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中华白海豚是国家一级重点保护水生哺乳动物,厦门湾是中华白海豚的重要栖息地之一。文章以厦门英春—围里海底电缆工程为例,评价工程建设对中华白海豚及其栖息地的影响,并提出中华白海豚的保护措施,以期为海洋工程建设对水生野生保护动物的保护管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
本文回顾了厦门海洋经济发展的历史,评述厦门海洋经济发展的现状和趋势,认为厦门已经形成了沿海城市经济、已经具有相当完备的海洋经济体系,但传统产业依然占据较大的比重,新兴产业还处于起步阶段,未来产业基本空白,城市经济的发展与海洋资源的利用结合不够紧密。海洋资源的开发利用尚为粗放式,科技进步的贡献率在海洋增长中不够大。海洋经济未走上开发和保护相结合的可持续发展道路。在发展重点海洋产业中,必须树立“科技兴  相似文献   
Oligotrophic areas harbour low macrofaunal abundance and patchy distribution. In these areas it is necessary to test the reliability of biological indicators, especially those based on taxonomic sufficiency where the level of identification is balanced against the need for ecological information and could affect the efficiency of bioindicators. The BOPA (benthic opportunistic polychaetes and amphipods) index was applied in five coastal areas subjected to different perturbations (aquaculture, harbour, brine, sewage, and thermal pollution) in the Canary archipelago, an oligotrophic area of the Atlantic Ocean. Significant differences in the BOPA index between impact and control sites were only found in the area affected by a harbour. Perturbations such as aquaculture, brine or sewage discharge produce only a weak response of the BOPA index, whereas no effects were observed at thermal pollution‐impacted locations. The BOPA index should be used with caution to establish the ecological status of coastal water bodies in the Canary Islands, since it was only reliable in strongly impacted regions (enlargement harbour works), but did not respond clearly to other man‐induced perturbations.  相似文献   
The small and medium-sized river basins along southeast coast of China hold comparatively abundant water resources. However, the rapid resources urbanization in recent years has produced a series of water problems such as deterioration of river water quality, water shortage and exacerbated floods, which have constrained urban economic development. By applying the principle of triple supply-demand equilibrium, this paper focuses on the estimation of levels of water supply and demand in 2030 at different guarantee probabilities, with a case study of Xiamen city. The results show that water shortage and inefficient utilization are main problems in the city, as the future water supply looks daunting, and a water shortage may hit nearly 2 × 108 m3 in an extraordinarily dry year. Based on current water supply-demand gap and its trend, this paper proposes countermeasures and suggestions for developing and utilizing groundwater resources and improving the utilization rate of water resources, which can supply as a reference for other southeast middle-to-small-sized basin cities in terms of sustainable water resources and water environment protection.  相似文献   
I~IOWTheMaluanBayisashallowandmOStlyendedwatertheywhichisisolatedfromwesternXiamenhaforbyaseawall.Thebayhaslongbenboldingagreatdealofagriculturalandindustrialwaterandmunicipalsewage.Moreover,aquacultureindustryhasbeendeveloppedinal~aceinthebayinrecen...  相似文献   
福建省厦门市滨海地区海水补给型地热系统虽然补给资源量很大,但是存在水质咸化、温度较低、地热水开采可能诱发海水入侵等问题,因此,查明该区地热资源成因模式,对地热资源合理开发、利用及保护具有重要意义。通过在厦门市地热田采集地热水、地下水及地表水样品,运用水化学及环境同位素分析方法,研究地热水化学特征及地热资源的成因机制。结果表明:厦门市山区及山前地带地热水的补给来源主要是山区降雨入渗,以TDS较低的HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na型水为主;沿海地区地热水的补给来源主要是不同程度的海水混入,以TDS较高的Cl-Na型水为主。根据Cl-混合模型特征,发现该区13处地热田中有10处地热田受到海水混入补给,其中浦边地热水的海水混入比达73.20%。地热水由低山区沿NW向断裂向深部运移,与区域NE向深大控热断裂交汇,接受深部传导热量后形成深部热储层,温度为185~225 ℃;地热水沿断裂带上升过程中有海水或地下冷水混入,混入后的浅层热储温度为80~139 ℃。综合分析认为,厦门沿海地区海水是地热水的重要补给资源,地热水化学组分受海水混合作用影响明显,存在两次或多次地下冷水或海水的混入,降低了地下热储温度。  相似文献   
Beach profile data, covering the coast of Ras El Bar, northeast Nile Delta, collected during the years from 1990 to 2002 combined with landsat images for the area and sedimentological investigation have been used to identify beach and nearshore seafloor sediment changes. Along the coast of Ras El Bar, two accretion sectors and one of erosion have been recognized. The first accretion sector is located west of Damietta harbour, where the harbour jetties have halted the littoral transport, while the second one is behind a system of detached breakwaters protecting Ras El Bar resort. Both the two sectors are characterized by growing shoreline with maximum rates ∼15 and 10 m/year, respectively. Also, they have maximum nearshore seafloor accretion rates of ∼18 and 22 cm/year, respectively. The erosion sector is located east of Damietta port and has a maximum rate of shoreline retreat ∼−10 m/year. Erosion of its nearshore seafloor is indicated recording a maximum rate of ∼−20 cm/year. The rate of net sediment volume change in the area indicates shifting of the accretion sector (II) westward, responding to installation of the new breakwaters unit. The two accretion sectors are characterized by dominance of moderately sorted fine sands in their shore area which change seaward into less sorting very fine sands. Beach sands of the eroded sector are poorly sorted medium grain size. The dominant constituents of heavy mineral species in beach and sea-bottom sands are the characteristic assemblages of the Nile deposits. The sands of the eroded zone are relatively enriched in monazite, zircon, tourmaline, garnet, and rutile.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton respiratory electron transport system (P-ETS) activities were studied in two cruises in Taiwan Strait (Aug. 1997 and Feb. -Mar.1998) and two cruises in Xiamen Harbour (Oct., 1997 and Apr.,1998). Results showed that P-ETS activity in the surface water of southern Yaiwan Strait in summer was homogeneous [mean value of 0.106 μ102/(L.h)], inhomogeneous in northern Yaiwan Strait in winter. Variation of P-ETS activity in middle part of the Strait was not obvious between summer and winter. Mean P-ETS activity of Xiamen Harbour in autumn was 0.255 μ102/(L.h) with a little higher value in Jiulong River estuary areas. In spring, P-ETS activity was more homogeneously distributed and the mean value was 1.076 μ102/(L.h). P-ETS activity in spring was obviously higher than in autumn in Xiamen Harbour. Vertical distribution of P-ETS in Taiwan Strait was homogeneous at some stations in winter and in summer. An obvious daily variation of P-ETS activity was recorded at Stn 9837, high at midnight and low in the early morning. Significant correlation between P-ETS activity and Chl-a was observed. Results also showed that the ratio of estimated respiratory rate to photosynthetic rate varied seasonally, high in winter (0.41) and low in summer (0.12).  相似文献   
环渤海地区港口与城市关系的动态测度及驱动模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
港城交互作用是港口城市形成、演化并实现可持续发展的关键因素,因此,如何测定港城关系并从中揭示港城交互作用的模式是港口城市研究的一个难点问题.一直以来,港城关系中港口功能与城市功能定量分析方法以及港城互动关联机制的研究比较薄弱.在RCI基础上,提出DCI的概念、内涵及其算法,并以此为基础,对环渤海地区主要海港城市的港城关系状况及DCI值动态变化趋势进行定量测度,并运用脉冲响应函数对港城驱动模式进行系统分析,揭示不同港口城市在港城相互作用方面的具体差别与联系,丰富地理学对于港城关系内在机理的认识.结果显示:环渤海地区12个海港城市港城关系状况可以分为港口驱动型、城市驱动型和港城稳定型三类;变动趋势可以分为持续上升型、持续下降型及波动型三类;港城交互作用机制及稳定性存在明显差别.港城关系的强弱或倾向性与港口或城市规模没有直接关系,而是与港口或城市发展阶段、港口与腹地的关系等深层次问题密切相关.  相似文献   
文章简明介绍了厦门市的环境地质,包括地质地貌,新构造活动,边坡稳定,地基基础,矿产资源,地热资源和旅游资源,厦门岛是一座风景秀丽、气候宜人的海滨花园城市。  相似文献   
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