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The importance of suspension-feeding mussels is particularly apparent in benthic communities; however, the role of this feeding strategy on the development of macroalgal and associated invertebrate communities is in general poorly known. The effect of suspension-feeding mussels Mytilus trossulus on benthic communities was studied in an in situ factorial field experiment in the Northern Baltic Sea over one ice-free season. The experiment was performed under different regimes of wave exposure (low and moderate) and on different sedimentary habitats (soft bottom with high organic content, soft bottom with low organic content, and hard bottom). In general the presence of mussels was associated with increased biomass of filamentous algae, herbivores and deposit feeders and decreased biomass of charophytes. The effect of M. trossulus interacted with the effect of exposure and substrate. Stronger responses were observed in moderately exposed than in sheltered areas. The presence of M. trossulus affected charophytes and deposit feeders on sand with low content of organic matter and filamentous algae on pebbles but not on other substrate types. The magnitude of the effects varied between months. The results suggest that (i) even in dynamic coastal systems the biodeposits and excretions of mussels are at least partly assimilated locally and are not flushed away to the open sea, (ii) the accumulation of faecal material induced elevated growth of deposit feeders, (iii) mussels enhanced the growth of ephemeral macroalgae and reduced the growth of perennial macroalgae, and (iv) together with increasing benthic primary production, mussels indirectly increase the production of herbivores.  相似文献   
Results gathered from a monitoring programme on the Mondego Estuary (Western Coast of Portugal) were compliant with findings drawn from other studies, which pointed out that unstable environments, namely estuarine systems, constitute a great challenge for the use of environmental tools such as ecological indices. The Margalef Index, the Shannon–Wiener Index and AMBI were proposed to evaluate the ecological status of benthic communities in the scope of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) in Portugal and other European member states. In this system these indices were not equally effective in tracking changes in benthic communities that expressed obvious responses to anthropogenic disturbances (eutrophic situations and severe physical disturbance) and to subsequent impacts' cessation. Natural variability played an important role on the indices' response, with estuarine gradient and habitat heterogeneity affecting the ranges of values obtained, and with extreme climate events slowing down the ongoing recovery process. Nonetheless, both natural and anthropogenic variability during the study period could be satisfactorily detected if we accounted for the information provided by all three indices. Based on the whole range of variation observed (a) as a response to different kinds of impacts, and (b) along recovery gradients, as well as accounting for the natural driving forces acting upon estuarine benthic invertebrate communities, we propose a set of reference values for these three indices. This proposal aims at contributing to the implementation of classification tools within the scope of the European WFD.  相似文献   
Benthic foraminifera were collected across the Frisian Front, a biologically enriched transition-zone with high organic matter content below a tidal-mixing front in the southern North Sea. On four occasions between 2002 and 2005, box-cores from different hydrographic regimes (i.e. tidally mixed, frontal and stratified) at depths between 30- and 45-m deep were sampled. The results indicate that standing stocks and foraminiferal diversity are higher in the central zone of the Frisian Front than further away from the frontal zone. Most of the abundant species occupy a specific zone relative to the front's central position. Elphidium excavatum is abundant at the southern edge of the Frisian Front, where input of labile organic matter is high and physical disturbance (i.e. resuspension of fine-grained material) is relatively frequent. Ammonia tepida and Quinqueloculina spp. dominate at the front's center where organic carbon input is relatively high. Hopkinsina pacifica has its highest abundances at the deepest, northerly boundary of the front, and Eggerella scabra dominates the deeper, seasonally stratified Oyster Grounds north of the front. Differences in seasonal distribution patterns were minor compared to spatial patterns. Depth distributions varied between summer (more ‘epifaunal’ distribution) and winter (vertically more evenly distributed). The latter suggests that the vertical distribution of foraminifera is governed by the arrival of fresh organic matter at the seafloor in spring and summer. A comparison with foraminiferal abundances across the Frisian Front in 1988/1989 reveals that total abundances and distribution of the most abundant species were similar in both data sets, despite a macrobenthic regime shift at the Frisian Front in the early 1990s. The decoupled dynamics of foraminifera and macrofauna suggests that foraminifera reflect reliably the hydrodynamic environment (stratified, frontal, mixed), despite the changed macrofaunal community and its physical and geochemical consequences.  相似文献   
The cycling and oxidation pathways of organic carbon were investigated at a single shallow water estuarine site in Trinity Bay, Texas, the uppermost lobe of Galveston Bay, during November 2000. Radio-isotopes were used to estimate sediment mixing and accumulation rates, and benthic chamber and pore water measurements were used to determine sediment-water exchange fluxes of oxygen, nutrients and metals, and infer carbon oxidation rates. Using 7Be and 234ThXS, the sediment-mixing coefficient (Db) was 4.3 ± 1.8 cm2 y−1, a value that lies at the lower limit for marine environments, indicating that mixing was not important in these sediments at this time. Sediment accumulation rates (Sa), estimated using 137Cs and 210PbXS, were 0.16 ± 0.02 g cm−2 y−1. The supply rate of organic carbon to the sediment-water interface was 30 ± 3.9 mmol C m−2 d−1, of which ∼10% or 2.9 ± 0.44 mmol C m−2 d−1was lost from the system through burial below the 1-cm thick surface mixed layer. Measured fluxes of O2 were 26 ± 3.8 mmol m−2 d−1 and equated to a carbon oxidation rate of 20 ± 3.3 mmol C m−2 d−1, which is an upper limit due to the potential for oxidation of additional reduced species. Using organic carbon gradients in the surface mixed layer, carbon oxidation was estimated at 2.6 ± 1.1 mmol C m−2 d−1. Independent estimates made using pore water concentration gradients of ammonium and C:N stoichiometry, equaled 2.8 ± 0.46 mmol C m−2 d−1. The flux of DOC out of the sediments (DOCefflux) was 5.6 ± 1.3 mmol C m−2 d−1. In general, while mass balance was achieved indicating the sediments were at steady state during this time, changes in environmental conditions within the bay and the surrounding area, mean this conclusion might not always hold. These results show that the majority of carbon oxidation occurred at the sediment-water interface, via O2 reduction. This likely results from the high frequency of sediment resuspension events combined with the shallow sediment mixing zone, leaving anaerobic oxidants responsible for only ∼10–15% of the carbon oxidized in these sediments.  相似文献   
运用高通量测序技术分析微型生物多样性时,生物学重复间常表现出明显的异质性,这可能是高比例的稀有可操作分类单元(operated taxonomic unit, OTU)造成的“假象”。为明晰陆架海区站位间及同一站位重复间底栖纤毛虫群落的异质性水平,并探明稀有OTU与群落异质性的关系,给出去除稀有OTU阈值的科学建议。本研究在东海选取具有明显环境梯度的4个站位,每站位采集3个重复沉积物,采用高通量测序技术研究纤毛虫群落与分布。研究表明同一站位重复间群落不相似度在30%~34%,重复间群落的高差异性会掩盖地理距离较近的站位间差异(33%)。各个站位重复间共有OTU分别占该站位检获的总OTU数的34.4%, 31.9%, 39.5%和36.5%,而序列数基本占据94%以上。相对丰度小于0.1%的OTU占总OTU数的80%。依次去除相对丰度低于0.01%至0.1%的OTU,发现去除稀有OTU能够有效降低重复间差异,去除越稀有的OTU,降低效果越强;对站位之间的差异影响较小,且站位差异越大影响越小。稀有OTU的分布随机性极强,基本与站位无关。相对丰度低于0.015%的OTU是造成重复间群落异质性...  相似文献   
In situ benthic flux chamber experiments were performed during late austral spring and early summer of 1996 at eleven nearshore locations in the southern Patos Lagoon, Brazil. The Patos Lagoon is the largest lagoonal system in South America and is a very important nursery ground for local fin fish and shell fish fisheries. These are the first benthic flux measurements made in Patos Lagoon and they suggest that remineralizationwithin the sediments may dominate the recycling of organic matter and nutrients in thelagoon. Measured oxygen benthic fluxes (45–160 mmol m-2 d-1) are sufficientto remineralize reported mean water column carbon fixation while phosphate and fixednitrogen benthic fluxes (-0.4–2 and -1.1–4.2 mmol m-2 d-1, respectively)are sufficient to supply 100% and 25% of the required water column nutrient demand,respectively. Although of limited areal and temporal coverage, these initial studiesdemonstrate that sediments play a major role in the metabolism and nutrient cyclingwithin the Patos Lagoon Estuary and that future studies of lagoonal biogeochemistrymust consider exchange with the bottom.  相似文献   
全球变暖和人为活动不断加剧海洋低氧环境发生的频率和范围,低氧对全球海洋底栖生物群落结构造成重大影响。底栖有孔虫能够广泛适应生存在各种海洋低氧环境中,是极少数能适应低氧环境的真核生物之一,底栖有孔虫对低氧环境的响应及适应机制研究是海洋研究领域的前沿和热点话题,至今仍存在很多谜团。本文总结了不同海洋低氧环境活体底栖有孔虫分布特征、活体底栖有孔虫对人为诱导低氧环境的响应、低氧环境下底栖有孔虫外壳化学组成特征、低氧环境下底栖有孔虫的生存机理,期望为后续推进海洋低氧环境下底栖有孔虫相关研究进一步开展提供参考和借鉴。底栖有孔虫作为古海洋环境重建的重要工具,对我们了解全球海洋低氧环境的历史演化进程具有非常重要的意义。展望未来我们需要进一步加强有孔虫细胞生理学和分子生物学对低氧环境的适应机制研究,从系统发生学上认识真核生物对低氧环境适应的历史演化进程,为利用有孔虫作为工具更好地重建和预测海洋低氧环境变化提供理论依据。  相似文献   
An attempt has been made to understand the Pleistocene bottom water history in response to the paleoclimatic changes in the northern Indian Ocean employing quantitative analyses of deep sea benthic foraminifera at the DSDP sites 219 and 238. Among the 150 benthic foraminifera recorded a few species show dominance with changing percent frequencies during most of the sequence. The dominant benthic foraminiferal assemblages suggest that most of the Pleistocene bottom waters at site 219 and Early Pleistocene bottom waters at site 238 are of North Indian Deep Water (NIDW) origin. However, Late Pleistocene assemblage at site 238 appears to be closely associated with a water mass intermediate between North Indian Deep Water (NIDW) and Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). Uvigerina proboscidea is the most dominant benthic foraminiferal species present during the Pleistocene at both the sites. A marked increase in the relative abundance ofU. proboscidea along with less diverse and equitable fauna during Early Pleistocene suggests a relative cooling, an intensified oceanic circulation and upwelling of nutrient rich bottom waters resulting in high surface productivity. At the same time, low sediment accumulation rate during Early Pleistocene reveals increased winnowing of the sediments possibly due to more corrosive and cold bottom waters. The Late Pleistocene in general, is marked by relatively warm and stable bottom waters as reflected by low abundance ofU. proboscidea and more diverse and equitable benthic fauna. The lower depth range for the occurrence ofBulimina aculeate in the Indian Ocean is around 2300 m, similar to that of many other areas.B. aculeata also shows marked increase in its abundance near the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary while a sudden decrease in the relative abundance ofStilostomella lepidula occurs close to the Early/Late Pleistocene boundary.  相似文献   
对南海北部大洋钻探ODP1 1 48站进行稳定同位素和有孔虫分析 ,采用多种替代性指标 ,追溯上新世晚期以来东亚冬季风的演变。发现约 3 1~ 2 2MaB .P .之间 ,浮游有孔虫Globigerinoidesruber的δ13C值显著降低 ,而Neogloboquadrinadutertrei的相对丰度明显增大 ,指示冬季风急剧增强 ,并伴随表层海水温度的降低和古生产力的增高。此后 ,冬季风还有几次明显的增强 ,特别是在约 1 7MaB .P .,1 .3MaB .P .,0 .9MaB .P .,0 .6MaB .P .和0 2MaB .P .。  相似文献   
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