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Hyperspectral imagery (HSI) derived from remote sensing can delineate surface properties of substrates such as type, moisture, and grain size. These are critical parameters that determine the substrate bearing strength. Although HSI only sees the surface layer, statistics can be derived that relate surface properties to the likely bearing strength of soils in particular regions. This information can be used to provide an initial map estimate on large scales of potential bearing strength. We describe an initial validation study at the Virginia Coast Reserve relating airborne HSI to in situ spectral and geotechnical measurements through a spectral-geotechnical lookup table (LUT).  相似文献   
A suction corer which has been used in the turbulent surf zone is described as well as a scoop dredge which proved effective in shallow water and on dry beaches. The former is also effective under calm conditions in water ranging from a few centimetres to depths in excess of 20 m. These apparatuses both allow the rapid collection of consistent quantitative samples which is of prime importance in the surf zone.  相似文献   
Volumes of seawater filtered through the intertidal zone were measured on three modally reflective microtidal beaches in Western Australia. The filtered volumes were large, 19 m3 m?1 day?1 and 73 m3 m?1 day?1 on two ‘clean’ beaches but only 0·4 m3 m?1 per tidal cycle on a beach covered in kelp and seagrass wrack. The mean residence times of this water in the interstitial system and its percolation paths were both short, 1–7 h and 2–5 m respectively. Water input was greater across a beach cusp horn than across a cusp embayment. Most input occurred in the upper swash zone where the water table was less than 20 cm deep. Tidal variations in input volumes were evident even with tide ranges of only 20 cm. The inshore zone off these beaches filters on average 0·07 m3 m?2 day?1 at an average depth of 5·5 m under 0·4 m waves of 6·5 s duration. The importance of these procedures in the mineralization of organic materials and the regeneration of nutrients for an inshore ‘lagoon ecosystem’ is estimated and discused.  相似文献   
The diurnal burrow depth distribution of Talitrus saltator, a sand-beach talitrid amphipod was examined in relation to moisture content and temperature profiles of the substrate. Individuals burrow to depths maintaining a moisture content of between 2·0 and 4·0% irrespective of the temperature profile, and therefore burrow depth is suggested to be regulated primarily by the requirements of the amphipods for an optimal humidity environment.  相似文献   
The equilibrium planform concept (EPC) for bayed beaches has achieved wide currency in coastal morphodynamics. The north coast of Ireland comprises a series of discrete headland-embayment beaches within which waves and currents recycle a finite sediment volume. It is therefore an ideal setting in which to explore the applicability of the concept. Application of the approach to 9 embayment beaches on the north coast of Ireland provides some insights into the application of the concept. The planform of some beaches does correspond to that predicted while others do not. Those whose measured planform does not correspond to the predicted planform can be interpreted through, (a) difficulty in identifying the wave diffraction point, (b) disequilibrium on the beach (sediment scarcity or excess), (c) geological control of beach morphology. The subjectivity in selecting the diffraction point renders alternative explanations difficult and reduces the utility of the approach on natural shorelines, where significant irregularities render identification of such points difficult.  相似文献   
Demands for public outdoor recreation and urbanization are a potential source of environmental disturbances, particularly on sandy beaches. These habitats have therefore experienced rapid degradation worldwide. Talitrid amphipods, which are common inhabitants of sandy beaches, are probably good indicators of such disturbances. In this study, we evaluated the responses of the two amphipods Talitrus saltator and Atlantorchestoidea brasiliensis to human pressure on Spanish and a Brazilian beach, hypothesizing that disregarding species differences, their population sizes will decline under urbanized conditions. The Barra da Tijuca (Brazil) and Levante (Spain) beaches have mixed landscapes with varying levels of development, and each has a protected area (MPA) adjacent to urbanized sites. Numbers of talitrids as well as visitors were compared among sites on each beach. Talitrids were most abundant at the protected sites. This was true of both beaches, even though temporal patterns of human activity were quite different, with Levante experiencing sharp declines in the number of visitors during its harsh winter. Urbanized sites did not experience high Talitrid densities even during a period of low human pressure. On this basis, T. saltator and A. brasiliensis were considered good indicators of urbanization and recreational activities on sandy beaches. MPAs were found to be very important for the successful conservation of the talitrid populations. A feasible method of managing human pressure and thereby conserving beach biodiversity therefore seems to be the establishment of beach MPAs.  相似文献   
Abstract. Pinnotherid crabs are typically found associated with many benthic invertebrates. On sandy beaches of southern Brazil, Pinnixa patagoniensis R athbun , 1918 inhabits burrows of the ghost shrimp Sergio mirim R odrigues , 1971. The population dynamics of this crab were studied from monthly samples taken between March 1989 and November 1991 near the Patos Lagoon outlet, southern Brazil ca. 32°13'S; 52°15'W. There was no correlation between the number and size of the crabs and the size of their respective hosts. Mean densities and incidence reached 3.1 indiv. opening-1 range: 0 to 29 and 83.9%. respectively. Sex-ratios were not significantly different from 1:1 for the different size classes and sampling dates. Ovigerous females were found between October and March, showing an average fecundity of 1529 eggs per female. The annual recruitment pattern was bimodal, with a minor peak in summer and a fall peak that accounted for almost 70% of the population maintenance. Males and females both reached a maximum carapace width of 11.5 mm and had a life span of nearly two years as estimated from fitted von B ertalanffy growth curve parameters.  相似文献   
砾石海滩的沉积和形态动力特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然砾石海滩的物质主要来源于河流输入,海岸侵蚀,海底侵蚀,沿岸输送,人类活动及冰川搬运等,砾石海滩在地貌上表现出明显的分带性,海滩坡度的大小随物源和动力条件发生变化,砾石的磨蚀速率与岩性及周围沉积物粒度组成有关,人工砾石海滩建设可借鉴天然砾石海滩的形成和演化过程,合理地设计物质组成,砾石形状和大小,以便能更快地使人工海滩达到平衡状态并维持海滩的稳定性。  相似文献   
Radiocarbon dating of marsh facies peat and drowned trees along the barrier beaches at the south end of Lake Winnipeg, indicates water levels are presently rising. Lagoonal sediment and associated trees are being buried as the barrier islands move landward in response to rising water levels. Estimates based on radiocarbon dating suggest the water level has been rising 20 cm/century over the last three hundred years. This estimate is consistent with lake level records and models of isostatic uplift which suggest the level of the lake should be rising between 6.7 and 12 cm/century along the south shore. However, additional radiocarbon dates on submerged trees from Observation Point, at the north end of South Basin, and the Spider Islands, near the northern outlet, indicate that at least part of the water-level rise is basin wide. Southward transgression of Lake Winnipeg, throughout the Holocene, is believed to be the result of isostatic tilting of the basin, whereas the recent basin-wide water-level rise is more likely the result of a combination of isostatic tilting and increased precipitation associated with climate change.  相似文献   
Sandy beaches face increasing anthropogenic pressures, with vehicle traffic being ecologically highly harmful. Ghost crabs (Fam. Ocypodidae) are conspicuous on many beaches, and they have been used as a bio‐monitoring tool to measure the ecological responses to human disturbance. However, the mechanisms causing declines in crab numbers are unknown, yet conservation must target the actual impact mechanisms. Therefore, we quantified the magnitude and mechanisms of off‐road vehicle (ORV) impacts on ghost crabs, addressing three key questions: (i) Does abundance of ghost crabs respond to traffic intensity?; (ii) Can burrows protect crabs from vehicles? and (iii) Can mortalities caused by vehicles contribute to population declines? ORV‐impacts were measured on North Stradbroke Island (Australia) for Ocypode cordimanus and Ocypode ceratophthalma. Crab densities were significantly lower in areas subjected to heavy beach traffic, suggesting direct crushing by vehicles. Burrows only partially protect crabs against cars: all individuals buried shallow (5 cm) are killed by 10 vehicle passes. Mortality declines with depth of burrows, but remains considerable (10–30% killed) at 20 cm and only those crabs buried at least 30 cm are not killed by ORVs: these ‘deep‐living’ crabs represent about half of the population. After crabs emerge at dusk they are killed in large numbers on the beach surface. A single vehicle can crush up to 0.75% of the intertidal population. While conservation measures should primarily regulate night traffic, our results also emphasise that the fossorial life habits of sandy beach animals cannot off‐set the impacts caused by ORVs.  相似文献   
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