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生活于珊瑚礁区的大型海藻可以与珊瑚一起为礁栖生物提供食物和栖息地, 它们在维护珊瑚礁生态系统生物多样性中起着极为重要的作用。本论文比较研究了生活于我国南海中沙大环礁区4种优势海藻的生化组分、光合特征及其对海水升温的生理响应,其中厚膜藻(Grateloupia ellipitica)和粉枝藻(Liagora samaensis)为红藻, 钙扇藻(Udotea flabellum)和仙掌藻(Halimeda discoidea)为绿藻。结果显示, 与绿藻相比, 红藻藻体叶绿素(Chl a)和类胡萝卜素含量更低且含有藻胆素, 红藻的光补偿点(EC)和呼吸速率(Rd)均显著低于绿藻。海水升温提高了4种海藻的光能利用效率(α)、ECRd和日净光合固碳量; 同时, 升温还降低红藻的饱和光强(EK)、提高绿藻的最大光合放氧速率(Pmax)。结果还显示, 海水升温在光强较低时提高红藻的光合放氧速率, 光强较高时则降低其放氧速率; 升温也提高绿藻的光合放氧速率, 但光强变化对升温效应的影响不显著。基于4种海藻的光生理特征以及升温效应的种间差异性可见, 短时间升温(~4℃)有利于中沙大环礁区海藻的光合作用; 与绿藻相比, 该升温效应更有利于红藻。  相似文献   
萨拉瓦提盆地位于东印度尼西亚巴布亚岛的鸟头部分,萨拉瓦提盆地中新世发育的Kais组碳酸盐岩是东南亚第三系碳酸盐岩的主要勘探对象之一。Kais组生物礁是盆地的主要储层和产层。在前人对Kais组碳酸盐岩的基本石油地质特征,特别是沉积特征的研究基础上,结合近年勘探的新资料,进一步探讨萨拉瓦提盆地中新世泻湖相沉积特点,对Kais组生物礁类型、圈闭类型及其储集性进行了较为系统的研究,认为萨拉瓦提盆地Kais组碳酸盐岩具有4种生物礁类型、3种圈闭类型。Kais组碳酸盐岩总体上为二元结构,在Kais组碳酸盐岩下部的滩礁层分布稳定,可作为区域油气运载层。正确认识和把握该盆地生物礁圈闭的特征对指导下一步油气勘探有重要意义。  相似文献   
对位于渤海湾西北岸平原的滨海湖埋藏牡蛎礁中各层牡蛎壳的泥质充填物做硅藻分析,整个牡蛎礁中海水砂质潮间带指标种标志种的Auliscus caelatus含量较高,为19%~42%,表明滨海湖礁体形成于潮间带环境。根据主要硅藻含量的变化,结合14C测年,自下而上将礁体发育期间的古环境分为3个带:I带为2 445~2 327 cal.aBP,礁体在向上建礁的过程中,海水作用逐渐减弱,潮间带特征愈加明显,为受河流影响较强且较为开放的潟湖潮间带环境;Ⅱ带咸水种硅藻Thalassionema nitzschioides的比例急剧增加;外洋指标种的Coscinodiscus spp.和Actinocyclus spp.急剧下降,表明在约2 327 cal.aBP,海岸带砂嘴闭合,形成较为封闭的潟湖内侧潮间带环境,且河流作用减弱导致潟湖的咸度明显增加;Ⅲ带为2 327~2 287 cal.aBP,由封闭的潟湖环境又转向较开放的潟湖潮间带环境。  相似文献   
本文通过对山东莱州仓上泻湖Y86孔柱状样的系统取样,利用X荧光光谱分析了沉积柱状样品中的主要微量元素含量,结合已有的粒度分析、微体古生物及孢粉结果相分析对比,对泻湖沉积相进行地球化学判别,结果表明,Rb,Cr,Nb,Ni,Rb,Sr,Th,V,Zn,Zr等元素含量及Sr/Ba,Sr/Ca、Mn/Fe比值在不同的沉积相中均有明显的变异特征。因此可根据泻湖沉积物中的微量元素含量及Sr/Ba,Sr/Ca,Mn/Fe比值判别泻湖沉积环境及沉积相。  相似文献   
Analysis of historical survey and navigation charts, aerial imagery, and digital hydro-data (representing a time-series of 1889–2009) allows the morphological evolution of a flood-tide delta at the artificial entrance to the Gippsland Lakes (Victoria, Australia) to be visualised and quantified. Analysis shows that flood-tide delta growth has imposed progressively greater demands upon port managers for publicly funded maintenance dredging. This flood-tide delta growth corresponds with a progressive diminution of Gippsland Lakes catchment river discharge volumes, and dampening of flow variability, due to both regional precipitation pattern changes and changes in catchment water resource allocation. Future climate change predictions for the Gippsland Lakes catchment and coastal area suggest both further decreases in catchment river discharge, and changing sediment flux along this sector of the Ninety Mile Beach. Thus, scope for flood-tide delta nourishment will probably increase, as will the demand for mitigation of the inevitable effects upon entrance channel navigability. Information derived from the analysis of time-series bathymetry used for this study offers baseline information in support of stakeholder consensus building regarding options for maintaining navigability. Analysis points to the merit of considering (and testing via morphological modelling) alternative options for navigation channel maintenance than those in present practice. We argue that the circumstances prevailing at the artificial entrance call for consideration of engineered configuration changes practised elsewhere by entrance managers faced with similar issues.  相似文献   
冀东地区中元古界长城系高于庄组可划分为7个自然岩性段,硫等赋矿层位为其2~5段,由含锰页岩 含锰白云岩 含锰页岩 含锰白云岩组成二个正旋回。高于庄组沉积早期(即下旋回第2段),在遵化 北汤道河水下高地的阻隔下,形成了蓟县 迁西泻湖,属封闭的还原环境,控制了“蓟县式”锰方硼石矿床。高于庄组沉积晚期(即上旋回第4段和第5段)沉积时期,高板河泻湖形成,由于泻湖南侧受北东东向同生断裂控制,北侧又受生物礁制约,在生物作用及滞流的还原环境下,形成了“高板河式”黄铁(铅锌)矿床。上旋回生物礁相和泻湖相区是寻找黄铁(铅锌)矿的靶区。  相似文献   
本文就不同类型淀湖在不同时相条件下,对卫星遥感谱段响应的分析结果,将研究区的信息进行了提取与复合.继之,解译了封闭与半封闭漏湖的发育进程和表观特征,并就七个潟湖区段环境乃至开发前景作了详细的阐述.  相似文献   
The Boao coastal system along the eastern coast of Hainan Island is a dynamic delta-tidal inlet-barrier formed during the late Holocene. The delta developed inside a shallow lagoon barred by a sandy barrier with a narrow, shallow tidal inlet opening. Two major distributary channels separated by small islands characterize the delta. The lagoon is silting up receiving and trapping sediments from both the river and, in minor measure during storms, through the tidal inlet opening and barrier washovers. The barrier at the tidal inlet is highly dynamic and changes its form, accreting (migrating spit) against the inlet during fair-weather conditions and being eroded during storms and river floods.The delta has almost completely filled the lagoon and major concerns exist on the effect that ongoing large development plans may have on the environment. These concerns include the effect on floods and rate of siltation once banks of the islands have been stabilized and floodwater and sediment load are impeded from spreading over the lowlands, and the effect of increasing pollutant loads from the new facilities on the ecosystems of the increasingly restricting lagoon water and on the seashores.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on a small back-barrier sand-island on the southeast coast of Queensland. The freshwater lens in the study area exhibits anomalously high short-range salinity gradients at shallow depths, which cannot be explained using a standard seawater intrusion model. The island groundwater system consists of two aquifers: a semiconfined aquifer hosting saline to hypersaline groundwater and an overlying unconfined freshwater aquifer. The deeper aquifer is semiconfined within an incised paleovalley, and groundwater flow is restricted to an east – west direction. Tidal response observations show that the tidal signal propagates far more rapidly and is of much higher magnitude in the semiconfined aquifer than the unconfined aquifer. The tidal wave-pulse amplitude is also subject to greater attenuation in the unconfined aquifer. A conceptual hydrogeological model illustrates how upwelling of hypersaline groundwater, induced by density-dependent flow and tidal pumping, has contaminated the shallow groundwater resource. Salinisation at shallow depths is restricted to an area proximal to the paleovalley aquifer. The spatial distribution of lithological heterogeneity is an initial limiting control on the movement of the upwelling saline plume. The extent of shallow groundwater contamination is also limited by the presence of a baroclinic field, resulting from lateral variations in fluid density. Hydrochemical signatures have been used to support the model hypothesis and link the salinisation of fresh groundwater with the semiconfined aquifer as opposed to the surrounding estuarine surface water. The geometry and thickness of the freshwater lens are further controlled by the presence of the largely impermeable bedrock paleosurface between 9 and 12 m depth. The combination of hypersaline groundwater and hydraulically restrictive lithology at shallow depths has produced excessive thinning of the freshwater lens, demonstrating that the application of a model such as the Dupuit – Ghyben – Herzberg relationship would grossly overestimate the available groundwater resource.  相似文献   
Coral reef calcareous sediment, a special category of rock-soil material, has representative geological structure and environmental characteristics. It is widely distributed in shallow areas of the tropical ocean; therefore the exploration instruments and technologies for engineering geology studies of coral reef calcareous sediments are very different from those used in land or deep-sea. Obtaining undisturbed cores from the Holocene unconsolidated stratum of coral reefs has been a key problem in the field of marine geology and environment surveying. The authors have designed a novel floating drilling platform equipped with a drilling machine, and successfully achieved undisturbed cores from both reef flats (with water depth 0.5 to 2 m) and a enclosed lagoon (with water depth 2–12 m) of Yongshu Reef (9°32–9°42 N, 112°52–113°04 E), southern South China Sea. Based on the detailed observation on the cores and the analysis from engineering geology, Yongshu Reef was split into reef three engineering geological zones: leading edge, reef flat (including outer reef flat, middle reef flat and inner reef flat) and lagoon. The sediments are classified in the stratum as fine sand, medium sand, coarse sand, gravel and weak-cemented reef limestone.  相似文献   
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