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Growth is determined by an organism's physiology, physical environment, and biological conditions, including food availability and any intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions that can affect feeding activity. To analyse how all these factors interact to produce final growth in the herbivorous/detritivorous crab Neohelice granulata, we performed field and laboratory experiments with juveniles and adults from three populations which differed genetically as well as in their physical environment and the organic matter (OM) content in the soil that serves as food. We evaluated (a) growth in the field: Juveniles of the three populations were cross‐transplanted in exclusion cages; (b) effect of the presence of adults on juvenile feeding: We measured the feeding activity of small juveniles in presence/absence of an adult male as potential predator in the field; and (c) effect of diet on cannibalism: We analysed the cannibalistic behavior of adult males from two of the populations in the laboratory after they had received protein‐rich (24%) and protein‐poor (3%) diets. In experiment (a), final size was similar for the crabs from all three origins but growth differed between sites. Experiment (b) showed that the presence of adults interfered with feeding activity at the two sites with lower weight indicators. In experiment (c), we observed that low protein diet increased the cannibalistic behavior of adult males, and this effect was more intense in crabs from the poorest food site. Our results contribute to understanding the set of factors and interactions involved in the response of individuals to the prevailing conditions in natural environments in order to maintain a growth rate, perhaps at the expense of different reserve accumulation. They also enable discussion of the limitations of approaches used in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   
Nearly all adult winkles Oxystele sinensis encountered in the Kalk Bay (Western Cape province, South Africa) shallow subtidal zone were observed to bear a thick, convoluted form of the non-geniculate coralline red alga Spongites discoidea. To understand this association, various data were collected. The results show that O. sinensis is for the most part restricted to the shallow subtidal zone and rockpools, whereas the morphologically similar O. tigrina is largely restricted to the intertidal zone. Fleshy macroalgae were absent from all habitats sampled, with much of the primary substratum being occupied by encrusting algae. Spongites discoidea was restricted to intertidal rockpools and the shallow subtidal zone where O. sinensis was the most abundant winkle. Subtidal specimens of S. discoidea were generally thicker (7.24?mm [SE 0.55] on shells, 6.02?mm [SE 0.67] on boulders) than intertidal specimens (2.39?mm [SE 0.21] on boulders, 1.02?mm [SE 0.09] on bedrock), were more heavily burrowed into (44% [SE 3.32] for subtidal shells, 36% [SE 3.94] for subtidal boulders), and were more weakly attached (2.2?kg [SE 0.58] for subtidal shells, 8.4?kg [SE 0.77] for subtidal boulders). Experimental evidence showed that the coralline has no preference for shells of O. sinensis and that, contrary to our assumption, there is no apparent advantage to the winkle bearing the coralline, other than perhaps for camouflage to avoid predation. The high frequency of the association is more likely due to the substantial overlap in the niches of the coralline and the winkle.  相似文献   
刘海映  张嵩  邢坤  陈雷  张秀芹 《海洋科学》2016,40(11):121-128
为研究口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)仔虾在人工养殖条件下的盐度适应性,作者分别实验分析了盐度突变和渐变对其累积存活率、摄食率和掘穴行为的影响。实验结果表明,仔虾盐度耐受能力较强,突变组的仔虾存活盐度为15~45,渐变组的仔虾存活盐度为5~54;仔虾的适宜盐度为21~33,24 h存活率在80%以上;盐度对口虾蛄的摄食影响较大,突变盐度为21~33时,仔虾摄食较为活跃,低于18或高于42基本不摄食;盐度渐变组摄食活跃范围为19~38,低于9或高于50基本不摄食;盐度突变对口虾蛄仔虾掘穴的影响显著,盐度突变至21和33时,掘穴时间极显著延长。本实验结果可以为口虾蛄的人工养殖和增殖放流提供参考和依据。  相似文献   
The diurnal burrow depth distribution of Talitrus saltator, a sand-beach talitrid amphipod was examined in relation to moisture content and temperature profiles of the substrate. Individuals burrow to depths maintaining a moisture content of between 2·0 and 4·0% irrespective of the temperature profile, and therefore burrow depth is suggested to be regulated primarily by the requirements of the amphipods for an optimal humidity environment.  相似文献   
The effects of the burrowing activity of river crabs on subsurface water movement and piping erosion were studied through a flume experiment. Cohesive field soil was used and constant fluvial head was applied. During the experiments with river crabs, burrows were excavated downwards under the groundwater level. At the outlet of each burrow, the crabs excavated pellets of soil and stacked them in piles, in the form of cone mounds. These mounds acted as effective dams for subsurface outflow, but they sometimes collapsed. The roofs of the burrows also caved in occasionally, whereby the crabs would excavate new burrows. The burrowing activity of the crabs led to marked erosion. In contrast, no marked erosion was observed in experiments without crabs, indicating that piping erosion occurs through the assistance of burrowing activity. It was observed that burrowing activity and piping erosion was pronounced when the hydraulic head was not significantly high (0.21–0.25). Analysis of the potential distribution of the soil mass indicated that the head loss close to the burrow was small in the case of experiments with crabs. This suggests that the burrow enhances rapid discharge of subsurface water. Consequently, burrowing activity was found to play an important role in piping erosion and rapid discharge of subsurface water.  相似文献   
New Zealand estuaries and harbours are subjected to increasing sediment deposition that can smother and bury infaunal communities, yet how coastal species respond to sediment deposition is not well understood. Here, we experimentally examined the effects of native marine sediment deposition on the NZ cockle (Austrovenus stutchburyi). Cockles were found to be highly mobile and capable burrowers, able to resurface within days from beneath 2–25?cm of sediment where no physical disturbance to their natural orientation occurred. Cockles were also resilient to daily (2?cm) reburials. However, following disturbance to their natural orientation, inverted cockles were significantly impeded when buried under 5–10?cm of sediment, with fewer adults resurfacing than sub-adults. Cockle populations are likely to be resilient to native sediment deposition, unless physically disturbed. When disturbed from their natural orientation in the sediment, higher mortality of larger adult-sized cockles would be predicted, with mortality increasing under thicker sediment deposits.  相似文献   
Perinereis aibuhitensis(Grube, 1878) lives in marine sediments of estuary or shoal areas, where substrate has some crucial environmental factors affecting its burrowing and distribution. In order to provide basic data for the habitat selection and suitability evaluations of the artificial aquaculture of P. aibuhitensis, this paper conducted a quantified analysis of its burrowing ability and explored its behavioral preferences in different substrates,including mud(75 μm), fine sand(125–250 μm), medium sand(250–500 μm), coarse sand(500–2 000 μm), gravel(2 000–4 000 μm) and ceramsite(4 000–8 000 μm). The research results revealed that substrate grain size significantly affected the burrowing time, burrowing rate, burrowing depth and distribution rate(P0.01).Moreover, P. aibuhitensis demonstrated preferential selections relating to substrate grain sizes, had higher burrowing ability in ceramsite, mud and fine sand compared with other substrates. The strongest burrowing ability and the highest distribution rate were observed in ceramsite. The study indicated that P. aibuhitensis was sensitive to substrate grain size, which also had an impact on its burrowing process and population distribution.In the natural sea, substrates mainly composed of mud and fine sand are fit for aquaculture and stock enhancement. Based on behavioral preferences and ecological rehabilitation function of P. aibuhitensis, this paper proposes a symbiotic system of marine animals and halophytes, and constructs an ecosystem model of"Marine fish-Halophytes-Perinereis aibuhitensis" with P. aibuhitensis as the link.  相似文献   
Abstract. The burrows of Squilla mantis are described from polyester resin casts taken at two Adriatic sites near Ancona. Typically, burrows had two openings, one of which was larger than the other, and were basically U-shaped. An interesting association with the little-known caridean shrimp Athanas amazone was observed. The sediments occupied by S. mantis were silty sands and sandy muds. Field observations of S. mantis and other species on the same grounds are presented and some information on burrow density is given, derived from burrow counts using underwater television. Burrowing behaviour is described from observations of animals transferred to laboratory aquaria.  相似文献   
Bioturbation has long been considered an antagonist of microbialite development and preservation, because metazoan grazing and burrowing destroy benthic microbial communities. However, metazoan bioturbation, in conjunction with microbial accretion, may have had a significant role in the morphogenesis of some columnar microbialites, as suggested by the case study presented and by some Phanerozoic and Upper Proterozoic analogues discussed here. Late Miocene in age, the studied microbial biostrome developed in a western Mediterranean restricted shallow-water platform dominated by grainy sediments and with a notable influence of bioturbation. This study is focused on the complex accretionary history of the columnar microbialite biostrome and on its striking dark grey colour, which is attributed to Mn-oxyhydroxides precipitated during meteoric diagenesis linked to subaerial exposure. The characteristic columnar structure of the microbialite biostrome has features consistent with an accretionary origin of the columns, but also has features suggesting metazoan disruption. Therefore, a new morphogenetic model for columnar microbialites is presented, highlighting the concomitant roles of microbial accretion, bioturbation and grainy sediment infill of the intercolumn space. Whether this model is an exception or a rule, should be tested on other examples of Phanerozoic and Upper Proterozoic columnar microbialites. Nevertheless, this model is a step forward in understanding the complex microbe–metazoan interactions as constructive coexistence rather than just as destructive competition.  相似文献   
Maldanid polychaetes can be important components of marine benthic communities, playing significant roles in particle subduction or sediment irrigation. Many maldanids are known to inhabit tubes consisting of sediments consolidated by mucus; the structure and composition of these tubes, and their potential impact on benthic environments, are poorly known. We examined the three-dimensional organization of Maldane sarsi tubes, using CT scanning together with analyses of sediment grain size and concentrations of Fe, Mn, organic carbon and bacteria in tube material. M. sarsi tubes consist of stacks of individual consolidated mud disks, surrounding a dense, continuous, inner tube. The tubes of M. sarsi contained fewer fine particles than surrounding sediments, and greater concentrations of Fe, Mn, organic carbon and bacteria, especially in the inner zone. These distributions suggest that tube irrigation affects Fe and Mn oxidation and precipitation in a narrow zone surrounding M. sarsi, and that mucous secretion and potential feeding activities (the hoeing of surface sediments) lead to increases in organic carbon and bacteria in the inner, and deepest parts of the tube. The finding of relict tubes, buried at up to 15 cm depth, indicates a relatively high longevity for these structures and suggests a potential importance in biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   
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