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南京周家山下蜀黄土石英颗粒特征及其物源意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
下蜀黄土的成因和物源一直是学术界研究的热点。对南京周家山下蜀黄土的石英粒度和石英表面微结构进行分析,结果显示:粉砂粒级石英颗粒(5~50 μm)占绝对优势;<20 μm组分平均含量为42.76%,<30 μm组分平均含量为62.98%;粒度分布曲线和累积曲线总体具有颗粒偏细,呈正偏态,分选较差,峰形尖锐,双峰曲线不对称的特征;粒级-标准偏差曲线呈“双峰”分布,两个明显的标准偏差峰值分别出现在7.962 1 μm和39.905 2 μm。石英颗粒表面形态主要以次棱角状为主;表面机械结构具有丰富的蝶形坑、曲脊、贝壳状断口,部分表面出现平行节理面、V形坑;不同粒级组分表面形态和机械结构特征存在差异。分析表明,南京周家山下蜀黄土属典型风成成因堆积物,是多源区物质高度混合搬运堆积的结果。  相似文献   
为了进一步了解海岛岬湾海岸表层沉积物粒度的时空分布特征和形成机制,作者以福建东山岛乌礁湾为典型研究区,通过秋、春、夏3个不同季节海滩表层沉积物的采集和点位测量,综合应用激光法和筛析法进行粒度测定。结果表明,东山乌礁湾海滩表层沉积物以0.16~0.50 mm之间的中、细砂为主,并含有少量的粗砂和细砾,这与区域砂质沉积背景有关;湾内从南到北剖面沉积物粒径由粗砂到细砂逐渐变细,主要受剖面地形、局地物源、季节性风浪作用和近岸往复水动力的影响。时间变化上,各取样站位表现出沉积物粒径粗、细不同程度的多种变化趋势,以秋季为参考,整体上表现为由南到北粒级的变小、增大和稳定,这与东北、南南西季风影响下的浪、潮作用以及沿岸流系格局变化下的水动力环境有关。  相似文献   
青藏高原东北缘是柴达木沙尘暴东移的必经之道和沉降区,对青藏高原东北部降尘时空分异特征进行分析,有助于认识青藏高原区域粉尘输送的现代过程和机制。2013年12月至2015年5月分别在青海湖小泊湖(XBH)、西宁多巴(DB)、西宁青海师大科技楼顶(KJLD)设置降尘缸,进行湿法收集。对其降尘通量和粒度特征进行了时空分异特征分析,结果显示,1)西宁地区2014年降尘通量为442~542 g/m~2·a,青海湖XBH采集点指示的2014年降尘通量为415 g/m~2·a,降尘通量年际变化较大,各站点降尘通量季节变化趋势一致,降尘主要集中在冬春季,夏季降尘通量最低;2)各站点降尘粒度组成特征非常相似,以粉砂为主(4~63μm),西宁地区尘暴与非尘暴降尘粒度频率曲线呈近似正态分布,尘暴期间降尘粒径较非尘暴时段大;3)XBH、DB和KJLD 3点所有样品平均粒径分别为37μm、34μm和31μm,中值粒径分别为31μm、27μm和26μm;对比低海拔兰州尘暴粒径特征,发现降尘粒径存在一定的海拔依赖性,即粒度随海拔增高逐渐变粗。  相似文献   
Regional scale morphological studies on different-sized polymetallic nodules from the Central Indian Basin show that only 2–5 cm sized nodules have highest occurrence per station (92–94% along latitudes; 88–94% along longitudes). A nodule size shows an inverse relationship with the nodule distribution, grade, and abundance. Interestingly, only 3–4 and 4–5 cm sized nodules have highest grade, abundance, and distribution percentages along longitudes in P1, first generation mine site and relinquished area, which further implies that the nodule mining along the longitude would be beneficial. Different-sized nodule groups suggest their formation under variable environmental conditions that existed in the Central Indian Basin. The coexistence of different-sized nodules suggests different environmental conditions existed in the Central Indian Basin.  相似文献   
LA‐ICP‐MS is increasingly applied to obtain quantitative multi‐element data with minimal sample preparation, usually achieved by calibration using reference materials (RMs). However, some ubiquitous RMs, for example the NIST SRM 61× series glasses, suffer from reported value uncertainties for certain elements. Moreover, no long‐term data set of analyses conducted over a range of ablation and tuning conditions exists. Thus, there has been little rigorous examination of the extent to which offsets between measured and reported values are the result of error in these values rather than analytically induced fractionation. We present new software (‘LA‐MINE’), capable of extracting LA‐ICP‐MS data with no user input, and apply this to our system, yielding over 5 years of data (~ 5700 analyses of ten glass and carbonate RMs). We examine the relative importance of systematic analytical bias and possible error in reported values through a mass‐specific breakdown of fourteen of the most commonly determined elements. Furthermore, these data, obtained under a wide range of different ablation conditions, enable specific recommendations of how data quality may be improved, for example the role of diatomic gas, the effect of differential inter‐glass fractionation factors and choice of transport tubing material. Finally, these data demonstrate that the two‐volume Laurin ablation cell is characterised by no discernible spatial heterogeneity in measured trace element ratios.  相似文献   
利用常规资料、区域自动站加密资料、探空资料、GFS 0.25°×0.25°逐6h的分析场数据和SB多普勒天气雷达资料对2018年5月18日发生在浙中地区的一次强对流天气过程进行分析。结果表明:此次过程产生了脉冲风暴、中等到强多单体风暴和飑线这3种风暴类型,分别出现冰雹、大范围强降水和雷雨大风等强天气。3种风暴的雷达回波在回波形态、强度、垂直结构、平均径向速度、垂直累积液态水含量VIL等特征如下:①脉冲风暴呈块状,初始回波高度在6~9km,强回波所在高度在-10℃等温线附近,强回波值达60dBz以上,VIL值出现跃升且最大值在50kg·m-2以上,冰雹出现在反射率因子核和VIL值迅速下降之后;②中等到强多单体风暴呈带状,大降水效率和"列车效应"是发生大范围强降水的主要原因,雷雨大风天气则与反射率因子核迅速下降、MARC、低层强辐散区有关;③飑线呈弓形回波形态,移速快,引起了大范围的雷雨大风天气。此次过程影响系统多,天气复杂,存在较大预报难点,在短时临近预报技术研究上有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
本文提出了一款基于波导结构的紧凑型电介质加载双极化天线.通过采用在传统波导内加载电介质材料的方法,可以有效减小波导尺寸,从而达到天线小型化的目的.针对波导结构口径天线高后瓣辐射的问题,本文提出了一种在波导金属壁上添加矩形槽孔的方法,该方法的原理不同于扼流环结构.相比之下,矩形槽孔具有结构简单、尺寸小、加工方便等优点.通过电磁场全波仿真分析,可以发现所提出的天线具有阻抗带宽宽(大于40%)、增益高(8.6±0.6 dBi)、辐射性能稳定等优点,有很大的潜力,可以应用在如卫星通信等X波段的各种应用场景中.  相似文献   
Duck's recent finding (R. W. Duck, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1994, 19 , 525–529) that QDa and Md parameters derived from pipette and SediGraph analysis of sediments from Loch Tummel returned similar results can be interpreted in two ways. The observed consistency could result from (i) a general agreement between the methods (as is suggested by Duck) or (ii) from the use of inappropriate parameters (Md and QDa) to describe polymodal distributions.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Oases are unique ecosystems and important residences for our ancestors in arid and semiarid regions of the world, and have deeply been imprinted by human actions, such as Jericho oasis of Jordan Valley, Jarmo oasis of the Euphrates River an…  相似文献   
塔中地区石炭系东河砂岩储层物性影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石炭系东河砂岩储层是塔中地区重要的油气产层,通过对岩石铸体薄片、阴极发光薄片、岩心和钻井等资料的综合分析研究认为,岩石颗粒粒度、砂岩厚度以及成岩作用等是影响本区东河砂岩储层物性的主要因素,其中控制储层物性的主要成岩作用有压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用.  相似文献   
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