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首先就三角模糊数运算的基本规则作了简单的介绍,阐述了三角模糊数用于GIS可靠性分析的方法与步骤,然后用实例进行了分析,最后就全文进行总结并指出了需要解决的问题。  相似文献   
运用密度泛函理论(DFT)在ωB97XD/gen (O、H元素Aug-cc-PVDZ; Rb元素Lanl2DZ)基组水平上研究了[Rb(H_2O)_n]~+(n=1~12)水合团簇的结构和光谱学性质。研究结果表明,通过分析气相和液相中的稳定能以及水合团簇可知,稳定构型出现在8配位的团簇中。第一配位层水分子数为8时形成Rb~+第一近似饱和水合层。此外,拉曼光谱显示[Rb(H_2O)_n]~+(n=1~12)水合团簇中O-H伸缩振动峰随着水分子数增加发生移动和加宽,Rb~+发生水合时,O-H对称和非对称伸缩振动发生红移,随着水合数的增多,频率蓝移。此外,文中对拉曼光谱中O-H振动的频率位置结合团簇结构进行了说明。  相似文献   
选取2012年4月14日的一次存在东西2片雾区的黄海春季海雾为研究对象,借助WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,采用循环3DVAR(3-Dimensional Variational)数据同化方案,考虑了湿度控制变量的背景误差协方差CV6,进行了AIRS(Atmospheric Infrared Sounder)卫星温度与湿度廓线数据的同化试验,并基于同化试验结果探讨了此次海雾的形成机制。同化试验结果表明:同化 AIRS 卫星温度与湿度廓线数据后,模式能成功再现海雾的形成过程,特别是东西2片雾区之间的晴空区的存在,这归功于AIRS数据的同化能够显著改善海上大气边界层的温湿结构、影响海雾的低层高压的范围与强度;机制分析揭示:东西2片雾均为典型的平流冷却雾,但二者厚薄和气团来源不同;海上高压控制黄海西岸陆地的暖空气入海,受低海温的冷却作用降温先形成逆温层,然后逆温层底部生成了较薄的西侧雾区;来自黄海中部的空气向东北移动至朝鲜半岛西部海域,高压下沉增温形成一个顶部较高的稳定层,从而生成较厚的东侧雾区;高压中心下沉区内,近海面风速小使得机械湍流弱,空气增温与海温暖舌共同作用下使得近海面气海温差小,海雾无法生成导致了晴空区的存在。  相似文献   
王慧珍  王广兴  牛飞  苏醒 《测绘科学》2021,46(1):76-83,92
针对低轨卫星星座有待合理化设计的问题,深入研究了低轨卫星星座增强北斗三号系统定位性能。分析轨道高度、轨道倾角、星座构型对星座覆盖性能的影响,仿真北斗三号、GPS和3种不同类型的低轨星座,研究各低轨星座与北斗三号、GPS的组合系统在所选7个测站以及全球范围内的可见卫星数和PDOP值分布。结果表明低轨卫星对北斗三号的增强效果主要与低轨卫星数目有关,且不同轨道倾角的组合低轨星座有利于均衡系统在全球范围内的可见卫星数与PDOP值分布。低轨卫星有望通过改善卫星观测几何构型提高北斗三号系统的定位性能,且增强效果与低轨星座构型密切相关。  相似文献   
The ECMWF has been assimilating Feng-Yun-3B(FY-3B) satellite microwave humidity sounder(MWHS) data over ocean in an operational forecasting system since 24 September 2014. It is more difficult, however, to assimilate microwave observations over land and sea ice than over the open ocean due to higher uncertainties in land surface temperature, surface emissivity and less effective cloud screening. We compare approaches in which the emissivity is retrieved dynamically from MWHS channel 1 [150 GHz(vertical polarization)] with the use of an evolving emissivity atlas from 89 GHz observations from the MWHS onboard NOAA and EUMETSAT satellites. The assimilation of the additional data over land improves the fit of short-range forecasts to other observations, notably ATMS(Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) humidity channels, and the forecast impacts are mainly neutral to slightly positive over the first five days. The forecast impacts are better in boreal summer and the Southern Hemisphere. These results suggest that the techniques tested allow for effective assimilation of MWHS/FY-3B data over land.  相似文献   
Based on the data(including radius of maximum winds) from the JTWC(Joint Typhoon Warning Center),the tropical cyclones(TCs) radii of the outermost closed isobar, TCs best tracks from Shanghai Typhoon Institute and the Black Body Temperature(TBB) of the Japanese geostationary meteorological satellite M1 TR IR1, and combining13 tropical cyclones which landed in China again after visiting the island of Taiwan during the period from 2001 to2010, we analyzed the relationship between the number of convective cores within TC circulation and the intensity of TC with the method of convective-stratiform technique(CST) and statistical and composite analysis. The results are shown as follows:(1) The number of convective cores in the entire TC circulation is well corresponding with the outer spiral rainbands and the density of convective cores in the inner core area increases(decreases) generally with increasing(decreasing) TC intensity. At the same time, the number of convective cores within the outer spiral rainbands is more than that within the inner core and does not change much with the TC intensity. However, the density of convective cores within the outer spiral rainbands is lower than that within the inner core.(2) The relationship described above is sensitive to landing location to some extent but not sensitive to the structure of TC.(3) The average value of TBB in the inner core area increases(decreases) generally with increasing(decreasing) of TC intensity, which is also sensitive to landing situation to some extent. At the same time, the average value of TBB within the outer spiral rainbands is close to that within the entire TC circulation, and both of them are more than that within the inner core. However, they do not reflect TC intensity change significantly.(4) The results of statistical composite based on convective cores and TBB are complementary with each other, so a combination of both can reflect the relationship between TC rainbands and TC intensity much better.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a variational assimilation technique for the retrieval of wind fields from Doppler radar data. The assimilated information included both the radial velocity (RV) and the movement of radar echo. In this assimilation technique, the key is transforming the movement of radar echo to a new radar measuring variable- "apparent velocity" (AV). Thus, the information of wind is added, and the indeterminacy of recovering two-dimensional wind only by AV was overcome effectively by combining RV with AV. By means of CMA GRAPES-3Dvar and CINRAD data, some experiments were performed. The results show that the method of retrieval of wind fields is useful in obtaining the construction of the weather system.  相似文献   
LAPS分析场在一次强对流天气过程尺度分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用LAPS(local analysis and prediction system)同化系统融合多种观测资料,对2010年8月25日发生在上海的一次强对流天气过程进行中尺度分析。结果表明,这次强对流天气主要是由中、低空中尺度辐合系统直接触发形成的。强对流形成阶段,地面有分散辐合形成并逐渐加强,成为触发中尺度垂直环流的主要机制,垂直结构上出现低层辐合高层辐散的有利配置,风暴中心附近出现明显的上升气流区,中高层相对湿度显著增加。成熟阶段,强对流云体中心附近的对流层底层开始出现下沉气流,上升气流在其拖曳作用下明显倾斜。衰减阶段,下沉气流加强使中尺度环流动力结构和水汽供应受到破坏,垂直结构上转为底层辐散高层辐合。因此,与天气尺度分析相比,基于LAPS的中尺度分析能更深刻地揭示中小尺度系统的三维结构和时空演变特征。  相似文献   
王瑞春  龚建东 《气象》2016,42(9):1033-1044
通过背景误差协方差构建动力平衡约束是变分同化框架设计的重要环节。它不仅帮助实现变量间的协同分析,提高观测使用效率,还能改善变分极小化问题的性状。本文在系统梳理通过背景误差协方差引入动力平衡约束的方式、流程的基础上,对求解目前全球和有限区域变分同化系统普遍采用的准地转平衡和静力平衡约束的共性问题和存在的不足作了归纳总结。分析了求解准地转平衡约束的三类方案:动力平衡方程方案、统计方案和动力-统计相结合方案的优缺点。对照比较了不同垂直离散方案下求解静力平衡约束时遇到的欠定问题的表现以及解决途径。最后,展望了基于背景误差协方差构建动力平衡约束在赤道等特殊地区、高分辨率同化系统、以及集合-变分混合同化系统发展中面临的挑战和机遇。  相似文献   
地基GPS天顶总延迟由于其解算误差来源少于目前广泛应用的可降水量资料,其同化应用将会为数值预报初值场更好地提供大气信息。面向同化应用的天顶总延迟观测质量控制方案的研发将会有效推进该资料在中国数值预报中的广泛应用。基于2013-2014年华北地区天顶总延迟观测资料,发展了一套针对数值预报同化应用的天顶总延迟观测质量控制方案。该方案从测站稳定性和解算精度、离群值、系统偏差及标准差等考察点切入,从不同角度检查和标记出致使观测序列统计特性偏离高斯分布特征的样本。质量控制后序列统计特征量更接近三维变分系统对观测资料的性质假设,表明了所建立质量控制方案的合理性。基于北京市气象局数值预报业务系统BJ-RUC开展了连续11 d的快速更新循环预报试验。评估结果表明:同化质控后天顶总延迟试验的降水预报效果明显优于同化未质控天顶总延迟试验,表明所建立质量控制方案的有效性。同化质控后天顶总延迟试验的降水预报效果优于未同化GPS资料试验,表明天顶总延迟资料的同化应用可以有效提升预报系统的降水预报效果,特别是在无探空资料参加同化的预报时次;同化质控后天顶总延迟资料试验的降水预报效果也优于同化可降水量的试验,表明使用天顶总延迟资料代替可降水量资料在数值预报业务中开展同化应用是可行的。在天顶总延迟观测质量控制方案研发和同化应用得到了一些有意义的结果,有助于推进该观测资料在数值预报科研和业务中的应用,为提升预报性能提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
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