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根据1998年和2000年东海北部的营养盐调查资料和相应的历史资料,以及同期开展的虾类资源调查资料,研究了冬、夏季长江冲淡水的流向以及它对长江口渔场、舟山渔场硅酸盐分布规律和虾类生物量分布规律的影响。结果表明,长江冲淡水转向的原因可以归纳为4类,夏季长江冲淡水的流动界限由123°E,30.3°N到127.3°E,33°N的直线和由123°E,31.8°N到127.3°E,34.5°N的直线所围的区域。长江冲淡水给长江口渔场、舟山渔场提供了大量的硅酸盐,对提高该海区的初级生产力起到了积极的作用,有利于生物的繁衍生息,提高了生物量。最后,用该海区虾类的分布密度证实了由该水团所做出的对生物量的推论。  相似文献   
Estimating tropical biomass is critical for establishment of conservation inventories and landscape monitoring. However, monitoring biomass in a complex and dynamic environment using traditional methods is challenging. Recently, biomass estimates based on remotely sensed data and ecological variables have shown great potential. The present study explored the utility of remotely sensed data and topo-edaphic factors to improve biomass estimation in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Twenty-nine vegetation indices were calculated from RapidEye data, while topo-edaphic factors were taken from field measurements. Results showed that using topo-edaphic variables or vegetation indices, biomass could be predicted with an R2 of 0.4. A combination of topo-edaphic variables and vegetation indices improved the prediction accuracy to an R2 of 0.6. Results further showed a decrease in biomass estimates from 1162 ton ha?1 in 1980 to 285.38 ton ha?1 in 2012. This study demonstrates the value of combining remotely sensed data with topo-edaphic variables in biomass estimation.  相似文献   
本文以SPOT6 高空间分辨率遥感影像为数据源,通过植被覆盖度和地上生物量两个参数进行滩涂湿地入侵种互花米草植株高度的估算研究。结果表明,三沙湾滩涂湿地互花米草植株高度平均值为2.04 m,以1~2 m和2~3 m植株为主要分布高度,分布面积分别为6.83 km2和10.31 km2,占研究区互花米草总面积的33.83%和51.06%,小于1 m和大于3 m的互花米草仅占9.26%和5.84%。估算值与真实值之间的均方根误差为0.204,绝对误差为0.04~0.37 m。该方法是对高空间分辨率光学影像应用研究的重要尝试,其反演方法具有较好的可行性,可较为准确的获取滩涂湿地植株高度信息。  相似文献   
The ice algal and phytoplankton assemblages were studied from Nella Fjord near Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica from April 12 to December 30, 1992. Algal blooms occurred about 3 cm thick on the bottom of sea ice in late April and mid November to early December respectively, and a phytoplankton bloom appeared in the underlying surface water in mid December following the spring ice algal bloom. The biomass in ice bottom was 1 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of surface water. Amphiprora kjellmanii, Berkeleya sp., Navicula glaciei, Nitzschia barkelyi, N. cylindrus /N. curta, N. lecointei and Nitzschia sp. were common in the sea ice temporarily or throughout the study period. The biomass in a certain ice segment was decreased gradually and the dominant species were usually succeeded as the season went on. Nitzschia sublineata and Dactyliosolen antarctica were two seasonal dominant species only observed in underlying water column. The assemblages between bottom of ice and underlying surface water were different except when spring ice algae bloomed. The evidence shows that the ice algal blooms occurred mainly by in situ growth of ice algae, and the phytoplankton bloom was mostly caused by the release of ice algae.  相似文献   
The mangrove forests of northeast Hainan Island are the most species diverse forests in China and consist of the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve and the Qinglan Provincial Nature Reserve. The former reserve is the first Chinese national nature reserve for mangroves and the latter has the most abundant mangrove species in China. However, to date the aboveground ground biomass (AGB) of this mangrove region has not been quantified due to the high species diversity and the difficulty of extensive field sampling in mangrove habitat. Although three-dimensional point clouds can capture the forest vertical structure, their application to large areas is hindered by the logistics, costs and data volumes involved. To fill the gap and address this issue, this study proposed a novel upscaling method for mangrove AGB estimation using field plots, UAV-LiDAR strip data and Sentinel-2 imagery (named G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) based on a point-line-polygon framework. In this model, the partial-coverage UAV-LiDAR data were used as a linear bridge to link ground measurements to the wall-to-wall coverage Sentinel-2 data. The results showed that northeast Hainan Island has a total mangrove AGB of 312,806.29 Mg with a mean AGB of 119.26 Mg ha−1. The results also indicated that at the regional scale, the proposed UAV-LiDAR linear bridge method (i.e., G∼LiDAR∼S2 model) performed better than the traditional approach, which directly relates field plots to Sentinel-2 data (named the G∼S2 model) (R2 = 0.62 > 0.52, RMSE = 50.36 Mg ha−1<56.63 Mg ha−1). Through a trend extrapolation method, this study inferred that the G∼LiDAR∼S2 model could decrease the number of field samples required by approximately 37% in comparison with those required by the G∼S2 model in the study area. Regarding the UAV-LiDAR sampling intensity, compared with the original number of LiDAR plots, 20% of original linear bridges could produce an acceptable accuracy (R2 = 0.62, RMSE = 51.03 Mg ha−1). Consequently, this study presents the first investigation of AGB for the mangrove forests on northeast Hainan Island in China and verifies the feasibility of using this mangrove AGB upscaling method for diverse mangrove forests.  相似文献   
本文讨论了2013年5月南海东沙天然气水合物区浮游植物生物量和生产力粒级结构特征及其环境影响因素。结果表明,研究海域表现出典型的低营养盐、低叶绿素a、低生产力特征,浮游植物叶绿素a和初级生产力具有明显的次表层最大值现象。东沙海域生物量和初级生产力粒级结构差异性显著,从生物量和生产力贡献度来看,表现为微微型浮游植物> 微型浮游植物> 小型浮游植物。生物量的垂直分布结果表明,春季不同粒级类群浮游植物在真光层内的分布存在明显不同,比如小型浮游植物在真光层内分布较均匀;微型浮游植物则主要分布于近表层或真光层中部,而微微型浮游植物则主要分布于真光层中部和底部。微微型浮游植物在纬度较低的热带贫营养海区之所以能够占主导优势,最主要的原因是其极小的细胞体积和较大的表面积使其有利于营养竞争。相关性分析表明,南海东沙浮游植物各粒级生物量与温度、pH显著正相关,与硅酸盐、磷酸盐显著负相关;浮游植物各粒级生产力与温度显著正相关,与盐度、磷酸盐显著负相关。磷酸盐含量是影响东沙海域浮游植物粒级结构差异的重要因素之一,同时,光辐照度和水体的真光层深度对东沙天然气水合物区不同粒径浮游植物的垂直分布起着更为重要的调控作用。  相似文献   
流沙湾的底栖大型海藻调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年3月~2009年1月调查了流沙湾潮间带及湾内(109°55'~109°59'E,20?22'~20°28'N)底栖大型海藻资源,定性、定量分析该海湾底栖大型海藻种类、生态分布、区系性质、群落结构及生物量的季节变化规律。共采集底栖大型海藻3门10目17科19属32种,其中红藻门4目9科9属15种,绿藻门4目6科7属14种,褐藻门2目2科3属3种,以亚热带藻种占绝对优势,达59.4%,温带成分21.9%,热带成分18.7%。采样海藻具印度-西太平洋海洋植物区系中国-日本亚热带海洋植物亚区特点。调查区域内底栖大型海藻群落组成的季节变化明显。  相似文献   
Salt marshes accrete both organic and inorganic sediments. Here we present analytical and numerical models of salt marsh sedimentation that, in addition to capturing inorganic processes, explicitly account for above- and belowground organic processes including root growth and decay of organic carbon. The analytical model is used to examine the bias introduced by organic processes into proxy records of sedimentation, namely 137Cs and 210Pb. We find that accretion rates estimated using 210Pb will be less than accretion rates estimated using the 137Cs peak in steadily accreting marshes if (1) carbon decay is significant and (2) data for 210Pb extend below the 137Cs peak. The numerical model expands upon the analytical model by including belowground processes such as compaction and root growth, and by explicitly tracking the evolution of aboveground biomass and its effect on sedimentation rates. Using the numerical model we explore how marsh stratigraphy responds to sediment supply and the rate of sea-level rise. It is calibrated and tested using an extensive data set of both marsh stratigraphy and measurements of vegetation dynamics in a Spartina alterniflora marsh in South Carolina, USA. We find that carbon accumulation in marshes is nonlinearly related to both the supply of inorganic sediment and the rate of sea-level rise; carbon accumulation increases with sea-level rise until sea-level rise reaches a critical rate that drowns the marsh vegetation and halts carbon accumulation. The model predicts that changes in carbon storage resulting from changing sediment supply or sea-level rise are strongly dependent on the background sediment supply: if inorganic sediment supply is reduced in an already sediment poor marsh the storage of organic carbon will increase to a far greater extent than in a sediment-rich marsh, provided that the rate of sea-level rise does not exceed a threshold. These results imply that altering sediment supply to estuaries (e.g., by damming upstream rivers or altering littoral sediment transport) could lead to significant changes in the carbon budgets of coastal salt marshes.  相似文献   
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