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钱拴  毛留喜  侯英雨  吴门新  王良宇 《气象》2008,34(11):62-68
近几十年来中国90%以上的草地出现退化现象,特别是内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、新疆、青海、西藏等地区,草地退化严重,国家急需掌握气象条件对草地植被生长的影响,了解草地生产力、牲畜承载力以及生态质量状况.为此,在实时获取北方草地气温、降水量、日照时数等气象要素和气象卫星植被指数以及产草量观测资料的基础上,应用模糊数学、集合运算、统计分析等多种方法和"3S"手段,建立了北方草地植被生长气象条件优劣评价、产草量和载畜量预测、草地生态质量监测等模型.2005年以来,利用这些模型逐年评价了气象条件对草地植被生长的优劣影响、预测产草量和载畜量、监测草地生态质量优劣,获得了良好的服务效益.北方草地2007年生态气象监测预测结果表明:所建模型综合了多种资料和技术优势,结果符合实际;形成的综合监测预测技术可为国家保护和恢复草地生态环境提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Based on gradient transport theory or K-theory, turbulent transport in the atmosphere has long been parameterized using the eddy diffusivity. Due to its simplicity, this approach has often been applied in many numerical models but rarely tested with observations. Here, the widely used O’Brien cubic polynomial approach has been validated together with an exponential approach against eddy diffusivity profiles determined from measurements and from large-eddy simulation data in stable conditions. Verification is completed by analyzing the variability effects on pollutant concentrations of two different vertical diffusion (K(z)) schemes incorporated in an atmospheric chemical model. It is shown that the analytical, exponential solution agrees better with observations than the O’Brien profile and should be used henceforth in practical applications.  相似文献   
方红 《辽宁气象》2008,24(1):60-62
将模糊综合评价及马尔可夫链同时运用到空气质量的评价中,可克服大气环境系统所固有的模糊性及随机性。通过1994—1998年芜湖市大气环境监测数据计算表明:不仅预测结果准确,而且由于应用了模糊数学方法,使得结果较为可信,且整个过程计算简单,是一种较适合的方法。  相似文献   
提高暗筒式日照纸感光质量的技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
暗筒式日照计日照纸所用药品品质好坏、配药比例和涂药方法是否得当,是造成日照纸感光质量好坏的主要原因。本文针对部分测报员在日照纸配药、涂药和浸漂操作处理过程中存在的问题提出相关改进措施和建议。  相似文献   
胶州湾东北部海域生态环境污染状况研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据2004年5月和2005年5月两次对胶州湾东北部海域海水的盐度、pH、溶解氧、化学需氧量、无机氮、活性磷酸盐、铜、铅、锌、镉、多环芳烃和有机氯农药以及表层沉积物中有机碳、石油烃、硫化物、铜、铅、镉、汞、多环芳烃和有机氯农药测定结果,并结合2001年以来历史资料,对胶州湾东北部海域生态环境质量历史变化趋势进行了分析,该海域生态环境中除个别要素如活性磷酸盐、铅、镉、汞等重金属含量有所增加外,其他污染要素含量相对稳定且有下降趋势,2001—2005年该海域生态环境质量相对稳定,仅部分要素有加重趋势。  相似文献   
In this study we present the results from field work in northern Vietnam regarding the occurrence of the warty newt species Paramesotriton deloustali and P. guangxiensis in disturbed and undisturbed habitats and the presence of parasitic water mites of the genus Hygrobates (sg. Lurchibates) (Acari, Hydrachnidia). We report the first evidence of mite parasitism in P. guangxiensis and analyze differences in the infestation rates between both Paramesotriton species and habitat qualities. Furthermore we present the first indication of the detrimental effects of these parasite-host interactions.Our preliminary assessment seems to support the sensitivity of P. guangxiensis to habitat disturbances, as the average number of captured newts per stream was twice as high in undisturbed habitats as in disturbed ones.Until now a very specific parasite-host association was supposed between water mite and newt species. However, our results show the first evidence of a water mite species of the subgenus Lurchibates (Hygrobates forcipifer) parasitizing more than one host species, in this case not only P. deloustali (already known) but also P. guangxiensis (new record). The overall infestation rate was 27 % for P. deloustali and 71 % for P. guangxiensis, from which 100 % and 77 % of the mite-incidence occurred in undisturbed habitats, respectively. Furthermore the parasite load of the newts was clearly higher in prime quality streams: the parasite load in undisturbed habitats was very similar between P. deloustali (19.64 mites per newt) and P. guangxiensis (20.13 mites per newt), however it was significantly lower for P. guangxiensis in disturbed habitats (8.86 mites per newt). Future research should bring more detail on these parasite host associations, especially on the effect of parasitism on the newts. Warty newts are already threatened due to their shrinking natural habitat and overharvesting. We report the first concerns that mite parasitism might be a critical additional stress factor in undisturbed habitats.  相似文献   
岩体质量对地下工程开挖效应的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以西北某大型水电站地下厂房洞室群为例.在地质调查的基础上,对洞室群围岩岩体质量进行了分析评价。而后,运用数值模拟手段研究了岩体质量不同时.洞室群开挖效应——二次应力场、位移场和破坏区的差异.较全面地讨论了岩体质量对洞室群开挖效应的影响。  相似文献   
基于BP神经网络的青藏高原土壤养分评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
杨文静  王一博  刘鑫  孙哲 《冰川冻土》2019,41(1):215-226
土壤养分在养分循环和土壤-植物关系中起着重要作用,在高海拔生态系统中,由于缺乏系统的实地观测,土壤养分在高山草原中仍然知之甚少。为了了解青藏高原多年冻土区高寒草地土壤养分的基本情况以及土壤养分的等级划分,利用青藏高原腹地西大滩至安多地区采集的154个土壤样品数据,基于BP神经网络模型建立具有3层网络,10个中间层节点的土壤养分评价模型。在MATLAB软件中进行BP神经网络的训练和验证后,对青藏高原多年冻土区高寒草地土壤养分进行综合评价。结果表明:2009年青藏高原高寒草地的土壤养分综合评价等级为4级,属于较低水平。综合评价结果与基于主成分分析方法的土壤质量指数(SQI)基本一致,说明BP神经网络模型对青藏高原土壤养分的评价结果是合理的。对评价结果与海拔、植被盖度和植被类型的关系分析表明,海拔越高或植被盖度越高,土壤养分的评价等级越高;不同植被类型的评价等级表现出高寒沼泽草甸(2级)>高寒草甸(4级)>高寒草原(5级)的趋势。BP网络作为一种简单又准确的识别方法,不仅可以评估土壤养分等级,还可以比较不同地区的土壤养分高低状况,希望为青藏高原的土地资源管理与保护提供基本的科学依据。  相似文献   
赵亮  汪程林 《探矿工程》2019,46(4):42-47
皖含地1井是在和含巢逆冲推覆构造带中段巢湖背向斜构造带部署实施的一口地质调查井。目的在于获取巢湖-含山-无为地区奥陶系-志留系富有机质页岩的各类地质参数,为本区五峰组-高家边组页岩气资源潜力评价及有利区优选提供地质依据。本文主要阐述了皖含地1井的井区概况、钻探施工技术与施工工艺。施工中结合实际情况进行钻井质量控制,在钻进过程中合理调整钻进参数,有效控制钻井顶角,符合地质设计的目的。并对皖含地1井进行台效分析,为后期的钻探积累了经验。  相似文献   
Geological and hydrological characteristics, joint geometric features, rock physical and mechanical properties and rock mass quality are studied in the Beishan area, preselected for China’s high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal engineering. A comprehensive survey method is developed to study joint geometric features in the outcrop and samples from borehole BS06 into the Xinchang rock mass were tested. The optimal joint sets are determined by rose diagrams and equal-area lower hemisphere plots of joint poles. Results show that: 1) the distribution of joint occurrence obeys a normal distribution, while the distribution of joint spacing obeys a negative exponential distribution; 2) concentric circular and tangent circular sampling windows are applied to study the trace length and the trace midpoint density. Results indicate that tangent circular sampling window is more stable and reasonable; 3) Beishan granite shows high density, low porosity and high strength based on many laboratory tests and the physical properties and mechanical properties are closely related; and 4) a synthesis index, Joint Structure Rating (JSR), is applied to evaluate the quality of rock mass. Through the research results of rock mass characteristics, the Xinchang rock mass in the Beishan preselected area has the favorable conditions for China’s HLW disposal repository site.  相似文献   
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