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The use of GPS for establishing height control in an area where levelling data are available can involve the so-called GPS/levelling technique. Modelling of the GPS/levelling geoid undulations has usually been carried out using polynomial surface fitting, least-squares collocation (LSC) and finite-element methods. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have recently been used for many investigations, and proven to be effective in solving complex problems represented by noisy and missing data. In this study, a feed-forward ANN structure, learning the characteristics of the training data through the back-propagation algorithm, is employed to model the local GPS/levelling geoid surface. The GPS/levelling geoid undulations for Istanbul, Turkey, were estimated from GPS and precise levelling measurements obtained during a field study in the period 1998–99. The results are compared to those produced by two well-known conventional methods, namely polynomial fitting and LSC, in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) that ranged from 3.97 to 5.73 cm. The results show that ANNs can produce results that are comparable to polynomial fitting and LSC. The main advantage of the ANN-based surfaces seems to be the low deviations from the GPS/levelling data surface, which is particularly important for distorted levelling networks.  相似文献   
A number of regional gravimetric geoid models have recently been determined for the Iran area, and a common problem is to select the best model, e.g. for engineering applications. A related problem is that in order to improve the local geoid models, the selection of the best Global Geopotential Model (GGM) model for the region is essential, to be used in a combined solution from GGM and local gravimetric data. We discuss these problems by taking advantage of 260 GPS/levelling points as an external tool for validation of different global and local geoid models in the absolute and relative senses. By using relative comparisons of the height differences between precise levelling and GPS/geoid models we avoid possible unknown systematic effects between the different types of observables.The study shows that the combination of the newly released GRACE model (GGM02C) with EGM96 geoid model fits the GPS/levelling data in Iran with the best absolute and relative accuracy among the GGMs. Among the local geoid models, the newly gravimetric geoid model IRG04 agrees considerably better with GPS/levelling than any of the other recent local geoid models. Its rms fit with GPS/levelling is 55 cm. Hence, we strongly recommend the use of this new model in any surveying engineering or GPS/levelling projects in the area.  相似文献   
Aeolian processes in the subarctic ecocline were investigated by measuring present‐day erosion and deposition rates over a decade in blowouts scoured into stabilized Early to Mid‐Holocene dunes. Four localities from different vegetation zones in Finnish Lapland were surveyed using precision levelling (infrared tachymeter) along eight transects at 1‐m intervals. During an 11‐year observation period, a total of 1439 observation points were monitored in three measurement campaigns, in 1993, 1994 and 2004. Together with dating results reported elsewhere, the results demonstrate the relative quiescence of these subarctic blowouts compared to many coastal dunes. On average, the deflation rate of the studied basins was 8.8 mm a‐1, which corresponds well with the age and depth of the blowouts. Net deposition had taken place at 30% of the observation points, and one of the eight studied transects showed net deposition as the transect average. Symmetrical, smooth basins showed more consistent changes than basins with a complex form, indicating that internal factors are important in blowout formation under the Lapland climatic range. The deepest part of a blowout was generally found in the upwind end. The erosion/deposition patterns of the transects over a one‐year monitoring period were interpreted with Fourier analysis revealing along‐transect cyclicity, possibly reflecting the movement of small migrating bedforms in the blowouts. Generally, deflation rates at the latitudinal pine forest line were smaller than at those well outside the pine forest suggesting that the coniferous forest at the subarctic ecocline affects the intensity of present‐day aeolian activity in Fennoscandia.  相似文献   
电子水准仪的出现是水准测量技术的一次大的变革。在我国尚没有电子水准测量规范出台的情况下,提出了基于DINI12电子水准仪数据处理程序设计思想,对程序具有的测段提取、错误剔除、粗差探测、时间内插温度改正、尺长改正、标准化成果表生成及观测指标统计等功能进行了详述。  相似文献   
Description and release of Australian gravity field model testing data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gravimetric geoid and/or quasigeoid models are routinely evaluated using co-located GPS-levelling and/or astrogeodetic vertical deflections, globally and regionally. This short note describes these ground-truth data for Australia as of August 2017, which are provided as Electronic Supplementary Material. We provide ~7500 GPS-derived ellipsoidal heights, normal-orthometric heights from the 1971 adjustment of the Australian Height Datum, normal heights from a readjustment of levelling constrained to a model of the ocean's mean dynamic topography, and ~1000 historical astrogeodetic vertical deflections. Updates to these data will be posted on the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping GitHub repository (https://github.com/icsm-au), together with a readme.txt file describing them.  相似文献   
利用现势性很强的EGM2008,EIGEN-6C,EIGEN-6C2,GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R4共四个地球重力场模型,对中国沿海近岸陆地和岛礁上16个区域的1 053个GNSS水准点进行了沉降分析,最后发现中国沿海浙江省、辽宁省、上海市、天津市、广西、琼州北(琼州海峡北)、琼州南(琼州海峡南)7个区域存在沉降。  相似文献   
针对水准网中的异常误差,采用函数模型异常误差补偿方法抑制其影响,提高水准网平差精度。首先采用最小二乘方法获得各观测值残差,通过假设检验确定异常误差位置;将异常误差作为待估参数进行解算;最后扣除异常误差,利用"干净"观测数据进行平差获取水准网点的高程与垂直运动速度。采用山东省两期二等水准网观测数据进行试验,该方法进一步提高了水准网平差的可靠性。  相似文献   
重力异常对静力水准系统测量精度的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
讨论了在大距离范围中使用静力水准系统应注意的问题,根据地球潮汐理论,着重分析了由于附近巨大物体以及月球和太阳的作用引起的测量范围内的重力异常对系统测量精度的影响和相应的修正办法,并推导出了改正量公式。  相似文献   
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