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平山县泥石流的形成特征和机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
平山县是河北省太行山区主要泥石流地质灾害频发区,每年7~8月份强降雨期间,沟谷源头侧壁岩土体在雨水的浸泡下失稳破坏,形成崩塌与滑坡,崩滑的岩土体与沟源洼地中积聚的洪水迅速混合形成泥石流。本文认真分析了该区泥石流的分布概况,研究了泥石流灾变的形成特征,并从泥石流形成的物源条件和动力条件两方面分析了泥石流发生的机理和崩滑转化机制。  相似文献   
通过对准噶尔盆地中部Ш区块原油或油砂抽提物的饱和烃气相色谱-质谱分析,研究了原油或油砂抽提物中25-降藿烷的分布规律.结果表明,不同井区或同一口井不同深度(层位)的原油25-降藿烷的相对含量存在比较明显的差别,表明其所遭受的生物降解程度有所差异,沿构造带从南到北,同一油层中原油的生物降解程度增强,比如位于构造北部(构造部位相对较高)的永1井、永3井侏罗系原油25-降藿烷丰度较高,表明生物降解比较明显,而位于南部(构造低部位)的永6井白垩系和侏罗系油层中的原油均无明显的生物降解现象;同一口井随深度增大生物降解作用将弱,如永2井浅部白垩系油层的原油降解较严重,而深部西山窑组的原油降解作用则不明显.根据原油生物降解的特征,结合车-莫古隆起调整对研究区油气成藏的影响,讨论了原油生物降解差异分布的成因机制.  相似文献   
基于天池煤矿地质勘探资料,结合区域构造背景研究了矿井地质构造特征及形成机制。天池煤矿构造属简单构造,地层总体呈走向北东、倾向北西的单斜构造,矿井内褶皱发育程度较低,断层以正断层为主,其次为低角度逆掩断层。陷落柱分布较为杂乱,成群出现,常见于褶皱轴部。自三叠纪末期开始一直受到区域构造活动的控制作用,印支期受SN向的挤压,形成了一些近EW向的构造;燕山期经历两期NWW--SEE向挤压使井田内地层及煤层主体呈NE走向;喜山早期的NE—SW向挤压,导致NE向断层的性质发生转变;上新世开始表现为区域上的伸展作用。  相似文献   
Carbonyl products have been identified and their formation yields measured in experiments involving the gas phase reaction of ozone with 1,1-disubstituted alkenes at ambient T and p=1 atm. of air. Sufficient cyclohexane was added to scavenge the hydroxyl radical in order to minimize OH-alkene and OH-carbonyl reactions. Formation yields (carbonyl formed/ozone reacted) of primary carbonyls were close to the value of 1.0 that is consistent with the mechanism: O3+R1R2C=CH2 (HCHO+R1R2COO)+(1–)(R1COR2+H2COO) where formaldehyde and the ketone R1 COR2 are the primary carbonyls and R1R2COO and H2COO are the corresponding biradicals. Measured values of were 0.58–0.82 and indicate modest preferential formation of formaldehyde and the disubstituted biradical as compared to the ketone and the biradical H2COO. Carbonyls other than the primary carbonyls were identified. Their formation is discussed in terms of subsequent reactions of the disubstituted biradicals R1R2COO. Similarities and differences between disubstituted and monosubstituted biradicals are outlined.  相似文献   
目的:基于网络药理学与分子对接技术探讨青蛇方外用治疗湿疹的作用机制。方法:应用TCMSP和UniProt数据库平台查询青蛇方组方的有效活性成分及靶基因,与疾病靶基因取交集后构建蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用(PPI)网络;应用DAVID数据库,对潜在核心作用靶点基因进行基因本体(GO)功能、京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路富集分析。利用分子对接原理论证青蛇方生物活性成分与核心靶点的分子结合能力。结果:筛选出青蛇方有效成分63种,作用靶点99个;主要有β-谷甾醇、2,4,7-三羟基-9,10-二氢菲、靛蓝素、豆甾醇、色氨酸等关键成分;转录因子AP-1(JUN)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、原癌基因(RELA)、干扰素γ(IFNG)、转化生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)等核心基因。关键信号通路有癌症信号通路、恰加斯病通路、弓形体病通路、脂质和动脉粥样硬化通路等,分子对接结果显示活性成分与核心靶点基因结合能力较强。结论:青蛇方外用可以通过多种活性成分、多种通路有效抑制免疫炎症反应,促进免疫系统正常运行,从而达到治疗湿疹的目的。  相似文献   
The main shock of the West-Bohemian earthquake swarm, Czechoslovakia, (magnitudem=4.5, depthh=10 km) exhibits an irregular areal distribution of macroseismic intensities 6° to 7° MSK-64. Four lobes of the 6° isoseismal are found and the maximum observed intensity is located at a distance of 8 km from the instrumentally determined epicentre. This distribution can be explained by the energy flux of the directS wave generated by a circular source, the hypocentral location and focal mechanism of which are taken from independent instrumental studies. The theoretical intensity, which is assumed to be logarithmically proportional to the integrated squared ground-motion velocity (i.e.,I=const+log v 2 (t)dt), fits the observed intensity with an overall root-mean-square error less than 0.5°. It is important that the present intensity data can also be equally well explained by the isotropic source. The fit was attained by means of a horizontally layered model though large fault zones and an extended sedimentary basin suggest a significant lateral heterogeneity of the epicentral region. The results encourage a broader application of the simple modelling technique used.  相似文献   
An appropriate concentration of fluoride in drinking water is required to prevent dental cavities, but long-term ingestion of water that contains more than a suitable level of fluoride can cause bone disease and mottling of the teeth. Fluoride ions can be found in wastewater from the fluoride chemical industry, as well as the semiconductor, metal processing, fertilizer, and glass-manufacturing industries. The discharge standard for fluoride in industrial wastewater in China is 10 mg/L. Efficient treatment of fluoride-containing wastewater is therefore of major concern in China, following the rapid development of the fluoride chemical industry. Several methods have been used to remove fluoride from water, such as adsorption, chemical precipitation, electrodialysis, ion exchange and electrochemical processes. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are anionic clays with high anion exchange capacities which are effective adsorbents for removal of a variety of anionic pollutants. LDHs have been studied as potential adsorbents for removing toxic anionic species such as CrO4^2-, TcO4^-, SeO3^2-, pesticides, and anionic surfactants from aqueous systems. One of the main attractions of using LDHs for fluoride removal, is that unlike other chemical treatment methods, no chemical sludge should be produced. In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate the mechanism of fluoride removal by LDHs under different conditions using batch methods. In addition, the release of fluoride adsorbed on LDHs by treatment with an aqueous solution of Na2CO3 was studied. The residual fluoride was found to be 10 mg/L in a solution with an initial concentration of 1000 mg/L, which meets the discharge standard for fluoride in industrial wastewater in China.  相似文献   
The Pacific plate and the Philippine Sea plate overlap and subduct underneath the Kanto region, central Japan, causing complex seismic activities in the upper mantle. In this research, we used a map selection tool with a graphic display to create a data set for earthquakes caused by the subducting motion of the Philippine Sea plate that are easily determined. As a result, we determined that there are at least four earthquake groups present in the upper mantle above the Pacific plate. Major seismic activity (Group 1) has been observed throughout the Kanto region and is considered to originate in the uppermost part of mantle in the subducted Philippine Sea plate, judging from the formation of the focal region and comparison with the 3D structure of seismic velocity. The focal mechanism of these earthquakes is characterized by the down-dip compression. A second earthquake layer characterized by down-dip extension (Group 2), below the earthquakes in this group, is also noted. The focal region for those earthquakes is considered to be located at the lower part of the slab mantle, and the Pacific plate located directly below is considered to influence the activity. Earthquakes located at the shallowest part (Group 3) form a few clusters distributed directly above the Group 1 focal region. Judging from the characteristics of later phases in these earthquakes and comparing against the 3D structure of seismic velocity, the focal regions for the earthquakes are considered to be located near the upper surface of the slab. Another earthquake group (Group 4) originates further below Group 2; it is difficult to consider these earthquakes within a single slab. The seismic activities representing the upper area of the Philippine Sea plate are Group 3. This paper proposes a slab geometry model that is substantially different from conventional models by strictly differentiating the groups.  相似文献   
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