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双层局部开孔板沉箱对波浪反射的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种用于研究由双层开孔板和一个不透水后板的开孔结构对斜向波反射率的理论分析方法。整个流域被分成三个子域,在每个子域内应用特征函数展开法以得到该域内包含未知展开系数的势函数的表达式,在速度势的展开中,考虑了非传播模态波浪的影响。通过匹配开孔板处的边界条件可以求解待定的展开系数,继而求解双层开孔板防波堤结构对斜向波的反射率。数值计算结果与试验结果进行了比较,符合较好。并进一步讨论了几个重要因素对反射系数的影响。  相似文献   
波浪作用下渤海湾近岸海域污染物的输移扩散规律   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
孙涛  陶建华 《海洋与湖沼》2004,35(2):110-119
用物理模型实验和数学模型计算相结合的方法,研究了均匀缓坡岸滩上,规则波及不规则波浪作用下形成的沿岸流及其对岸边排放污染物输移扩散的影响。针对渤海湾的地形和主要波浪方向,研究了渤海湾主要排污口附近单纯波浪以及波浪、潮流共同作用下近岸海域内流动速度分布与相应污染物输移扩散规律。结果表明,在渤海湾近岸海域(一定范围内),污染物输移扩散受到波浪作用的影响,表现为平行岸线方向。波浪作用使得远离污染物排放口的滩涂受污染的影响增大。  相似文献   
植物消浪护岸模型实验研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
对于在堤岸上种树消浪这一新的护岸工程,根据实际波浪要素和现有实验设备条件确定出几何比尺,选取桧柏树枝作为防浪树的模型,筛选主要影响因素进行量纲分析,确定实验组次,对实验现象和数据作定性和定量的分析,得出防浪林应有相当的宽度,才能起到预期的防浪护岸效果,防浪林过窄,可能会引起“共振”现象,并且斜坡的消浪效果好于平坡,对实际工程可起参考作用。  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to determine numerical estimations of seismic amplifications of waves traveling from offshore to shore considering the effect of sea floor configurations. According to the Boundary Element Method, boundary elements were used to irradiate waves and density force can be determined for each element. From this hypothesis, Huygens’ Principle is implemented since diffracted waves are constructed at the boundary from which they are radiated and this is equivalent to Somigliana's theorem. Application of boundary conditions leads to determine a system of integral equations of Fredholm type of second kind, which is solved by the Gaussian method. Various numerical models were analyzed, a first one was used to validate the proposed formulation and some other models were used to show various ideal sea floor configurations to estimate seismic amplifications. Once the formulation was validated, basic slope configurations were studied for estimating spectra of seismic amplifications for various sea floor materials. In general terms, compressional waves (P-waves) can produce seismic amplifications of the incident wave in the order of 2–5. On the other hand, distortional waves (S-waves) can produce amplifications up to 5.5 times the incident wave. A relevant finding is that the highest seismic amplifications due to an offshore earthquake are always located near the shore-line and not offshore despite the seafloor configuration.  相似文献   
长江口沙波统计特征及输移规律   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用多波束测深系统对长江口南港、北槽、横沙通道和北港水下地貌进行测量,对沙波波高、波长、迎流倾角、背流倾角、水深和沉积物特征进行统计,并根据流速、沉积物粒径及水深估算其潮周期内净位移。结果表明:长江口沙波基本都为大型沙波,且沙波大小与其所在区域沉积物粒径呈正比关系;长江口各个区域沙波的对称性不同,涨、落潮优势流越明显,则沙波对称性越差,净位移越大;沙波对称性能反映此区域水动力强弱及潮周期内沙波净位移大小。  相似文献   
Record-breaking high waves occurred during the passage of the typhoon Bolaven (1215) (TYB) in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea (YS) although its intensity did not reach the level of a super typhoon. Winds and directional wave measurements were made using a range of in-situ instruments mounted on an ocean tower and buoys. In order to understand how such high waves with long duration occurred, analyses have been made through measurement and numerical simulations. TYB winds were generated using the TC96 typhoon wind model with the best track data calibrated with the measurements. And then the wind fields were blended with the reanalyzed synoptic-scale wind fields for a wave model. Wave fields were simulated using WAM4.5 with adjustment of Cd for gust of winds and bottom friction for the study area. Thus the accuracy of simulations is considerably enhanced, and the computed results are also in better agreement with measured data than before. It is found that the extremely high waves evolved as a result of the superposition of distant large swells and high wind seas generated by strong winds from the front/right quadrant of the typhoon track. As the typhoon moved at a speed a little slower than the dominant wave group velocity in a consistent direction for two days, the wave growth was significantly enhanced by strong wind input in an extended fetch and non-linear interaction.  相似文献   
The semi-Lagrangian procedure is widely used for updating the fully-nonlinear free surface in the time domain. However, this procedure is only available to cases when the body surface is vertical near the waterline. Present study introduces an improved semi-Lagrangian procedure which removes this ‘vertical-wall’ limitation. Coupling with the boundary element method, the improved semi-Lagrangian procedure is applied to the simulation of fully-nonlinear sloshing waves in non-wall-sided tanks. From the result comparison with the open source CFD software OpenFOAM, it is confirmed that this numerical scheme could guarantee a sufficient accuracy. Further series studies on 2D and 3D fully-nonlinear sloshing waves in wedged tanks are performed. Featured phenomena are observed which are distinct from those in wall-sided tanks.  相似文献   
Compared with solar and wind energy, wave energy is a kind of renewable resource which is enormous and still under development. In order to utilize the wave energy, various types of wave energy converters (WECs) have been proposed and studied. And oscillating-body WEC is widely used for offshore deployment. For this type of WEC, the oscillating motion of the floater is converted into electricity by the power take off (PTO) system, which is usually mathematically simplified as a linear spring and a damper. The linear PTO system is characteristic of frequency-dependent response and the energy absorption is less powerful for off resonance conditions. Thus a nonlinear snap through PTO system consisting of two symmetrically oblique springs and a linear damper is applied. A nonlinear parameter γ is defined as the ratio of half of the horizontal distance between the two oblique springs to the original length of both springs. JONSWAP spectrum is utilized to generate the time series of irregular waves. Time domain method is used to establish the motion equation of the oscillating-body WEC in irregular waves. And state space model is applied to replace the convolution term in the time domain motion equation. Based on the established motion equation, the motion response of both the linear and nonlinear WEC is numerically calculated using 4th Runge–Kutta method, after which the captured power can be obtained. Then the influences of wave parameters such as peak frequency, significant wave height, damping coefficient of the PTO system and the nonlinear parameter γ on the power capture performance of the nonlinear WEC is discussed in detail. Results show that compared with linear PTO system, the nonlinear snap through PTO system can increase the power captured by the oscillating body WEC in irregular waves.  相似文献   
2008年中国沿岸冬季寒潮激发陆架波的小波分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This study applies the wavelet analysis to the tidal gauge records, alongshore winds, atmospheric temperature and pressure along the China coast in winter 2008. The analysis results show three events of sea level oscillations(SLOs) on the shelf induced by winter storms. The first event occurred from January 9 to 21. The SLO periods were double-peaked at 1.6–5.3 and 7.0–16.0 d with the power densities of 0.04–0.05 and 0.10–0.15 m2·d, respectively.The second event occurred from February 5 to 18. The SLO period was single-peaked at 2.3–3.5 d with power density of 0.03–0.04 m2·d. The third event occurred from February 20 to March 8. The SLO periods were doublepeaked at 1.5–4.3 and 6.1–8.2 d with the power densities of 0.08–0.11 and 0.02–0.08 m2·d, respectively. The SLOs propagated along the coast from Zhejiang in north to Guangdong in south. The phase speeds ranged about 9–29m/s from Kanmen to Pingtan, 5–11 m/s from Xiamen to Huizhou and 11–22 m/s from Huizhou to Shuidong. The dispersion relation of the SLOs shows their nature of coastal-trapped wave.  相似文献   
基于实测波面的波浪力获取作为结构动力响应分析以及数字孪生模型建立的必备环节,对海上风电数字化运维至关重要。为了满足更大的装机容量需求,单桩式海上风电基础趋于大型化,其尺度因子D/L也随之增大;并且实际海域均为非规则波,以尺度因子划分波浪力计算理论的方法对非规则波的适用性尚不明确。通过建立数值水槽,依据实际工况对不规则波与桩基的作用进行数值模拟,得到入射波浪场与桩基所受波浪力,在此基础上,基于入射波浪场分别采用Morison方程以及绕射理论求解波浪力并将之与数值模拟结果进行对比,分析了不同波浪力计算理论关于尺度因子的适用性,同时探究了波浪要素对计算精度的影响。结果表明:Morison方程在波高较大时精度下降;相对于Morison方程,绕射理论在该尺度下的精度更高。最后,通过分析实测数据进一步探讨了典型工况下的波浪力特征,以期通过实测波面计算波浪力的方法为实际服役风机波浪力计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   
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