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卫星遥感监测ET方法及其在水管理方面的应用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
概述了利用遥感技术监测流域蒸发(ET)用于流域水管理的研究,利用卫星遥感监测ET比传统地面监测ET方法具有更高的经济合理性和实用性;通过遥感监测的ET,不仅可以对农业用水效率、灌溉系统性能作出更符合实际的评价,还可服务于流域水资源管理和区域水资源利用规划。随着信息技术的快速发展,卫星遥感监测ET的方法在水管理方面的应用前景广阔,我国应加强对该技术的研究和应用。  相似文献   
运用大量的数据和实例说明档案资料二次开发在地勘找矿中的重要性和必要性。对铀矿地质信息服务体系进行了深入研究和分析,认为传统档案管理型工作模式必须向信息化档案服务型转化;探讨了在实施地质资料信息化建设中如何推广、应用与完善《铀资源信息管理与分析系统》。  相似文献   
基于GRACE卫星测量得到的中国及其周边地区陆地水量变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GRACE卫星成功开辟了空间大地测量对地观测的新途径。利用GRACE卫星得到的时变地球重力资料,分析估计了中国及其周边地区陆地水量的变化趋势,较为清晰地揭示了该地区季节性变化特征。进一步采用13点滑动平均的方法扣除了季节性变化,提取了4个特征区域(喜马拉雅南部,新疆与西藏及其周边的亚洲高山区域,中国华北、东北地区和中国南部地区)的陆地水量变化特征信息,这4个区域陆地水量的变化趋势分别为-12.7±0.7、-60.4±2.7、-12.5±0.5和6.6±0.9 km3/a。其中:喜马拉雅南部和亚洲高山区域陆地水量呈现明显的衰减趋势,与Matsuo和Heki模拟冰川质量损失源得到的结果较为一致;但近10年来亚洲高山区域西北部冰川加速融化趋势并不明显。中国华北、东北地区和南部地区水量变化比较复杂,具不稳定的变化趋势。  相似文献   
State governments in the United States are well placed to identify opportunities for mitigation and the needs for adaptation to climate change. However, the cost of these efforts can have important implications for budgets that already face pressures from diverse areas such as unfunded pensions and growing health care costs. In this work, the current level of spending on climate-related activities at the state level are evaluated and policy recommendations are developed to improve financial management practices as they relate to climate risk. An examination of state budgets reveals that climate mitigation and adaptation activities represent less than 1% of spending in most states. The data collection highlights the obstacles to collecting accurate spending data and the lack of budgetary and accounting procedures in place. More importantly, the difficulty in benchmarking these activities poses challenges for the analysis of state-level policies as well as planning and modelling future climate-related spending. Other policy contexts, including public pensions and infrastructure, can provide guidance on budgetary and accounting tools that may help states prepare for and more efficiently manage climate-related expenditures.

Key policy insights

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation will require substantial investments across many levels of government on a wide range of activities.

  • Currently, US states are not clearly demarcating climate expenditures, hindering the identification of climate-related budgetary risks.

  • In the absence of guidelines, these longer term fiscal outlays may remain chronically underfunded in favour of more near-term spending priorities.

  • Establishing appropriate financial management and data collection practices is important for more sophisticated cost-effectiveness and policy analyses.

水文预报及信息显示系统开发研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了SMAR(Soil Moisture Accounding and Routing)模型及其改进--分布式任意时段长模型。简要讨论了参数优化,河道汇流演算方法、实时预报及校正理论等。介绍了水文预报及信息显示系统的组成、功能、特点和环境要求及该系统在长江三峡区间洪水预报中的应用。  相似文献   
MAPSUV数字测绘成果管理系统的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊文有  谢靖  邵隆 《地球科学》2006,31(5):715-718
测绘成果为区域经济规划、国土资源调查以及农林水利、能源交通、城市规划建设等诸多方面提供大量与地理位置有关的基础信息, 因而在整个测绘部门的管理中成果管理显得尤为重要.而基于MAPSUV数字测绘平台的成果管理系统, 以工程测量中的地形图为背景, 以各种等级控制点为核心, 利用计算机技术、地理信息系统(GIS) 技术、数据库技术、图象处理技术、网络通讯以及多媒体技术, 在测绘行业日常业务的基础上, 开发出了适合实际需要的数字化成果管理信息系统建立成果数据库和共享数据库.   相似文献   
 The Hadejia–Nguru Wetlands are annually inundated flood plains in semi-arid northeastern Nigeria. The area has a unique ecosystem that forms a natural barrier against the encroachment of the Sahara desert. Both the rich wetland vegetation and local farmers using shallow tube wells depend on a groundwater mound (with a water table less than 6 m below the surface) that is present in the unconfined aquifer under the flood-plain area. Using well records (1991–97) and a hydrogeologic profile based on piezometers that were monitored for two years, it is shown that recharge through the annually inundated flood plains is the source of the groundwater mound. Maintenance of the groundwater-recharge function of the flood plains depends on wet-season releases from two large upstream dams. On the basis of a water-budget method, the mean (1991–97) wet-season unconfined groundwater recharge in the flood-plain area between Hadejia and Nguru and in the immediate vicinity (1250 km2) is estimated to be 132 mm (range, 73–197 mm). Outflow from the unconfined flood-plain aquifer to the unconfined upland aquifer is approximately 10% of the wet-season flood-plain recharge. The unconfined groundwater outflow from the flood-plain area can provide a significant contribution to the present-day rural water supply in the surrounding uplands, but it does not offer much potential for additional groundwater abstraction. In addition to outflow to the upland aquifer (∼14 mm), the distribution of the annually recharged water volume of the shallow flood-plain aquifer is (1) domestic uses (3 mm), (2) small-scale irrigation (∼15 mm), and (3) evapotranspiration ( 1 100 mm). Along the hydrogeologic profile, the recharge in the upland (i.e., outflow from the unconfined flood-plain aquifer and possibly diffuse rain-fed recharge) is in balance with the water uses (i.e., domestic uses, groundwater outflow, and evapotranspiration). The absence of a seasonal water-level trend in the two piezometers in the upland indicates that no rain-fed recharge occurs through preferential path-way (macropore) flow. Received, June 1998 / Revised, November 1998, January 1999 / Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

Timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) are endangered throughout the northeastern United States where multiple factors contribute to population declines. Challenges exist to managing rattlesnake populations because there is little information about human dimensions of this species or other small predators that are venomous or perceived as hazardous. Our objective was to evaluate relationships between resident attitudes and behavioral intentions toward timber rattlesnakes. A mail survey (n?=?593) was used to collect data from residents who live near a rattlesnake population in central Connecticut. Two variables defined resident attitudes toward rattlesnakes: coexistence with the species and perceived threats from the species. Rattlesnake-related factors and situational factors appeared to contribute more heavily to behavioral intentions toward rattlesnakes than general wildlife value orientations. Attitudes predicted behavioral intentions toward rattlesnakes. Results will help wildlife managers incorporate human factors into appropriate management and public outreach strategies.  相似文献   
李沙园  吴传芝 《安徽地质》2007,17(2):109-113
采用基于Microsoft.NET平台、用通用语言编译运行的程序-ASP.NET,设计开发了科研成果管理系统软件.该系统包括用户登录注册、文档管理、项目管理、用户管理、文档分类管理及附件管理6个模块.  相似文献   
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