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三种不同天气系统强降水过程中分钟雨量的对比分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
盛杰  张小雯  孙军  毛冬艳  谌芸  朱文剑 《气象》2012,38(10):1161-1169
通过使用高时间分辨率的分钟级雨量资料并结合雷达回波,对比分析了近年来飑线、梅雨锋和热带系统影响下的三次强降水过程,并通过降水率、降水持续时间和降水变率的统计,探讨三次强降水过程的特征,最后给出强降水时段对应所有站点最初1小时降水的平均状态。结果表明:用分钟雨量资料辨识出的强降水时段降水序列,结合雷达回波和小波分析发现其可以很好地表现γ中尺度对流系统的降水特征,弥补了小时雨量时间分辨率低的缺陷。分析三个过程中强降水时段的样本发现华北飑线的强降水过程单站只有一次强降水时段,累计雨量基本在50 mm以下,具有降水率大,持续时间短,突变性强的特点,预报难度较大;在热带对流系统的影响下,单站降水由多次强降水时段构成,且强降水时段样本累计雨量可达100 mm以上,降水率较其他系统偏小,但持续时间最长,降水均匀稳定;梅雨锋对应的降水持续时间以1~2 h为主,但降水率高于热带系统,强降水时段样本累计雨量基本在100 mm以下,降水性质的特点是介于飑线和热带强降水系统之间,预报最为复杂。  相似文献   
我国华东地区气候变化与副高指数的小波分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据1951~2007年华东地区逐月平均气温和降水资料,在利用连续小波变换对华东地区的降水、气温与副高指数的时频变化特征进行分析的基础上,采用交叉小波变换方法分析了华东地区近57年的气候变化与副高之间的相关关系.结果表明,华东地区气候要素与副高指数距平序列都存在着不同时间尺度的周期分量,并且各周期分量的强度是不同的.其中以2~8年尺度的年际振荡较为明显,10年以上的年代际变化以1980年为突变点.  相似文献   
A wavelet method is used to estimate kinetic energy and fluxes from data collected under stable conditions during the CASES-99 field campaign. Results in the high frequency range are compared with those obtained by the traditional method used to estimate turbulent moments, which is based on the Reynolds decomposition of variables into a mean and a turbulent part. The fact that the wavelet transform performs much better as a filter than the averaging process accounts for most of the disagreements between results. Since the wavelet method can be applied at very different spectral ranges, it is also used to analyse two different coherent structures: a density current and a train of internal gravity waves. The strong burst of turbulence related to the density current reflects the complexity of the first event. The wavelet method discriminates the different scales of motion, which are present in the perturbation, and is therefore an ideal tool for assessing the interactions between them. A method based on the phase difference between wavelet-transformed time series is then applied to the analysis of the horizontal and vertical structure of the gravity waves, and a three-dimensional image of the oscillations is provided.  相似文献   
依据气温间的空间相关性,将地统计学中的普通克里金法(Ordinary Kriging,OK)引入地面气温资料的质量控制。考虑气温在空间上的连续性,提出一种基于高斯模型改进的普通克里金(Improved Ordinary Kriging,IOK)质量控制方法。为评估该方法的性能,运用IOK法对江苏省67个台站2008年地面日平均气温资料进行质量控制,并与OK法以及反距离加权法(Inverse Distance Weighted,IDW)进行比较。试验结果表明,IOK法的检验效果优于OK法与IDW法,且稳定性与适用性较高,能有效地标记出气温观测数据中的可疑数据。  相似文献   
准确获取测站气压和温度对GPS水汽反演至关重要。由于我国地域辽阔、经济和社会发展的差异较大,我国GPS气象站网有部分站点未布设气象传感器,无法准确获取测站的气压和温度,其对测站上方水汽造成了较大影响。本文提出一种增加高度订正的反距离加权法,并利用全国113个GNSS气象站(包括25个实验站点,88个插值站点)的连续3个月的气象数据对该方法进行验证。结果表明,内插得到的气压和温度的均方差为1.53 hPa和1.18 K,平均偏差为0.94 hPa和0.82 K。精度随着内插站点与实验站点之间高差的增大,偏差随之增大。最后将内插得到的气压和温度应用于GPS水汽解算,并与GPT-2模型的精度对比。内插气象数据得到的PWV(Precipitale Water Vapor)的均方差和平均偏差为0.59 mm和0.38 mm,精度明显优于GPT-2模型。  相似文献   
Tropical cyclones (TCs) Lionrock, Kompasu, and Namtheun were formed successively within 40 hours in 2010. Over the next several days afterwards, these TCs exhibited unusual movements which made operational prediction difficult. Verifications are performed on the forecasts of the tracks of these TCs with six operational models, including three global and three regional models. Results showed that the trends of TC tracks could be reproduced by these models, whereas trajectory turning points and landfall locations were not simulated effectively. The special track of Lionrock should be associated with its direct interaction with Namtheun, according to a conceptual model of binary TC interaction. By contrast, the relation between Kompasu and Namtheun satisfied the criteria for a semi-direct interaction. Numerical experiments based on the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System-Tropical Cyclone forecast Model (GRAPES-TCM) further confirmed the effect of Namtheun on the unusual tracks of Lionrock and Kompasu. Finally, the physical mechanism of binary TC interaction was preliminarily proposed.  相似文献   
高风速相干结构对通量输送影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
切变湍流的相干结构是湍流研究中的重大发现,它表明湍流运动并非完全随机,其中具有可检测的有序结构.本文通过处理南京浦口地区大气边界层观测数据,来分析不稳定层结中高风速相干结构特征.本次观测项目包括对场地中央的气象铁塔上2 m和40 m高度上超声风速仪的脉动速度、温度测量以及风廓线雷达对边界层风速廓线的测量.对超声水平风速时间序列数据进行小波变换 (时间尺度400 s),通过阈值来识别这种高风速相干结构.与多普勒风廓线雷达测量结果对比后发现,这种方法确定的相干结构符合常规的认识,具有较长的时间尺度和较大的垂直尺度 (接近边界层厚度).分析三天相干结构特性得到无量纲空间间隔约为6,即每隔6个边界层厚度的水平位置出现一个高速相干结构.通过与垂直风速小波系数的比较,发现高风速相干结构与向下垂直风速之间有较好相关,这与湍流中 “阵风” 现象的研究结论相似.使用四象限分析方法分类得到两种动量通量输送为负的运动:较小水平风速的上扬 (ejection) 运动 (简称为上扬运动) 和较大水平风速的下扫 (sweep) 运动 (简称为下扫运动),这两种运动在整个湍流活动中处于主导地位.高风速相干结构通过促进下扫运动和抑制上扬运动来影响动量通量的输送.  相似文献   
A novel localized finite-amplitude hydrodynamic stability analysis is established in a unified treatment for the study of real oceanic and atmospheric processes, which are in general highly nonlinear, and intermittent in space and time. We first re-state the classical definition using the multi-scale energy and vorticity analysis (MS-EVA) developed in Liang and Robinson [Liang, X.S., Robinson, A.R., 2005. Localized multiscale energy and vorticity analysis. I. Fundamentals. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 38, 195–230], and then manipulate certain global operators to achieve the temporal and spatial localization. The key of the spatial localization is transfer-transport separation, which is made precise with the concept of perfect transfer, while relaxation of marginalization leads to the localization of time. In doing so the information of transfer lost in the averages is retrieved and an easy-to-use instability metric is obtained. The resulting metric is field-like (Eulerian), conceptually generalizing the classical formalism, a bulk notion over the whole system. In this framework, an instability has a structure, which is of particular use for open flow processes. We check the structure of baroclinic instability with the benchmark Eady model solution, and the Iceland–Faeroe Frontal (IFF) intrusion, a highly localized and nonlinear process occurring frequently in the region between Iceland and Faeroe Islands. A clear isolated baroclinic instability is identified around the intrusion, which is further found to be characterized by the transition from a spatially growing mode to a temporally growing mode. We also check the consistency of the MS-EVA dynamics with the barotropic Kuo model. An observation is that a local perturbation burst does not necessarily imply an instability: the perturbation energy could be transported from other processes occurring elsewhere. We find that our analysis yields a Kuo theorem-consistent mean–eddy interaction, which is not seen in a conventional Reynolds stress framework. Using the techniques of marginalization and localization, this work sets up an example for the generalization of certain geophysical fluid dynamics theories for more generic purposes.  相似文献   
风暴尺度集合预报系统(Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast system,简称SSEFs)中集合成员之间发散度不足一直都是研究的难点。本文尝试了将Barnes空间滤波融入到集合转换卡尔曼滤波(ETKF)更新预报系统中的混合初值扰动法。该方案将ETKF方法的小尺度信息与来自于侧边界条件扰动的大尺度信息相结合,缓解了扰动在侧边界不匹配的问题。通过2012年北京“7.21”暴雨并使用邻位方法对比分析了不同初值扰动方案在不同时间尺度与空间尺度上的特征,在此基础上进一步探讨了构造混合初始扰动法的可行性。结果表明:ETKF试验所构造的初始扰动无法与侧边界条件扰动相匹配,混合后的初始扰动可以有效缓解SSEFs中由于初始扰动与侧边界扰动不匹配产生的虚假波动,其中大尺度信息保留较多的混合试验(ETKF80)和动力降尺度方案(Down)在减少虚假波动方面的效果最优;从集合离散度来看,在前期暖区降水阶段ETKF的离散度在小尺度上最大,随着锋面降水的开始,Down的离散度逐渐超过ETKF,而使用各滤波波段构造的混合试验同时具备ETKF与Down二者的特征。选择合理的滤波波段可以获得最为合理的离散度表现(ETKF180),说明仅考虑侧边界匹配(Down和ETKF80)并不能获得最合理的集合离散度,应综合考虑其他因素。从降水概率预报结果来看,选取合适的滤波波段所构造的混合扰动试验同样获得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
GPS变形监测系统中消除噪声的一种有效方法   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
黄声享  刘经南 《测绘学报》2002,31(2):104-107
GPS变形监测系统的观测资料可看成为与时间有关的数据序列,应用小波分析理论,研究了时间序列观测数据的误差消除问题。结果表明,借助于小波分解与重构,可有效地从强噪声干扰的观测数据序列中提取变形特征。该方法解决了传统处理技术对非平稳、非等时间间隔观测数据序列滤波的局限性问题。  相似文献   
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