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Two new species of Sipuncula arc described from New Zealand; Phascolion temporariae from, the empty tubes of the polychaete Temporaria inexpectata (Mestayeri), and Phascolion tortum from the shells of four species of molluscs. Specimens of Golfingia improvisa (Theel) are also reported from the empty frustules of the foraminiferan Ammodiscoides mestayeri (Cushman) and the sandy tubes of the foraminifera Rhizammina sp. All the species were dredged at depths of 370–660 m from Taiaroa and Papanui Canyons, off the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand. The body cavity of several specimens of G. improvisa contained the larval stage of a nematode.  相似文献   
The Princeton Ocean Model with realistic bottom topography has been used to investigate the summer temperature decrease in the past 25 years in Fukuoka Bay. The vertical mixing of the model is expressed by a scheme that effectively includes the influences of interannual variations of tidal currents and wind. The results show that the historical temperature decrease in summer has been caused by tidal currents and wind weakening in the past 25 years in Fukuoka Bay. The weakening of tidal currents and wind gives rise to weakening of the vertical mixing, and to enhancement of the estuarine circulation in the bay. The enhancement of the estuarine circulation activates the inflow of open-ocean water toward Fukuoka Bay. Coastal water in summer has therefore tended to be colder and more saline in the past 25 years. This interannual variation in coastal waters is called “open-oceanization” in this study. On the basis of the numerical model, it is anticipated that the temperature will decrease by 0.2°C in the next 25 years in Fukuoka Bay if the tide and wind weaken persistently as in the present bay.  相似文献   
从张扭性断陷盆地的断裂特征入手,结合构造动力学形成机制,总结了恩平凹陷的构造样式特征及有利圈闭类型,并探讨了构造样式对烃源岩的形成和油气富集区带的控制作用。结果表明:恩平凹陷为双向伸展的上下构造层变形系统的叠合,即古近系为NE-EW向伸展构造系统,新近系为NW-NWW向伸展-张性扭动构造系统;发育了4大类伸展型构造样式,构造样式演化控制了半地堑结构、烃源岩发育情况、油气的初始运移方向和断裂构造带与圈闭类型分布,为新生界油气藏的形成创造了有利条件。  相似文献   
基于政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)4种最新辐射强迫情景,利用ECHAM5/MPI-OM(European Centre Hamburg Model 5/Max Planck Institute Ocean Model)气候模式输出的1850—2300年逐月混合层深度、海表面温度、海表面盐度数据,分析大西洋热盐环流下沉区混合层深度的变化情况。结果表明:随辐射强迫增加,热盐环流下沉区混合层深度下降,混合层深度振荡周期在格陵兰-冰岛-挪威海(Greenland Sea–Iceland Sea–Norwegian Sea,GIN)海域减小,在拉布拉多海(Labrador Sea,LAB)海域变化不大;与GIN海域相比,LAB海域混合层深度对辐射强迫变化更敏感;两海区温度对混合层深度的影响时间较长,混合层深度对盐度的变化反应迅速;混合层深度变化的主导因素在LAB海域中为盐度,而在GIN海域,低辐射强迫下温度主导混合层深度变化,中高辐射强迫下温度与盐度共同起主导作用。  相似文献   
利用Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model(FVCOM)三维模式以及National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)Climate Forecast System提供的北部湾的冬季风场,建立了北部湾冬季的风生环流模型。模拟得到北部湾冬季表中底层的风生环流结构。结果表明:整体上看,环流从琼州海峡流入北部湾,沿越南沿岸向南流动。从分层结构上看,冬季表层北部湾中部位置被1个大范围逆时针环流控制,南部湾口附近也存在1个不闭合的逆时针环流;而中层和底层的环流在琼州海峡西北和西南侧各形成1个小的逆时针环流,同时北部湾北部中间位置呈现1个顺时针环流。琼州海峡、广西及越南沿岸环流流速较大,有利于污染物的输移扩散,而北部湾北部中间位置,莺歌咀附近出现闭合环流且海南岛西南岸流速较小,不利于污染物的输移扩散,对冬季北部湾的海洋环境会产生不利影响。  相似文献   
对基于能量平衡方程的多向随机波浪传播数学模型进行改进,通过模拟不同防波堤绕射引起的港池泊稳,验证模型的合理性和有效性。利用非线性弥散关系提高模型计算浅水变形的精度;采用二次逆风差分格式离散控制方程,避免了加入绕射项引起的数值耗散;并将文氏谱加入模型中,使其更加适合中国海域的工程应用。应用改进后模型绘制的双突堤和岛式防波堤绕射系数图与我国《海港水文规范》图进行了对比。对比结果十分接近,可以较好地描述港池的泊稳状况,为综合计算波浪在近岸的浅水变形、折射、绕射、反射和能量耗散等作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
基于因子分析对2012~2013年海河流域pH、DO、COD、BOD5、氨态氮和总石油烃等6项水质指标的监测数据进行统计,并对其中四项指标进行水污染综合指数评估,旨在对海河水质进行较为系统的评价。结果显示,BJ1和HB2两个站位水质属于Ⅳ类标准,其余各站位均为Ⅴ类;各站位综合评价结果得到海河流域指数为1.44,说明海河流域处于污染状态,其污染程度超过该流域功能区的标准。因子分析发现,COD、DO和NH3-N之间差异显著(P0.05);主成分分析显示,除pH和BOD5外,其余指标都在0.70以上;COD、DO、NH3-N和TPH的贡献率较高,其中总石油烃的贡献率为100%,因此可以认为该海域的污染类型属于有机污染,且石油烃污染较为突出。  相似文献   
南黄海盆地是在前震旦系克拉通基础上发育的中、古生界海相与中、新生界陆相多旋回叠合盆地。通过地震资料解释,结合邻区钻井与区域地质资料,对南黄海盆地中部隆起中、古生代地层及其形成演化进行了研究,结果表明,南黄海盆地中部隆起沉积了较全的中、古生界海相地层,发育第四系—新近系、中—下三叠统青龙组、上二叠统、下二叠统—上泥盆统、中—下志留统,奥陶系—震旦系和前震旦系变质岩系等7套地震地质层序;主要经历了前震旦纪基底形成、震旦纪—早古生代克拉通发育、晚古生代—中三叠世稳定台地—陆内裂陷、晚三叠世—古近纪形成与抬升剥蚀及新近纪-第四纪坳陷沉降5个阶段。  相似文献   
The Cumuruxatiba basin is located in the central portion of the eastern Brazilian margin surrounded by Cenozoic magmatic highs that belong to the Abrolhos Magmatic Complex. This basin was formed by rifting, in the Neocomian followed by thermal subsidence during late Cretaceous like other basins along the Eastern Brazilian margin. In the Cenozoic, the Abrolhos magmatism took place as sills and dykes intruded the sedimentary section, primarily during the Paleogene. In that time, there was a strong NS contractional deformation in the basin represented by folds related to reverse faults coeval with Abrolhos magmatism activity. The structural restorations of regional 2D seismic sections revealed that most of the contractional deformation was concentrated at the beginning of the Cenozoic with maximum peak at the Eocene (up to 33% of total shortening and rate of 6 km/Ma). The Post-Eocene period was marked by a decrease in the strain rate that continues to the present day (around 4 km/Ma to less than 1). 3D structural modelling exhibited a major, well-developed E–W to NE–SW fold belt that accommodated most of the contractional Cenozoic deformation between Royal Charlotte and Sulphur Minerva magmatic highs. Volcanic eruptions and magmatic flows from the Abrolhos complex resulted in differential overburden on edge of the basin, acting as a trigger for halokinesis and the subsequent formation of fault-related folds. In general, such structures were developed close to adjacent magmatic highs, commonly exhibiting vergence towards the centre of the basin. Some magmatic features formed coeval with Cenozoic syn-deformation sediments clearly indicate that Abrolhos magmatism activity and contractional deformation development were associated. The study of the thickness variation of the syn-deformation section in relation to fault-related folds on deformation maps and maximum strain diagrams revealed that most folds were activated and re-activated several times during the Cenozoic without a systematic kinematic pattern. This lack of systematic deformation might be related to the variation of the magmatic pulse activity of adjacent magmatic highs resulting in a complex interference pattern of Cenozoic folds. These structural interpretations of the timing of fault-related folds that are potential Cenozoic traps in the Cumuruxatiba basin play a fundamental role in petroleum systems and exploration of low-risk hydrocarbon prospects.  相似文献   
There has been a revival in hydrocarbon source rock characterization and development associated with growing interest in unconventional resources, where these fine-grained organic-rich rocks act as both source and reservoir. To-date, the exploration focus on shale reservoirs has been largely on marine systems. Lacustrine source rocks for conventional resources are geographically important, dominating regions such as China, Indonesia, and Brazil's resource-base. However, they have been generally untested for unconventional resources.There are a number of key differences in the nature of these hydrocarbon systems that should be considered when assessing whether lacustrine systems may represent future unconventional opportunities in areas where the conventional resource-base is dominated by lacustrine-sourced oil. Among the key differences between these depositional systems is the greater sensitivity to high frequency climatic variability within lacustrine systems. Lacustrine systems are highly sensitive to changes in the balance between precipitation and evaporation, which may lead to rapid changes in lake level, potentially exceeding 600 m. These changes in depositional conditions are geologically rapid and may occur over periods of thousands of years. Such changes can reduce the areal extent of potentially thick source rock intervals to only those portions of a basin where a permanent deep lake was present. Thus the core unconventional target area may be geographically limited compared with their marine counterpart. Although potentially areally limited, a review of many lacustrine source rocks suggests that their thicknesses are often significantly greater than marine source rocks. An examination of the more distal portions of lacustrine systems, where better source rock potential is present reveals that there is generally limited connectivity between source and conventional reservoir. In these settings, such as the Wind River basin (Waltman Shale), the hydrocarbons remain trapped within the shales, potentially leading to over-pressured hydrocarbon charged systems. Such conditions suggest that although areally limited, viable unconventional targets may exist, if suitable reservoir conditions are present. Finally, the character of the oils produced is different in these settings, with lacustrine oils being waxy and displaying different hydrocarbon generation and cracking kinetics. High wax oils display distinct flow characteristics, being more viscous, and may offer different production challenges than their non-waxy marine equivalents. Additionally, differences in their cracking kinetics may indicate that the timing of gas generation for shale gas plays may differ significantly from marine systems.  相似文献   
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