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郭进修 《极地研究》1991,3(1):39-46
本文用澳大利亚墨尔本气象中心,苏联南极青年站地面天气图和NOAA-10,NOAA-11极轨卫星云图确定了东南极普里兹湾及其附近海域1990年1—2月份气旋中心位置;讨论了这些气旋的活动特征。分析了实测大风对应的天气系统,天气形势和卫星云图特征,指出普里兹湾沿海存在气旋、锋面以及锋面云和气旋先后相继的影响。锋面及锋面、气旋先后相继影响与500hPa上的强高压脊天气形势、强风与锋面带中纹理非常不均匀区域有密切关系。  相似文献   
To assess the performances of state-of-the-art global climate models on simulating the Arctic clouds and surface radiation balance, the 2001–2014 Arctic Basin surface radiation budget, clouds, and the cloud radiative effects(CREs) in 22 coupled model intercomparison project 6(CMIP6) models are evaluated against satellite observations. For the results from CMIP6 multi-model mean, cloud fraction(CF) peaks in autumn and is lowest in winter and spring, consistent with that from three satellite observation products(Cloud Sat-CALIPSO, CERESMODIS, and APP-x). Simulated CF also shows consistent spatial patterns with those in observations. However,almost all models overestimate the CF amount throughout the year when compared to CERES-MODIS and APP-x.On average, clouds warm the surface of the Arctic Basin mainly via the longwave(LW) radiation cloud warming effect in winter. Simulated surface energy loss of LW is less than that in CERES-EBAF observation, while the net surface shortwave(SW) flux is underestimated. The biases may result from the stronger cloud LW warming effect and SW cooling effect from the overestimated CF by the models. These two biases compensate each other,yielding similar net surface radiation flux between model output(3.0 W/m~2) and CERES-EBAF observation(6.1 W/m~2). During 2001–2014, significant increasing trend of spring CF is found in the multi-model mean,consistent with previous studies based on surface and satellite observations. Although most of the 22 CMIP6 models show common seasonal cycles of CF and liquid water path/ice water path(LWP/IWP), large inter-model spreads exist in the amounts of CF and LWP/IWP throughout the year, indicating the influences of different cloud parameterization schemes used in different models. Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project(CFMIP)observation simulator package(COSP) is a great tool to accurately assess the performance of climate models on simulating clouds. More intuitive and credible evaluation results can be obtained based on the COSP model output. In the future, with the release of more COSP output of CMIP6 models, it is expected that those inter-model spreads and the model-observation biases can be substantially reduced. Longer term active satellite observations are also necessary to evaluate models' cloud simulations and to further explore the role of clouds in the rapid Arctic climate changes.  相似文献   
ObservationofcloudsandsolarradiationoverthePacificOceanasrelationtoglobalclimate¥FarnParungo;ClarenceNagamoto;CeciliaM.I.R.Gi...  相似文献   
硅微条探测器具有位置分辨高、响应快、低噪声、低功耗等优点,广泛应用在各大加速器试验中,测量粒子径迹.新世纪以来,逐渐应用于空间探测领域.计划中的"悟空"2号暗物质粒子探测卫星的硅微条探测器将至数十万计,将产生海量的原始数据.如何实现探测器快速实时的数据压缩,是其需要解决的一大难题.立足于面向空间应用的硅微条探测器在轨实时压缩算法,算法采用FPGA (Field-programmable Gate Array)搭建流水线结构的方式实现,在提高系统集成度、节省逻辑资源的同时,批量数据处理时最高可将数据压缩率提升至38.4 M通道/s.算法结构具有通用性,设计思想和方案将为"悟空"2号的径迹探测器的研制提供参考.  相似文献   
随着智能移动终端和社交媒体的普及,带有地理标签的社交媒体数据大量涌现,其“文本—位置—时间”的多维特征使得精细时空尺度上的旅游者情绪感知成为可能。该文基于2017-2019年旅游者发布的新浪微博数据,采用BERT模型对微博数据进行文本分析,探讨旅游者情绪的时空分布规律及不同主题下旅游者的情绪特征,并分析导致旅游者产生负面情绪的相关因素。研究发现,微博中旅游者情绪呈现昼夜、周和季节性节律变化,不同性别旅游者在情绪反应强度及情绪节律上存在差异,对“天气”和“餐饮”主题易产生强烈情绪。该文提出的旅游者情绪挖掘方法可从多维度、多层次挖掘旅游者情绪特征,为旅游目的地舆情监测和预警系统提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Water is a dominant component of volcanic clouds and has fundamental control on very fine particle deposition. Particle size characteristics of distal tephra-fall (100s km from source volcano) have a higher proportion of very fine particles compared to predictions based on single particle settling rates. In this study, sedimentological analyses of fallout from for the 18 August and 16–17 September 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak, Alaska, are combined with satellite observations, and cloud trajectory and microphysics modeling to investigate meteorological influences on particle sedimentation. Total grain size distributions of tephra fallout were reconstructed for both Crater Peak eruptions and indicate a predominance of fine particles < 125 μm. Polymodal analysis of the deposits has identified a particle subpopulation with mode ~ 15–18 μm involved in particle aggregation. Accounting for the magmatic water source only, calculated ice water content of the 3.7 hour old September 1992 Spurr cloud was ~ 4.5 × 10− 2 g m− 3 (based on an estimated cloud thickness of ~ 1000 m from trajectory modeling). Hydrometeor formation on particles in the volcanic cloud and subsequent sublimation may induce a cloud base instability that leads to rapid bulk (en masse) sedimentation of very fine particles through a mammatus-like mechanism.  相似文献   
光学卫星影像云覆盖时空特征评估是衡量其作为重要遥感监测数据源的前提。Sentinel-2 A/B影像因其免费获取、多光谱(红边)、更高时空分辨率等优势,已在全球不同尺度陆面植被与生态监测中受到重视。相较于Landsat等同类影像产品,有关Sentinel-2 A/B的云覆盖分析还未见报道。本文利用2016—2018年老挝北部所有5288景Sentinel-2 A/B影像(Granule/Tile)的云覆盖元数据,基于不同云覆盖阈值(0~100%)水平下的影像获取概率差异确定了影像获取概率分析的云覆盖适宜阈值,并揭示了云量特征阈值水平下的影像获取概率时空差异。主要结论如下:① Sentinel-2 A/B影像获取概率分析云覆盖适宜特征阈值为20%(即云覆盖≤20%),该阈值水平下老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像的逐月累积平均获取概率最高(约27.41%);② 在20%云覆盖阈值水平下,老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率差异在时间上与旱季(11月—次年4月)雨季(5月—10月)的时间分布较为吻合。旱季获取概率约为42.91%,3月概率(50.27%)最大,4月与2月次之,时间上与刀耕火种焚烧与橡胶林落叶特征吻合;雨季相应概率约为11.81%,6月最低(约1.26%);③ 老挝北部Sentinel-2 A/B影像逐月累积平均获取概率在空间上存在东西差异,旱季西部省域单元(如琅南塔)影像获取概率远高于东部,雨季西部地区影像获取概率则略低于东部地区。本研究既可为后续开展大区及全球Sentinel-2 A/B影像云量分析提供借鉴,也对开展联合国减少森林砍伐和退化排放(UN-REDD)计划引发的土地利用变化如刀耕火种农业演变、橡胶林扩张等遥感监测有指导意义。  相似文献   
High-performance simulation of flow dynamics remains a major challenge in the use of physical-based, fully distributed hydrologic models. Parallel computing has been widely used to overcome efficiency limitation by partitioning a basin into sub-basins and executing calculations among multiple processors. However, existing partition-based parallelization strategies are still hampered by the dependency between inter-connected sub-basins. This study proposed a particle-set strategy to parallelize the flow-path network (FPN) model for achieving higher performance in the simulation of flow dynamics. The FPN model replaced the hydrological calculations on sub-basins with the movements of water packages along the upstream and downstream flow paths. Unlike previous partition-based task decomposition approaches, the proposed particle-set strategy decomposes the computational workload by randomly allocating runoff particles to concurrent computing processors. Simulation experiments of the flow routing process were undertaken to validate the developed particle-set FPN model. The outcomes of hourly outlet discharges were compared with field gauged records, and up to 128 computing processors were tested to explore its speedup capability in parallel computing. The experimental results showed that the proposed framework can achieve similar prediction accuracy and parallel efficiency to that of the Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)-based Real-Time Integrated Basin Simulator (tRIBS).  相似文献   
基于R树的分布式并行空间索引机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高分布式并行计算环境下海量空间数据管理与并行化处理的效率,基于并行空间索引机制的研究,设计一种多层并行R树空间索引结构。该索引结构以高效率的并行空间数据划分策略为基础,以经典的并行计算方法论为依据,使其结构设计在保证能够获得较好的负载平衡性能的前提下,更适合于海量空间数据的并行化处理。以空间范围查询并行处理的系统响应时间为性能评估指标,通过实验证明并行空间索引结构具有设计合理、性能高效的特点。  相似文献   
以激光点云数据和倾斜多视影像为研究对象,提出了一种结合机载点云、地面点云及倾斜多视纹理的融合多源特征的建筑物三维模型重建方法。该方法结合点云面元以及影像边界特征,利用倾斜影像的线特征对顶面及立面模型进行边界规则约束,实现了面元自动拓扑重建;通过交互编辑完成不同复杂程度的建筑模型重建,并对模型进行纹理映射。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效提升城市建筑物三维模型重建的效率和边界精度,为利用多源数据的空地联合建筑物三维精细重建提供了一套切实可行的解决方案。  相似文献   
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