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Due to its rapid growth, the introduced mangrove species Sonneratia apetala from Bangladesh has been widely used in mangrove restoration in southeastern China since 1985. As an indigenous mangrove species in Hainan, China, Sonneratia caseolaris was also planted in Guangdong Province for afforestation purposes. Both species have developed well in their new habitats, but their ecophysiological differences with the native mangrove species have not been studied. In this study, leaf gas exchange, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of two Sonneratia species were compared with those of selected native mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum, Kandelia candel, and Excoecaria agallocha) in Hainan and Shenzhen. The introduced S. apetala maintained lower carbon assimilation rate (A) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) than the indigenous S. caseolaris. In Shenzhen, the two introduced Sonneratia had comparable photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency (WUE) with the native mangrove species, except that PNUE in S. caseolaris was significantly higher than in the native mangrove species. The two Sonneratia species showed significant overlap in PNUE and long-term WUE. Photosynthetic parameters derived from leaf photosynthetic light–response curves and ACi curves also suggested lower carbon assimilation capacities for the introduced Sonneratia than for the native mangrove species in both study sites. The lower light compensation point (LCP) of two introduced Sonneratia in both study sites also indicated a better adaptation to a low light regime than the native mangrove species. The results of photosynthetic capacities indicated that the introduced mangrove species have little competitive advantage over local native mangrove species in their respective new habitats.  相似文献   
海桑属红树植物遗传多样性和引种关系研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
周涵韬  林鹏 《海洋学报》2002,24(5):98-106
以海南东寨港红树林自然保护区内无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)、海南海桑(S.hainanensis)、拟海桑(S.paracaseolaris)、杯萼海桑(S.abla)、大叶海桑(S.ovata)、海桑(S.caseolaris)等6种海桑属红树植物为材料,对15个有效引物进行RAPD分析,共扩增出512条带,其中多态性条带为297,占总扩增条带的58.01%.Nei指数法分析和UPGMA统计分析表明,6种海桑属红树植物分为A,B,C3个组,平均遗传距离为0.38.A组包括无瓣海桑、海南海桑、大叶海桑、怀萼海桑,其中无瓣海桑、海南海桑、大叶海桑处于同一个亚组.B组包括拟海桑.C组包括海桑.对海南和福建无瓣海桑种群进行RAPD分析.对Shannon表型多样性指数统计结果表明,福建种群为0.669,海南种群为0.671,各种群遗传变异较大,这与无瓣海桑种群广泛的适应性相一致.对种群间的Shannon表型多样性指数分析表明,种群内的遗传变异占整个遗传变异的93.3%,而种群间的遗传变异仅占6.7%.这表明无瓣海桑种群的大部分遗传变异存在于种群内,而种群间的遗传变异较小.由此可见,无瓣海桑基因组丰富的多样性,是使其由海南成功引种到福建的重要因素.  相似文献   
石鲽鱼人工育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据石鲽鱼的生物学特性 ,对亲鱼的选择培育、人工催产、挤卵、受精孵化和仔稚鱼的培育技术 ,进行试验探索。在室内人工控制水温、光照、饵料投喂的条件下 ,较为系统地研究了石鲽鱼的发育和变态及其与理化因子的关系 ,探索了人工育苗的关键技术 ,突破了过去单纯依赖采捕自然苗进行人工养殖的方式 ,为实现室内全人工育苗及养成产业化生产 ,解决苗种来源途径提供了技术保证  相似文献   
水库溯源冲刷试验是评估在水库速降水位过程中,结合工程控制条件、水沙条件、冲刷时机和初始水库蓄水条件等因素,研究支流拦门沙坎破坏程度对干流溯源冲刷的影响。采用按照水库高含沙模型相似律建立的小浪底水库实体模型开展了4个组次的水库降水库区发生溯源冲刷的试验,第1~4组次库容恢复率依次为11.6%、6.8%、12.2%和6.6%。拦门沙坎破坏越严重,水量越大,库区溯源冲刷量越大,库容恢复率大;侵蚀基准面越低,库区溯源冲刷量大,库容恢复率大;库区淤积量42.00亿m3时采用降低水位引起库区发生溯源冲刷优于库区淤积量32.00亿m3。对原有的陕西水利科学研究所与清华大学的逐日溯源冲刷公式在考虑支流促因的基础上进行了改进,说明支流蓄水量进入干流越多,引起支流口以下的干流河段冲刷量越大,其计算结果与实测值满足生产实践精度,可作为多沙河流水库调水调沙方案制定参考。  相似文献   
A one-year study (1995–1996) on the macrobenthos over a spread of (37) hydrographically differing GPS-fixed sites in Kakinada Bay (mean salinity 27.16±0.4) and adjacent mangrove channels (14.78±0.55) in the Godavari delta, one of India's largest estuarine systems, revealed a great preponderance of benthic life. There were 11 diverse taxa represented by 95 species collected through several (303) grab and dredge hauls. Based on Bray-Curtis similarity through hierarchical clustering implemented in PRIMER, it was possible to distinguish the benthos into four assemblages each of which represented sites in the Central and North bay (Paphia textrixTyphlocarcinus sp. Assemblage), South-East bay (Protankyra similis – Paphia malabarica Assemblage), Mangrove Outlets (Cerithidea cingulata Assemblage) and Mangrove channels (Diopatra neapolitana Assemblage). Benthos densities (mean nos. dredge haul−1) were highest (299 individuals) at sites close to mangrove outlets. Species diversity (Margalef, d; Shannon-Wiener, H′) was low in general (d 1.244 to 2.251 and H′ 0.038 to 1.502). Sediments were mostly clayey-silt in nature except in southeast bay where they are silt-sand. Organic matter (mean) was at or near 1.3%. The observations have revealed marked changes in benthic community structure relative to an earlier investigation held in 1958–1963 in this area. Over the years, species such as Turritella duplicata, Tonna dolium and Placuna placenta found in considerable numbers previously have dwindled. Anomia, Bursa and Atrina and echinoderms, Astropecten indica, Echinodiscus auritus and Temnopleurus toreumaticus and the brachiopod, Lingula sp. of common occurrence in early 60s are absent altogether attributable to long-term natural trends during the intervening years and/or events accompanying human impingement (e.g. industrial and urban growth, port expansion measures, aquaculture, mangrove denudation etc.). Despite such large-scale alterations in benthos community structure, there were no significant changes in “biodiversity” measured through Average Taxonomic Distinctness (AvTD) and Variation in Taxonomic Distinctness (VarTD). The investigation revealed that AvTD (Δ+) and VarTD (Λ+) for previous years and the present study remained well within the 95% confidence funnel implying taxonomic stability. It was found that species, which had replaced the earlier forms, were drawn from comparable (Linnean) hierarchy i.e. same phylum/class.  相似文献   
对中国红树植物药用状况和研究现状进行了调查.结果表明,中国共有红树植物20科37种,已发现具有药用价值的有23种,民间药用的红树植物主要有13种.已经有26种红树植物涉及到了化学成分的研究,其中木榄、秋茄、老鼠勒、榄李、海漆、木果楝、桐花树、白骨壤和玉蕊等研究较多.主要化合物结构类型包括二萜、三萜、甾体、黄酮、木脂素和生物碱等,显示抗菌、抗肿瘤、拒食、酶抑制、降压等多种生物活性,具有较高的药物开发应用价值.  相似文献   
The seasonal variability of leaf litter removal by crabs was observed from May 2006 to April 2007 in a Kandelia candel mangrove forest in Jiulongjiang Estuary, China. Daily average quantities of leaf fall ranged 0.85–3.86 gDW m−2 d−1, with high values in May, August, October and November. The whole-year's leaf fall was 6.48 t ha−1 yr−1 (1.81 gDW m−2 d−1). The standing stock of leaf litter on the forest floor was 7.78 gDW m−2 averaged from the whole year's data, with the lowest value in December (1.23 gDW m−2) and the highest in April (16.18 gDW m−2). Annually averaged removal (consumption on mangrove floor + burial in burrows) rate of leaf litter by crabs was 0.59 gDW m−2 d−1. High seasonal variability was observed in the removal rates of leaf litter by crabs. Removal rates in the winter months (December, January and February) were 0.07–0.09 gDW m−2 d−1, much lower than those in other months with values of 0.59–1.18 gDW m−2 d−1. Annually averaged percentage of leaf fall removed by crabs was 33%, with the highest values in September (reached 76%) and the lowest values in winter months. Of leaf litter removed by crabs, a large proportion was buried by crabs, and only 12% was consumed by crabs on the forest floor. Leaf litter removal rate, consumption rate on the forest floor, percentages of leaf fall and standing stock removed on the forest floor were significantly positively correlated with air temperature, indicating that leaf removal ability by crabs was higher in warm months than in cold months.  相似文献   
关于喀斯特石漠和石漠化概念的讨论   总被引:48,自引:7,他引:48  
李阳兵  王世杰  容丽 《中国沙漠》2004,24(6):689-695
喀斯特石漠化是近年来所认识到的一种地质生态灾害,所造成的经济、环境乃至社会影响越来越大,受到国家的广泛关注,但却存在生态建设超前、基础研究落后的严峻现实。本文总结了当前石漠化的类型划分和存在问题,从喀斯特生态系统运行的地学过程、生物学过程和人为过程出发,提出石漠化过程存在地质石漠化过程、生态系统石漠化过程和人为加速石漠化过程,对不同类型的石漠化宜分别采取保护、恢复、重建、维持措施。石漠和石漠化表达的时空范畴不同,是石漠化这一土地退化过程的最后或顶极结果,自然条件下其形成多与地表坡度较大有关,而人为加速石漠化过程中石漠化土地空间分布与地形坡度、地貌部位并无直接联系。建议以“干扰方式 植被 土壤 地貌”对人为加速石漠化过程导致的石漠化土地进行类型划分,评价的土地应分为非石漠化土地、行漠化土地和逆转优化的“基准化”土地。  相似文献   
The increasing exploitation of mangrove forests, without any sustainable planning, has been seriously compromising the survival of this ecosystem and of its exclusive resources. Scylla serrata is one of the most commercially exploited crabs inhabiting mangroves and estuaries of the Indo-Pacific region. This species is extensively harvested, mainly for selling to the tourist market, and, as a consequence, its populations are in constant decline. The aim of the present study was to assess the level of genetic exchange of S. serrata within the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), using a population genetic structure approach. To achieve this goal, we reconstructed the intra-specific geographic pattern of genetic variation by partial sequencing the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I, in samples from seven mangrove sites of the WIO. Our data set then encompassed all the sequences for the same genetic marker deposited in Genbank and corresponding to samples from South East Asia, Australia and some Pacific Islands: this allowed us to estimate the level of connectivity among S. serrata populations within its distribution area.  相似文献   
对中国红树林物种组成、资源状况和分布特征进行了调查和评价.结果表明,中国红树林天然分布南界为海南三亚(18°12′N),北界为福建福鼎(27°20′N)(人工引种北界为浙江乐清28°25′N).中国红树林区系有红树植物20科26属37种.广东、广西和海南沿海是中国红树林的主要分布地区.近50 年来,红树林面积先是锐减(1950年,48 266 hm2;1997年,14 877 hm2),2000年后略有回升(2002年,22 024.9 hm2;2008年,23 081.5 hm2).合理评估红树林湿地生态效价,完善红树林保护区制度,推进红树林湿地生态修复工程,构建红树林湿地保护网络系统,是中国红树林资源保护性开发利用的可行对策.  相似文献   
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