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Herein we would like to comment on the paper "Estimation of potential distribution of gas hydrate in the northern South China Sea" by Wang et al. 2010 in Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28(3): 693-699. The purpose of this comment is to point out that the given probabilities of gas hydrate occurrence in the northern Zhujiang Mouth Basin and the Yinggehai Basin in the figure of Wang et al. (2010) are improper. After introducing our work of estimation of gas hydrate stability distribution in the northern South China Sea, we suggest that Wang et al. (2010) dismissed the basic P-T rule for the existence of gas hydrate. They should consider more the variables of water depth, seabed temperature and geothermal gradient in their gas hydrate distribution model in future studies.  相似文献   
菲律宾海的地势特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
菲律宾海位于西太平洋大陆边缘,它的周边被岛弧和深海沟所环绕,海域内有数条近南北向的构造脊。近南北向和近东西向的构造将菲律宾海海底地势分割成不同的部分,构成明显不同的地势特征:(1)深海沟呈链状环绕着海域周边分布。(2)近南北向的九州 帛琉海岭将海底分成东西两半,东半部主要是岛弧区,西半部主要是海盆区。(3)海脊与岛弧呈近南北向伸展并贯穿全区,海脊与岛弧之间为海盆。海盆底多为丘状起伏,并有轻度切割。(4)海岭、海台呈块状分布在海盆之上,长垣分布在菲律宾海沟的东侧。(5)岛弧周围分布有岛架和岛坡地势。菲律宾海的地势特征和它的构造特征相一致。  相似文献   
On the basis of S wave information from Tai’an-Xinzhou DSS profile and with reference to the results from P-wave interpretation, the 2-D structures, including S-wave velocity V s, ratio γ between V p and V s; and Poisson’ s ratio σ, are calculated; the structural configuration of the profile is presented and the relevant inferences are drawn from the above results. Upwarping mantle districts (V s≈4.30 km/s) and sloping mantle districts (V s≈4.50 km/s) of the profile with velocity difference about −4% at the top of upper mantle are divided according to the differences of V s, γ and σ in different media and structures, also with reference to the information of their neighbouring regions; the existence of Niujiaqiao-Dongwang high-angle ultra-crustal fault zone is reaffirmed; the properties of low and high velocity blocks (zones) including the crust-mantle transitionalzone and the boudary indicators of North China rift valley are discussed. A comprehensive study is conducted on the relation of the interpretation results with earthquakes. It is concluded that the mantle upwarps, thermal material upwells through the high-angle fault, the primary hypocenter was located at the crust-mantle juncture 30.0∼33.0 km deep, and additional stress excited the M S=6.8 and M S=7.2 earthquakes at specific locations around 9.0 km below Niujiaqiao-Dongwang, the earthquakes took place around the high-angle ultra-crustal fault and centered in the brittle media and rock strata with low γ and low σ values. This subject is part of the 85-907-02 key project during the “8th Five-Year Plan” from the State Science and Technology Commission.  相似文献   
The hybrid numerical model had been developed to simulate a complicated 3D flow around structures generated by tsunami. In the model, the conventional 2D model is adopted for the wide region far from structures and the 3D non-hydrostatic pressure model is used in the limited region adjacent to structures. The applicability of the model is shown by comparisons of the numerical results with the experimental results of the laboratory model tests and the numerical analysis results of the conventional whole 2D simulation. In addition, the effect of a submerged structure at the opening of a breakwater is discussed from the numerical simulations by the hybrid model. The submerged structure improves the stability of the rubble mound and reduces the tsunami inflow into the bay, while it increases the water surface velocity around the opening of the breakwater. The increase of surface velocity causes the increases of impulsive forces by collision with drafts and so on.  相似文献   
坡耕地水土流失与可持续利用图是综合表示滇东北山区各个坡耕地单元的水土流失状况及其可持续利用的专题地图。该图表示的基本内容是坡耕地类型、土壤类型、坡度级别、侵蚀强度、可持续利用程度、合理利用方向与措施。以土壤流失方程为基础,应用地理信息系统编制了该图。该图的编制为治理本区坡耕地水土流失、合理利用坡耕地资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
2007年中国在南海北部神狐海域通过钻探首次获得天然气水合物样品,证实了珠江口盆地深水区是水合物富集区。通过对珠江口盆地深水区构造沉降史的定量模拟研究,发现晚中新世以来区内构造沉降总体上具有由北向南、自西向东逐渐变快的演化趋势;从晚中新世到更新世,盆地深水区经历了构造沉降作用由弱到强的变化过程:晚中新世(11.6~5.3 Ma),平均构造沉降速率为67 m/Ma;上新世(5.3~1.8 Ma),平均构造沉降速率为68 m/Ma;至更新世(1.8~0 Ma),平均构造沉降速率为73 m/Ma。而造成这些变化的主因是发生在中中新世末-晚中新世末的东沙运动和发生在上新世-更新世早期的台湾运动。东沙运动(10~5 Ma)使盆地在升降过程中发生块断升降,隆起剥蚀,自东向西运动强度和构造变形逐渐减弱,使得盆地深水区持续稳定沉降;台湾运动(3 Ma)彻底改变了盆地深水区的构造格局,因重力均衡调整盆地深水区继续沉降,越往南沉降越大。将似海底反射(BSR)发育区与沉降速率平面图进行叠合分析,发现80%以上的BSR分布趋于构造沉降速率值主要在75~125 m/Ma之间、沉降速率变化迅速的隆坳接合带区域。  相似文献   
We investigated species composition and spatial distribution of the euphausiid community in the Yellow Sea and identified the relationship with environmental factors (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, nitrate, phosphate, and silicate) using bimonthly data from June, 1997 to April, 1998. The environment varied during the sampling period. In warm seasons, thermocline was well developed rendering lower temperature and higher salinity and nutrient concentrations in the bottom layer. During cold seasons the water column was well mixed and no such vertical stratification was noted. Horizontal distribution of temperature, however, differed slightly between near-coast and offshore areas because of the shallow depth of the Yellow Sea, and between southern and northern areas because of the intrusion of water masses such as Yellow Sea Warm Current and Changjiang River Diluted Water. Four euphausiid species were identified:Euphausia pacifica, E. sanzoi, Pseudeuphausia sp. andStylocheron affine. E. sanzoi andS. affine were collected, just one juvenile each, from the southern area in June and December, respectively.Pseudeuphausia sp. were collected in the eastern area all the year round except June.E. pacifica occurred at the whole study area and were the predominant species, representing at least 97.6% of the euphausiid abundance. Further, the distribution pattern of the species was varied in regards to developmental stages (adult, furcilia, calyptopis, egg). From spring to fall,E. pacifica adults were abundant in the central area where the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water prevailed. Furcilia and calyptopis extended their distribution into nearly all the study area during the same period. From late fall to winter, adults were found at the near-coastal area with similar pattern for furcilia and calyptopis. The distribution pattern ofE. pacifica was consistent regarding temperature, salinity, and three nutrients during the sampling period, whereas chlorophyll a showed a different pattern according to the developmental stages. The nutrients should indirectly affect via chlorophyll a and phytoplankton concentration. With respect to these results, we presented a scenario about how the environmental factors along with the water current affect the distribution ofE. pacifica in the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   
对于均质弹性半空间上的任意形状的刚性明置和埋置基础,其动刚度和阻尼系数的确定,已有很多这方面的研究。通常基础的任意形状用其外包的规则几何形状代替原有的不规则基础形状,以达到确定动刚度和阻尼系数的目的,而且这两个参数的确定仅仅是对单独刚性基础的,无法考虑相邻基础对其产生的影响。针对上述两方面不完善之处作了进一步探讨,引入相邻基础动力相互作用因子的概念,并利用地基为平面应变假定以求之。推荐的方法经验证,非常准确。  相似文献   
Fly ashes from two stoker boilers burning Pennsylvanian Eastern Kentucky high volatile A bituminous coal blends were examined for their petrology and chemistry. The source coals have similar trace element contents. One of the ash collection systems was retrofitted with a baghouse (fabric filter) system, collecting a finer fly ash at a cooler flue gas temperature than the plant that has not been reconfigured. The baghouse ash has a markedly higher trace element content than the coarser fly ash from the other plant. The enhanced trace element content is most notable in the As concentration, reaching nearly 9000 ppm (ash basis) for one of the collection units. Differences in the ash chemistry are not due to any substantial differences in the coal source, even though the coal sources were from different counties and from different coal beds, but rather to the improved pollution control system in the steam plant with the higher trace element contents.  相似文献   
The Sanmenxia Project completed in 1960 is a multi-purpose hydro project with emphasis on flood control. After the expounding, serious deposition occurs in the upstream part of the reservoir and the Weihe River. The project has to be rebuilt twice in the period from 1964 to 1978. Thus the discharge capacity is greatly enlarged by excavating two side tunnels on the left bank, converting three penstocks into sluice conduits and reopening & bottom outlets formerly used for di- version. By changing the operational mode from storing water year round to stor- ing clear water during the dry season and sluicing sediment during the flood season, the sediment problem of the reservoir is largely solved and multi-purpose benefits of the project are partially retained. But the heavy sediment load still caused serious abrasion on bottom outlets and turbines, particularly on the inlet gate slot, the service gate slot and the floor. Much effort has been made to clarify the mechanism of the damage and to choose abrasion-resistant material for repair. The repair of the bottom outlets has been going on since 1980. This paper describes the abrasion on the bottom outlets in details and the subsequent repair effected.  相似文献   
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