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Microwave radiances from passive polar-orbiting radiometers have been, until recently, assimilated in the Met Office global numerical weather prediction system after the scenes significantly affected by atmospheric scattering are discarded.Recent system upgrades have seen the introduction of a scattering-permitting observation operator and the development of a variable observation error using both liquid and ice water paths as proxies of scattering-induced bias. Applied to the Fengyun 3 Microwave Temperature Sounder 2(MWTS-2) and the Microwave Humidity Sounder 2(MWHS-2), this methodology increases the data usage by up to 8% at 183 GHz. It also allows for the investigation into the assimilation of MWHS-2 118 GHz channels, sensitive to temperature and lower tropospheric humidity, but whose large sensitivity to ice cloud have prevented their use thus far. While the impact on the forecast is mostly neutral with small but significant shortrange improvements, 0.3% in terms of root mean square error, for southern winds and low-level temperature, balanced by 0.2% degradations of short-range northern and tropical low-level temperature, benefits are observed in the background fit of independent instruments used in the system. The lower tropospheric temperature sounding Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer(IASI) channels see a reduction of the standard deviation in the background departure of up to 1.2%. The Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A(AMSU-A) stratospheric sounding channels improve by up to 0.5% and the Microwave Humidity Sounder(MHS) humidity sounding channels improve by up to 0.4%.  相似文献   
地球重力场模型在GPS高程测量中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原喜屯 《全球定位系统》2011,36(2):59-61,80
介绍了地球重力场模型(EGM2008)及其精度,对利用EGM2008模型进行GPS高程测量这一方法进行了探讨。在试验区内采用多种方案进行数据处理,结合试验区内的已有GPS水准点资料的情况进行了分析,通过对多种方案进行比较分析,得出了利用EGM2008模型进行GPS高程测量的精度与采用水准点的大致关系,为GPS高程测量提供一种新思路。  相似文献   
The MM5, which is the PSU/NCAR mesoscale nonhydrostatic limited-area model, and its adjoining modeling system are used in this paper. Taking T106 analysis data as background field the authors generate an optimal initial condition of a typhoon by using two bogus data assimilation schemes, and conduct some numerical simulating experiments. The results of No.9608 typhoon (Gloria) show that the optimal initial field have some dramatic improvements, such as inaccurate position of typhoon center, weaker typhoon circulation and incomplete inner structure of the typhoon, which are caused by shortage of data over the sea. Some improvements have been made in the track forecast. Through several comparing experiments, the initialization optimized by BDA scheme is found to be more reasonable than GFDL scheme and its typhoon track forecast is better.  相似文献   
散射计风场的三维变分对海雾数值模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了评估同化QuikSCAT海面风场资料对海雾模拟的影响,对发生在2006年4月3—5日的海雾过程,首先通过3个敏感性试验,研究了不同边界层参数化方案对海雾模拟的影响,发现YSU边界层参数化方案更适合海雾过程的模拟。然后对2006年4月3—5日平流雾过程和2005年6月23—24日辐射雾过程利用WRF-3DVAR系统将QuikSCAT海面风场资料同化到模式中,并以未同化和同化了QuikSCAT海面风场资料的数据为初始场,应用WRF模式进行模拟预报,同时对模拟预报得到的结果与实况 (卫星云图和地面观测) 进行对比,结果表明:QuikSCAT海面风场资料的三维变分同化能够改善低层其他要素场,对海雾预报有明显的正效应,但对高层的影响相对有限。  相似文献   
基于WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式及其3DVAR(3-Dimentional Variational)资料同化系统,采用36 km、12 km 、4 km三层嵌套网格进行逐3 h资料同化和快速更新循环预报,对2011年5月8日鲁中一次局地大暴雨过程进行了资料同化敏感性试验。试验结果表明,地面观测资料同化和快速更新循环对本次降水的预报起到了关键性作用。在快速更新循环预报时不同化地面观测资料,或同化全部观测资料进行冷启动预报,模式均不能预报出山东的降水。同化地面观测资料后,显著改进了模式降水落区预报。地面观测资料同化可以影响到700 hPa高度以上温压湿风要素的变化,从而改变了大气初始场的温湿结构,导致模式预报的700 hPa附近高空大气湿度和热力不稳定增强,700 hPa以下低层风场更强,850 hPa鲁中以南风速较无观测资料同化的偏强2~4 m·s-1,低层风场的动力作用触发高空的不稳定大气,降水出现在山东。  相似文献   

The physically-based flood frequency models use readily available rainfall data and catchment characteristics to derive the flood frequency distribution. In the present study, a new physically-based flood frequency distribution has been developed. This model uses bivariate exponential distribution for rainfall intensity and duration, and the Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) method for deriving the probability density function (pdf) of effective rainfall. The effective rainfall-runoff model is based on kinematic-wave theory. The results of application of this derived model to three Indian basins indicate that the model is a useful alternative for estimating flood flow quantiles at ungauged sites.  相似文献   
The curve number (CN) method is widely used for rainfall–runoff modelling in continuous hydrologic simulation models. A sound continuous soil moisture accounting procedure is necessary for models using the CN method. For shallow soils and soils with low storage, the existing methods have limitations in their ability to reproduce the observed runoff. Therefore, a simple one‐parameter model based on the Soil Conservation Society CN procedure is developed for use in continuous hydrologic simulation. The sensitivity of the model parameter to runoff predictions was also analysed. In addition, the behaviour of the procedure developed and the existing continuous soil moisture accounting procedure used in hydrologic models, in combination with Penman–Monteith and Hargreaves evapotranspiration (ET) methods was also analysed. The new CN methodology, its behaviour and the sensitivity of the depletion coefficient (model parameter) were tested in four United States Geological Survey defined eight‐digit watersheds in different water resources regions of the USA using the SWAT model. In addition to easy parameterization for calibration, the one‐parameter model developed performed adequately in predicting runoff. When tested for shallow soils, the parameter is found to be very sensitive to surface runoff and subsurface flow and less sensitive to ET. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simplified method has been developed for solving leaky aquifer non-Darcian flow hydraulics. The principle of volumetric approach is combined with the confined-aquifer, time-dependent drawdown equation in an observation well. The groundwater flow in the leaky aquifer is assumed to obey a non-Darcian flow law of exponential type. The results are obtained in the form of type-curve expressions from which the necessary bundles of curves are drawn for a set of selective non-Darcian flow aquifer parameters. Although application of the methodology appears as rather limited but it provides a scientific contribution and extension of leaky aquifer theory towards nonlinear flow conditions. The methodology developed herein is applied to some actual field data from the eastern sedimentary basin in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   
River discharge is currently monitored by a diminishing network of gauges, which provide a spatially incomplete picture of global discharges. This study assimilated water level information derived from a fused satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image and digital terrain model (DTM) with simulations from a coupled hydrological and hydrodynamic model to estimate discharge in an un‐gauged basin scenario. Assimilating water level measurements led to a 79% reduction in ensemble discharge uncertainty over the coupled hydrological hydrodynamic model alone. Measurement bias was evident, but the method still provided a means of improving estimates of discharge for high flows. The study demonstrates the potential of currently available synthetic aperture radar imagery to reduce discharge uncertainty in un‐gauged basins when combined with model simulations in a data assimilation framework, where sufficient topographic data are available. The work is timely because in the near future the launch of satellite radar missions will lead to a significant increase in the volume of data available for space‐borne discharge estimation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
GAIM电离层同化方法进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电离层是复杂的空间层结,其变化受太阳活动强度、地球磁场等因素影响。随着空间技术发展的需求,电离层天气变化成为目前空间天气预报最重要的内容之一。最近10年,人们利用卫星在电离层观测方面取得了重大进展,尤其引人注意的是:无线电掩星观测技术正走向应用的新阶段,加上已经建立的全球大量的地基GPS观测网,它们不仅为电离层动力学模式研究提供了丰富的电离层资料,而且为电离层预报提供了很好基础。因此,电离层天气预报成为当前重要的、前瞻性的研究方向,电离层资料同化是电离层预报最重要的研究内容之一。该文系统介绍这方面国际动态,重点是美国的USC/JPL和犹他州大学开展全球电离层同化模型研究、全球电离层同化研究的进展,以及在电离层天气预报中应用的初步成果。  相似文献   
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