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土库曼斯坦东北部的阿姆河盆地,是中亚地区最重要的含油气盆地之一。根据钻井岩芯和分析化验资料,确定阿姆河盆地卡洛夫-牛津阶为碳酸盐台地相沉积,具有特征的前缘缓斜坡沉积模式,可划分为蒸发台地、局限台地、开阔台地、台地边缘、前缘缓斜坡和盆地6个相带。其中台内、台地边缘和前缘缓斜坡为储层发育相带,尤以发育于台地边缘、开阔台地和前缘缓斜坡相带中的礁、滩微相最有利于储层发育。沉积微相和岩性对储层类型及物性有直接控制,特点为高能环境条件下沉积的块状礁灰岩和中-厚层状滩相颗粒灰岩以发育原生孔隙保存良好的孔隙型和裂缝-孔隙型储层为主,而较低能环境条件下沉积的(含)颗粒微晶灰岩、隐藻灰岩和泥-微晶灰岩以发育基质岩物性很差的裂缝型储层为主。通过综合分析,认为储层发育受沉积微相、岩性和成岩作用复合控制,以各相带内的礁、滩微相灰岩为高效勘探开发目标的"甜心"位置。  相似文献   
南海珠江口盆地东沙隆起区生物礁演化模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
南海是西太平洋最大的边缘海,其在形成演化过程中出现了有利于生物礁生长发育的环境。东沙隆起在中新世时期属于浅海环境,远离物源区,温度、盐度和水深适宜生物礁的生长和发育。通过地震资料的解释、测井、岩心资料的综合分析,并与相对海平面变化曲线对比,认为东沙隆起发育大量规模不等的生物礁,且其发育演化与相对海平面变化曲线和区域构造演化阶段可以对应起来。相对海平面的旋回性变化和复杂的构造演化过程结合,使得研究区生物礁具有较好的孔渗性,可以成为有潜力的油气储层。  相似文献   
珊瑚礁工程地质研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
珊瑚礁是发育于热带海洋环境中由生物作用和地质作用共同形成的地质体,是一种特殊的岩土介质类型,有着独特的工程环境特性和工程地质性质。珊瑚礁工程地质研究是现代工程地质学的一个新课题,是近年来为适应珊瑚岛礁工程建设的需求而发展起来的。介绍了珊瑚礁工程地质研究的内容及意义,综述了国内外珊瑚礁工程地质研究的历史现状及其进展,指出应将珊瑚礁体作为工程岩体,进行工程地质环境区带划分及各区带工程地质条件评价;分析礁岩体结构特征和礁体稳定性及其影响因素;分析礁体工程适宜性、地基及其环境与工程活动相互关系。针对珊瑚礁岩土的土力学特点,加强珊瑚礁颗粒破碎机理及其对工程地质性质影响机制的研究;建立能够代表珊瑚礁应力—应变特性的本构关系。  相似文献   
南沙渚碧礁生态系有机碳的分布及周日变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1999 年 4 月对我国南沙群岛渚碧礁海水中溶解有机碳的分布及礁坪区颗粒有机碳 (POC) 和溶解有机碳 (DOC) 的周日变化特征进行了观测。结果表明,渚碧礁表层海水 DOC 变化范围为 1.43~3.62 mg/L,平均为 2.16 mg/L,含量分布大致表现为礁坪区>潟湖>礁外。潟湖 DOC 的垂直分布大致表现为表层高于底层,可能与表层浮游植物的光合作用有关。礁坪区 POC 及 DOC 都呈现显著的周日变化特征,POC 呈现夜晚高,白天低的特点,浮游植物的昼夜垂直移动可能是产生该现象的主要原因。DOC 的周日变化则主要受浮游动物昼夜垂直移动及细菌等生物活动的影响。  相似文献   
A deep borehole through Ribbon Reef 5 in the Great Barrier Reef off north‐eastern Australia has identified a variety of cements, including epitaxial, radial prismatic and spherular aragonite, together with blocky, prismatic and fibrous calcite. These cements are discontinuously arranged within the sequence that consists predominantly of grainstones but locally includes clotted muddy and filamentous textures that may be of microbial origin. Calcite cements vary in morphology with groups of crystals that include acute scalenohedral, rhombohedral and flattened concordant terminations; these show varying densities of inclusions that locally define growth zones and in some terminations divide in the manner of ‘split crystals’ to form fibrous fringes. Morphological changes in calcite are inferred to reflect changes in water chemistry and crystal growth rates at the time of growth, allied to their relationship to the palaeo‐water table, and linked in turn to changes in sea‐level. Neomorphism and dissolution are widespread and variations in the severity of both imply response to the degree of undersaturation of pore waters that at times were probably balanced within very narrow limits. A total of 10 depositional units are identified. Those units at the base of the borehole reflect deposition and diagenesis within a marine environment. The influence of meteoric waters, indicated by stable isotopes, is first apparent at the top of Unit 1 and in Unit 2 (184 to 155 m below sea floor). Petrographic evidence of vadose conditions appears at the tops of Unit 3 (131 to 99 m below sea floor). Units 4 to 8, all deposited under marine conditions, provide isotopic evidence of meteoric or mixing‐zone waters and petrographic indicators of vadose conditions, typically at the top of the units. Evidence indicates that in Unit 5 the water table was mobile and Units 6a, 6b, 7 and 8, all characterized by ultraviolet fluorescent cements, are capped by sub‐aerial erosion surfaces. Unit 9 (the Holocene) reflects the recent re‐establishment of marine conditions. The extent of alteration of the entire sequence reflects the substantial and pervasive influence of meteoric waters. This effect is interpreted as a result of a greater rainfall and river flow from the mainland during early and late stages of interstadial periods. The study reflects progress in the ability to recognize the diagenetic signal generated by sea‐level change. However, whereas the isotopic results reflect the changing relationships between vadose and phreatic zones in groundwater systems beneath successive emergent surfaces, their correspondence with petrographic features is expressed only weakly and commonly lacks the systematic sequential overprinting implied by the distribution of cathodoluminescent zones of cements in many ancient limestones.  相似文献   
珊瑚礁工程地质研究的内容和方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
珊瑚礁工程地质研究的主要内容为珊瑚礁自然地质条件、珊瑚礁岩土物理力学性质和珊瑚礁混凝土料问题。除了通常的工程地质研究方法外, 着重介绍珊瑚礁工程地质研究的钻探、触探和地球物理勘测方法。  相似文献   
A high resolution (3–8 km grid), 3D numerical ocean model of the West Caribbean Sea (WCS) is used to investigate the variability and the forcing of flows near the Meso-American Barrier Reef System (MBRS) which runs along the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Mesoscale variations in velocity and temperature along the reef were found in seasonal model simulations and in observations; these variations are associated with meandering of the Caribbean current (CC) and the propagation of Caribbean eddies. Diagnostic calculations and a simple assimilation technique are combined to infer the dynamically adjusted flow associated with particular eddies. The results demonstrate that when a cyclonic eddy (negative sea surface height anomaly (SSHA)) is found near the MBRS the CC shifts offshore, the cyclonic circulation in the Gulf of Honduras (GOH) intensifies, and a strong southward flow results along the reef. However, when an anticyclonic eddy (positive SSHA) is found near the reef, the CC moves onshore and the flow is predominantly westward across the reef. The model results help to explain how drifters are able to propagate in a direction opposite to the mean circulation when eddies cause a reversal of the coastal circulation. The effect of including the Meso-American Lagoon west of the Belize Reef in the model topography was also investigated, to show the importance of having accurate coastal topography in determining the variations of transports across the MBRS. The variations found in transports across the MBRS (on seasonal and mesoscale time scales) may have important consequences for biological activities along the reef such as spawning aggregations; better understanding the nature of these variations will help ongoing efforts in coral reef conservation and maintaining the health of the ecosystem in the region.  相似文献   
The Irish Sea, like many marine areas, is threatened by anthropogenic activities. In particular the Pisces Reef system, a series of smothered rocky reefs are subject to fishing pressures as a result of their position within a Nephrops norvegicus fishery. In an area of sediment deposition and retention the reefs modify the environment by increasing the energy of near-bottom currents which results in localised scouring. This is the first study to attempt to characterise and investigate the ecological functioning of the Pisces Reef system. A multidisciplinary approach was essential for accurate investigation of the area. To facilitate more effective management of the benthic habitats of the Reef system, this study integrates acoustic, seismic, grab sampling and video ground-truthing methods for benthic habitat discrimination. Orientation of the scour hollows also suggest that seabed features could be used to infer dominant flow regimes such as the Irish Sea Gyre. The data revealed significant geology–benthos relationships. A unique biotope was described for the reef habitat and it was demonstrated that scouring may influence community composition through disturbance mechanisms. This study provides preliminary information required for management of a unique habitat within a uniform region.  相似文献   
Reef-associated landforms are coupled to the health of the reef ecosystem which produces the sediment that forms and maintains these landforms. However, this connection can make reef-fronted coastlines sensitive to the impacts of climate change, given that any decline in ecosystem health (e.g. decreasing sediment supply) or changes to physical processes (e.g. sea level rise, increasing wave energy) could drive the sediment budgets of these systems into a net erosive state. Therefore, knowledge of both the sediment sources and transport mechanisms is required to predict the sensitivity of reef-associated landforms to future climate change. Here, we examine the benthic habitat composition, sediment characteristics (composition, texture, and age), and transport mechanisms and pathways to understand the interconnections between coastal morphology and the reef system at Tantabiddi, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia. Benthic surveys and sediment composition analysis revealed that although live coral accounts for less than 5% of the benthic cover, coral is the dominant sediment constituent (34% on average). Sediment ages (238U/230Th) were mostly found to be thousands of years old, suggesting that the primary sediment source is relic reef material (e.g. Holocene reef framework). Sediment transport across the lagoon was quantified through measurements of ripple migration rates, which were found to be shoreward migrating and responsible for feeding the large shoreline salient in the lee of the reef. The derived sediment fluxes were comparable with previously measured rates of sediment production by bioerosion. These results suggest that sediment budgets of systems dependent on old (>103 years) source materials may be more resilient to climate change as present-day reef health and community composition (i.e. sources of ‘new’ carbonate production) have limited influence on sediment supply. Therefore, the vulnerability of reef-associated landforms in these systems will be dictated by future changes to mechanisms of sediment generation (e.g. bioerosion) and/or physical processes. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
根据岩性及其组合特征,本文将西藏北部安多—巴青地区侏罗纪含礁地层划分为流水成因的颗粒岩岩相、流水成因的碎屑岩岩相、复成因的泥晶—泥质灰岩岩相、生物及生物化学成因的障积岩岩相、生物及生物化学成因的粘结—障积岩岩相和生物及生物化学成因的骨架岩岩相等6大类型,计16种岩相。它们构成了潮坪相组合、台地浅滩相组合、开阔台地相组合和台地生物礁相组合共4种岩相组合,并由下而上有规律地形成2种岩相序列,即陆源碎屑与碳酸盐混合台地相序列和碳酸盐台地相序列。  相似文献   
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