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A detailed analysis of the diatoms from the sedimentary sequence exposed in Abu Qada basin, west central Sinai, was used to determine the palaeoenvironmental changes during the Lower to Middle Miocene. A total of 85 diatom species and varieties belonging to 37 genera were identified from 154 samples collected throughout the stratigraphic succession. The lithological characters of the studied samples varied between sandstone, silty interbeds, sandy shales, shales, and terminated with anhydrite and limestones. These rock units are included in two lithostratigraphic formations (Rudies and Kareem), which are separated by a marked unconformity. The distribution and preservation of fossil diatoms in the sedimentary record are examined with the aim of outlining the temporal and spatial variation in the composition of the diatom assemblages, in order to estimate the changes in depositional environments during the Lower to Middle Miocene. The distributional pattern of the recorded diatom taxa distinguished four diatom eco-zones. The environment of each eco-zone is deduced and a proposed paleobathymetric change and depositional history of the Miocene sediments in the studied area are given.  相似文献   
吴浩  李才  解超明  范建军  陈景文 《地质通报》2018,37(8):1428-1438
龙木错-双湖-澜沧江缝合带将羌塘板块划分为南、北2个次级板块,在缝合带两侧大规模发育晚三叠世岩浆作用,并伴随大量的高压超高压变质岩。在缝合带以南的日湾茶卡地区识别出一套安山岩,其中发育大量的暗色闪长质捕虏体,锆石U-Pb测年结果在安山岩中获得了364.7±1.9Ma和223.9±1.3Ma两组年龄信息,锆石原位Hf同位素测试结果εHf(t)分别为+7.22~+8.69和-5.94~-4.14。结合羌塘中部已有的研究成果,认为闪长质捕虏体形成于晚泥盆世洋壳俯冲背景,是地幔楔部分熔融底侵至地壳的产物;而安山岩形成于晚三叠世碰撞后伸展背景,是深部板片断离机制下深俯冲陆壳边缘一侧熔体混染晚泥盆世新生地壳的产物。安山岩中闪长质捕虏体的发现支持了俯冲带作为大陆生长的重要场所的观点。  相似文献   
Zircon U–Pb dating of two samples of metagabbro from the Riwanchaka ophiolite yielded early Carboniferous ages of 354.4 ± 2.3 Ma and 356.7 ± 1.9 Ma. Their positive zircon εHf(t) values (+7.9 to +9.9) indicate that these rocks were derived from a relatively depleted mantle. The metagabbros can be considered as two types: R1 and R2. Both types are tholeiitic, with depletion of high-field-strength elements (HFSE) and enrichment of large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) similar to those of typical back-arc basin basalts (BABB), such as Mariana BABB and East Scotia Ridge BABB. Geochemical and isotopic characteristics indicate that the R1 metagabbro originated from a back-arc basin spreading ridge with addition of slab-derived fluids, whereas the R2 metagabbro was derived from a back-arc basin mantle source, with involvement of melts and fluids from subducted ocean crust. The Riwanchaka ophiolite exhibits both mid-ocean ridge basalts- and arc-like geochemical affinities, consistent with coeval ophiolites from central Qiangtang. Observations indicate that the Qiangtang ophiolites developed during the Late Devonian–early Carboniferous (D3–C1) in a back-arc spreading ridge above an intra-oceanic subduction zone. Based on our data and previous studies, we propose that an oceanic back-arc basin system existed in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancang Palaeo-Tethys Ocean during the D3–C1 period.  相似文献   
北方集中供热系统气象风险评估初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈莉  李帅 《冰川冻土》2018,40(6):1285-1290
供热管网爆裂、跑冒滴漏是北方集中供热城市面临的常见问题,供热管网出现大型故障往往是在室外寒冷的隆冬时节,如果间断或限额供热时间过长,将会造成严重的社会和经济影响。同时在极端低温情况下,可能会造成热源供应不足,出现限额供热现象,不能保证室内舒适度,影响人们的正常生活。本文提出了能源供应气象风险评估和热网维修寒冷风险评估方法,并进行了案例评估,以期为未来进行相关风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   
为研究海平面上升对潮滩-潮沟系统的影响,以江苏中部粉砂淤泥质海岸为原型,建立变态物理模型,模拟研究在不同海平面潮汐过程作用下的潮沟发育和演变过程,分析了潮滩淹没历时、排水密度、潮沟断面形态等特征参数变化规律。研究表明:潮沟在发育初期伸长速率高于拓宽速率,最终趋于动态平衡;海平面上升后,潮滩淹没历时增加,露滩时间缩短,归槽水对潮沟底床的塑造作用减弱;平均归槽水流长度和Horton排水长度均随海平面上升呈现出减小趋势,潮沟的排水能力增强;潮沟断面宽深比服从对数正态分布,随着海平面上升,潮沟断面面积和宽深比均呈现出增大趋势,宽深比分布范围变广。  相似文献   
High-resolution loess deposits are widely distributed in Arid Central Asia (ACA) and provide important records associated with dust transportation, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic evolution. The chronology is the foundation of the research into loess deposits as an environmental archive. In recent decades, the gradually developed optical dating method has been increasingly matured and become an important approach to establishing the loess-paleosol sequences. Here, we summarized and discussed previous work on loess chronology mainly based on optical dating approach in ACA. The following understandings have been listed: ① In comparison with optical dating method, the suitable material for 14C dating is uncommon in ACA. However, the dating range of luminescence dating is more extensive, and the dating materials are accessible. Thus, the optical dating is widely applicable in the establishment of loess framework in this area. ② Until now, the quartz Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) method can be applied to the establishment of loess-paleosol sequence since last glacial period. But several issues remain unaddressed. For example, the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signal sensitivity of quartz grains are low in some areas. Furthermore, the results of OSL dating of different grain sizes within a single sample are inconsistent in some areas. The solution of these problems still requires more methodological research. ③ The post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) and multiple elevated temperature stimulation (MET-pIRIR) protoCols of feldspar have basically overcome the anomalous fading issue in the traditional IRSL dating process. In ACA, the framework since MIS 7 can be established with K-feldspar luminescence dating method. Compared with quartz luminescence characteristics, the K-feldspar luminescence signals are more sensitive and exhibit a high saturation level. In specific applications, it is necessary to establish the age frame according to the luminescence sensitivity, the age of samples or other factors.  相似文献   
余成  葛伟亚  常晓军 《江苏地质》2018,42(2):345-348
针对苏南地区典型露采边坡的地层岩性及地质构造特点,以极限平衡理论为基础,运用GeoStudio软件中的SLOPE/W模块和VADOSE/W模块计算分析江苏丹阳天王寺边坡在天然工况、暴雨工况及地震工况下的稳定性。结果表明:天然工况下,潜在滑动面分布范围最小,稳定性最高,存在滑动的危险性;暴雨工况下,潜在滑动面分布范围有所增大,稳定性降低,边坡滑动的可能性较大;地震工况下,潜在滑动面分布范围最广,稳定性最低,边坡滑动的可能性很大。基于上述结果,提出防治措施。  相似文献   
渠芳  连承波  柴震瀚  任冠雄 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67050011-67050011
孔隙性砂岩中的变形带研究近年来取得长足进展,但有关单条变形带与簇状变形带如何区分和界定仍是一个较模糊的问题。本文以远安地堑上白垩统红花套组高孔砂岩中发育的剪切增强压实带和压实剪切带为例,对单条及簇状变形带的特征和区别做出系统分析。研究表明,虽然单条变形带的长度、宽度、错断位移、凸起高度等均明显小于簇状变形带,但是不同运动学成因的变形带宏观特征、微观结构不同,因此不能单纯以规模大小区分二者,需要结合带密度将簇状变形带与变形带列、网格构造等相区分,还需要结合其微观结构特征进行准确鉴定。单条及簇状剪切增强压实带特征类似,均不具核心碎裂带,颗粒主要为中等破碎,多表现为多个不连续分布的碎裂核。簇状剪切增强压实带内部的非均质性更强。单条压实剪切带具有核心碎裂带,依剪切力大小不同,其核心碎裂带内颗粒粉碎程度及边缘过渡带宽度不同,常伴随微小剪切缝痕迹。簇状压实剪切带在镜下可清晰识别出不同的核心碎裂带、带间区域及微小剪切缝,可见S—C组构和断续分布的滑动面。单条及簇状变形带的发育会不同程度地改变储层的物性并可能会对油气运移和开采产生影响。  相似文献   
汤倩  闫玉茹  王敏京 《江苏地质》2021,45(3):283-289
海岸是陆地与海洋相互接触和影响的地带,通常指受波浪和潮汐等海洋动力作用的沿岸地带,同时也是人类社会经济发展的重要地带,大型人类工程往往会对其短期地貌变化和沉积物特征产生巨大影响。沉积物粒度分析是研究海洋沉积作用及过程的一个基础的、重要的方法,通过射阳港海岸动力地貌调查,研究了射阳港区不同时期的水下沉积物分布特征,将不同历史时期海图的等深线对海床冲淤变化进行对比分析,认为双导堤完工后导堤口区域出现了明显冲刷,导堤两侧出现淤积,沉积物颗粒变细,表明港口工程等局部影响因素会在短期内显著改变水动力地貌。  相似文献   
区域性中心城市辐射力及其评价--以郑州市为例   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
冯德显  贾晶  乔旭宁 《地理科学》2006,26(3):266-272
文章以郑州市为例,主要研究了区域性中心城市辐射力指标体系,采用层次分析法对所研究指标进行了赋值。以此为基础,用裂点法对郑州与周边相邻、相关城市的不同城市要素相互作用的范围进行了分析。找出了郑州作为区域性中心城市的影响区域、发展优势和不足,并就提高郑州辐射力的途径、措施进行了研究。  相似文献   
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