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Abstract. Several epithermal gold deposits occur in the Hoshino area, which is located in the western end of the late Cenozoic Hohi volcanic zone, north‐central Kyushu, Japan. The area is characterized by intermediate to felsic extrusive rocks of Pliocene age. In the Hoshino area, the shallow manifestation of the hydrothermal activity is exposed on the surface. Several outcrops of sinter are still preserved on the top of hydro thermally altered volcanic rocks, and high‐grade gold‐bearing quartz veins occur on the surface at lower levels. The hydrothermal alteration resulted into well‐developed alteration zones. The zonal alteration pattern, primarily of near‐neutral pH type, is characterized by the outer smectite zone of a lower temperature, and the inner mixed layer minerals zone of a higher temperature. Quartz vein‐related or fracture‐controlled alteration, is represented by the occurrence of interstratified illite/smectite and K‐feldspar, suggesting a potassium‐enriched alteration. The mineralization in the Hoshino area is recognized on the surface by the occurrence of gold‐bearing quartz veins distributed mainly in the mixed layer minerals zone. The fracture system related to the gold mineralization is mainly characterized by NW‐SE trend. The alteration pattern and the mineralogical composition of the veins suggest that the mineralizing fluids had near‐neutral pH and the mineralization is of low‐sulfidation‐type. Fluid inclusion data and textures observed in quartz veins indicate that gold precipitated during boiling. The chemical composition of quartz veins shows that high‐grade gold‐bearing quartz veins are characterized by higher content of Al2O3, K2O and Rb. Several outcrops of silica‐sinters are distributed on the top of the mixed layer minerals zone. Although their structures are not very well preserved, because of later silicification, the Hoshino sinters still show characteristic textures identical to those observed in modern sinters, such as the presence of plant fossil incorporated into the sinters, the strongly developed depositional laminations and the columnar structures perpendicular to the depositional surfaces. Quartz is the only silica mineral constituting the Hoshino sinters presently. The conversion of amorphous silica into quartz was probably governed by higher temperatures resulting from later hydrothermal activity. This later hydrothermal activity is reflected by the intense silicification affecting mainly the lower parts of the sinters and also by the presence of quartz veins cutting the sinters. The distribution of sinters in the Hoshino area is very significant. The presence beneath the sinters of concealed high‐grade gold‐bearing quartz veins should be highly considered and exploration work is strongly suggested.  相似文献   
Rivers, chemical weathering and Earth's climate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We detail the results of recent studies describing and quantifying the large-scale chemical weathering of the main types of continental silicate rocks: granites and basalts. These studies aim at establishing chemical weathering laws for these two lithologies, describing the dependence of chemical weathering on environmental parameters, such as climate and mechanical erosion. As shown within this contribution, such mathematical laws are of primary importance for numerical models calculating the evolution of the partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 and the Earth climate at geological timescales. The major results can be summarized as follow: (1) weathering of continental basaltic lithologies accounts for about 30% of the total consumption of atmospheric CO2 through weathering of continental silicate rocks. This is related to their high weatherability (about eight times greater than the granite weatherability); (2) a simple weathering law has been established for basaltic lithologies, giving the consumption of atmospheric CO2 as a function of regional continental runoff, and mean annual regional temperature; (3) no such simple weathering law can be proposed for granitic lithologies, since the effect of temperature can only be identified for regions displaying high continental runoff; (4) a general law relating mechanical erosion and chemical weathering has been validated on small and large catchments. The consequences of these major advances on the climatic evolution of the Earth are discussed. Particularly, the impacts of the onset of the Deccan trapps and the Himalayan orogeny on the global carbon cycle are reinvestigated. To cite this article: B. Dupré et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
我国盐湖钾盐资源现状及提钾工艺技术进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
中国是一个农业大国, 钾肥缺口很大。中国又是一个多盐湖的国家, 盐湖中蕴藏着丰富的钾盐资源, 有望解决中国的缺钾问题。中国已经建立了青海察尔汗和新疆罗布泊两个钾肥生产基地, 但还是远远满足不了国内钾肥需求, 70%需要依赖进口。因此, 有必要继续加强钾盐开发研究, 建立新的钾肥生产基地。通过长期攻关, 我国氯化物型和硫酸盐型盐湖形成了比较成熟的提钾工艺路线, 但是, 碳酸盐型盐湖提钾研究刚刚起步。本文对青海察尔汗盐湖和新疆罗布泊盐湖两大中国钾肥生产基地的资源及生产工艺进行了分析研究, 其成功的开发经验可用来指导我国同类型其他盐湖钾资源的开发; 探讨了开发我国碳酸盐型盐湖钾盐的可行之路, 碳酸盐型盐湖通过技术创新, 可以在盐湖现场获得钾肥产品; 指出我国不同水化学类型的盐湖应采取不同的资源利用工艺路线。  相似文献   
谢意红 《地质科学译丛》2010,(2):7-10,I0001
目前,在国内珠宝首饰市场出现了一种被称作Larimar的宝石。对来自广州珠宝市场的Larimar样品的宝石学特征、化学成分、X射线粉末衍射和红外光谱进行了测试。结果表明,该Larimar样品的主要矿物组成为针钠钙石,含有极少量的辉铜矿和一种未能确定种属的含Cu硫化物。其紫外-可见吸收光谱分析表明,该Larimar样品的吸收特征与Cu有关。结合样品的吸收光谱特征、宝石学特征和化学成分推测,Larimar样品的蓝色可能与分布于针钠钙石中的含Cu硫化物有关。Larimar种属的确定对其鉴定及名称的规范有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
关广岳  张基敏 《地质论评》1994,40(2):126-130
在位于冀东地区海拔1840多米的都山顶峰,笔者首次发现了雷暴风化作用,并目睹了雷暴风化作用的进行。在都山顶部,发现了雷暴风化砾石堆,分析了雷暴风化作用的物理依据,估算出一次雷暴作用所释放能量的0.07%-0.007%就可使1m^3的花岗岩断裂。阐述了雷暴风化作用的时空分布规律,指出雷暴风化作用主要发生在低纬度近山地地区。气候比较温暖且降水量较多的地史时期是雷暴风化作用较发育阶段。对于中国东部中低山  相似文献   
NIU  YAOLING 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(12):2423-2458
This paper presents the first comprehensive major and traceelement data for 130 abyssal peridotite samples from the Pacificand Indian ocean ridge–transform systems. The data revealimportant features about the petrogenesis of these rocks, mantlemelting and melt extraction processes beneath ocean ridges,and elemental behaviours. Although abyssal peridotites are serpentinized,and have also experienced seafloor weathering, magmatic signaturesremain well preserved in the bulk-rock compositions. The betterinverse correlation of MgO with progressively heavier rare earthelements (REE) reflects varying amounts of melt depletion. Thismelt depletion may result from recent sub-ridge mantle melting,but could also be inherited from previous melt extraction eventsfrom the fertile mantle source. Light REE (LREE) in bulk-rocksamples are more enriched, not more depleted, than in the constituentclinopyroxenes (cpx) of the same sample suites. If the cpx LREErecord sub-ridge mantle melting processes, then the bulk-rockLREE must reflect post-melting refertilization. The significantcorrelations of LREE (e.g. La, Ce, Pr, Nd) with immobile highfield strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Nb and Zr) suggest thatenrichments of both LREE and HFSE resulted from a common magmaticprocess. The refertilization takes place in the ‘cold’thermal boundary layer (TBL) beneath ridges through which theascending melts migrate and interact with the advanced residues.The refertilization apparently did not affect the cpx relicsanalyzed for trace elements. This observation suggests grain-boundaryporous melt migration in the TBL. The ascending melts may notbe thermally ‘reactive’, and thus may have affectedonly cpx rims, which, together with precipitated olivine, entrappedmelt, and the rest of the rock, were subsequently serpentinized.Very large variations in bulk-rock Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios areobserved, which are unexpected. The correlation between thetwo ratios is consistent with observations on basalts that DZr/DHf< 1 and DNb/DTa < 1. Given the identical charges (5+ forNb and Ta; 4+ for Zr and Hf) and essentially the same ionicradii (RNb/RTa = 1·000 and RZr/RHf = 1·006–1·026),yet a factor of 2 mass differences (MZr/MHf = 0·511 andMNb/MTa = 0·513), it is hypothesized that mass-dependentD values, or diffusion or mass-transfer rates may be importantin causing elemental fractionations during porous melt migrationin the TBL. It is also possible that some ‘exotic’phases with highly fractionated Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios may existin these rocks, thus having ‘nugget’ effects onthe bulk-rock analyses. All these hypotheses need testing byconstraining the storage and distribution of all the incompatibletrace elements in mantle peridotite. As serpentine containsup to 13 wt % H2O, and is stable up to 7 GPa before it is transformedto dense hydrous magnesium silicate phases that are stable atpressures of 5–50 GPa, it is possible that the serpentinizedperidotites may survive, at least partly, subduction-zone dehydration,and transport large amounts of H2O (also Ba, Rb, Cs, K, U, Sr,Pb, etc. with elevated U/Pb ratios) into the deep mantle. Thelatter may contribute to the HIMU component in the source regionsof some oceanic basalts. KEY WORDS: abyssal peridotites; serpentinization; seafloor weathering; bulk-rock major and trace element compositions; mantle melting; melt extraction; melt–residue interaction; porous flows; Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf fractionations; HIMU mantle sources  相似文献   
化学生态调控对鳌山湾氮磷营养盐的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鳌山湾,是一个营养类型特殊的海湾,湾中基本无径流输入,呈“C”字形,封闭性较强,水较浅,湾内主要有筏式扇贝养殖和底播贝类养殖,沿岸有滩涂池塘养殖.根据1996年11月至1998年5月的调查结果得知,鳌山湾海域为贫营养海域[1,2].为探讨贫营养海域进行化学生态调控的可能性,利用鳌山湾的封闭性,根据其水交换规律[3],于1999年6月首次对鳌山湾进行了全湾规模较大的化学生态调控试验,旨在有效提高鳌山湾的营养水平,为今后在贫营养海域合理发展海水养殖业提供科学依据,获得了十分理想的效果.  相似文献   
Marine manganese nodules and crusts, when processed, yield tailings which may be utilized for environmental and economic benefit. The key to the reasonable and effective utilization of these tailings lies in making a systematic appraisal of their composition and properties. This article gives an introduction to the investigation of manganese tailings properties. The tailings have a high iron and/or manganese content, high surface area, high porosity, and fine grain size. Some tailings have a high rare earth element content which is valuable. They may also have high SO3, arsenic, and uranium contents which are harmful. Depending on the process used to produce the tailings, there will likely be some differences in chemical composition, mineral assemblages, surface area and adsorption capability, pore diameter and volume, density and pH. In assigning potentially beneficial applications for these tailings, these differences should be taken into account to optimize utilization.  相似文献   
南堡油田保持中深层泥页岩井壁稳定钻井液研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南堡油田中深层钻井过程中,东二、东三、沙一段泥页岩的剥落掉块经常造成井壁坍塌掉块、钻具阻卡、电测遇阻等井下复杂情况。分析了中深层泥页岩的理化特性,研究探讨了泥页岩的坍塌机理。在此基础上,提出了选用强封堵抑制型钻井液是有效抑制中深层泥页岩剥落掉块的根本措施。这一研究成果对于在南堡油田中深层开发工程中提高钻速、减少井下复杂情况发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   
对两种原油进行混合配比实验,将混合后油样置于人工气候箱进行风化模拟实验,采用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)检测风化样品中的生物标志化合物,短期风化作用对混合溢油的油指纹、生物标志化合物诊断指标等的影响。结果表明,混合溢油的正构烷烃总质量变化与单一原油油品的变化规律相近,即前期风化较快,质量减损较多,而后期风化趋缓,不同混合比例的溢油表现差异不明显。常用于短期风化的诊断比值对各混合油样的风化具有指示意义,但难以定性鉴别油品是否发生混合。重复性限法检验只能判定短期风化过程前后的油样为同一油源,而难以反映油样是否为混合油源的特征,各诊断比值的RSD%值较大可能是混合溢油的一个表现。  相似文献   
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