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The Miocene Tanzawa plutonic complex, consisting mainly of tonalite intrusions, is exposed at the northern end of the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) arc system as a consequence of collision with the Honshu Arc. The Tanzawa plutonic rocks belong to the calc-alkaline series and exhibit a wide range of chemical variation, from 43 to 75 wt% SiO2. They are characterized by relatively high Ba/Rb and Ce/Nb ratios, and low abundances of K2O, LIL elements, and rare earth elements (REE). Their petrographic and geochemical features indicate derivation from an intermediate parental magma through crystal fractionation and accumulation processes, involving hornblende, plagioclase, and magnetite. The Tanzawa plutonic complex is interpreted to be the exposed middle crust of the IBM arc, which was uplifted during the collision. The mass balance calculations, combining data from melting experiments of hydrous basaltic compositions at lower-to-middle crustal levels, suggest that parental magma and ultramafic restite were generated by dehydration partial melting (∼ 45% melting) of amphibolite chemically similar to low-K tholeiitic basalt. Partial melting of hydrated mafic lower crust might play an important role in felsic middle-crust formation in the IBM arc.  相似文献   
New U–Pb age-data from zircons separated from a Northland ophiolite gabbro yield a mean 206Pb/238U age of 31.6 ± 0.2 Ma, providing support for a recently determined 28.3 ± 0.2 Ma SHRIMP age of an associated plagiogranite and  29–26 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages (n = 9) of basalts of the ophiolite. Elsewhere, Miocene arc-related calc-alkaline andesite dikes which intrude the ophiolitic rocks contain zircons which yield mean 206Pb/238U ages of 20.1 ± 0.2 and 19.8 ± 0.2 Ma. The ophiolite gabbro and the andesites both contain rare inherited zircons ranging from 122–104 Ma. The Early Cretaceous zircons in the arc andesites are interpreted as xenocrysts from the Mt. Camel basement terrane through which magmas of the Northland Miocene arc lavas erupted. The inherited zircons in the ophiolite gabbros suggest that a small fraction of this basement was introduced into the suboceanic mantle by subduction and mixed with mantle melts during ophiolite formation.

We postulate that the tholeiitic suite of the ophiolite represents the crustal segment of SSZ lithosphere (SSZL) generated in the southern South Fiji Basin (SFB) at a northeast-dipping subduction zone that was initiated at about 35 Ma. The subduction zone nucleated along a pre-existing transform boundary separating circa 45–20 Ma oceanic lithosphere to the north and west of the Northland Peninsula from nascent back arc basin lithosphere of the SFB. Construction of the SSZL propagated southward along the transform boundary as the SFB continued to unzip to the southeast. After subduction of a large portion of oceanic lithosphere by about 26 Ma and collision of the SSZL with New Zealand, compression between the Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate was taken up along a new southwest-dipping subduction zone behind the SSZL. Renewed volcanism began in the oceanic forearc at 25 Ma producing boninitic-like, SSZ and within-plate alkalic and calc-alkaline rocks. Rocks of these types temporally overlap ophiolite emplacement and subsequent Miocene continental arc construction.  相似文献   

云南地区震源破裂长度与震级的经验关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从云南地区1965 年有台网记录以来主震震级 M S≥4 .9 的地震序列中选取51 个序列,根据直接余震的平面分布统计得到震源的破裂长度,用最小二乘线性回归模型得到了3 种震级范围的破裂长度与主震震级的经验关系式  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Amongthediversityofexistingriverchannelprocesses,meanderingisthemostcommonandfrequentone.Itistypicallythecommon?..  相似文献   
From March 1989 until May 1995 overall 675 hauls were performed using a commercial stow net vessel to get information concerning spatial and seasonal distribution, length frequency distribution, stock situation and migration patterns of lampreys in the Elbe estuary in northern Germany.2217 river lampreys (Lampetra fluviatilis) and 10 sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) were caught during the whole study period. The river lamprey occurred in 40.3% of the performed stow net hauls. The catch success was highest in the western main channel, whereas the frequency of occurrence of river lampreys was only about 10.9% at the most upstream site in the southern marginal area. In 1989 and 1990 significantly more than 50% of the hauls contained river lampreys. In contrast, from 1991 to 1995 their frequency of occurrence was lower than 40%, in 1991 even lower than 20%. Sea lampreys occurred only at 6 from 9 sampled sites and were only observed in 1990 and 1992-1994.Total lengths of river lampreys varied between 7 and 46 cm. Based on the length frequency distribution, the following three size classes of river lampreys were separated: LF I (7 to 16 cm), LF II (17-26 cm) and LF III (27-46 cm). The majority of the caught individuals could be grouped in size class LF III. Total lengths of sea lampreys ranged between 69 and 85 cm and were restricted to only one size class (PM III).70% of all sea lampreys were caught in April and May. Most of the sea lampreys were observed in the eastern main channel. The maximum average abundance of river lampreys was observed with 6.75 Ind · m−3 · 10−6 in the same area in 1992. However, in 1993 and 1994 the highest average abundances of river lampreys occurred in the western main channel.Based on redundance analysis, a significant correlation between the abundances of lampreys and the environmental variables autumn, spring, summer, salinity, water temperature, grain size, new moon and first moon quarter was found. The downstream migrating river lampreys of size class LF I und the sea lampreys during their anadromous spawning migration showed highest abundances mainly in spring, whereas high abundances of river lampreys of size class LF II in the feeding phase occurred in summer. The presence of both size classes LF I and LF II confirms the successful reproduction of river lampreys in the catchment area of the Elbe. The observation of river lampreys of size class LF III during their anadromous spawning migration was closely correlated with the variable autumn. A spring spawning migration of river lampreys was not observed.  相似文献   
Shallow seismicity and available source mechanisms in the Andaman–westSunda arc and Andaman sea region suggest distinct variation in stressdistribution pattern both along and across the arc in the overriding plate.Seismotectonic regionalisation indicates that the region could be dividedinto eight broad seismogenic sources of relatively homogeneousdeformation. Crustal deformation rates have been determined for each oneof these sources based on the summation of moment tensors. The analysisshowed that the entire fore arc region is dominated by compressive stresseswith compression in a mean direction of N23°, and the rates ofseismic deformation velocities in this belt decrease northward from 5.2± 0.65 mm/yr near Nias island off Sumatra and 1.12 ±0.13 mm/yr near Great Nicobar islands to as much as 0.4 ±0.04 mm/yr north of 8°N along Andaman–Nicobar islandsregion. The deformation velocities indicate, extension of 0.83 ±0.05 mm/yr along N343° and compression of 0.19 ±0.01 mm/yr along N73° in the Andaman back arc spreadingregion, extension of 0.18 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N125° andcompression of 0.16 ± 0.01 mm/yr along N35° in NicobarDeep and west Andaman fault zone, compression of 0.84 ±0.12 mm/yr N341° and extension of 0.77 ± 0.11 mm/yralong N72° within the transverse tectonic zone in the Andamantrench, N-S compression of 3.19 ± 0.29 mm/yr and an E-Wextension of 1.24 ± 0.11 mm/yr in the Semangko fault zone ofnorth Sumatra. The vertical deformation suggests crustal thinning in theAndaman sea and crustal thickening in the fore arc and Semangko faultzones. The apparent stresses calculated for all major events range between0.1–10 bars and the values increase with increasing seismic moment.However, the apparent stress estimates neither indicate any significantvariation with faulting type nor display any variation across the arc, incontrast to the general observation that the fore arc thrust events showhigher stress levels in the shallow subduction zones. It is inferred that theoblique plate convergence, partial subduction of 90°E Ridge innorth below the Andaman trench and the active back arc spreading are themain contributing factors for the observed stress field within the overridingplate in this region.  相似文献   
The main goal of this work is to critically review the IGS solution products and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) in order to demonstrate their potential to contribute to studies of large earthquakes such as the one that devastated Southeast Asia on December 26th, 2004. In view of a possible detection of the Mw 9.0 Sumatra-Andaman Islands Earthquake of December 26, 2004, position solutions, ranging from intervals of years to one second, of four International GNSS Service (IGS) stations within 3000 km of the epicenter were examined. The IGS combined, cumulative solution product (IGS04P51), consisting of epoch and station velocity solutions and based on data spans of several years prior to the earthquake, was used as a reference. Four IGS combined weekly position solutions (igs04P1301-4), two weeks before and after the earthquake, were utilized for the weekly solution resolution. PPP static and kinematic solutions with IGS Final combined orbits and clocks were used for the mean daily and instantaneous 5-min and 1-sec epoch solutions, respectively. The most significant changes, detected by both weekly and daily solutions occurred in longitude. The nearest IGS station ntus, about 1000 km east of the epicenter, moved westward about 15 mm, while the more distant Indian station iisc (∼ 2300 km NW from the epicenter), shifted about 15 mm eastward. In spite of position errors caused by interpolation of the 5-min IGS clocks, the 1-sec solutions, based on separate data sets, available only for two stations (iisc, dgar), still showed seismic surface waves, in particular at the Indian station iisc. Precise daily IGS combined polar motion and length-of-day products, after correcting for the atmospheric effects, also likely detected, statistically significant, anomalistic excitations on December 26, 2004 that could be caused by this great earthquake.  相似文献   
By means of the algorithm presented here, the temporal course H(t) and the daily mean H¯ of the sensible heat flux H can be estimated from measurements of the thermodynamic surface temperature (as a function of time) and from a one-time-of-day air temperature observation. In addition to these temperatures, one needs estimates for daily mean wind speed, for the roughness lengths of momentum and heat transfer, and for the displacement height. First, a quite general solution of the equation for heat conductance (equation for the vertical profile of potential temperature (z,t)) in the dynamic sublayer will be presented. The undetermined parameters in this solution will be defined with the aid of the above mentioned measurements. The influence of horizontal advection will be taken into account. After that, the sensible heat flux can be evaluated from the temperature difference between surface and air with the well known resistance formulae. In this paper the algorithm is derived for areas with homogeneous surfaces, i.e., with uniform surface temperatures. Finally, the method will be verified by measurements taken during the field campaigns HIBE 89 (Hildesheimer Börde in Germany) and EFEDA 91 (Spain). The root mean square errors (RMSE) for the comparison between measurement and model with regard to the temperature difference of surface and air amount to one or two degrees Kelvin, and the error of H¯ reaches 10 to 25 per cent. The method can be used to determine the sensible heat flux from measurements of surface temperatures by satellites (e.g., METEOSAT), but can also be applied to ground based measurements. For instance, horizontal temperature advection can be estimated from measurements at a single location, especially if more than one near-surface air temperature is available. The procedure can be generalized for larger areas, which consist of various surface types with different surface temperatures. This generalization of the algorithm is in progress and will be addressed in a subsequent paper. It will allow us to improve the estimates for H(t) by means of temperature measurements from, e.g., NOAA/AVHRR or LANDSAT/TM, taking into account the heterogeneity of the area that is contained in one METEOSAT pixel.  相似文献   
A new algebraic turbulent length scale model is developed, based on previous one-equation turbulence modelling experience in atmospheric flow and dispersion calculations. The model is applied to the neutral Ekman layer, as well as to fully-developed pipe and channel flows. For the pipe and channel flows examined the present model results can be considered as nearly equivalent to the results obtained using the standard k– model. For the neutral Ekman layer, the model predicts satisfactorily the near-neutral Cabauw friction velocities and a dependence of the drag coefficient versus Rossby number very close to that derived from published (G. N. Coleman) direct numerical simulations. The model underestimates the Cabauw cross-isobaric angles, but to a less degree than the cross-isobar angle versus Rossby dependence derived from the Coleman simulation. Finally, for the Cabauw data, with a geostrophic wind magnitude of 10 ms–1, the model predicts an eddy diffusivity distribution in good agreement with semi-empirical distributions used in current operational practice.  相似文献   
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