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基于浓缩法的浮游植物定量数据稳定性与可靠性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
牛海玉  陈纯  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):776-782
浮游植物是水生生态系统中重要的初级生产者,相对准确地定量它们的数量是进一步进行水质评价和生态功能分析的基础.通过采集处于不同营养状态的水库和不同处理的围隔中的浮游植物,研究影响浓缩法定量浮游植物的因素,了解如何通过浓缩法来合理地定量浮游植物.分析浓缩倍数、样品的显微镜计数量、水体营养状态对浮游植物丰度、生物量及群落多样性等定量参数稳定性的影响,同时比较单个不同水体中重复(或平行)样品之间浮游植物丰度的差别.结果表明,基于浮游植物的显微镜计数效率与定量数据稳定性的综合考虑,选择计数4片×10格/片即可基本保证定量数据的稳定性;在保证正常镜检的基础上,考虑水体营养状态适当增加浓缩倍数能够提高定量数据的可靠性;在特别依赖生物量或稀有种进行水质评价时,处于不同营养水平的水体均需要增加样品的平行数来提高定量数据的可靠性.  相似文献   
丹江口库区表层沉积物细菌多样性及功能预测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阴星望  田伟  丁一  孙峰  袁键  李玉英  陈兆进 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):1052-1063
湖泊沉积物微生物是水生态系统的重要组成部分,目前关于丹江口库区沉积物细菌群落和功能研究鲜见报道.于2017年5月对丹江口库区内5个典型生态点位表层沉积物进行采集,采用高通量测序技术对表层沉积物细菌群落组成进行研究,结果表明细菌群落主要由变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)和硝化螺旋菌门(Nitrospirae)等33个门和318个属组成,具有丰富的群落组成.沉积物细菌群落和理化指标冗余分析(RDA)结果表明,pH值、总磷、有机质和铵态氮含量均能显著影响沉积物细菌群落组成.细菌属分类单元与环境因子Spearman相关分析表明,变形菌门中11个属的细菌与环境因子显著相关,为与环境因子显著相关细菌的主要组成(占47.62%).采用细菌群落功能预测软件PICRUSt(Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States)对表层沉积物细菌群落进行分析,结果表明沉积物细菌功能主要涉及能量产生和转换、信号转导机制、氨基酸运输和代谢、细胞壁/细胞膜/膜结构的生物合成等24个基因功能家族,表现出功能上的丰富性.基因功能家族预测基因拷贝数表现为台子山宋岗库心渠首黑鸡嘴.  相似文献   
在包括双星及逃逸物质的系统总角动量守恒模型的基础上,采用星风质量吸积机制,由伴星通过逐次脉冲从主星吸积物质并与其外包层进行混合的模型出发,自洽地计算了钡星的重元素超丰,并给出理论计算结果与观测值的比较.计算结果表明,当取Bondi-Hoyle质量吸积率的五分之一作为实际吸积率时,对于轨道周期较长(P>1600天)、相距较远的钡星系统,在误差范围内,理论计算曲线与大多数样品星的重元素丰度观测值相符合;而对于HD204075和HD16458两颗钡星,将质量吸积率增大为Bondi-Hoyle质量吸积率的二分之一时,计算结果与观测值符合较好,这表明质量吸积率在Bondi-Hoyle质量吸积率的十分之一至二分之一之间.对于具有较短轨道周期(P<600天)的钡星系统,计算结果与丰度观测值偏差较大,表明钡星系统中还有其它的形成机制.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of attached bacteria at the water-sediment interface were studied in a mesotrophic swampy bog, Matsumi-ike, near Tsukuba, Japan. The density of attached bacteria was higher at the sediment boundary layer than in the water column, and low inside the sediment (deeper, than 10 mm below the sediment surface) throughout the year. The density of bacteria attached on the glass slide was highest during spring when the source of organic matter in the water column was mainly withered cattail, and gradually decreased toward summer, while the phytoplankton became the dominant source of organic matter in the water column. The epibacterial populations in the water column and at the boundary showed almost the same seasonal fluctuation in attachment and detachment rates. However, bacterial growth rates did not show the same seasonal fluctuation, and annual average growth rates on the glass slides were all lower than that of bacterioplankton (free-living bacteria in water) in the water column.  相似文献   
The inflow of terrestrial groundwater into the ocean is increasingly recognized as an important local source of nutrients and pollutants to coastal ecosystems. Although there is evidence of a link between fresh submarine groundwater discharge (SGD)-derived nutrients and primary producer and primary consumer abundances, the effects of fresh SGD on the productivity of higher trophic levels such as ichthyofaunal communities remain unclear. To further investigate this relationship, we sampled three sites inside a coral reef lagoon in Mauritius: One site entailing six distinct groundwater springs, a site highly influenced by freshwater influx through the springs, and a strictly marine control site. Using remote underwater video surveys, we found that fish abundances were significantly higher at the groundwater springs than at the other two sampling sites.Principal component analyses showed that the springs and the spring-influenced part of the lagoon were best described by elevated water nutrient loadings, whereas the control site was characterized by higher water salinity and pH. Macroalgae cover was highest at the control site and the springs. Herbivores and invertivores dominated the fish community at the springs, in contrast to generalists at the control site. At the spring-influenced site, we mainly encountered high coral/turf algae cover and high abundances of associated fish feeding groups (territorial farmers, corallivores). Our results provide evidence of a fresh SGD-driven relationship between altered hydrography and distinct fish communities with elevated abundances at groundwater springs in a coral reef lagoon. These findings suggest that the management and assessment of secondary consumer productivity in tropical lagoons should take into account the effects of groundwater springs.  相似文献   
This study investigated differences in the community structure and environmental responses of the bacterial community in sediments of the Bohai Sea.Illumina high-throughput sequencing technology and real-time PCR were used to assay the bacterial 16S rRNA genes in the surface sediments of 13 sampling stations in the Bohai Sea.The results showed that sediments at the majority of the 13 sampling stations were contaminated by heavy metal mercury.The main phyla of bacteria recorded included Proteobacteria(52.92%),Bacteroidetes(11.76%),Planctomycetes(7.39%),Acidobacteria(6.53%)and Chloroflexi(4.97%).The genus with the highest relative abundance was Desulfobulbus(4.99%),which was the dominant genus at most sampling stations,followed by Lutimonas and Halioglobus.The main factors influencing bacterial community structure were total organic carbon,followed by depth and total phosphorus.The content of lead,cadmium,chromium,copper and zinc had a consistent effect on community structure.Arsenic showed a negative correlation with bacterial community structure in most samples,while the impact of mercury on community structure was not significant.The bacterial community in sediment samples from the Bohai Sea was rich in diversity and displayed an increase in diversity from high to low latitudes.The data indicated that the Bohai Sea had abundant microbial resources and was rich in bacteria with the potential to metabolize many types of pollutants.  相似文献   
根据2017年8月北极斯瓦尔巴德地区王湾海域微小型浮游动物调查资料,研究了该区域微小型浮游动物的种类组成及群落特征。结果表明:王湾海域在水深10~50 m内存在一个明显温跃层,该温跃层内水温高于其他水层;不同水层盐度变化表现为从表层到底层逐渐增高的趋势,70 m以深海域的盐度基本保持稳定;微小型浮游动物包括无壳纤毛虫(Aloricate Ciliates)、砂壳纤毛虫(Tintinnida Ciliates)和甲壳类无节幼体(Crustacea Nauplii)3个类别,其中砂壳纤毛虫10种。甲壳类无节幼体和无壳纤毛虫均为微小型浮游动物的优势类群,砂壳纤毛虫中的钝笛杯虫(Ptychocylis obtusa)、挪威棘口虫(Acanthostomella norvegica)、网纹虫(Favella sp.)、百乐拟铃虫(Tintinnopsis beroidea)和白领细壳虫(Stenosemella nivalis)均为优势种类;微小型浮游动物主要集中分布在水体的中上层水域10~30 m,该海域温跃层内微小型浮游动物种类和丰度最为丰富,30 m以浅海域微小型浮游动物丰度约占整个水体微小型浮游动物丰度的54.8%,而100 m以浅海域这一比例高达93%以上,其中10 m层为最多(均值为343.3 ind./L),底层为最少(均值为50.9 ind./L);整个调查区域微小型浮游动物的多样性指数均大于2.5,丰富度指数均大于1.2,均匀度均大于0.7,不同站位多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数波动范围不大,站位间差异不大。  相似文献   
The seasonal abundance of flagellates has been monitored over a period of 1 year from December 2013 to November 2014(divided into 4 conjugative seasons namely winter,spring,summer,and autumn)in an experimental pond located in Rajshahi City Corporation area,Bangladesh.To our knowledge,this study is the fi rst to shed light on the occurrence and possible interrelationships among heterotrophic flagellates(HF),bacteria and zooplankton in Bangladesh and the result obtained by this study will be beneficial for similar water ecosystem all over the world.Standard methods were used to determine the prescribed hydrological parameters and zooplankton cell density.Maximum HF abundance(14 346.00 cells/mL)was found in the spring and the minimum(5 215.00 cells/mL)occurred in the summer.Inverse to HF,significantly(P<0.05)higher zooplankton abundance was found during the winter(782.00±47.62 cells/mL)and the lowest value was found in the autumn(448.00±39.15 cells/mL).Whereas similar to the HF,total bacterial abundance was significantly higher during the spring((2.25±1.05)×10^5 cells/mL)and lower in the summer((0.79±0.06)×10^5 cells/mL).Multivariate analyses(ANOSIM and MDS)have shown significant seasonal differences for cell numbers where MDS ordination plot and cluster analysis based on similarity in the genera abundance of HF revealed overlapping condition between winter and spring.Canonical correspondence analysis(CCA)also showed a distinct separation among the genera based on the prevailing hydrological situation and indicated that temperature,pH,BOD5,and NO3^-were the most important environmental variables in determining the observed variation in HF community structure.Among the biological factors,zooplankton showed negative but total bacteria were positively correlated with HF abundance.  相似文献   
Anaerobic, aerobic, and facultative bacteria are all present in corrosive environments. However, as previous studies to address corrosion in the marine environment have largely focused on anaerobic bacteria, limited attention has been paid to the composition and function of aerobic and facultative bacteria in this process. For analysis in this study, ten samples were collected from rust layers on steel plates that had been immersed in seawater for diff erent periods (i.e., six months and eight years) at Sanya and Xiamen, China. The cultivable aerobic bacterial community structure as well as the number of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were analyzed in both cases, while the proportion of facultative SRB among the isolated aerobic bacteria in each sample was also evaluated using a novel approach. Bacterial abundance results show that the proportions are related to sea location and immersion time;abundances of culturable aerobic bacteria (CAB) and SRB from Sanya were greater in most corrosion samples than those from Xiamen, and abundances of both bacterial groups were greater in samples immersed for six months than for eight years. A total of 213 isolates were obtained from all samples in terms of CAB community composition, and a phylogenetic analysis revealed that the taxa comprised four phyla and 31 genera. Bacterial species composition is related to marine location;the results show that Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the dominant phyla, accounting for 98.13% of the total, while Bacillus and Vibrio were the dominant genera, accounting for 53.06% of the total. An additional sixfacultative SRB strains were also screened from the isolates obtained and were found to encompass the genus Vibrio (four strains), Staphylococcus (one strain), and Photobacterium (one strain). It is noteworthy that mentions of Photobacterium species have so far been absent from the literature, both in terms of its membership of the SRB group and its relationship to corrosion.  相似文献   
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