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大气重力波是地球大气层中广泛存在的重要大气动力学扰动,研究其分布和变化规律对理解大气物理、大气结构以及大气动力学等具有重要意义.传统大气重力波探测手段,如雷达和探空气球等,均存在探测时间短、有效探测高度低等缺点,全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)掩星观测具有全天候、低成本、高精度等优点,被广泛应用于地球大气探测和研究,为研究区域或全球重力波变化和活动特征提供了新的观测手段.本文利用中国第一颗搭载GNSS掩星设备气象卫星——风云3C (FY-3C)获得的掩星数据,反演得到2014年8月—2016年12月大气温度轮廓线,并首次估计重力波参数分布,分析了重力波参数的时空变化分布特征.结果表明,海陆季节性对流导致冬夏两季的重力波势能强于春秋两季,赤道对流作用导致赤道区域重力波强于两极,夏季南半球中低纬度地区重力波活动频繁,冬季北半球中低纬度区域重力波活动频繁.重力波随着高度的上升,势能逐渐下降.另外,地形是低层大气重力波的主要来源.  相似文献   
严小冬  宋燕  夏阳  龙园  杨春艳 《气象》2017,43(9):1064-1072
利用贵州省81站1964—2013年秋季(9—11月)雨日数及美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料,借助Morlet小波、合成分析等相关诊断方法,对贵州省秋季雨日数时空特征及其与大气环流的关系进行了分析。结果表明:贵州省秋季雨日数分布由东南部向西北部逐渐增多,一般在30.0~52.3 d。近50年秋季全省平均雨日数为40.5 d,总体呈减少趋势,每10年雨日数减少1.9 d。秋季雨日数突变发生在1987年前后,1964—1987年为偏多时段,1988—2013年为偏少时段,其中1997年以后减少趋势最为明显。近50年贵州秋季雨日序列存在准5 a和2~3 a的振荡周期,其中准5 a振荡最为显著。当贵州秋季雨日异常偏多时,南海上空的水汽通量在贵州地区辐合抬升,来自低纬地区的暖湿空气输送更加活跃,东亚大槽偏强,低纬度地区槽脊略有加深,贵州处于印缅槽前,偏南气流强盛,从而有利于冷、暖空气在贵州地区交汇,形成阴雨天气,造成贵州秋季雨日数异常偏多;反之亦然。  相似文献   
Measurements of aerosol physical, chemical and optical parameters were carried out in Guangzhou, China from 1 July to 31 July 2006 during the Pearl River Delta Campaign. The dry aerosol scattering coefficient was measured using an integrating nephelometer and the aerosol scattering coefficient for wet conditions was determined by subtracting the sum of the aerosol absorption coefficient, gas scattering coefficient and gas absorption coefficient from the atmospheric extinction coefficient. Following this, the aerosol hygroscopic growth factor, f(RH), was calculated as the ratio of wet and dry aerosol scattering coefficients. Measurements of size-resolved chemical composition, relative humidity (RH), and published functional relationships between particle chemical composition and water uptake were likewise used to find the aerosol scattering coefficients in wet and dry conditions using Mie theory for internally- or externally-mixed particle species [(NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl, POM, EC and residue]. Closure was obtained by comparing the measured f(RH) values from the nephelometer and other in situ optical instruments with those computed from chemical composition and thermodynamics. Results show that the model can represent the observed f(RH) and is appropriate for use as a component in other higher-order models.  相似文献   
The presence of amino acids in atmospheric precipitation and aerosols has been noted for many years, yet relatively little is known about these or other nitrogen containing organic compounds in the atmosphere. Marine and continental rainwater analyses indicate that atmospheric aerosols, and subsequently atmospheric precipitation, may contain substantial levels of free and combined amino acids. The most likely source of amino N in the remote marine atmosphere appears to be the injection of proteinaceous material through the action of bursting bubbles at the sea-air interface or the long range transport from terrestrial sources. The capacity of these substrates to undergo photooxidation and photodegradation in the atmosphere to simpler species, such as ammonium ions, carboxylic acids, and for the S containing amino acids, oxidized forms of sulfur, has received little attention from atmospheric chemists. The photochemistry of covalently bound amino groups, particularly as found in peptides and amino acids, is discussed here with the purpose of summarizing what is known of their occurrence and their possible importance to atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   
模式水平分辨率对祁连山区降水模拟影响的初步分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用中尺度模式MM5V3.6,针对祁连山地区2002年7月14~17日的一次降水过程,设计了一组不同水平分辨率的试验进行数值模拟。并将模式结果与实测资料进行对比,结果表明:高水平分辨率对降水中心位置的模拟较好,但同时会产生虚假降水中心,且模拟的降水中心量值一般都大于实测值。而低水平分辨率对降水量值的模拟较好,但对降水中心位置的模拟没有高水平分辨率的好。  相似文献   
利用驻马店10个站气象资料,分析了极端温度的时间变化特征、高温天气与6-8月降水量之间的关系和极端晴热高温、极端湿热高温天气形成的天气背景及影响因子,确定了高温出现的前期预报指标。  相似文献   
Changes in Earth's temperature have significant impacts on the global carbon cycle that vary at different time scales, yet to quantify such impacts with a simple scheme is traditionally deemed difficult. Here, we show that, by incorporating a temperature sensitivity parameter(1.64 ppm yr~(-1) ?C~(-1)) into a simple linear carbon-cycle model, we can accurately characterize the dynamic responses of atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO_2) concentration to anthropogenic carbon emissions and global temperature changes between 1850 and 2010(r~2 0.96 and the root-mean-square error 1 ppm for the period from 1960onward). Analytical analysis also indicates that the multiplication of the parameter with the response time of the atmospheric carbon reservoir(~12 year) approximates the long-term temperature sensitivity of global atmospheric CO_2concentration(~15 ppm?C~(-1)), generally consistent with previous estimates based on reconstructed CO_2 and climate records over the Little Ice Age. Our results suggest that recent increases in global surface temperatures, which accelerate the release of carbon from the surface reservoirs into the atmosphere, have partially offset surface carbon uptakes enhanced by the elevated atmospheric CO_2 concentration and slowed the net rate of atmospheric CO_2 sequestration by global land and oceans by ~30%since the 1960 s. The linear modeling framework outlined in this paper thus provides a useful tool to diagnose the observed atmospheric CO_2 dynamics and monitor their future changes.  相似文献   
利用CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload)、GRACE-A (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-A)、SWARM-C (The Earth''s Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers-C)等3颗极轨卫星的资料, 研究360—480km高层大气密度在低纬度区域的午夜极大值(Midnight Density Maximum, MDM)现象. MDM一般出现在23:00- 02:00 LT (Local Time)之间,峰值位置在低纬度15°以内,谷值位置在中纬度35°-45°附近,整体略偏向南半球,振幅约为平均密度的26%.随着高度增大以及太阳辐射水平的增强,MDM振幅呈减小趋势;冬至和夏至日附近的季节效应会减弱MDM振幅,在春秋分日的振幅最大.用3个主流大气模型DTM2000 (Drag Temperature Model 2000), NRLMSISE00 (US Naval Research Laboratory, Mass Spectrom-eter and Incoherent Scatter radar)和JB2008 (Jacchia- Bowman 2008 model)对MDM进行模拟,JB2008没有刻画出MDM现象;另两个模型低估了MDM效应,在360km和480km两个高度DTM2000模型的振幅仅为观测的46%和53%, NRLMSISE00模型仅为观测的33%和26%;模型没有准确刻画出MDM与高度、辐射水平和季节的关系.联合3颗卫星的资料,研究了-种基于地理纬度的6阶勒让德多项式,同时融合地方时和高度因素的经验函数,在振幅和相位上可以较好地刻画MDM特征,相关系数达到0.923,可为大气密度模型的修正提供借鉴,服务于低轨道航天器高精度轨道预报.  相似文献   
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