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卫星精密轨道的确定是北斗卫星导航系统位置与服务的核心技术之一,而国家基准站是影响卫星轨道精度的一个重要因素。本文基于中国测绘科学研究院国际GNSS监测与评估中心自主开发的软件计算国家基准站和MGEX站对北斗卫星精密定轨的影响。得出结果:加上国家基准站后GEO卫星轨道精度平均能达到2.0 m,比没有国家基准站时提高约14%,在GEO切向方向改善最为明显,大约提高30%。IGSO和MEO卫星也有所提高。加上国家基准站后,三类卫星的轨道重复弧段的径向精度优于5 cm。有了国家基准站数据BDS精密轨道会有明显的改善。国家基准站的建立使我国北斗导航卫星的服务能力有很大提高。  相似文献   
通过计算二连浩特测震台站地表和井下连续观测数据的加速度PSD值和相应的PDF值,研究沙尘暴对测震台站环境噪声水平的干扰特征及井下观测对减小沙尘暴影响的效果。结果表明,沙尘暴对测震台站环境噪声水平有较大干扰,主要体现在4 Hz、9 Hz附近及10~20 Hz和低于10 s频段。其中,沙尘主要影响10~20 Hz频段背景噪声;大风主要影响4 Hz、9 Hz附近背景噪声;低于10 s频段的三分向背景噪声受干扰特征与风向有一定的相关性;10 s~4 Hz频段沙尘暴对环境噪声水平没有影响。井下观测能较好地压制沙尘暴对测震台站环境噪声水平的干扰。  相似文献   
文章介绍了全站仪交会法沉降监测,方便简洁地解决了测量人员不能进入的高速公路等特殊位置的测量问题,并通过对该方法的精度分析,论证了其可行性和有效性,对以后类似的测量工作提供经验和依据。  相似文献   
张涌泉  李朝华 《探矿工程》2010,37(11):64-66
锦屏一级水电站地下厂房洞室主机间、主变室、母线洞等洞室系统的边墙、蚀变岩段和较大断层采用了对穿预应力锚索加强支护。在对穿预应力锚杆的施工过程中,根据不同的地质地层段,采取严格的孔斜控制措施,并不断地改进控制方法,基本解决了对穿预应力锚索造孔孔斜控制的技术问题,满足了设计技术要求,积累了对穿预应力锚索孔斜控制施工经验。  相似文献   
三维全景是一种基于静态图像的真实场景虚拟现实技术,首先简要叙述该技术的主要原理和技术路线,基于此建立了可以在网络上发布和浏览的三维全景虚拟地震台站系统,该技术丰富了防震减灾宣传工作的手段和内容.  相似文献   
A variant type of tuned mass damper (TMD) termed as ‘non‐traditional TMD (NTTMD)’ is recently proposed. Mainly focusing on the employment of TMD for seismic response control, especially for base‐isolated or high‐rise structures, this paper aims to derive design formulae of NTTMDs based on two methodologies with different targets. One is the fixed points theory with the performance index set as the maximum magnitude of the frequency response function of the relative displacement of the primary structure with respect to the ground acceleration, and the other is the stability maximization criterion (SMC) to make the free vibration of the primary structure decay in the minimum duration. Such optimally designed NTTMDs are compared with traditional TMDs by conducting both numerical simulations and experiments. The optimum‐designed NTTMDs are demonstrated to be more effective than the optimum‐designed traditional TMDs, with smaller stroke length required. In particular, the effectiveness of the TMDs combined with a base‐isolated structure is investigated by small‐scale model experimental tests subjected to a time scaled long period impulsive excitation, and it is demonstrated that the SMC‐based NTTMD can suppress structural free vibration responses in the minimum duration and requires much smaller accommodation space. Additionally, a small‐scale shaking table experiment on a high‐rise bending model attached with a SMC‐based NTTMD is conducted. This study indicates that NTTMD has a high potential to apply to seismic response control or retrofit of structures such as base‐isolated or central column‐integrated high‐rise structures even if only a limited space is available for accommodating TMDs. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Uppermost Jurassic limestones of the South‐East Basin (France) are organized into four facies associations that were deposited in four distinct zones: (1) peritidal lagoonal limestones; (2) bioclastic and reefal limestones; (3) pelagic lime mudstones; (4) lime mudstones/calcarenites/coarse breccias. Calcarenite deposits of zone 4 exhibit sedimentary structures that are diagnostic of deposition under wave‐induced combined flow. In subzone 4a, both vertical and lateral transitions from lime mudstone/calcarenite to breccia indicate in situ brecciation under wave‐cyclic loading. Breccias were produced by heterogeneous liquefaction of material previously deposited on the sea floor. Deposits in subzone 4a record relatively long periods (>400 kyr) of sedimentation below wave base, alternating with periods of deposition under wave‐induced currents and periods of in situ deformation. In this zone, storm waves were attenuated by wave–sediment interaction, and wave energy was absorbed by the deformation of soft sediment. With reference to present‐day wave attenuation, water depths in this zone ranged between 50 and 80 m. Landwards of the attenuation zone, in zone 3, storm waves were reduced to fair‐weather wave heights. Storm wave base was not horizontal and became shallower landwards. As a consequence, water depth and wave energy were not linearly related. On a small area of the seaward edge of subzone 4a, cobbles were removed by traction currents and redeposited in subzone 4b. There, they formed a 100‐m‐thick wedge, which prograded over 3 km and was built up by the stacking of 5‐ to 20‐m‐thick cross‐stratified sets of coarse breccia. This wedge records the transport and redeposition of cobbles by a high‐velocity unidirectional component of a combined flow. The increase in flow velocity in a restricted area is proposed to result from flow concentration in a channel‐like structure of the downwelling in the gulf formed by the basin. In more distal subzone 4c, the hydrodynamic effect of wave‐induced currents was quasi‐permanent, and brecciation by wave–sediment interaction occurred only episodically. This indicates that, seawards of the attenuation zone, hydrodynamic storm wave base was deeper than mechanical storm wave base. Uppermost Jurassic carbonates were deposited and soft‐sediment deformed on a hurricane‐dominated ramp of very gentle slope and characterized by a zone of storm wave degeneration, located seawards of a zone of sedimentation below wave base.  相似文献   
金沙江美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流对工程影响分析   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
金沙江美姑河牛牛坝水电站库区泥石流沟分布面积广、发生频率高;调查表明库区现有不同类型泥石流沟31条,其中属于高度危险的泥石流沟4条,中度危险的泥石流沟15条;这些泥石流不会造成严重的堵河问题。在施工期泥石流对水电站工程的影响突出,特别是靠近库首的泥石流对工程的安全构成威胁。水库蓄水后,库区泥石流对水电站工程影响有所降低,但位于大坝下游区的泥石流对水电站正常运行仍有较大的影响。  相似文献   
自动气象站仪器设备的维护和保障是地面气象观测业务运行中的一项重要工作。为了能快速、准确地诊断并处理自动气象站地温故障,确保自动气象站平稳、高效运行,按照CAWS600型自动气象站地温数据采集逆向的故障诊断原则,依次对自动气象站软件参数设置、通信系统、RS232数据采集器、防雷板及信号电缆、地温变送器和地温传感器6个环节进行故障诊断,并依次介绍相应故障的处理方法。在业务运行中,地温故障的诊断和处理存在较大难度,主要是由于缺乏全面系统的诊断方法,结果表明,采用与地温数据采集逆向的故障诊断和处理方法能快速、准确地诊断和处理地温故障。  相似文献   
中国已经成为全世界城市轨道交通建设里程最长、建设速度最快的国家,合理识别城市轨道站点类别与影响不同类别站点客流特征的建成环境因素对轨道交通的建设具有十分重要的作用.因此,本文以武汉市为例,通过轨道交通刷卡数据,运用引入客流特征的EM聚类方法,将轨道交通站点分为职住错位型、居住导向型、就业导向型、居住综合型、就业综合型、...  相似文献   
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