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以2013年8月实测的水位和流速资料为依据, 基于调和分析和统计方法分析了海南岛东南部新村港和黎安港潟湖的潮汐和潮流特征及其分布规律, 并探讨了潮汐汊道的P-A关系及其影响因素。结果表明, 双湖附近海域潮汐以全日分潮O1和K1为主, 半日分潮M2次之, 浅水分潮亦较显著, 属于非正规的全日混合潮; 调和常数反演的潮位与实测潮位基本吻合, 表明潟湖水位主要受潮汐控制。此外, 双湖均存在潮高日不等和涨落潮历时不等的现象, 涨潮历时略大于落潮历时。新村港平均高潮位0.65m, 较黎安港高0.15m; 平均低潮位-0.28m, 较黎安港低0.06m。新村港平均潮差0.50m, 最大可能潮差1.63m; 黎安港平均潮差0.36m, 最大可能潮差1.22m; 双湖平均潮差相差0.14m, 而最大可能潮差相差较大, 约0.41m。新村港平均潮差由口门向湾内有增大的趋势, 而黎安港却恰好相反。实测和模拟结果显示新村港和黎安港潟湖潮流分布格局类似, 都呈现出口门流速较大, 潟湖内部区域流速较小(小于0.1m/s)的分布规律, 且落潮流略强于涨潮流。新村港和黎安港的P-A值与华南海岸潮汐汊道P-A关系回归线吻合较好, 其中黎安港P-A值基本在华南海岸P-A关系回归线上, 而新村港略微有点偏离, 这说明新村港和黎安港潮汐汊道基本处于均衡状态。  相似文献   
An evolutionary model of sedimentary environments since late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (late MIS 3, i.e., ca. 39 cal ka BP) along the middle Jiangsu coast is presented based upon a reinterpretation of core 07SR01, new correlations between adjacent published cores, and shallow seismic profiles recovered in the Xiyang tidal channel and adjacent northern sea areas. Geomorphology, sedimentology, radiocarbon dating and seismic and sequence stratigraphy are combined to confirm that environmental changes since late MIS 3 in the study area were controlled primarily by sea-level fluctuations, sediment discharge of paleo-rivers into the South Yellow Sea (SYS), and minor tectonic subsidence, all of which impacted the progression of regional geomorphic and sedimentary environments (Le., coastal barrier island freshwater lacustrine swamp, river floodplain, coastal marsh, tidal sand ridge, and tidal channel). This resulted in the formation of a fifth-order sequence stratigraphy, comprised of the parasequence of the late stage of the last interstadial (Para-Sq2), including the highstand and forced regressive wedge system tracts (HST and FRWST), and the parasequence of the postglacial period (Para-Sql), including the transgressive and highstand system tracts (TST and HST). The tidal sand ridges likely began to develop during the postglacial transgression as sea-level rise covered the middle Jiangsu coast at ca. 9.0 cal ka BP. These initially submerged tidal sand ridges were constantly migrating until the southward migration of the Yellow River mouth to the northern Jiangsu coast during AD 1128 to 1855. The paleo-Xiyang tidal channel that was determined by the paleo-tidal current field and significantly different from the modern one, was in existence during the Holocene transgressive maxima and lasted until AD 1128. Following the capture of the Huaihe River in AD 1128 by the Yellow River, the paleo-Xiyang tidal channel was infilled with a large amount of river-derived sediments from AD 1128 to 1855, causing the emergence of some of the previously submerged tidal sand ridges. From AD 1855 to the present, the infilled paleo-Xiyang tidal channel has undergone scouring, resulting in its modern form. The modern Xiyang tidal channel continues to widen and deepen, due both to strong tidal current scouring and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   
Based on a ship survey during January 1998, the characteristics of the flow, the thermohaline properties and the volume transport of the Arabian Sea are discussed. A strong westward flow exists between 10.5?N and 11?N, part of which turns to the south as the Somali current near the coast at about 10?N and the rest turns north. At the passage between the African continent and the So- cotra Island, the northern branch separates into two flows: the left one enters the passage and the right one flows eastward along the southern slope of the island. Off the island the flow separates once more, most of it meandering northeast and a small fraction flow- ing southeast. Volume transport calculation suggests that the tidal transport is one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the total transport in this region and it becomes more important near the coast. The average velocity of the flow in the upper layer (0-150 m) is about 20 cm s-1, with a maximum of 53 cm s-1 appearing east of the Socotra Island, and the subsurface layer (200-800 m) has an aver- age velocity of 8.6 cm s-1; the velocity becomes smaller at greater depths. The depth of the seasonal thermocline is about 100 m, above which there is a layer with well mixed temperature and dissolved oxygen. High-salinity and oxygen-rich water appears near the surface of the northern Arabian Sea; a salinity maximum and oxygen minimum at 100 m depth along 8?N testifies the subduction of surface water from the northern Arabian Sea. Waters from the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf also influence the salinity of the area.  相似文献   
计璐艳  尹丹艳  宫鹏 《遥感学报》2019,23(4):717-729
准确提取湖泊围网区域的时空分布信息对湖泊的保护和可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以阳澄湖为研究区域,收集该地区1984年—2017年所有的Landsat 5和Landsat 8影像(共计396景),提出了结合光谱和纹理特征的围网提取新算法,同时利用时间序列滤波消除年际间因数据不一致造成的偏差。以高清影像人工解译作为参考,阳澄湖围网提取结果的生产者精度在72.57%—88.53%,用户者精度在79.79%—98.10%,围网面积变化与文献记录吻合。结果表明,阳澄湖围网经历了"无围网期"(1984年—1994年)、"快速增长期"(1994年—1998年)、"巅峰期"(1999年—2002年)、"快速下降期"(2003年—2006年)和"稳定期"(2007年—2017年)5个阶段,最高达到100 km2,目前稳定在30 km2;通过研究围网区植被指数发现,2002年之后围网区浮水植物的种植面积增大;通过对比水质数据发现,2002年至今持续15年的围网拆除并未使阳澄湖恢复到80年代无围网养殖时期的II类水,其水质依然处于Ⅲ—Ⅳ类。因此在湖泊养殖开发过程中,政府应该坚持可持续发展道路,在不破坏湖泊水质的基础上发展湖泊经济。  相似文献   
本研究以崇明东滩2015年4月实测潮间带水沙数据为基础,分析了潮沟、盐沼及光滩的水沙特征,重点研究了潮沟系统及邻近潮滩潮周期内悬沙通量情况。结果表明:(1)潮沟表层沉积物比潮滩细,二者平均中值粒径分别为21.7 μm和33.0 μm,悬沙粒径由海向陆逐渐变小;(2)大、小潮沟潮周期内潮流均以往复流为主,垂向平均流速分别为15.4 cm/s和34.6 cm/s;盐沼界和光滩则以旋转流为主,平均流速分别为11.3 cm/s和28.9 cm/s;(3)潮沟中的高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期,最大可达7.5 kg/m3,而潮滩高悬沙浓度则出现在潮落潮中期和高水位时刻;大、小潮沟和盐沼界站涨潮阶段平均悬沙浓度大于落潮阶段,光滩站则相反。潮沟悬沙主要来自邻近水域,而潮滩悬沙则与滩面表层沉积物密切相关;(4)潮沟在潮周期内净输沙方向均指向滩地,大潮沟潮周期单宽净输沙量可达4.0 t/m;盐沼界处垂直岸线和沿岸输沙强度相近,净输沙由海向陆,潮周期离岸输沙强度为1.0 t/m;光滩沿岸输沙强度远大于垂直岸线输沙,光滩净输沙由陆向海。研究揭示了潮间带潮沟系统的强供沙能力以及研究区域光滩冲蚀,盐沼植被带淤积的动力地貌过程。  相似文献   
潮滩作为动态变化的后备土地资源,对其研究具有重要意义。文章以江苏省如东县为研究区,使用环境资源卫星(HJ1A/1B)影像为数据源,应用面向对象技术创建分类规则,实现批量半自动提取水边线,随后利用DSAS软件处理水边线集获得潮位点集,基于最外边界法实现高(低)潮位点的提取,进而获得潮滩范围,估算的如东县潮滩面积为55 182hm~2。最后利用误差矩阵进行精度验证(Kappa系数为0.945)。结果表明:该方法对于潮滩面积提取具有适用性,无论在空间域还是时间域都具有一定的推广性。  相似文献   
To investigate the tidal effects on intra-continental earthquake initiation in the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas, we selected over 1,500 focal mechanism solutions of inland earthquakes (epicenter locates at least 100 km to the coastlines) from Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) project and analyzed the p-values of tidal normal and shear stress as well as tidal Coulomb failure stress. For Coulomb failure stress calculation, we used Coulomb 3.40 software. We find that: (1) p-values of tidal stress change suggests a high tidal correlation of earthquake imitations with tidal normal stress change; (2) when tidal normal stress reached the local maximum values of compression and when tidal shear stress were closed to the positive peaks, earthquakes generated more frequently; (3) particular seismogenic environments such as strong continental plate interactions and the existence of fluids or rheologic substance possibly raise the tidal correlations and (4) higher sensitivity of earthquake initiation to earth tide presents along with higher seismicity, suggesting the rate of rain energy accumulation somehow has a dominating effect on the tidal correlation of earthquake initiation.  相似文献   
Tidal effects on temperature front in the Yellow Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Temperature front (TF) is one of the important features in the Yellow Sea, which forms in spring, thrives in summer, and fades in autumn as thermocline declines. TF intensity ⋎S T ⋎ is defined to describe the distribution of TF. Based on the MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled model, temperature distribution in the Yellow Sea was simulated with and without tidal effects. Along 36°N, distribution of TF from the simulated results are compared with the observations, and a quantitative analysis is introduced to evaluate the tidal effects on the forming and maintaining processes of the TF. Tidal mixing and the circulation structure adapting to it are the main causes of the TF. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. G1999043809) and the National Science Foundation of China (No. 49736190).  相似文献   
淤泥质海岸入海河口闸下港道河相关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陆倩  龚政  周曾  张长宽 《水科学进展》2016,27(5):751-762
以江苏沿海北部的射阳河闸下港道为原型,建立二维水动力及泥沙输运概化数学模型,模拟了淤泥质海岸闸下港道淤积过程。分别在不考虑径流年内分配变化和考虑径流年内分配变化的情况下,研究了入海径流对港道内水沙动力和冲淤演变的影响。参考前人研究成果,结合量纲和谐准则,根据模型的计算结果,建立了淤泥质海岸闸下港道年均平衡流量与汛期排水比例、河床断面积、外海潮差、潮波变形、港道长度等因素间的河相关系式,对在实际情况中达到动态冲淤平衡的某条特定港道,可简化为港道年均流量与河床断面积间关系式的简化形式,并通过分析实测资料,对公式的简化形式加以佐证。  相似文献   
高抒 《第四纪研究》2007,27(5):750-755
以江苏中部海岸潮滩沉积为原型,提出了获取潮滩沉积记录中沉积层保存潜力信息的正演模拟方法。模拟结果显示,在沉积物供应恒定的条件下,随着潮滩的不断淤长,岸线淤进速率逐渐减小,潮滩滩面的沉积速率逐渐降低,而潮滩层序中的泥质沉积的厚度向海逐渐增厚。沉积层保存潜力的计算结果显示,潮滩上保存潜力在高潮位附近和潮下带的较低部位为最高,可达80 % 以上,潮间带下部存在着低值区,保存潜力低于20 % ,与前人在潮间带进行的现场观测结果相近。对研究方法经进一步细化(如考虑滩面坡度和粒度分布变化、波浪和风暴潮作用、潮沟摆动等因素),并与反演方法相结合,可望更好地解释沉积记录中的环境演化信息。  相似文献   
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