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南海北部西沙海槽S1站位的岩心柱沉积物中广泛发育自生矿物黄铁矿,其形态以管状为主,且具有内部中空的圈层结构。使用扫描电镜、电子探针、LA-ICP-MS、SIMS等测试方法研究了管状黄铁矿的形态及圈层结构,结果显示: (1)管状黄铁矿发育内部中空的圈层结构,其中内圈层(Ipy)由莓球状黄铁矿呈五角十二面体紧密堆积组成,外圈层(Opy)由晶形较好晶粒较大的八面体黄铁矿组成,并混有沉积碎屑及钙质生物壳体;(2)内圈层和外圈层分别呈现出贫S富Fe和富S贫Fe的特征,其成因是甲烷渗漏造成的局部还原环境使得As进入黄铁矿中导致晶格空缺或被扭曲,从而促进Ni、Co、Cu、Zn、Pb等微量元素的掺入;(3)内圈层、外圈层发生了明显的硫同位素分馏现象,内圈层中 δ34S 平均为-37.8‰,外圈层中 δ34S 平均为-29.3‰。研究认为,管状黄铁矿作为曾经甲烷渗漏的通道,其生长机制可分为3个阶段: (1)气水通道形成阶段: 向上运移的甲烷流体在沉积物孔隙中逐渐形成气水通道;(2)外圈层形成阶段: 当向上运移的甲烷与硫酸盐发生甲烷厌氧氧化时,逐渐形成晶体较大、晶形较好的八面体黄铁矿外圈层;(3)内圈层形成阶段: 随着甲烷浓度逐渐降低,在气水通道中的微生物作用下,剩余甲烷与向下运移的硫酸盐继续反应形成莓球状黄铁矿内圈层。因此,南海北部的泥岩中大量发育的管状黄铁矿常常与地层中甲烷水合物的存在有关。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地中奥陶统马家沟组由于受加里东运动影响而隆起抬升遭受风化,形成良好的岩溶油气储层,对其沉积特征的研究是油气勘探的重点。本文以沉积岩石学为指导,以单因素作图为方法论,结合钻井岩心资料、测井资料的细致分析、统计,选取了地层厚度、白云岩含量、灰岩含量、膏盐含量及泥岩含量等单因素,绘制出马五21的岩相古地理图。研究表明,研究区马五12期处于一个相对的海退期,其主要发育膏云坪、云坪、泥云坪和含泥云坪。根据岩相古地理图,结合马五12地层厚度,推测研究区中部存在一个较浅的洼地,并建立了符合本区马五12的沉积模式。综合以上研究,马五21期岩相古地理特征可概括"陆外为坪,云坪广布,坪中有洼,洼中有膏"。根据本区的岩相古地理条件及区域地质特征,对良好的天然气储层的形成进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
安徽无为-巢湖地区中下二叠统碳酸盐岩成岩作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成岩作用控制孔隙演化,对油气开采具有重要的指示作用.安徽无为-巢湖地区中下二叠统碳酸盐岩广泛发育,有机质丰富,多年来主要集中在地层、古生物及沉积相方面的研究,成岩作用的工作较少.镜下鉴定显示研究区发育溶解作用、去白云化作用、压溶作用、破裂作用4种主要的建设性成岩作用和泥晶化作用、压实作用、胶结作用、白云化作用、硅化作用...  相似文献   
哈拉哈塘地区位于塔里木盆地北部隆起轮南低凸起奥陶系潜山背斜西翼上,其中奥陶系一间房组碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层具有成因复杂、非均质性强和识别困难等特点。以该地区现有钻井资料、地震解释成果为基础,在现代岩溶研究成果的指导下,利用分时窗提取、断裂属性(Fault Fracture Attribute,FFA)裂缝预测等特色技术,详细刻画了一间房组孔洞、裂缝型储集层空间分布特征。利用地层CT扫描古河道识别、残厚法古地形恢复、基于优化算法的构造识别体断裂精细刻画等特色技术开展了岩溶储集层控制因素分析,指出古地形较高、水系发达、小断裂发育等是一间房组岩溶储集层发育的有利控制因素。面对现有碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层勘探难题,以现代岩溶理论为指导,钻井-地震结合,综合利用多种地震预测技术是开展研究区碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层识别和控制因素分析的重要手段。  相似文献   
Geothermal energy plays an important role in urban construction of the Xiong’an New Area. Geothermal reservoir fracture distribution of the Mesoproterozoic Jixianian Wumishan Formation (Fm.) carbonate reservoir in the Rongcheng geothermal field are evaluated based on FMI log from Wells D19 and D21. The results show carbonate reservoir fracture density of Well D19 is 15.2/100 m, greater than that of Well D21 with a value of 9.2/100 m. Reservoir porosity and permeability of Well D19 are better than that of Well D21, and the water saturation is bimodally distributed. The movable fluid volume ratio (BVM) of Well D19 is 2% to 8% with some zones exceeding 20%, while the value of Well D21 is less than 4%. Therefore, reservoir fractures in Well D19 are more conducive to fluid flow. Reservoir fractures have a similar occurrence to normal faults, indicating that the tensile stress field controlled the formation of such fractures. Developed reservoir fractures provide a good channel for groundwater convection. The circulation of regional groundwater and the heat exchange between water and rock and the multiple heat accumulation patterns form a stable and high potential heat reservoir in the Rongcheng geothermal field.  相似文献   
This article reviews the applications of light stable isotope, including carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, in thestudies on origin and formation temperature of authigenic carbonate, quartz and clay minerals. Theoretical knowledge andanalytical methods for major light stable isotopes are introduced in detail. Negative and positive δ13C values indicatesignificant differences on the origin of carbonate cements. The δ18O value is an effective palaeotemperature scale forauthigenic minerals formation. Various fractionation equations between δ18O and temperature are proposed for carbonatecements, quartz cements and clay minerals, whose merit and demerit, applicable conditions are clarified clearly. Clumpedisotope analysis can reconstruct the temperature of carbonate precipitation with no requirement on the δ18O of initial waters,which makes temperature calculation of carbonate cements formation more convenient and accurate. Hydrogen and oxygenisotopes mainly reflect the origin of diagenetic fluid for clay mineral formation, providing reliable evidence for diageneticenvironment analysis. This work aims at helping researchers for better understanding the applications of light stable isotopein sandstone diagenesis.  相似文献   
以碳同位素值的波动变化与沉积环境、海平面升降及地层界面突变等地质事件相对应为理论依据,开展碳同位素地层研究,建立了各组值域划分标准,解决碳酸盐岩地层缺乏标准生物化石情况下,地层归属难确定的问题。指出奥陶系自下而上碳同位素曲线呈现稳定-上升-正漂移的过程。其中,下统蓬莱坝组—鹰山组δ~(13)C值范围为(-4.2~-0.2)×10~(-3),始终为负值;中统一间房组δ~(13)C值范围为(-0.4~0.6)×10~(-3),以分布在零值附近为特征;上统恰尔巴克组—良里塔格组δ~(13)C值范围(0.7~3.1)×10~(-3),均为正值。在此基础上,开展了巴楚典型露头剖面与麦盖提斜坡井下奥陶系碳同位素地层与岩石地层对比研究,提出麦盖提斜坡中部及东部断洼区发育上奥陶统,除东部断裂带外,普遍残存下奥陶统顶部泥晶灰岩段。  相似文献   
正1 Introduction The Great Salt Lake(GSL)is the defining hydrological feature of the Great Basin,North America’s largest desert--and it is the largest waterbody in the western USA.Despite the early(Eardley,1938)recognition of"bioherms,"algal layers,and mats covering hundreds of square km of lake area,these features have not been the  相似文献   
Black band disease(BBD),characterized by the Cyanobacterial dominated pathogenic consortium,is thought to play a key role in the global decline of the coral reef ecosystems.The present paper originally documents a case of BBD from Yongxing Island(Xisha Islands,South China Sea),and further probes the reasons of this abnormal phenomenon.Prior to 2007,corals at northern reef-flat of Yongxing Isand were in healthy growth.Catastrophic coral mortality occurred between 2007 and 2008.The 16S rRNA gene sequencing and PCR amplification,with universally conserved primers,were applied to detect the contagious bacterial community of the microbial mat.The results demonstrated that six bacterial divisions constituted the clone libraries derived from the BBD mat,and that Cyanobacteria are the most diversely represented group that inhabit BBD bacterial mats,despite the fact that species in five others divisions(α-Proteobacteria,γ-Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Verrucomicrobia and Actinobacteria) are also consistently diverse within the BBD mats of diseased coral.Other factors such as coral bleaching,typhoons,ocean acidification and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks,are not primarily responsible for the coral mortality within such a short time interval.The disaster expansion of BBD associated with Cyanobacterial blooms is a more likely mechanism impacting these coral reefs.Excessive human activity enhances the eutrophication of the marine water of the reefal region and may result in occurrence of the BBD.  相似文献   
南海东北部表层沉积中有孔虫的分布及其环境意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了探讨南海东北部表层沉积中有孔虫分布的规律,选取184个表层样进行分析,结果发现有孔虫的垂向分布与碳酸盐的溶解作用密切相关。在2300-2500m水深以下,浮游有孔虫丰度迅速减小,而底栖有孔虫占有孔虫全群的比值BF/(BF+PF)以及底栖有孔虫胶结质壳类的百分含量则迅速增加,这三者随水深的变化在3400-3500m处有一明显的转变,被认为是南海东北部CCD面(碳酸盐补偿深度)所在的位置,且该研究区内碳酸盐补偿深度南部较北部深100m。浮游有孔虫水平分布除了受表层海水温度的的控制外,黑潮南海分支以及吕宋岛北端上升流区带来的富营养水体的存在也起很重要的作用。  相似文献   
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