcrustalanisotropyandpointedoutthatforverticallyalignedmicrocracksthedirecti…  相似文献   
The bimodal NW Etendeka province is located at the continentalend of the Tristan plume trace in coastal Namibia. It comprisesa high-Ti (Khumib type) and three low-Ti basalt (Tafelberg,Kuidas and Esmeralda types) suites, with, at stratigraphicallyhigher level, interstratified high-Ti latites (three units)and quartz latites (five units), and one low-Ti quartz latite.Khumib basalts are enriched in high field strength elementsand light rare earth elements relative to low-Ti types and exhibittrace element affinities with Tristan da Cunha lavas. The unradiogenic206Pb/204Pb ratios of Khumib basalts are distinctive, most plottingto the left of the 132 Ma Geochron, together with elevated 207Pb/204Pbratios, and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions plotting in thelower 143Nd/144Nd part of mantle array (EM1-like). The low-Tibasalts have less coherent trace element patterns and variable,radiogenic initial Sr (  相似文献   
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