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陈严飞  张娟  张宏  刘啸奔  李昕  周晶  曹静 《海洋工程》2015,29(2):241-252
A set of generalized solutions are proposed for estimating ultimate load capacity of pipeline with arbitrary corrosion shapes subjected to combined internal pressure, axial force and bending moment. Isotropic and anisotropic material characteristics in longitudinal and circumferential direction of pipeline are also considered in the proposed equations. Simplified numerical method is used to solve the generalized expressions. The comparisons of numerical results based generalized solutions and full-scale experimental results are carried out. The predicted results agree reasonably well with the experiment results. Meanwhile, the effects of corrosion shapes and locations on the ultimate load capacity are studied.  相似文献   
The bottom friction beneath random waves is predicted taking into account the effect of seepage flow. This is achieved by using wave friction factors for rough turbulent, smooth turbulent and laminar flow valid for regular waves together with a modified Shields parameter which includes the effect of seepage flow. Examples using data typical to field conditions are included to illustrate the approach. The analytical results can be used to make assessment of seepage effects on the bottom friction based on available wave statistics. Generally, it is recommended that a stochastic approach should be used rather than using the rms values in an otherwise deterministic approach.  相似文献   
In the context of the Common Fisheries Policy reform, the need for decreasing discards has been highlighted in discussions on the implementation of a discard ban. While most of the research has focused on the quantification of discards by species and métier, identification and quantification of the causes of discards have received little attention. This study presents the results of on-board surveys conducted in the Southern Bay of Biscay fleets of netters and longliners. A large variability of discards was observed. It is also shown that in these passive gear fisheries the main reasons for discarding put forward by fishermen are, firstly, market-related and, secondly, quality-related; discards related to the application of regulations are minor. The results therefore illustrate that decisions to discard can also occur in highly selective fisheries because of economic constraint and the results also show that a part is discarded alive.  相似文献   
The European Union has established a framework to achieve or maintain good environmental status in the marine environment by 2020. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires the application of the ecosystem approach to the management of human activities, covering all sectors having an impact on the marine environment. However, fisheries in the Mediterranean are far from a systematic implementation of an ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM). Aiming to address this issue, this study explores the potential of the relationship between daily yield by vessel (landings and income by species) and vessel position (known via vessel monitoring system) as a tool for fleet management. This approach is possible due to the current dynamics of Mediterranean fleets, with vessels returning daily to the harbour where landings are registered as weight and income by vessel. Moreover, vessels of >15 m total length have been compulsory monitored by VMS since 2005. A bottom trawl fleet that operates in the northwestern Mediterranean was chosen to develop this approach. Different groups of trawlers were identified, which could be linked to the strategies displayed by the fishermen that were mainly driven by the target species dynamics. Accurate knowledge of the fishing targets driving the fleet dynamics and of the fishing strategies at the vessel level (i.e. fishing ground habitat where the fishing pressure is exerted and corresponding landings) are shown to be a feasible tool for fleet management.  相似文献   
曾学宏  杨燕 《东北测绘》2014,(2):198-200
对投影变形问题进行了分析,结合实例,探讨了抵偿高程面任意带高斯投影对控制投影变形的实用性。  相似文献   
通过GPS技术获取的空间基线向量和坐标信息是建立在WGS-84坐标系下的,无法直接应用于工程实际。因此使用GPS基线向量网必须将其从WGS-84坐标系转换到测区的平面坐标系统中,这就需要构造一个具有抵偿面的任意带高斯投影模型,来控制和减小边长投影变形。  相似文献   
Marine ferromanganese nodules and crusts containing Mn, Cu, Ni and Co in the most promising resource-grade concentrations and quantities, together with Fe and Zn (all elements of biogeochemical importance) are found far from land on the deep seafloor of the Pacific Ocean. The biogeochemical, chemical and physical mechanisms contributing to their formation, distribution, abundance and – for these six elements – variability in their concentrations in these deposits, are the main focus of the present review. The mechanisms addressed include biological productivity, sedimentation types and rates, bottom water characteristics, the Calcium Carbonate Compensation Depth, the depth and intensity of the oxygen minimum zone, and biogeochemical characteristics of the six focal elements. Particular attention is given to comparisons between the deposits found in the north and the south Pacific, in order to present an overarching view of our current understanding of the mechanisms that apply to both nodules and crusts in both oceanic hemispheres, including examination of the possible existence of a marine ferromanganese oxide continuum. The renewed interest in the commercial exploitation of these deposits has stimulated a welcome increase in scientific research that is essential to informing the public discourse on seabed mining. We briefly reflect on the work addressed in this review in that context.  相似文献   
苏国辉  马新星  高伟 《地下水》2015,(1):99-102
根据苏里格西区上气下水型储层的气水分布特征,该区适合下沉剂堵水压裂工艺。目前常用的下沉剂控缝高技术是在压裂时先将下沉剂通过携带液带入裂缝,随着下沉剂的下沉在裂缝的尖端处形成低渗透或不渗透的人工隔层,增加裂缝末梢的阻抗值,降低裂缝尖端的扩展应力,从而有效控制裂缝的垂向延伸。因此研究下沉剂在牛顿流体、非牛顿流体及裂缝内的沉降规律,通过合理的工艺优化设计,有利于提高堵水增气的效果。  相似文献   
海底可控源电磁接收机及其水合物勘查应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文


以江苏某城市的垃圾炉渣为实验材料,通过标准分析筛得到粒径小于等于2mm的颗粒,将制样重复利用后的炉渣颗粒配比成不同含水率后,通过分层击实实验制成不同干密度的试样,制样干密度为d=1.4、1.5和1.6的试样,制样模具为高80mm、直径39.1mm。不同干密度的试样分别做龄期为3d、7d、14d、28d无侧限抗压强度试验,其中一种干密度试样在某一龄期做5组实验以降低离散性的影响。通过大量的实验数据,研究重复利用后炉渣颗粒制成试样的强度随龄期、干密度的变化趋势,并与炉渣初次使用时制成的试样强度进行对比,得出炉渣的强度具有一定的离散性,但总体上随龄期和干密度的增加而增加,且炉渣颗粒重复利用后制成的试样强度有很明显的降低。对炉渣材料做XRD分析,以获得炉渣的主要组成成分来更好的理解炉渣试样的强度特性。文中得出的结论为更好的将炉渣应用到具体的工程中提供参考意见。  相似文献   
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