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坐标系转换参数初值快速计算的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在已知不共线3点在两坐标系下坐标的条件下,提出一种快速计算两坐标系间转换参数概略值的方法。通过已知的3点构造出一个新的坐标系,根据该坐标系可计算出待求的两坐标系分别与它的旋转参数,从而求得待求两坐标系间的旋转参数。再根据旋转参数计算出平移参数的概略值。通过实验验证方法的正确性。  相似文献   
简要介绍了三种不同旋转角下的坐标转换模型,并通过Visual C++6.0编制相应的坐标转换程序,对三种坐标转换模型的精度做对比分析,结果表明根据旋转角的大小选择不同的坐标转换模型对坐标转换精度有直接影响.  相似文献   
A 29-year time-series of four-times-daily atmospheric effective angular momentum (EAM) estimates is used to study the atmospheric influence on nutation. The most important atmospheric contributions are found for the prograde annual (77 μas), retrograde annual (53 as), prograde semiannual (45 as), and for the constant offset of the pole (δψsinɛ0=−86 as, δɛ=77 as). Among them only the prograde semiannual component is driven mostly by the wind term of the EAM function, while in all other cases the pressure term is dominant. These are nonnegligible quantities which should be taken into account in the new theory of nutation. Comparison with the VLBI corrections to the IAU 1980 nutation model taking into account the ocean tide contribution yields good agreement for the prograde annual and semiannual nutations. We also investigated time variability of the atmospheric contribution to the nutation amplitudes by performing the sliding-window least-squares analysis of both the atmospheric excitation and VLBI nutation data. Almost all detected variations of atmospheric origin can be attributed to the pressure term, the biggest being the in-phase annual prograde component (about 30 as) and the retrograde one (as much as 100200 as). These variations, if physical, limit the precision of classical modeling of nutation to the level of 0.1 mas. Comparison with the VLBI data shows significant correlation for the retrograde annual nutation after 1989, while for the prograde annual term there is a high correlation in shape but the size of the atmospherically driven variations is about three times less than deduced from the VLBI data. This discrepancy in size can be attributed either to inaccuracy of the theoretical transfer function or the frequency-dependent ocean response to the pressure variations. Our comparison also yields a considerably better agreement with the VLBI nutation data when using the EAM function without the IB correction for ocean response, which indicates that this correction is not adequate for nearly diurnal variations. Received: 10 September 1997 / Accepted: 5 March 1998  相似文献   
曲线的弯曲识别方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一新的弯曲识别方法及其相应的算法,实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
针对传统的三维基准转换模型局限于求取小角度的三维基准间转换参数的缺点,提出了一种适用于大角度的三维基准转换参数求解模型。利用实测数据和模拟数据对此模型进行了验证,结果表明,所提出的算法适用于任意角度的三维基准转换,既可利用传统的最小二乘方法估计坐标转换参数,又可利用整体最小二乘方法进行参数求解,可靠性高,解算速度快。  相似文献   
适用于大旋转角的三维基准转换的一种简便模型   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
基于大角度的空间直角坐标转换,提出了以方向余弦为参数、适用于任何角度旋转的空间直角坐标转换的简明计算方法。  相似文献   
利用GPS观测资料解算地球自转参数,用全球均匀分布的22个IGS跟踪站(IGS05)的连续观测资料估计地球自转参数(ERP),并与IERSC04(UTC0时)的结果相比较,二者相差很小,均在IERS的ERP估计精度范围之内。基于即将建成的COMPASS全球连续监测与评估系统跟踪站,选择其网的8个IGS跟踪站的资料进行了解算并进行了分析和比对。  相似文献   
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