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真菌在自然界中作为有机体的分解者、动植物的病原菌和共生菌,广泛分布于地表和土壤环境,并通过一系列生长 及代谢活动,与周围环境中的岩石或矿物基质发生作用,进而影响地球化学过程。真菌的生物地质作用主要包括:真菌促 进下岩石或矿物的风化,真菌诱导下次生矿物的形成,以及与上述过程相对应的营养元素和金属离子的迁移与固定。近年 来,由生物风化发展而来的生物浸取技术,已经在生物采矿、选矿以及受污染土壤和工业垃圾的生物治理等多个方面得以 应用。而将真菌用作吸附剂的生物吸附研究,则显示其能有效祛除工业废水及受污染地下水中所含的金属和有机污染物。 因此,无论是从地球化学循环的角度出发,还是考虑资源与环境效应,研究真菌的生物地质作用都具有十分重要的意义。 文中从真菌生物风化、生物矿化和环境修复等方面综述了真菌生物地质作用研究的最新进展,并对今后的研究工作进行了 展望,旨在加深真菌在地质微生物学作用过程中的认识,促进相关领域的进一步发展。  相似文献   
Despite numerous investigations on substrate‐inhabiting microflora, especially lichens, very little is known about the colonization of coastal escarpments by lithobiontic micro‐organisms, inland of a retreating coastline in Africa. Reported herein are the results of a combined field observation and microscopy study focusing on the connection between microrelief of the substrate, colonies of lithobiontic micro‐organisms (in particular the lichen Xanthoria parietina) and microstructures of putative bacterial origin. The occurrence of weathering pits in which the early stages of the biotic development occurs, and the subsequent disintegration of the rock indicate that lichens, mosses and fungi act synergistically by alternating chemical and mechanical weathering. Penetration of grains by expansion and contraction of the hyphae depletes the rock matrix and contributes to the mechanical breakdown of the rock. Calcite rhombs on the weathered surfaces of the calcite‐cemented sandstones are severely etched with well‐developed rhomb‐shaped etch pits (‘spiky calcite’), holes, or has one or more of the faces removed, and their cores exposed and leached. Nanofilaments (c. 100–700 nm) and ‘nanomicrobial’ fruiting bodies (c. 250 nm) emanating from micropores appear to be common on affected crystalline structures. Weddellite present immediately below the thallus is a strong indicator of biomineralization. Quartz responds differently to chemical weathering by producing peeling structures and microbrecciation features. The dissolution of these crystals appears to be a surface reaction‐controlled process mediated by microbial microfilaments and nanofilaments. A model is proposed, firstly indicating early‐stage biochemical weathering, followed by biophysical weathering. Disintegration of the rock outcrops in due to a complex interplay of several events, probably beginning at the nanoscale with penetration of sites on crystal faces. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Large amounts of microfossil records discovered in the seafloor black smoker chimney are reported from the Okinawa Trough. They are well preserved and can be divided into four types of filamentous microfossils. It suggests that the fossils may be derived from sulfur or iron oxidation chemolithotrophic prokaryotes and fungi. Based on the comparison studies of the microbial mineralization processes, two steps of biomineralization were hypothesized:(1) biology controlled mineralization; and (2) biology induced mineralization. At the early stage of the mineralization, the biology controlling mineralization is dominating; at the later stage, the biology inducing mineralization is the main mechanism. The composition of the fluids and the species of the microbes will determine the types of the minerals formed.  相似文献   
海水珍珠微结构棱柱层的新认识   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
马红艳 《矿物学报》2003,23(3):241-244
棱柱层是珍珠层微结构中与珍珠质层明显不同的结构单元。运用XRD、IR显微镜和偏光显微镜对我国优劣海水珍珠层微结构——棱柱层进行微区测试研究,结果发现海水珍珠微结构棱柱层不是以往认为的仅由方解石组成,而是有各种形态的文石棱柱,文石与方解石共同组成的棱柱。珍珠质量与棱柱体层的厚度及空间分布有密切关系,而并非完全是以往认为的文石含量越高海水珍珠质量就越好。  相似文献   
The δ18O, δ13C and trace element composition of pearls collected from Ago Bay, Japan, were investigated in order to evaluate biomineralization in the cultured pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii). The oxygen isotopic data suggest that the pearls were produced around 23–24°C, mainly in June to early July, which is consistent with their occurrence in the field. Therefore the pearls were produced under or close to isotopic equilibrium conditions, although they showed high calcification rates (higher than 0.2–1.0 g cm− 2yr−1) under which, for example, coral skeletons (calcification rate ∼0.28 g cm− 2yr−1) often show non-equilibrium isotope partitioning. The δ13C values were ∼− 2.9‰ lower than those calculated for offshore waters under equilibrium conditions. This may be due to low-δ13C bottom waters resulting from the degradation of organic matter (OM) or to a contribution of low-δ 13C food. In the latter case, a simple mass balance calculation gives a respiration component of 14%. Twelve trace elements of bulk pearl samples were classified into four groups on the basis of their enrichment/depletion patterns relative to seawater and inter-element relationships: group 1, Co, Cr, Pb; group 2, Ba, Cs, U; group 3, Cu, Sn, V, and group 4, Mn, Rb, Mo. Comparison with coral skeletons suggests that Ba and Mn (groups 2 and 4) were definitely much enriched in proteinaceous OM relative to aragonite crystals in pearls and that V (group 3) in pearls showed only slight enrichment in the organicrich layer. By contrast, the other elements showed small differences between both layers (enrichment factor of <3), suggesting that these elements occur largely in aragonite crystals.  相似文献   
地质微生物学及其发展方向   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
地质微生物学是在20世纪末发展起来的新的地学分支,主要研究地质环境中的微生物活动过程及其形成的各种地质地球化学记录。通过对现代及地质历史上的各种地质环境,包括极高温,高压,极端酸性,碱性,高盐度,极高放射性,地球深部等环境中微生物的生存和演化,及其和地质环境的相互作用而形成的各种地球化学记录的研究,探讨微生物在过去、现在和将来对生命活动最重要的元素(C,H,O,N,S,Fe等)在全球或局部尺度上的循环作用,从而对微生物的风化作用、成矿作用、地质环境下的微生物生态链及其环境的研究提供重要的科学证据。微生物与矿物的相互作用、极端环境下的微生物和生态及分子地质微生物学是当前地质微生物学研究的重要方向。  相似文献   
生物矿化研究现状和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄磊  杨永强  李金洪 《地质与资源》2009,18(4):317-320,297
生物矿化过程是指在生物体中细胞的参与下,无机元素从环境中选择性地沉淀在特定的有机质上而形成的新矿物.生物矿化矿物的结晶严格受生物体分泌的有机基质的控制,是在有机基质膜板诱导下的晶体生长.生物体内有机基质指导矿物晶体的成核、生长和聚集,使得生物矿物具有特定的形貌、取向和组装方式,从而产生特殊的功能.生物矿化近年来受到化学、物理、生物以及材料学等多学科的关注.综述了生物矿化的类型、过程、机理及常用的研究方法和研究进展,并作了学科展望.  相似文献   
为了解海洋微生物的生物矿化作用在大洋铁锰结核形成过程中的意义,选取芽孢八叠球菌作为实验菌株,通过实验室模拟中性有氧环境下的生物矿化实验,测定了Fe生物矿化过程中Fe离子浓度与价态的变化、细菌表面形态与矿物成分的变化。反应过程中,通过与死菌对照组和空白对照组的对比研究,有菌实验组的总Fe浓度、Fe2+浓度和Fe3+浓度下降最快,尤其是在前24 h。TEM照片显示细菌表面有明显的矿物颗粒生成,对这些矿物颗粒进行EDS分析测定,推测为Fe的氧化物或氢氧化物。实验结果表明,以芽孢八叠球菌为代表的海洋微生物在中性有氧条件下,通过主被动相结合的过程,对Fe产生了明显的矿化作用,揭示了微生物矿化作用对大洋铁锰结核形成的贡献。  相似文献   
珍珠质是由大于95%的碳酸钙晶体与少量有机大分子组成的生物矿化产物。其中含量小于5%的基质蛋白(mattix protein)对碳酸钙晶体的形成进行严格控制。为深入研究珍珠质基质蛋白对碳酸钙结晶的调控作用,本研究利用水提法从合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)珍珠质中提取出水溶性基质(Water Soluble Matrix,WSM),并利用反相HPLC分离得到3个主要蛋白组分(FⅠ—Ⅲ)。氨基酸组成分析表明,WSM及其3种组分富含甘氨酸、天冬氨酸、丙氨酸与亮氨酸。体外饱和碳酸钙溶液结晶实验表明,WSM能显著影响体外碳酸钙晶体的形成;其3种组分对碳酸钙晶体形成的作用并不相同:组分FⅠ和组分FⅡ加速晶体的形成。而组分Ⅲ则抑制晶体的形成。本研究首次发现在珍珠质中同时存在抑制和促进晶体形成的两种蛋白质因子,推测珍珠质致密有序结构的形成是正、负两种调控机制共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
利用“平珠”生成法,通过对插入皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannaiIno)外套膜外腔中的玻片上沉积物质的分析,探讨皱纹盘鲍贝壳沉积的过程。利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察玻片上沉积物质的超微结构,傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)分析玻片上沉积晶体的晶相,透射电镜(TEM)观察与玻片接触部分的外套膜的超微结构。结果发现:在将玻片插入外套膜外腔后的4~88h内,有机质首先在玻片上规则沉积。插入玻片88h后方解石晶体开始沉积,104h后出现圆形方解石晶体单位。8d后在方解石晶体表面出现文石晶体突起,15d后出现明显的堆垛型文石片层。27d后突然转变为方解石晶体的沉积。由此可见皱纹盘鲍贝壳的沉积具有一定的周期性,即方解石→文石→方解石的转变为1个周期。透射电镜观察外套膜结构表明在不同的插片时间,外套膜的超微结构不一样。插入玻片24h后,高柱状细胞中的内质网上的核糖体消失,高尔基体数量减少。3d后,大颗粒细胞增多,细胞内充满分泌颗粒。7d后,外套膜上皮细胞新分泌的有机质染色较浅。本研究证明了“平珠”生成法能够模拟贝壳的自然沉积,外套膜细胞超微结构的变化与贝壳沉积过程所处不同阶段有关。  相似文献   
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