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Future temperature distributions of the marginal Chinese seas are studied by dynamic downscaling of global CCSM3 IPCC_AR4 scenario runs.Different forcing fields from 2080-2099 Special Report on Emissions Scenarios(SRES) B1,A1,and A2 to 1980-1999 20C3M are averaged and superimposed on CORE2 and SODA2.2.4 data to force high-resolution regional future simulations using the Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS).Volume transport increments in downscaling simulation support the CCSM3 result that with a weakening subtropical gyre circulation,the Kuroshio Current in the East China Sea(ECS) is possibly strengthened under the global warming scheme.This mostly relates to local wind change,whereby the summer monsoon is strengthened and winter monsoon weakened.Future temperature fluxes and their seasonal variations are larger than in the CCSM3 result.Downscaling 100 years’ temperature increments are comparable to the CCSM3,with a minimum in B1 scenario of 1.2-2.0°C and a maximum in A2 scenario of 2.5-4.5°C.More detailed temperature distributions are shown in the downscaling simulation.Larger increments are in the Bohai Sea and middle Yellow Sea,and smaller increments near the southeast coast of China,west coast of Korea,and southern ECS.There is a reduction of advective heat north of Taiwan Island and west of Tsushima in summer,and along the southern part of the Yellow Sea warm current in winter.There is enhancement of advective heat in the northern Yellow Sea in winter,related to the delicate temperature increment distribution.At 50 meter depth,the Yellow Sea cold water mass is destroyed.Our simulations suggest that in the formation season of the cold water mass,regional temperature is higher in the future and the water remains at the bottom until next summer.In summer,the mixed layer is deeper,making it much easier for the strengthened surface heat flux to penetrate to the bottom of this water.  相似文献   
The morphological characteristics and the cuttlebone formation of Sepia esculenta exposed to different water temperature fluctuations were investigated under laboratory conditions. Temperature fluctuation cycles (15 cycles, 60 d in total) consisted of the following three regimes of 4 d duration: keeping water temperature in 26°C for 3 d (Group A), 2 d (Group B), 0 d (Group C, control); then keeping water temperature in 16°C for the next 1, 2, 4 d. No significant difference in the survival rate was observed between the control and temperature fluctuation groups (P>0.05). Lamellar depositions in a temperature fluctuation cycle were 2.45±0.02 for Group A, 2.00±0.02 for Group B, and 1.78±0.02 for Group C (P<0.05). The relationship between age and number of lamellas in the cuttlebone of S. esculenta under each water temperature fluctuation could be described as the linear model and the number of lamellas in the cuttlebone did not correspond to actual age. Group A had the highest cuttlebone growth index (CGI), the lowest locular index (LI), and inter-streak distances comparing with those of control group. However, the number of lamellas and LI or CGI showed a quadratic relationship for each temperature fluctuation group. In addition, temperature fluctuations caused the breakage of cuttlebone dark rings, which was considered a thermal mark. The position of the breakage in the dark rings was random. This thermal mark can be used as supplementary information for marking and releasing techniques.  相似文献   
北京五里营井水温每天都有24次锯齿状畸变,有很好的规律性,经分析认为是气氡观测对水温造成影响.将气氡和水温供电分离,并在水温地线和地网之间增加一个电感,以阻挡其他干扰信号由地线反馈到观测仪器,改造后水温脉冲干扰彻底消除,观测质量明显提高.  相似文献   
恐龙化石对研究地球演化、生物进化、地层对比、地质年代、古环境、古地理、古气候等方面具有重要的科学价值。但恐龙化石发掘后面临着严重的风化问题,许多化石发掘后十几年甚至几年内就迅速遭受风化破坏。为深入研究探索恐龙化石地质遗迹的深层次风化原因和机理,该文采用TM(温度和应力)耦合分析方法,对山东诸城恐龙化石风化规律进行深入分析研究。根据化石与围岩间膨胀的不协调性,探索在温度变化情况下化石与围岩间的相互作用规律及对风化造成的影响。结果揭示了温度作用下化石风化的初步原因和规律,可为化石保护提供参考科学依据。  相似文献   
城市建筑格局对小气候的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以南京农业大学实验楼独特的建筑格局所形成的局部小区域为研究对象,测量了其内、外的日最高气温、日最低气温和平均气温,测定结果表明,由于实验楼的特殊建筑格局,在晴好天气实验楼内外草坪的最低气温相差4℃以上,而阴雨天温差比较小,一般在2℃以下。当西北方冷空气来临时,内外草坪温差迅速上升,并大于-4℃。正是因为这一点,使得实验楼外部草坪的最低气温低于桔树临界低温-4℃时,内部草坪温度仍旧在-4℃以上,正是因为这一点使得原来在南京不能正常生长结果的桔树在实验楼内生长非常好,也就是说小气候足以使植物物种的分布发生改变。从四个不同时间段的平均温差来看,中午14时实验楼内外温差为最高为1.7℃,夜间2时和早晨8时次之,为1.3℃,20时温差最小为0.9℃。本文的目的在于强调现代城市建筑格局对于小气候不可忽视的影响,以期引起人们对此的关注,作者对城市建筑小气候的合理利用提出了几点思考。  相似文献   
磷对过铝质岩浆液相线温度影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以宜春414岩体中的钠长花岗岩作为实验初始物,利用RQV-快速内冷淬火高温高压装置实验研究了100MPa压力、含5%H2O条件下,P对过铝质花岗岩液相线温度的影响.实验结果表明,碱性长石是最早结晶的矿物;随着体系中P2O5含量从0.27%增加到7.71%,液相线温度从最初的810℃降低到740℃,表明P有效地降低了过铝质岩浆体系的液相线温度.在过铝质岩浆体系中,P5+与Al3+的结合形成AlPO4,降低了熔体中碱性长石组分的活度,很可能是液相线温度降低的机制.  相似文献   
Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model, the temperature structure along 35°N in the Yellow Sea was simulated and compared with the observations. One of the notable features of the temperature structure along 35°N section is the double cold cores phenomena during spring and summer. The double cold cores refer to the two cold water centers located near 122°E and 125°E from the depth of 30m to bottom. The formation, maintenance and disappearance of the double cold cores are discussed. At least two reasons make the temperature in the center (near 123°E) of the section higher than that near the west and east shores in winter. One reason is that the water there is deeper than the west and east sides so its heat content is higher. The other is invasion of the warm water brought by the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) during winter. This temperature pattern of the lower layer (from 30m to bottom) is maintained through spring and summer when the upper layer (0 to 30m) is heated and strong thermocline is formed. Large zonal span of the 35°N section (about 600 km) makes the cold cores have more opportunity to survive. The double cold cores phenomena disappears in early autumn when the west cold core vanishes first with the dropping of the thermocline position. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. G1999043809) and the National Science Foundation of China (No. 49736190).  相似文献   
Tidal effects on temperature front in the Yellow Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Temperature front (TF) is one of the important features in the Yellow Sea, which forms in spring, thrives in summer, and fades in autumn as thermocline declines. TF intensity ⋎S T ⋎ is defined to describe the distribution of TF. Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled model, temperature distribution in the Yellow Sea was simulated with and without tidal effects. Along 36°N, distribution of TF from the simulated results are compared with the observations, and a quantitative analysis is introduced to evaluate the tidal effects on the forming and maintaining processes of the TF. Tidal mixing and the circulation structure adapting to it are the main causes of the TF. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. G1999043809) and the National Science Foundation of China (No. 49736190).  相似文献   
在曲阜市地热地质普查中发现了井温梯度与地温梯度的关系,从理论与实际勘探工作中充分说明和验证了地热盖层地温与井温梯度差的客观存在规律。井温梯度同比于地温梯度,井温梯度与地温梯度存在一固定差值,地温梯度与井温梯度之差为2.6℃/hm。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONSystematicstudyisusefulforhumanvisualizationandcomprehensionofanetworkofcomplicatedcompo nentsandprocessesinvolvingfrequentenergyflow ,consideringenergyasthebasisofbothstructureandprocess (Automa ,1 993) .Energylanguageisaconceptfordepictingasysteminwhichallphenomenaareac companiedbyenergytransformation .Thefunctionoftheecosystemovertheworlddependsontheenergyfixationbymarineplantphotosynthesis ,mostofthemarefixedbymicrophytoplanktonnearseasurfaceexposedtosunlight (Niebaken …  相似文献   
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