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Strontium, neodymium isotopic compositions and trace elements of the detrital sediments of Core NS90-103 from South China Sea were analyzed. The results show that the87Sr/86Sr ratios of the detritus during the last glacial range from 0.722 4 to 0.723 0. They are significantly higher than those during the Holocene and the maximum of the last interglacial, which range from 0.721 0 to 0.721 7. This indicates stronger continental weathering during the last glacial. On the other hand, the143Nd/144Nd ratios of these detritus are higher during the last glacial too, similar to the variation of the87Sr/86Sr ratios. The trace element geochemistry of these detritus indicates that more authigenic sediments, such as ferromanganese, during the last glacial may partly contribute to the increase of143Nd/144Nd ratios. Furthermore, much more detritus from continent of South China to the north of the South China Sea may probably contribute to143Nd/144Nd ratios increase during the last glacial, which was the result of the enhancement of northeast monsoon.  相似文献   
南海诸岛外来地名的命名背景及其历史影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
孙冬虎 《地理研究》2000,19(2):217-224
19世纪中叶至20世纪30年代英美等国在我国南海海域的测绘活动,给这里的岛礁留下了一大批以英语为主的外语名称。文中论述了南海诸岛外来地名的命名背景及其对我国三次公布官方名称所产生的深刻影响,在总结历史教训的基础上,分析了当前处理南海地名问题的缺陷,提出了若干改进建议。  相似文献   
中国最早发现和开发利用南海及其诸岛,南海之名始见于周朝,距今3 000多年,至秦汉时,已开发南海至印度洋的航运和商贸事业。南海诸岛和南海部分海域属于中国领土和海疆,标示在中国出版的地图中为断续国界线。南海周边国家关系历来大多处于和谐状态,其中秦汉南海海上丝绸之路和明朝郑和船队下西洋为其中显著发展的和谐时段。而自中世纪以来,域外强国侵入南海,使南海区域在相当长时间内处于严重不和谐状态。其中,15―19世纪,欧美殖民主义者侵占南海周边各国。20世纪上半叶,日本殖民主义者开始侵占中国南海诸岛,并在第二次世界大战中吞占了整个南海区域;20世纪下半叶,法国和美国相继挑起印度支那战争和越南战争。南海周边部分国家霸占中国南海诸岛许多岛礁,并在其上建筑和扩建机场及港口,扩军备,分割其海疆并掠夺其海洋石油天然气资源。中国必须开展积极的外交和军事活动,尤其是加强国防建设,在南海诸岛建设海空军基地,才能保护中国南海油气和渔业资源的开发和运输畅通,并尽早收回全部岛礁主权,使南海周边国家愿意“共同开发”,创造和谐的南海。  相似文献   
To investigate whether or not regional–temporal patterns of seagrass habitat use by fishes existed at the Ryukyu Islands (southern Japan), visual surveys were conducted in seagrass beds and adjacent coral reefs in northern, central, and southern Ryukyu Islands, in November 2004, and May, August, and November 2005, the northern region having less extensive seagrass beds compared with the central and southern regions. During the study period, the seagrass beds were utilized primarily by 31 species, the densities of some of the latter differing significantly among regions. With the exception of Apogonidae and Holocentridae, all species were diurnal and could be divided into 6 groups based on seagrass habitat use patterns; (1) permanent residents A (10 species, e.g. Stethojulis strigiventer), juveniles and adults living in seagrass beds as well as other habitats; (2) permanent residents B (5 species, e.g. Calotomus spinidens), juveniles and adults living only or mainly in seagrass beds; (3) seasonal residents A (4 species, e.g. Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus), juveniles living in seagrass beds as well as other habitats; (4) seasonal residents B (6 species, e.g. Lethrinus atkinsoni), juveniles living only or mainly in seagrass beds; (5) transients (5 species, e.g. Parupeneus indicus), occurring in seagrass beds in the course of foraging over a variety of habitats; and (6) casual species (1 species, Acanthurus blochii), occurring only occasionally in seagrass beds. Regarding temporal differences, juvenile densities in each group were high in May and August compared with November in each region, whereas adult densities did not differ drastically in each month. For regional differences, juvenile and adult densities of permanent residents A and B were higher in the southern and central regions than in the northern region. Moreover, some seasonal residents showed possible ontogenetic habitat shift from seagrass beds to coral reefs in each region. These results indicated that seagrass habitat use patterns by fishes changed temporally and regionally and there may be habitat connectivity between seagrass beds and coral reefs via ontogenetic migration in the Ryukyu Islands.  相似文献   
The Palaeogene Faroe Islands Basalt Group (FIBG) comprises three eruptive sequences or formations, all emplaced into a subaerial environment during the development of the extensive continental flood basalt province that stretches from East Greenland through the Faroe Islands and into the Faroe-Shetland Basin. The Beinisvørð Formation, having a tabular-classic facies architecture, is composed of a sequence of simple flows each comprising a single sheet lobe. The Beinisvørð Formation is overlain by the distinctly contrasting Malinstindur Formation that has a compound-braided facies architecture. The Enni Formation occurs at the top of the sequence and consists of a mixture of simple and compound flows with tabular-classic and compound-braided facies architectures, respectively. Surface and internal characteristics of the sheet lobes of the Beinisvørð and Enni formations indicate emplacement through inflation, which is more obvious for the tube-fed compound flows of the Malinstindur and Enni formations. The difference between the simple and compound flow sequences of the FIBG is, most likely, linked to the manner in which the lava was supplied during the eruption and the eruptive style of the volcanic system. The sheet lobes were erupted over laterally extensive areas from fissure systems which had a continuous supply of lava, which contrasts with the tube-fed compound flows which were erupted in a gradual, piecemeal manner from point-sourced, low shield volcanoes with limited areal extents.  相似文献   

科技进步使得地震采集数据量及其精度实现质的飞跃,南沙海域的地震调查,采用国际先进水平的等离子震源,获得地震剖面精度优于3 m局部甚至可在1 m之内,为科学研究、工程、浅层资源、地质灾害预警等研究奠定基础.在南沙第四系识别出了七个地震反射界面,确定500 ms至海底沉积区间内地震层序与三期海平面升降并与冰期、间冰期对应,典型地震剖面展示第四纪至少有三套完整的具有三角洲顶积层、前积层、底积层的地震相证据,与全球的第四纪海平面的变化一致.精细的浅层地震结构表明:南沙的地质现象丰富,浅层断层非常发育,下切河谷、泥石流、滑坡等地质遗迹的形成的地震相清晰,是地质活动频繁的地区.

A mooring of three conical time-series sediment traps was deployed at two sites in the western Northwest Pacific Ocean for 9 months. Total mass fluxes and activities of 210Pb and 230Th were determined for the settling particles to elucidate their scavenging and transport processes. Sediment samples also were analyzed for 210Pb activities. Total mass fluxes, 210Pb fluxes and 230Th fluxes showed large seasonal variations and their weighted mean fluxes tended to increase with depth, with an especially large increase near-bottom. The ratios of the observed 210Pb fluxes to the 210Pb deficiency fluxes in the upper traps at the two sites were only 0.02 and 0.12, and were attributable to advective export of 210Pb from the surface waters. Those ratios in the near-bottom traps ranged between 1.22 and 2.63. This suggests that these high ratios are due to effective particle scavenging, large lateral 210Pb import and input of resuspended particles that have not become incorporated into the sediments. The mean total 230Th fluxes at the near-bottom traps were 4.2–6.7 times higher than that expected from production in the overlying water column. The 210Pb activities in the surficial sediments were much lower than those in the near-bottom traps. The 210Pb accumulation rates estimated from the excess 210Pb inventory in the sediment column were 40–70% higher than the mean 210Pb fluxes at the near-bottom traps. The ratios of the 210Pb accumulation rates to the 210Pb deficiency fluxes at the near-bottom traps ranged between 2.0 and 3.7. The high fluxes of particulate 210Pb and 230Th at the near-bottom traps reflected a combination of enhanced scavenging of dissolved nuclides and the lateral redistribution of particulate matter by downslope and alongshore transports. However, it was not possible to discriminate among the various processes contributing to high nuclide fluxes.  相似文献   
以1∶5万区域地质调查资料为基础,详细论述了千岛湖西部旅游资源的特点,据其功能划分为水文景观、生物景观、地学景观、地史遗迹、休闲渡假、人文景观和土特产品7大类,并对不同类型的旅游资源提出了开发建议  相似文献   
A structural field study was made of 578 sheet intrusions (mostly dykes) and 153 (mostly normal) faults dissecting the Anaga and Teno massifs, where a complex volcanic succession of Tertiary age (the ‘Old Basaltic Series’) representing the shield-building stage of Tenerife (Canary Islands) crops out. Many of the intrusions, mostly sub-vertical mafic dykes, are emplaced by multiple magma injections, with cumulative thicknesses mostly less than 2 m. Dyke tips are exposed and preserved for 12% of the dykes. Three differently oriented sets of dykes exist in the Anaga massif (NNW–SSE, NNE–SSW, E–W), whereas there is only one main set in Teno, trending NNW–SSE. Dyke swarms and other structural features having similar orientations also exist in other Canary Islands. A minimum value of the horizontal component of extension induced by dykes is computed using a step of 5° of azimuth, accounting also for the dip of dykes. The cumulative crustal dilation is at least 300 m (4%) in Anaga and 270 m (6%) in Teno; the maximum extension peaks at N75° in Anaga and N60° in Teno, indicating a general prevailing extension in direction ENE–WSW. Most of the measured faults are normal and strike NNW–SSE. Computation of palaeostresses from inversion of fault-slip data sets suggests the existence of a polyphase brittle deformation due to an extensional stress field with the minimum compressive principal axes trending NE–SW and WNW–ESE.  相似文献   
The sheltering effect of the Balearic Islands in the hindcast wave field was studied for typical Mediterranean wave situations of Llevant, Tramuntana and Mestral and for mild conditions such as the Garbí and Ponent winds. For this purpose, a third generation wave model was applied to the Mediterranean Sea and different patterns of the sheltered areas were found for the various representative situations depending on the wind variability and on the magnitude of the wind speed. From the analysis it was concluded that the sheltered zones created during storms generally persist for short periods of time of the order of 6 h, possibly reaching a maximum of 12 h. In contrast with earlier results obtained for swell dominated ocean areas, it was observed that in this area, due to the short fetches the sea states are mainly local wind seas and thus the wave field behind the islands depends on the local wind.  相似文献   
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