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The response of phytoplankton assemblage structure to terrestrial nutrient inputs was examined for the Gulf of Kalloni in the Northern Aegean Sea, a productive semi-enclosed coastal marine ecosystem. The study was focused on a typical annual cycle, and emphasis was placed on the comparative analysis between blooms developing after significant nutrient inputs from the watershed, and naturally occurring blooms. Baseline information was collected on a monthly basis from a network of stations located in the oligotrophic open sea and the interior and more productive part of the embayment. Intensive sampling was also carried out along a gradient in the vicinity of a river which was the most important source of freshwater and nutrient input for the Gulf. Phytoplankton assemblage structure was analyzed from 188 samples using diversity indices (Shannon and Average Taxonomic Distinctness), multivariate plotting methods (NMDS), multivariate statistics (PERMANOVA), and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Three characteristic assemblages were recognized: (1) an autumn assemblage developed under nutrient depleted conditions, having low diversity due to the dominance of two small diatoms, (2) a winter bloom of the potentially toxic species Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha occurring immediately after a nutrient peak and characterized by very low diversity, and (3) a naturally occurring early summer bloom of centric diatoms with relatively high diversity. The results of the study support the view that moderate nutrient inputs may have a beneficial effect on the functioning of coastal ecosystems, stimulating the taxonomic diversity through the growth of different taxonomic groups and taxa. On the other hand, a sudden pulse of high nutrient concentrations may greatly affect the natural succession of organisms, have a negative effect on the diversity through the dominance of a single species, and can increase the possibility of a harmful algal bloom development.  相似文献   
The results of eight sets of repeated observations on the vertical variations of the chlorophyll maximum layer in a shallow lagoon during a red tide show that these were more frequently hydrologically induced, rather than due to active vertical migrations of the red tide-forming organism. These results are discussed and compared to those existing in the literature, with special regard to the role of light and nitrogen in conditioning vertical migrations in red tide-forming dinoflagellates.  相似文献   
在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征进行数量分布方面的研究后的续篇,重点对本海区浮游挠足类的群落结构和群落性质以及与栖区环境条件间的关系作了分析探讨.结果表明,本区桡足类群落结构种类组成复杂,出现种类共237种,但周年共有种比例仅占32%.桡足类群落的多样度和均匀度年均值各为3.714和0.690,在平面分布上呈外部海区高于近岸海区的大体趋势.本区群落可划分为5个生态类群,其中暖水性外海高温偏低盐类群和热带大洋高温高盐类群可分别指示台湾海峡水和黑潮表层水的季节消长过程.从不同侧面的计算分析均表明,冬季在环境条件上均有异于其他3季.在春、夏、秋季,以普通波水蚤最具优势,盐度是影响群落特征值的主导因子,群落的性质是以暖水性外海种类为主、热带大洋种也占相当比例的亚热带-热带群落结构的特点;在冬季,主要优势种是海洋真刺水蚤,温度是群落特征值的主要制约因子,群落呈现以热带大洋种占支配地位的热带大洋群落结构属性.  相似文献   
海坛岛海域表层沉积物中主量化学成分的地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨慧辉  陈岚 《海洋学报》1998,20(3):47-55
本文对海坛岛海域33个表层沉积物中10种化学成分的含量、含量变化和区域平面分布作了描述和探讨。化学成分中Corg、N、P、Fe、AI、Ti、Mg等元素的关性好,和粘土矿物关系密切,从陆源搬运入海;Ca、碳酸盐和上述及粘土含量呈负相关,在富含生物介壳的粗粒沉积中富集;Mn主要赋存于陆源碎屑,而在砾砂中有自生Mn沉积。Q型聚类分析的结果表明,调查区可分为3个地球化学分区,综合反映了沉积物的地球化学特征。  相似文献   
根据2006年4月对涠洲岛潮滩表层沉积物的调查资料,分析了表层沉积物中重金属元素Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、As的含量水平及空间分布特征,运用单因子评价法对其环境质量进行了评估,并通过相关性分析、因子分析探讨了几种重金属元素的物源.结果表明:涠洲岛潮滩环境质量状况良好,各元素均未达到污染水平,多数地区存在Cu的玷污,个别地区存在As的玷污;各分析元素较多的累积在人为活动相对频繁的XKZ、W05断面附近区域;Hg、Cu、Zn、Cr显著正相关,以环境背景来源为主,Pb、As较多的受到人为因素的影响.  相似文献   
The variability of bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) in Long Island Sound, New York, is examined using water quality monitoring data collected by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection from 1995 to 2004. Self-organizing map analysis indicates that hypoxia always occurs in the Narrows during summer and less frequently in the Western and the Central Basins. The primary factor controlling the bottom DO, changes spatially and temporally. For non-summer seasons, the levels of bottom DO are strongly associated with water temperature, which means DO availability is primarily driven by solubility. During summer, stratification intensifies under weak wind conditions and bottom DO starts to decrease and deviate from the saturation level except for stations in the Eastern Basin. For the westernmost and shallow (<15 m) stations, bottom DO is correlated with the density stratification (represented by difference between surface and bottom density). In contrast, at deep stations (>20 m), the relationship between oxygen depletion and stratification is not significant. For stations located west of the Central Basin, bottom DO continues to decrease during summer until it reaches its minimum when bottom temperature is around 19–20 °C. In most cases the recovery to saturation levels at the beginning of fall is fast, but not necessarily associated with increased wind mixing. Therefore, we propose that the DO recovery may be a manifestation of either the reduced microbial activity combined with the depletion of organic matter or horizontal exchange. Hypoxic volume is weakly correlated to the summer wind speed, spring total nitrogen, spring chlorophyll a, and maximum river discharge. When all variables are combined in a multiple regression, the coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.92. Surprisingly, the weakest variable is the total nitrogen, because when it is excluded the coefficient r2 only drops to 0.84. Spring bloom seems to be an important source of organic carbon pool and biological uptake of oxygen plays a more crucial role in the seasonal evolution of bottom DO than previously thought. Our results indicate that the reassessment phase of the Long Island Sound Total Maximum Daily Load policy on nitrogen loading will most likely fail, because it ignores the contributions of the spring organic carbon pool and river discharge. Also, it is questionable whether the goal of 58.5% anthropogenic nitrogen load reduction is enough.  相似文献   
无居民海岛是我国自然资源的重要组成部分。为加快推进生态文明建设,党和国家对我国自然资源的管理提出了新的要求。文章采用问题和目标导向的研究方法,通过对我国无居民海岛管理的历史遗留问题、管理能力、管理体系和信息化建设等方面进行分析,提出了分类处置历史遗留用岛,优化精细化分类管理体系、完善海岛管理制度体系、完善海岛数据更新体系等建议,对提升我国无居民海岛管理水平,实施海洋强国战略具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
南麂岛附近海域潮汐和潮流的特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以2008年冬季在浙江近海南麂岛附近投放的4个底锚系观测的水位和流速资料为依据,分析了潮汐和潮流特征。水位谱分析结果显示半日分潮最显著,全日分潮其次;近岸的浅水分潮比离岸大。水位调和分析结果表明:潮汐类型均为正规半日潮,近岸处的平均潮差大于3m,最大可能潮差大于6m,潮汐呈现出显著的低潮日不等和回归潮特征。流速谱分析结果显示半日分潮流最强,全日分潮流其次,且比半日分潮流小得多;近岸浅水分潮流比远离岸显著。流速调和分析结果表明:潮流类型均为正规半日潮流,靠近岸的两个站浅水分潮流较显著;最显著的半日分潮流是M2分潮流,其最大流速介于0.32~0.48m/s之间,全日分潮流均很弱,最大流速小于0.06m/s。M2分潮流均为逆时针旋转,椭圆率越靠近海底越大;最大分潮流流速分布为中上层最大、表层略小、底层最小;最大分潮流流速方向的垂向变化很小,底层比表层略为偏左;最大分潮流流速到达时间随深度的加深而提前,底层比中上层约提前30min。潮流椭圆的垂向分布显示这里的半日分潮流以正压潮流为主;日分潮流则表现出很强的斜压性。  相似文献   
由于缺乏长期观测资料,前人对山东半岛邻近海域海水溶解氧的时间变化和空间分布特征的研究较少。本文基于威海刘公岛海洋牧场于2016年7月20日至2017年3月14日期间,利用生态环境实时在线观测系统获得的底层海水的温度、盐度、水深、溶解氧数据,分析了该牧场海水溶解氧浓度的时间变化特征及其影响因素,并探讨了低氧灾害发生的可能性。结果表明在观测期间,该牧场海水溶解氧浓度以季节变化为主,冬季最大、夏季最小,其中2月份平均值最高,约为10.86mg/L,8月份平均值最低,约为5.91mg/L。同时海水溶解氧浓度也存在显著的小时变化和日变化,且变化幅度于8月份最大、3月份最小。影响海水溶解氧浓度变化的主要因素是海水温度,溶解氧浓度随着温度的季节性变化而变化。夏季,水体分层会使溶解氧浓度发生大幅度的降低,大风过程对于溶解氧浓度也有一定的影响,通过打破夏季的季节性温跃层使水体发生垂向混合从而为海底提供氧气,但大风过程之后的几天会出现溶解氧浓度降低的现象。本次研究发现刘公岛海洋牧场在观测期间不存在低氧现象。  相似文献   
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