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广东南澳岛近海是我国龙须菜养殖的重要基地。为了探究龙须菜养殖对藻华防治的贡献,分别于2016年3月、5月和6月在广东南澳岛北部海域不同养殖功能海区进行采样,研究龙须菜养殖前后海水中营养盐含量和结构的变化,分析不同粒径的浮游生物对有机营养盐的水解利用,探讨龙须菜养殖对浮游植物竞争利用营养盐和生长产生的影响。结果表明,研究海区水质较清洁,无机氮磷含量较低,春季至夏季,随着龙须菜和浮游植物生物量增加,溶解无机磷(dissolved inorganic phosphorus,DIP)浓度不断下降,至6月南澳海区成为磷限制海域。在5月龙须菜生长高峰期,龙须菜养殖区和龙须菜鲍鱼混养区的DIP浓度显著低于鲍鱼区和非养殖区,龙须菜养殖区的叶绿素a浓度明显低于其他区域,亮氨酸氨肽酶(leucine amino peptide,LAP)和碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,AP)活性显著升高,表明龙须菜养殖区浮游植物受到较为明显的营养胁迫。而龙须菜收割后,该养殖区的叶绿素a含量则显著上升,甚至高于其他区域。该结果表明在南澳岛海域,龙须菜养殖通过营养竞争关系(尤其是磷)抑制浮游植物的生长,大规模龙须菜养殖可能有助于抑制有害藻华的发生。  相似文献   
水热条件下利用微波加热从粉煤灰合成沸石研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
着重选用NaOH水溶液为反应前驱物, 通过改变反应温度、NaOH浓度与合成时间等参数, 在水热条件下利用微波加热直接对粉煤灰进行晶化, 合成得到了浊沸石、菱沸石、NaP1沸石3种沸石.粉煤灰转化为沸石率约15%~40%.研究表明: (1) 反应体系在15min左右即有合成沸石产生, 30min左右合成沸石转化率达到最佳; (2) 为保证沸石晶核生成和晶体的生长, 反应体系的溶液/粉煤灰比不应低于2.5; (3) 在溶液/粉煤灰比为2.5时, 应控制加热时间在30min左右.   相似文献   
苯并(a)芘和芘对梭鱼肝脏DNA损伤的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用苯并(a)芘、芘以及它们的等量混和物,分别在浓度为0.1,1,10,20,50μg/dm3浓度下对梭鱼暴污,5d后取梭鱼肝脏和鳃用碱解旋法分别测定其DNA的损伤,结果随着污染物浓度的增加,肝脏DNA损伤程度增加;在相同浓度下,苯并(a)芘和芘的联合毒性大于苯并(a)芘和芘分别作用时的毒性之和。所以苯并(a)芘和芘对DNA损伤的联合作用应为加强作用。  相似文献   
路迳岩筒属火山通道相,由金伯利质煌斑岩、角砾岩、角砾凝灰岩组成,富含幔源橄榄岩包体、普通辉石巨晶和岩球。造岩矿物是橄榄石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石、角闪石和金云母,深源特征指示矿物有镁铝榴石、铬透辉石、铬尖晶石和镁钛铁矿。岩石化学组成超低SiO2,低MgO,高Al2O3,富碱,富挥发组分。轻稀土元素富集,相容元素贫化,不相容元素明显富集。岩浆起源深度约85km。其中:岩体产状,富含包体、巨晶和岩球,岩石结构和构造,矿物组成,岩石化学组成超低SiO2、富碱、富挥发组分等特征与金伯利岩相似;但岩石化学组成高Al2O3,低MgO,K2O低于Na2O,REE和LREE/HREE偏低,部分微量元素的亏损或富集,金云母成分富TiO2,富TFeO,贫MgO,镁铝榴石、铬透辉石、铬尖晶石和镁钛铁矿的Cr2O3含量偏低,岩浆起源深度较浅,均与金伯利岩有重大差异,而更接近煌斑岩类。研究认为,是幔源岩浆岩的一种新类型,岩石名称界定为金伯利质煌斑岩。  相似文献   
李毅  李佐臣  赵端昌  赵鹏彬  吕军利  张亚峰 《地质论评》2023,69(5):2023050005-2023050005
华北克拉通南缘的陕西洛南-河南豫西地区出露一系列形成于1.8~1.6Ga的碱性岩,对这些碱性岩的研究有助于提高对华北克拉通南缘古元古代构造环境的认识。本文选取陕西省洛南县任家滩-荞麦山一带碱性侵入体进行系统的岩石学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学、Lu-Hf同位素分析和岩石地球化学研究,讨论了其成因机制和构造背景。研究表明,任家滩-荞麦山岩体的主体岩性为正长斑岩,加权平均年龄为1689±20Ma(MSWD=0.12),表明其侵位时代为古元古代。该岩体富碱(Na2O+K2O=7.95% ~ 9.5%),高钾(K2O=4.67% ~ 8.51%);稀土元素总量较高(496.15×10-6 ~ 650.16×10-6,平均543.06×10-6),轻、重稀土元素分馏比较明显,轻稀土元素相对富集(LREE=454×10-6 ~ 605×10-6),重稀土元素亏损(HREE=39.3×10-6 ~ 45.6×10-6),具有弱负铕异常;K、Rb、Ba、Th富集,Nb、Ta、P、Ti亏损,并且具有明显的Sr负异常。εHf(t)值<0,TDM1值为2038 ~ 2218Ma,TDM2值为2250 ~ 2516Ma,说明岩浆源区物质与富集地幔有关或受到过地壳物质的混染。因此,任家滩-荞麦山岩体是由地幔玄武质岩浆与地壳基底太华杂岩形成的中酸性花岗质岩浆混合后形成的熔体,经强烈的结晶分异作用形成的,其形成于陆内裂谷的构造环境,是华北克拉通南缘对哥伦比亚超大陆裂解事件的响应。  相似文献   
The Kunavaram alkaline complex is a NE-SW trending elongate body located along a major lineament, the Sileru Shear Zone (SSZ) that is regarded as a Proterozoic suture related to Indo-Antarctica collision. The complex is hosted within migmatitic quartzofeldspathic gneisses, mafic granulites retrogressed to amphibolites, and quartzites. The structural evolution of the country rocks and the alkaline complex are similar. The first phase of deformation, D1, produces a pervasive segregation banding (S1) in all rock units within and outside the complex. A second deformation phase D2 isoclinally folded S1 along subvertical axial planes with shallow plunging axes. F2 isoclinal folds are ubiquitous in the country rocks and the eastern extremity of the complex. In the interior of the alkaline body, D2 strain decreases and S1 is commonly subhorizontal. While amphibolite to granulite facies conditions prevailed during deformation, post-D2 annealing textures testify to persisting high grade conditions. In the west, a NNE-SSW trending dextral shear zone with strike-slip sense (D3) truncates the complex. Within this shear zone, quartzofeldspathic country rocks are plastically deformed, while hornblende-K-feldspar assemblages of the complex are retrogressed to biotite and plagioclase. Warping related to D3 shears also resulted in fold interference patterns on the subhorizontal S1 foliation in low D2 strain domains. Based on its steep dip, north-easterly trend, and non-coaxial nature with dextral strike-slip sense, the D3 shear zone can be correlated with the SSZ. Since this shear zone, i.e., the SSZ, is not associated with primary igneous fabrics and resulted in solid state deformation of the complex, it cannot be considered as a conduit for alkaline magmatism, but is probably responsible for the post-tectonic disposition of the pluton.  相似文献   
迄今为止,对金刚石矿床的研究已取得了新的进展,国内外学音认为:“金伯利岩不是金刚石矿床的唯一母岩”,并且在碱性杂岩体中发现了许多具有工业价值的金刚石矿床。 通过对比辽宁凤城碱性杂岩与有关含金刚石矿床母岩(主要是钾镁煌斑岩)及其共生岩类的构造背景、岩石类型组合、矿物成分组合及岩石的主元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征,发现本区碱性杂岩体岩石与西澳钾镁煌斑岩很相似,尤其是与西澳白榴石钾镁煌斑岩最为接近,而在岩石类型和矿物组合特点上,又与美国阿肯色碱性岩区金刚石矿床母岩及其共生岩类组合颇为相似,这为我们进一步找寻金刚石矿床提供某些有益的信息。  相似文献   
The Zijinshan rocks in Lvliang area of Shanxi Province, are one of the famous alkaline plutons in China. The petrography and petrogeochemistry of the main rocks of the rock mass were studied to explore the material source and geological significance of Zijinshan alkaline rock mass. The results show that Zijinshan rocks of all stages show characters of low silicon, rich alkali and high potassium, which indicates zijinshan rocks belong to potassium alkaline rocks. These rocks demonstrate a high degree of fractionation and are characterized by the richness of LREE and the poorness of HREE, without obvious Eu anomaly. The trace element pattern exhibits the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements, such as Rb, Ba, K and Sr, and relative depletion of high field strength elements, such as Th, Nb, Ta, La, Ce, Nd, P and Ti. The magma of Zijinshan rocks comes from a deeper source and is closely related to the enriched mantle. The mechanism of magma evolution is mainly partial melting and it may be inter-contamination of continental crust materials. Combined with the characteristics of alkaline and partial alkaline rocks of same age in many places in Shanxi, the authors deduce that the alkaline magma activity in the middle of North China during the Early Cretaceous is closely to the destruction of North China Craton under the background of the subduction of Pacific plate.  相似文献   
The alkaline El Chichón and calc-alkaline Tacaná volcanoes, located in southern Mexico, form parts of the Chiapanecan Volcanic Belt and Central American Volcanic Arc, respectively. El Chichón has emitted potassium-, sulphur-, and phosphorus-rich trachyandesites and trachybasalts (as mafic enclaves), whereas Tacaná has erupted basalts to dacites with moderate potassium contents, and minor high-Ti magmas (1.5–1.8 wt.% TiO2). The magmatic evolution in the two volcanoes has involved similar fractionating assemblages: Fe-Ti oxides, olivine, plagioclase, pyroxenes, amphibole, and apatite. K2O/P2O5 ratios and isotopic signatures indicate that magmas from both El Chichón and Tacaná have undergone significant crustal contamination. The volcanism at both Tacaná and El Chichón was previously related to northeastward subduction of the Cocos Plate, representing the main arc and the backarc, respectively. Although such an origin is in accord with Tacaná occurring 100 km above the Cocos Benioff Zone, it is inconsistent with: (a) the absence of a calc-alkaline belt between El Chichón and the Middle America Trench; and (b) truncation of the subducted Cocos Plate by the southwesterly dipping Yucatan slab near the Middle America Trench (i.e. the Cocos Plate does not presently underlie El Chichón). On the other hand, El Chichón and the Chiapanecan Volcanic Belt are located on the sinistral Veracruz fault zone that forms the northern boundary of the Southern Mexico block, which has been migrating relatively to the east since ca. 5 Ma. In this context, the anomalous high potassium, sulphur, and phosphorus levels in the El Chichón magmas are explicable in terms of rifting in a pull-apart system with the weak subduction fingerprint inherited from the Yucatan slab.  相似文献   
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